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NEWS: Exiled Iranian Says Iran Hiding Nuclear Missiles

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posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 04:57 PM
Alireza Jafarzadeh an exiled Iranian dissident says Iran has Hidden Tunnels that contain three versions of Shahab and Ghadar missiles armed with nuclear warheads capable of striking a large portion of Europe. Jafarzadeh further alleges these tunnels cover an area of at least 20 square miles if not more that would make them virtually impossible to destroy with preemptive strikes because they are not stored in just one location, but many. The News Telegraph in the UK covered this story on October 16, 2005, which in essence backs up what he is claiming. Iran however has denied it has any nuclear weapons ambitions.

Alireza Jafarzadeh said the secret construction of missiles extends well beyond Parchin, a military zone 20 miles outside the Iranian capital. Jafarzadeh told reporters in September about the Parchin tunnels.

Yesterday, Jafarzadeh said that on orders of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Iranian defence ministry has taken over an area in eastern and southern regions of Tehran.

Jafarzadeh is credited with having aired Iranian military secrets in the past, but US officials consider some of his assertions to have been inaccurate.

Despite accusations from the US and the European Union, Iran denies any nuclear weapons ambitions, saying its nuclear programme is purely for civilian needs.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

This news is very disturbing. If these allegations are true this certainly rules out a preemptive strike on Iran by Israel or any country for that matter and leaves no other recourse but to sit down and work out a political compromise. Not that I would mind a political solution to this matter mind you, that certainly is a solution, however; what happens if Iran decides to give some of those warheads to terrorists?

Fortunately their alleged missiles cannot hit Britain, yet they certainly could devastate most of Europe and it would only be a matter of time until they could hit the UK and all of Europe.

Related News Links:

[edit on 11/22/2005 by shots]

[edit on 23-11-2005 by Thomas Crowne]

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 05:02 PM
funny how these people seem to pop up just at the right time

1.this can be seen in Irans faver in someways if its true as they would have the capabilities to strike israel harder if attacked by them

2. this would bennifit the US goverment because they have a reason to go in guns blazing.

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 05:17 PM
the US would have to be stupid on such an incredible level it wouldnt even be believable, if they were to try and invade iran. in my mind this gives us every reason NOT to go in guns blazing because unlike iraq, they had no WMD's to shoot off if their demise was coming, Iran does though. unless these guys in office want to start a possible nuclear war in the middle east, they best just work things out and just give a message to their forces that goes something like this "stand down team america!"

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 05:36 PM
Political sollution greate and no war is good but nukes are bad.

By the way, why would Iran hit EU?

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 02:04 AM
I imagine the intelligence agencies of just about every country anywhere close to Iran, plus those concerned with nuclear proliferation, are concentrating as much attention as possible on trying to corroborate the alarming story told by the dissident in question. How successful the various agencies have been at infiltrating/penetrating the area and the necessary work forces involved, I have no idea, but with all trying, the real truth will eventually come out. We just have to hope that happens before some major threshold is crossed that triggers armed conflict.

Should the reports be confirmed to the satisfaction of some of the countries involved, I would expect extreme political pressure to be brought to bear and I do not rule out direct military intervention.

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 02:18 AM
Ummmm I think U forgot the link to your source shots, or I just don't see it ?

I would like to see it because all I really have to go on what caught my eye that U wrote -

what happens if Iran decides to give some of those warheads to terrorists?

U mean like This terrorist ?

Alireza Jafarzadeh was born in Mashad (Iran) and moved to the USA before the 1979 revolution in Iran. He began there as a student of Civil Engineering. But he soon became engaged with the Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) in the US. The MKO is designated by the US, UK, EU and many other countries as a terrorist entity in part because of the MKO's affiliation with the regime of Saddam Hussein.

Jafarzadeh was such a committed member that he repeatedly volunteered for suicide operations.

If I'm on the wrong track here, by all means please do show me the way, I'm interested to know how anybody would credit what this man is saying if they are one and the same
How would he know all this "secret" information and not be questioned or arrested like every other terrorist (and anybody who looks like one) out there today?

[edit on 23-11-2005 by ImJaded]

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by grimreaper797
the US would have to be stupid on such an incredible level it wouldnt even be believable,

I believe least for as long as Bush is in office.

Anyway, I think this is just US propoganda.

What I want to know is, who is the guy who brought this forth and how would he know.

I didn't see much info on him in that article.

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 04:46 AM
Nuclear weapons, missiles, ability to strike Europe...all this sounds a little familiar. All we're missing is the "within 45 minutes" line and we have a case for war.

