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Friend caught ghosts voice in video

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posted on Nov, 20 2005 @ 11:47 PM
Ok guys, heres a little background info on this.

My friend was in his room with his girlfriend and she was messing around with his digital camera (Kodak). She was recording a video of nothing important and during playback on the camera, she heard some voice. So my friend uploaded it onto his computer and heard a voice that was neither his or hers.

He sent me a .wma version of the audio from the video (video was taken in the dark so you couldnt see anything anyways) and you can CLEARLY hear a voice say "I want to have sex." Now I understand thats a pretty odd statement for a ghost to say, but it has happened. I've included a mp3 encoded audio file of the snippet of the audio where the ghost speaks. Its a rendering of the original and has not been changed in any way. The mp3 includes the original sound level, then one magnified 6dB, then another magnified 12dB.

Someone please shed some light on this. Later that night he was watching a movie in his room with the same girl when he apparently heard me walk into his house (downstairs as he was upstairs) and yell for him. They both heard it and his girl asked him to go tell me to come back after the movie. He went downstairs and the door was locked and no one was there. I obviously wasn't there as I was 30+ miles away at a friends house.

Anyway, heres a "listen only" link for the audio snippet:


If you'd like the snipped emailed to you for analysis, send a u2u.

Thanks guys, and again, Im not trying to BS anyone here. I've been an avid reader of this website for years and I've only signed up about a year ago to make 1 or 2 posts.


posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 04:10 AM
I'm not sure....are spirits roaming around and ghosts the same?

Or... are shadow people and ghosts the same???

It is very faint what is there I'll give you that.

When your friend went downstairs that time when whatever/ghost made it seem like you can, did anything happen to his girlfriend?

She must be good looking, cuz this ghost appears obsessed with her lol.

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 04:39 AM
OK Nick. I'll give it a shot.

I'll U2U you an email address you can send the following to me:
a. Either the actual video footage (+/- 1 minute of the footage containing the said voice should be more than enough.) Any format is fine.
b. Or about 1 minute of sound containing the said voice, preferably in WAV format, but any other format should not be a problem.

BUT I'd (and I think everyone else) would prefer it if you posted it here.
You can Zip it, if size is a problem. (Let's try and not exceed 10 MB's.)
Do NOT indicate where/when the voice is in the files you provide.

Then it could be useful to know the age of your friend and his girlfriend.
And why exactly were they filming "stuff" in the dark?
How old is the house? A rough idea in which area the house is. (No need to get too personal.)
The make of the camera?

I may not be able to confirm that it is a ghost, but I'll give some technical feedback on the data, and maybe give some idea of could or couldn't be.

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by Gemwolf
OK Nick. I'll give it a shot.

I'll U2U you an email address you can send the following to me:
a. Either the actual video footage (+/- 1 minute of the footage containing the said voice should be more than enough.) Any format is fine.
b. Or about 1 minute of sound containing the said voice, preferably in WAV format, but any other format should not be a problem.

BUT I'd (and I think everyone else) would prefer it if you posted it here.
You can Zip it, if size is a problem. (Let's try and not exceed 10 MB's.)
Do NOT indicate where/when the voice is in the files you provide.

Then it could be useful to know the age of your friend and his girlfriend.
And why exactly were they filming "stuff" in the dark?
How old is the house? A rough idea in which area the house is. (No need to get too personal.)
The make of the camera?

I may not be able to confirm that it is a ghost, but I'll give some technical feedback on the data, and maybe give some idea of could or couldn't be.

Well what was being filmed wasn't sent to me. I guess there was some "not to family friendly" things being shown. They just got done doing some "things" in the bedroom when this happened. Obviously me nor anyone else wants to see what the actual video has in it.

The whole sound file itself is only 59 seconds and I wasn't able to get it in .wav format because the AIM file transfer kept freezing. I will try again today to get the entire 59 seconds in wav. I did actually try to post the entire thing in a "save as" format, but my free upload site ( doesn't allow uploading mp3s.

Both of the people in question are my age, both are 18. They were filming these things in the dark for no particular reason actually. The house was built in the 1800s and is one of those older farm style houses. The exact make of the camera is a Kodak DX4530. Im pretty firmiliar with these as I had nearly the same model for a few years. The biggest downside to it is that the audio in the videos it captures isn't great as compared to a Sony.

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 08:15 AM
Ok, Nick, I received your email and the file. I'm heading home now, so I'll reporting back tomorrow morning (your tomorrow evening late). I'll say only what needs to be said, so don't worry about what you're worried about...

