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UFOs are a waste or your time.

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posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by veranda

UFO's do exist. I have seen "them" up close and personal. My guess...... the good ol' USA/governments are behind these odd crafts.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Devilishkitty

Try not so hard to be ignorant.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 02:57 PM
1. One thing you said right - Roswell is imagination of people,whole situation about alien is agreeable for US Army because other countries like Russia could in that time believe that US have some material from outer space which can be used for something more advanced here on earth.Maybe they believe maybe not i think not they figure out its nothing special..

2. As long as we have people like Billy Meier,Carlos Diaz etc...there's going to be hoaxes and lies that could not help people like us on this site who try to find the truth.So attack their claims when ever you can...

3. US Military had have experimental airplane and that's more problem's for people to make difference beat vine UFO and man made plane.

I think they exist maybe the best evidence is provided from Mexican military i personally accept only evidence from military camera i don't think that they would like to make scandal and to embarrass them self with false claim.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by Devilishkitty

Nice rant. Guess what though? You're reasons for dismissing UFOs are as unscientific, and have just as little proof as any other fool who believes (or disbelieves) without logical reasons. Here's the deal. Nobody can prove UFOs exist. Nobody can prove they don't. That's where things stand atm.

Anything you throw out there to the contrary is just your opinion. And from what I've seen in your little rant, and what you consider to be proof...
your opinion is pretty much useless. It holds about as much weight as the opinion of a BG/FoL believer. You're just the opposite side of that coin.

Once again... one of the most oft quoted lines on ATS applies:

Absence of proof, does not equal proof of absence.

Have a nice day kitty... meow.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by Devilishkitty
The science of UFOs is that there is none. I don't have to resaserch them because science has proved that they don't exist. Not to mention most people here have done so too.

Heh, Science like Humanity in general as and will continue to be wrong about various things from time to time for a long time to come (Until our species is dead and gone or we become "perfect and unable to be wrong". They berated and effectively ruined various individuals who suggested and worked out things about the Solar system and its planets (before the Satellite and Probe eras) only to find that quite a few of the "predictions" that they ridiculed turned out to be correct afterall.

But wait you say our Science can't be wrong or doesn't lie occasionally, then that means that when a Nuclear strike occurs I can just duck into a doorway with my coat over my head and I will be perfectly fine (Science from the 60s told me so).

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Devilishkitty

I won't doubt you, you probably did see one. But I can bet that it was not extraterrestrial. Cause those don't exist. Sorry

[edit on 10-11-2005 by Devilishkitty]

Prove it, have you been and created or have the records of findings from a credible source that as scoured the entire Universe and determined Scientifically that no form of extraterrestrial life exists?

I await the records from your Scientific source, I expect thorough geological, atmospheric, biological records of each of the planets, asteroids and other Universe "features" based on in in person observations and experience on each of these places, if the place was too dangerous or incapable of being physically analysed in "person" then I will accept reliable recorded/ collected footage and evidence from remote controlled robotics (Like UAVs, Automated-Mini subs..etc) provided they haven't been tampered with or edited greatly.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 03:46 PM
Definition of UFO: A unidentified flying object.



Not identified; having an unknown or unnamed identity.


An instance of traveling by air.


A tangible and visible entity.

I'm not a believer in aliens myself, but the fact that there are UFO's according to the definitions above is true, even if the "visible" part may be a little disputable at times.
There are some convincing photo's out there which place unknown objects in the sky, doesn't mean there's a grey flying around in it. It could be anything, basically why it's classified as a UFO.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 04:03 PM
I'll just keep wasting my time away then

Tell me why should anyone wasting their time on UFOs be a problem for others? Each to their own.

I hope I am still alive when disclosure comes...only a matter of time

take care all

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 04:21 PM
AWESOME post. You outlined exactly what I have wanted to say for a long time. The problem is when you try to say it directly to people you get points taken away, or your posts removed, meanwhile the people who are fabricating this crap are allowed to continue posting.

1) Abductions- Complete lies, no one has been abducted by aliens. You cannot show or provide proof of anything like this happening.
2) No one has ever photographed or videotaped an alien spacecraft. If you want proof, look around you. Everything posted on this site is fake, computer generated, or man made.
3) Go read through threads and you'll see countless 'experts' claiming to have contact with aliens, know how aliens work, where they exist, etc.

If you want to research aliens, this website is NOT the place to do it. It is too full of insane/retarded/delusional etc. people that claim to be experts on aliens. Just look how long that Blossom alien landing fake stuff was allowed to be on here.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by rocksarerocks

Please tell all ATS members why you joined this discussion forum.

What are your interests here? Paranormal? 911 Conspiracies? Space exploration?

Im particularly curious.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by rocksarerocks

I have read this whole thread and others like it and I fail to identify any UFO experts. What I do identify, however is people who are a little bit more succinct or able to put their thoughts into words a little better than some of us at ATS. Perhaps they seem like experts to you?

Unfortunately the habit of name calling and asserting (imaginary) superiority is growing on this forum and I find it disappointing.