So hurry up and start bombing already. What's the hold up?

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 04:57 AM

Alireza Jafarzadeh an exiled Iranian dissident says Iran has Hidden Tunnels that contain three versions of Shahab and Ghadar missiles armed with nuclear warheads capable of striking a large portion of Europe.

What's going on here? There's no source for this statement and from what I've read about this guy's claims in other articles, there was absolutely no mention of nuclear warheads.

When you get to be an 'expert' and skirt the voting process for ATSNN, you can just make stuff up to fit your agenda? Awesome

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 05:56 AM
With nuclear weapons you only get one chance to get it right

Assuming the worst is the only logical policy regarding Irans possible weaponization program.

The naysayers need for incontrovertable proof is not a method I would want my government to base policy on.

Irans admitted nuclear activities along with open source information available for anyone to peruse builds enough of a case for me to conclude their motives are not innocent as many like to claim.

The bigger question for me now is: "what would be a practicle use for Iran deploying nuclear weapons"

Assuming the mullahs are not suicidal I can only come up with a few scenarios where a response could be altered by UN muddling of the situation ,

1. Supply to third party group to set off in western nation(s).
2. Umbrella for cover territorial expansion.
3. Close gulf shipping timed with cut-off of oil from other ME nations.

All other offensive uses seem to result in more or less automatic annihilation.

The defence excuse falls flat on my ears in light of the naysayers insistance that Iran is already invasion or attack proof with conventional forces - therefor no need for nuclear weapons, right?

The electric power excuse being the same cover used by Pakistan, also falls flat in light of the undemonstrated need in Iran for this type solution vs. economic cost of using plentiful natural gas.

I will assume the worst until Iran has proved without a doubt otherwise.

If Irans program is power generation only - there is no reason not to open it up to full and complete inspection.

Doing otherwise invites warranted suspicion.

[edit on 23-11-2005 by Phoenix]

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 06:50 AM
oh im sooo scared! what will we do? Iran has a handfull of nukes oh no!

even *if* these allegations are true, SO WHAT?

is it illegal to own a couple nukes now?!

the way I see it, its none of our damn business unless they use them. *if* theyre successful in actually attacking somebody, be it a european nation or otherwise, then AFTER THE FACT it would be logical to THEN RETALIATE.

firstly, EVERYONE WANTS NUKES. period. (thanks einsteins)

secondly, why dont we realize already that this 'pre-emptive' strike strategy just makes all those seeking nukes to exercise that much more caution and secrecy in the pursuit of nukes?

if we go around bombing every country in the pursuit of nukes, sooner or later we are bound to be nuked! -doh!

Unfortunatley, our leaders are not only 'pre-emptive' strike strategists, they are also criminal killers. following my above logic, our leaders can hire any Iranian CIA operative (willing or brainwashed) using 'jihad' and they can go ahead and place a suitcase nuke in any major american city.

3 years after the ensuing war on Iran, we get to discover that the suitcase nuke was assembled and provided from america and NOT IRAN AFTER ALL. -think anthrax.

too late then. at that point our leaders are all getting crunk in their bunkers while we the peoples fight it out and reduce earth population by 80 percent.

suck it up goyim.

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 07:03 AM
Seems like a very good tactic to me.
I'm assuming that the tunnels have multiple launch sites along the way?
It would make it much trickier to strike Iran when they could possibly strike back at U.S. assets in the region and Europe.
even if I couldn't do it, I'd have it leaked that I could, since the U.S. military is the force "they" are using to inject democracy throughout the world.

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe

What's going on here? There's no source for this statement and from what I've read about this guy's claims in other articles, there was absolutely no mention of nuclear warheads.

Sorry my bad I accidently edited the link out when I inserted picture.

I will contanct a mod and get it edited back in ASAP

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by ImJaded
Ummmm I think U forgot the link to your source shots, or I just don't see it ?

I would like to see it because all I really have to go on what caught my eye that U wrote -

what happens if Iran decides to give some of those warheads to terrorists?

As mentioned above, I have contacted a mod to edit the source link back in. I accidentally edited it out when adding the photo showing the suspected range they have.

Here is the original link so it is available until Rant can edit it in.

Additional information can be found at this link which contains almost everything on the allegations in fact I do believe it is his whole summary.