Although I have no desire to see what's in the video, it does add authenticity to the case if the actual video footage is there to support it. But for obvious reasons we'll leave the actual video content out of the equation and pretend that it was only an audio file to start from.
I'd just like to know how you captured the audio from the video, or did they only give you the audio part?

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by Gemwolf
Ok, Nick, I received your email and the file. I'm heading home now, so I'll reporting back tomorrow morning (your tomorrow evening late). I'll say only what needs to be said, so don't worry about what you're worried about...

Although I have no desire to see what's in the video, it does add authenticity to the case if the actual video footage is there to support it. But for obvious reasons we'll leave the actual video content out of the equation and pretend that it was only an audio file to start from.
I'd just like to know how you captured the audio from the video, or did they only give you the audio part?

He captured only the audio from the video using a video editor. He just deleted video track and left the audio track untouched. Then rendered the audio track to mp3.


posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 09:32 AM
I don't hear anything about wanting to have sex but i do hear "Robbin a bank"?

Sounds like theres something even fainter being said in the background but I can't make it out for the life of me.

[edit on 21-11-2005 by d1k]

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 09:46 AM
Just the girl's name Robin?

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by d1k
I don't hear anything about wanting to have sex but i do hear "Robbin a bank"?

Sounds like theres something even fainter being said in the background but I can't make it out for the life of me.

[edit on 21-11-2005 by d1k]

I actually hear nothing in the background? to me it clearly says "I want to have sex" in a weird accent.

I edited up a little video with what the voice says.. this might help.

Click here to watch ghostvideo15

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by Valhall
Just the girl's name Robin?


posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 09:58 AM
More nightmares for me it seems.

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 10:30 AM
This is just my humble opinion, but I do not think this voice is saying anything about sex.

What I do think is he is saying something in a foriegn language, maybe french or Italian.

We need some people fluent in German - French - Italian to listen to this and see is they can recognize any words.

Again that is just my opinion.

- One Man Short

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 10:59 AM
The voice isn't speaking Italian, that's for sure (i'm Italian, and that's quite incomprehensible also to me).

It seems to me like it's saying something like "Forsaken"

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by One Man Short of Manhood
This is just my humble opinion, but I do not think this voice is saying anything about sex.

What I do think is he is saying something in a foriegn language, maybe french or Italian.

We need some people fluent in German - French - Italian to listen to this and see is they can recognize any words.

Again that is just my opinion.

- One Man Short

Whats most important here is that an unknown voice from what seems to be a ghost was caught on video. I've known this friend for a long time and I know he wouldnt try and fool me. We talked last night and he was afraid to sleep in his room now, heh.

Any conclusions on digital enhancement or analysis?

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 11:08 AM
I can plainly hear "I want to have sex".

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 11:08 AM
I agree with you that it is important that he caught the voice on tape, but maybe more important is what it is saying.

If it is speaking an unknown to your friend laguage it could be saying:

I want sex
How have you been?

So you see, it could be important to find out EXACTLY what this chap is uttering.

- One Man Short

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 11:11 AM
By the way...I can also hear the word sex at the end of the recording, but can not hear where you folks are getting I WANT TO HAVE....

Isn't "SEX" (Sechs) german for six?

- One Man Short

[edit on 21-11-2005 by One Man Short of Manhood]

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by One Man Short of Manhood
By the way...I can also hear the word sex at the end of the recording, but can not hear where you folks are getting I WANT TO HAVE....

Isn't "SEX" (Sechs) german for six?

- One Man Short

[edit on 21-11-2005 by One Man Short of Manhood]

I guess we'll see what happens when Gemwolf gets done with his analysis.

Other wise, I can clearly hear "I want to have sex" too. Its easier to hear it with headphones too because theres no background noise. So if you have headphones, give it a try.

Also, is this a common occurance? I've seen many photos/videos of ghosts being caught on digital cameras, but never just audio with nothing to see in video. I guess I'll do everyone a favor and view the original video for some anomilies that may be unseen by my friend.

[edit on 21-11-2005 by Nick350]

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 08:03 PM
"I want to have sex" doesn't convince me, because if you listen carefully, after the X of sex the voice says something else, such as a final "en" or sort of

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 08:25 PM
I don't hear "I want to have sex" either.

I only hear two words, something "legs" like "those legs"

Could you send me an MP3? I have some audio engineering experience and can clean it up and enhance it some if you like. I would like to hear a cleaner version myself.

U2U me...

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