You accuse people of "fabricating crap" and then backflip by saying people are delusional/insane/retarded!!! I think you are fabricating some crap yourself, but I would not say you are delusional, insane or retarded as I have no medical evidence of that.

And granted there is a lot of fakery and cg out there but most of us can separate the wheat from the chaff.

take care

[edit on 18-11-2008 by resistancia]

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 04:53 PM
It is hard for me to see why some one does not believe life exist out side of earth. The simple fact that over 200 billion stars exist in the milky way alone and there is 100s of billions of galaxys in the know universe, how could we be the only one in the neigborhood. We have only been here what 5 billion years humans 50 or 100 thousand, the universe has been here 10 or 15 billion, and civlizations have come and gone I'm sure. I'm also sure some of them survived to venture into outer space and to know the unknown. I DON'T KNOW IF WE WILL MAKE IT THAT FAR, sorry cap lock. Next thing some one will say we don't ever exist, maybe we won't but some thing else will.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by rocksarerocks
AWESOME post. You outlined exactly what I have wanted to say for a long time. The problem is when you try to say it directly to people you get points taken away, or your posts removed, meanwhile the people who are fabricating this crap are allowed to continue posting.

No your points are being taken away because you are rude and only resort to ridicule and namecalling. You don't contribute anything to these boards and I find it hilarious that you are still posting despite claiming this site is for retards (again namecalling in this very post).

1) Abductions- Complete lies, no one has been abducted by aliens. You cannot show or provide proof of anything like this happening.

So without proof something does not exist. Great logic even by your standards.

2) No one has ever photographed or videotaped an alien spacecraft. If you want proof, look around you. Everything posted on this site is fake, computer generated, or man made.

Petit Rechain Photo

This photo is authentic and proven to be so scientifically.

Official Royal Belgium Airforce Report (Belgium Triangle)

Man made UFO? Care to enlighten us how a this craft was tracked pulling 39G without killing the pilot instantly. Or care to explain how the US or Russian goverment test their super secret state of the art craft above a city for thousands to see? We haven't got craft remotely close performance wise today yet in 1990 we were flying our own saucers above Belgium lauging at the F16's that gave chase. Yeah right...

Also see my sig for a quote by ex CIA director R. Hillenkoetter in 1960. So according to you we have had fully operational flying saucers as early as 1960. Sure...

So RocksareRocks do you have an explanation for this or are you busy ridiculing and namecalling in another thread? I don't expect you to reply because you seem to be intimidated by hard evidence that doesn't support your endless drivel.

[edit on 19/11/08 by Fastwalker81]

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by Devilishkitty
Have you read Michael's theory & a proposal? If not , perhaps your opportunity to be proactive about this is nearing, & you should consider this opportunity of a life time before its gone...I will not do this again & I doubt that anyone else ever offence, but it seems as if you are putting the responsibility to produce evidence into the wrong hands...this is absolutely something you MUST see with yur own eyes...forgive my presumptuousness if you are in fact not healthy enough to attempt this. I'm sorry to see anyone become disillutioned with this topic...the hoaxers may well have justifiable/nobel motives if you can comprehend what i'm alluding to...don't completely give up until you've at least read every sinlge post made by plainmike & emanresui...respectfully, mike

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by Devilishkitty

Opinions are like bum-holes in that
everone has one.
The world would be a sad place if we all
agreed with one another.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 05:44 AM
UFOs definitely exist. It would be uninformed to say that they're just fake. We have tons of witnesses and also radar data. Why is it so rare that someone would see one? Well, scientists are developing technology to make things invisible. An advanced alien race would probably already have such technology. Add that with the fact that maybe the UFOs (or whoever is on them, unless they're unmanned probes or drones) don't want to be seen. There's nothing that proves the UFOs people see are definitely alien though, but it is a possibility. And even if no one has ever seen an alien UFO, then that doesn't mean aliens don't exist.

Anyway, do some research. Some UFO cases just don't have an explanation. Many people just laugh and pretend it's a bunch of crap because they fear the unknown. If they pretend the unknown doesn't exist, then they don't have to fear it.

[edit on 19-11-2008 by GrayFox]

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by Resinveins
reply to post by Devilishkitty

Nobody can prove UFOs exist. Nobody can prove they don't. That's where things stand atm.

Nobody needs to "prove they don't exist." The idea that UFOs do not exists hold truth over the idea that they do because of the extreme lack of verifiable evidence and proven hoaxes. The burden of proof is on the camp who wishes to prove that alien UFOs exist because the theory is non-falsifiable - and as the OP pointed out, they are doing a job that is beyond abysmal and often just ridiculous.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 05:12 PM
Extraterrestrial UFOs might be there even if no one has seen them. Not seeing aliens doesn't mean aliens don't exist, nor does it mean that no aliens are exploring space. It only means that they're not here. But the problem is that it's just a possibility with no proof. Still, that doesn't make it untrue.... it just makes it unknown. It could be true or it could be false.

And... I have to say that image was pretty funny!

[edit on 19-11-2008 by GrayFox]

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 09:10 PM
Wow, this is an old thread. Is the original poster still around or did she get abducted.

Just popped in the say that...

Aliens Exist.

Bye now!

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