1. The Iranian regime has put in action a covert strategic plan to build missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads. On the orders of Supreme Leader, Ali Khamene’i, the Ministry of Defense has taken over a 6 by 20 km area of Tehran’s eastern and southeastern regions. This area is enclosed by the Ghazal park to the North (south of the Tehran-Davamand high way and Khak Sefid mountain), Tehran-Parchin expressway to the East (the continuation of Babai expressway), Parchin and Hessar Amir to the South, and Hamsin and Towchal village to the West. This has brought both the missile production, nuclear warhead, and underground tunnels all in the same large area.

2. This project began following the end of the Iran-Iraq war in 1989. Tremendous work and money has been invested in this site. The plan involves dozens of immense tunnels and facilities built under the mountain. Such underground facilities are extremely crucial now because Iran is now working on a program to produce a nuclear capable missile.

3. North Korean experts have cooperated with the regime in the design and building of this complex. Many blueprints of the site have been prepared by North Korean experts, bringing Pyongyang’s contribution to Iranian missile program to a new height.

[edit on 11/23/2005 by shots]

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 03:11 PM
Thanks for supplying the link to the news source. Interesting difference between what you say, what he says, and what the State Department says.

What you say:

NEWS: Exiled Iranian Says Iran Hiding Nuclear Missiles

Alireza Jafarzadeh an exiled Iranian dissident says Iran has Hidden Tunnels that contain three versions of Shahab and Ghadar missiles armed with nuclear warheads capable of striking a large portion of Europe. Jafarzadeh further alleges these tunnels cover an area of at least 20 square miles if not more that would make them virtually impossible to destroy with preemptive strikes because they are not stored in just one location, but many. The News Telegraph in the UK covered this story on October 16, 2005, which in essence backs up what he is claiming. Iran however has denied it has any nuclear weapons ambitions.

What Jafarzadeh says:
1. The Iranian regime has put in action a covert strategic plan to build missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads. On the orders of Supreme Leader, Ali Khamene’i, the Ministry of Defense has taken over a 6 by 20 km area of Tehran’s eastern and southeastern regions. This area is enclosed by the Ghazal park to the North (south of the Tehran-Davamand high way and Khak Sefid mountain), Tehran-Parchin expressway to the East (the continuation of Babai expressway), Parchin and Hessar Amir to the South, and Hamsin and Towchal village to the West. This has brought both the missile production, nuclear warhead, and underground tunnels all in the same large area.

2. This project began following the end of the Iran-Iraq war in 1989. Tremendous work and money has been invested in this site. The plan involves dozens of immense tunnels and facilities built under the mountain. Such underground facilities are extremely crucial now because Iran is now working on a program to produce a nuclear capable missile.

What the US Government says:

Jafarzadeh is credited with having aired Iranian military secrets in the past, but US officials consider some of his assertions to have been inaccurate.


However, McCormack [State Department Spokesman] said he did not know about Jafarzadeh’s latest disclosures. And there’s been “a very mixed record in terms of some of these groups in talking about so-called revelations about Iran’s nuclear programmes".

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 04:25 PM
I have a question. Assume for a second that Iran actually has nuclear missiles and this Iranian Exile isn't another Curveball. What are we going to do about it? In other words, what do YOU (anyone) propose to do about Iran's nuclear capability? Invasion (with all those free military forces we have)? Airstrike (as if we know where the missles are)? Pinpoint spec op raids (see airstrike)? Sanctions?

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 04:42 PM
thanks shots

no-one can answer my post ? Is that not important that this man is a terrorist linked to Saddam Hussein ? And he is being taken seriously with this "claim"?

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 08:11 PM
Those new areas near Tehran were spotted early on, by spy sat, and questioned as to intent. Requests were made for inspections. The "plausable deniability" was that the area was very secret and for conventional munitions manufacturing. Nothing going on here, move along. No inspections needed.

No one believes that.

Current estimates are that 350 various suspected nuclear related work sites, in Iran, would have to be destroyed, in order to stop manufacturing, production, and use of nuclear weapons.

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 08:23 PM
Why would this have to have come from the Gov't? It could very easily be a bitter exile, who knows that the US Gov't hates Iran, and wants to get revenge. There's really not any easy way to verify this story, since it would be very hard to get HUMINT sources on the ground to find them. This could simply be a case of revenge on his part.

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe
Thanks for supplying the link to the news source. Interesting difference between what you say, what he says, and what the State Department says.

Had you checked the supporting link you would have seen that allegedly Russia or North Korea were furnishing the weapons. That is what I based by title on. War is hell so is defining the truth from the world media, unfortunately we at ATSNN have to bring out the real truth because of media bias/inaccurate reporting these days

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