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What kind of Ungodly bug is this?

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posted on Nov, 13 2005 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by zombiemann
If you want to see something really cool spray one with "the works" bathroom cleaner. its kinda neat to watch one disintergrate

Thats nasty.....but rather humourous to think about...

Also, the image of 250lb 6`4" truck driver screaming at the top of his lungs in the shower also made me chuckle

posted on Nov, 13 2005 @ 03:02 PM
My Grandmother had a special dislike for those.......she warned us that they would cause our skin to rot, if they crawled across it!!
(Let the screaming commence!!)

I believe that is a bit extreme, but they might eat holes in your clothes, if you leave them in the hamper too long.

( and R.....water bugs are roaches....the brownish ones)

posted on Nov, 13 2005 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by zombiemann
If you want to see something really cool spray one with "the works" bathroom cleaner. its kinda neat to watch one disintergrate

Be careful what you spray that on, it contains acid and will easily eat the chrome off your faucets and I would imagine it is hard on tile and Formica as well. If you want to shoot the bug, I would slip a sheet of paper under it before spraying that on it.

posted on Nov, 13 2005 @ 11:50 PM
thanx, now i'm not going to be able to sleep all night because i'm going to be imagining that i feel things crawling all over me....

posted on Nov, 14 2005 @ 03:44 PM
That's called the jibblies. Now matter how hard you try, you'll never get rid of them. I get em whenever I see a spider. Like the spawn of a sinfully ugly demon-thingy, they are.

posted on Nov, 14 2005 @ 06:10 PM
Just had to post to congratulate the OP on the hilarity of his first paragraphy, very nice

posted on Nov, 14 2005 @ 07:34 PM
Thank you, Nova. I do my best to make peope care about a story involving a wussy-man like myself engaged in epic combat with a creepy-crawlie.

posted on Nov, 14 2005 @ 11:42 PM

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 04:11 AM
That bug is called the Fuggley Bug. It like to be around people and loves bits of food that hit the floor. I must caution though: a bite from one of these Fuggley bug will eventually turn you into one of them.

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 01:35 PM
No, use thick hand soap and watch em struggle! Same with spiders. Or if you have a empty vacuum with the canister instead of bag, you can suck em up and with a good eye laugh as they spin around and around.

Still creepy though.

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 06:41 PM
I believe that this a silverfish, they like dark places and when you get them they are hard to get rid of because they infest, oh they like to live in books too.

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 07:01 PM
Nope, I dont think it is a silverfish. But it's just as uuuugly.

This is a silverfish

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 07:26 AM
hey makeitso, i think the second pic is of a firebrat, a species very closely related to the silverfish. and the scientific name for the house centipede, the one that is the subject of this thread, is Scutigera coleoptrata. the info you had in an earlier post with the phylum and class and everything was correct, makeitso. oh, and i dont think house centipedes are at all poisonous. i am about 95 percent sure, its something to look up on google in your free time.

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 02:35 PM
going back to the first post and the pic of the bugs. We get them all the time in Spain. My stepmum has woken up with one on her pillow. Nasty creatures but harmless.

posted on Nov, 24 2005 @ 02:26 PM
.. went to the library back then (91 or 92) and looked it up in a pest book and found out as well that it was from the centipede family. I'm living up in East Ontario then (as now) oddly never saw them in the North (thank god).

We once trapped one of them in a glass once too.. my roommates and I. We were as horrified as you were by the thing (imagine a bunch of 'thug life' boys - known for taking on wave after wave of police riot squads at 3am in Hull when the bars closed on the strip - screaming like little girls). So we nuked it in the microwave... and then left the corpse out in the open as a warning to its friends to stay in the basement with the 1000 or so spiders we had as our first line of defence against such incursions (we had a deal worked out the spider gang at the time).

Your problem could be a lot worse (not much given the fact that ONE of those cetipede things is a horror on to itself - but you could have A LOT of them running around). But I do feel for you dude.. best of luck with your new guests.

Don't forget, this time of year everything is trying to find a warm place to make babies and eat .. something .. (do you have any small childern around) .. oh and.. I was wondering something.. I've been reading reports about animal and bug die offs this summer. It IS kinda strange to have a roach infestation this far north especially this far out of control (a whole 20 story building.. I've PERSONALLY never even seen that happen in this country) ... I wonder if something up here died off to allow the roach population to run around unchecked? Perhaps a bird or a squirrel or something like that... or another bug that eats roaches perhaps? You are seeing this insect in your neck of the woods perhaps for the first time this year?

HAS ANYONE ELSE got any strange stories of insect life raging out of control or perhaps the opposite.. a curious lack of honey bees or wasps nests in your backyard THIS SUMMER? Recently I mean.. any indications that the ecosystem has ... suffered some sort of damage over the summer? I just found out that the buildings I USE to live in.. just moved out of are now suffering a SERIOUS cockroach infestation. And that is very unusual for this part of the country.

Its about something I'm looking in to.. basically I think it has suffered serious damage (the ecosystem - specially here in the west) and I'm looking for more evidence of how its effecting us individually.


PS: My old home town has a cycle of every 7 years becoming totally infested (and I mean the ENTIRE CITY and surrounding cities) with TENT CATIPILLERS ... ever see this happen before? They make the roads like ice with their guts when they try to enmass move across the street to another tree. If you stand still for a few minutes, usually you'll have one crawling up your shoe before too long. Even trees used as decoration in the downtown core are not safe from them.

Imagine everything.. ever tree and every surface near to a tree completely covered in that type of mess.. the tree trunks appear to move from a distence because you can see this large black mass squirming on it as though its a large alive thing.. my god I do not miss that horror show anymore. Closest thing to a 'plague of locasts' (and I can't imagine what that must look like) I've ever seen.

posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 08:54 PM
I'm sure that every different place on earth has a different name for them, here we call them silverfish. Back in Michigan they called them waterbugs. I've heard them called skippers and centipedes too. There are many different varieties of silverfish, one picture can't do them justice. The ones we have here in Ohio look more fluffy and leggy. They're harmless though.

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 01:34 AM
I also had these evil creatures when I lived on Lookout Mountain in Tennessee. The house I saw them in we only lived in for about a year and a half. In that time I only came across two of them.

Very prior to finding them I had rewatched one of the alien sequels, and never seeing one of these things or anything like it before (and maybe a touch of tequila), I was for a split second entertaining thoughts of an alien invasion of some sort. These things certainly do have an evil/eerie move to them.

I was able to capture both of them. However the first one didnt survive long enough to get any decent shots as they are apparently very fragile. The second time around I was more cautious and only broke two or three legs. I was able to get some pretty good stills of it, which I'll post some of here. I also got some really good video of it. Two avi files about 9 megs total. Once I figure out how to host them somewhere I'll post links for those as well.

Up Close

Belly Shot

Next to an Adult Size Fork (offsite)

Final Resting Place (offsite)

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 01:45 AM
Okay, if I remember correctly, that is what's called a Silverfish. I have no clue why it's called that, or anything else about it, but I've seen them for years at every house & apartment I've ever lived in here in Florida.

No, you don't need your cross & Holy Water, you just need some good ole bug spray & to keep your house cleaner. I believe they're around because of cardboard boxes or something, if My memory is correct.

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 02:17 AM
in massachusetts, we see those quite often, theres alot of people from southameraican countrys. They have made the long voyage here from what ive heard. there not dangerious, but they shure as heck are wierd, fast, and can get pretty big. ive seen those particular ones get 3" not counting the legs.

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 03:34 AM
god there all hidious,and they most probley could embody the spirit ofan evil creature

it's that evil and ugly looking

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