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Originally posted by Syrian Sister
HEh, You seem, so sure of yourselves.
So basically what the british are admitting to be doing, is that they are getting their vehicles as close to civilian vehicles as possible, so that the iraqi resistance cannot attack them using the new weapon. Basically admitting using iraqi civlians as human shields.
It's an israeli tactic as Trodas, has mentioned. I guess the US learns from it's allies.
Why, you don't consider iraqies human?
LOL, you mean, if people are patriotic enough to fight against the illegal invasion of the fine country iraq.
Well FIY , IT'S THEIR COUNTRY!!!!!! and they have the right to fight against an invader, even if you belive yourself to be "liberating them" you have no stake or responsibility over the lives of iraqies, Your not their parent that knows what's good for them, and you have no right to meddle with them.
The only thing you seem to be liberating them from is their lives and their oil.
Hitler said he was "liberating" poland. History has a way of repeating, you so called liberators.
LOL, civilians may not be fighting but they ofcource can help the resistance in a 1000 other ways.
The iraqi resistance could not exist without the iraqi people.
And we both know rogue, which side is using human shields, and which side has no qualms about burning children to death with chemical weapons.
What a racist comment, If we are barberic, what are you? Barbarism is the British occupation of india, barbarism the American slaughter of 10 million native americans. Barbarism, is wiping out the aboriginals. Barbarism is the war on vietnamn and the war on iraq.
Barbarism is Agent orange, Napalm, white phospherous, and depleted Uranium.
Do you have any credible reports apart from some anonymous resistance commander
the british troops are going nose to bumper with the vehicles in areas so that bombs will not go off due to iraq insurgents using infra red bombs, this infact saves civilian lives. How?
Because then a civilian doesnt get killed when a bomb goes off.
Or are you trying to say that we are strapping people to the front of land rovers?
It's an israeli tactic as Trodas, has mentioned. I guess the US learns from it's allies.
So I guess being nice to the locals is now illegal?
The US and the UK see iraqis as human. Aparantly the iraqi insurgents dont though.
Fine country ruled by a mad dictator who murdered hsi own people, yes I can see why they would not want change.
No , they kill people who kill co-alition forces.
Worked in WW2 for the french.
Hitler also used the SA to intimidate people but guess what.....the coalition isnt doing that.
So your now saying its only a 2 sided war?
you yourself claimed it wasnt but now you contradict yourself?
The resistance can exist without them, how? Because the iraqi people are not all with hem and the resistance is not all about the iraqi people.
Barbarism is executing civilians, barbarism is bombing areas where civilians ARE
Originally posted by Syrian Sister
I agree, like the US executed Iraqi and Vietnamese Civilians and Prisoners of war, and like when the US bombarded the civilian cities hiroshima and nagasaki.
Originally posted by Syrian Sister
YEah the Image i just posted., AND THE REPORT FROM the GUARDIAN, a western media source i do belive.
LOL LOL, It saves British lives, not civilian lives. BECAUSE BY YOUR ADMITION, the resistance can no longer use the infra red bombs, when british cars get so close to civilian cars, since that could result in the death of civilians.
The pure definition of human shields, the british are taking those cars hostage.
Evidence that my assesment is correct and yours is not, the next line OF the report goes :
"This can work in busy, urban centres like Basra but is more difficult in the wide, nearly empty deserts that make up much of the south of the country."
So obviously the brits concern, is not that civilian could be at risk when the bomb goes off, but that there are not enough civilians around to use as human shields.
Well in Fallujah as the image shows, you strapped kids to humvees. But in Basra, you just get as close to the back of them as possible so they would get hit first.
So your definition of being nice to locals, is kidnapping a palestinian kid and tying him up at the front of the vehicle, using him as a human shield?
LOL are you trying to say Iraqies don't See IRAQIES as human?
a) you helped that dicator into power in the first place
b) It's only Iraqies right to change and overthrow their own leaders, it's not the place of another country to come in and medle with anothers, the Iraqi people won'e accept such an affront on their dignity. It's not that Iraqies don't want change, they just don't want you to change it for them, And not through A WAR ON THEIR COUNTRY. If your war on Iraq was really about "change", then why launch such a huge war and occupation, it would only have take one bullet in saddams head. And why this dictator? Why not all the other equally horrible dictatorships that you continue to support? obviously this is not what this is about.
c) The US and Britian has killed more iraqies than saddam ever did, And now they have put in another regime which is just as murderous and torterous and treaturous as the last.
You just said it was the civilians own fault they are dead, because they housed resistance fighters!!!! Did you or did you not say that?
YOu know the nazi's used to wipe out towns, when they saw any resistance coming out of that town. Just like the americans did to fallujah, al Qaim, ramadi, tal afaar, Sadr city, and najaf.
No you use bombs, and CIA interrogators at abu gharib. And you intimidate your own people at home by stripping civil liberties, and calling any american and brit that doesn't support your war a traitor.
Huh? when have i ever said it wasn't a 2 sided war? It is a two side warer, one Side is the Iraqi and it's allies, the other side is america it's lap dog nations and it's puppet traitors.
No gorrilla army can exist without a support base from the population, that standard 101
I agree, like the US executed Iraqi and Vietnamese Civilians and Prisoners of war, and like when the US bombarded the civilian cities hiroshima and nagasaki, and when britian bombarded to shreds the city of dresden, and when the US and Britain bombarded civilian areas all over iraq.
Originally posted by XphilesPhan
this is because souljah and syrian have both been programmed by the media who are at political odds with our country at the moment, Id imagine their tones will change after the next election and the political views of the USA meet more the views of their media outlets and they ease their programing....
The image doesnt work, the guardian got thier info FROM the commander, so I ask again.
No its saves civilians, the first to die in an insurgent attack WOULD BE CIVILIANS.
The definition of human shield is holding a baby infront of you as a shield, geee wonder if the "resisitance" does that? Yes it does.
No evidence to suggest that it doesnt work out in the open IS in it but no evidence saying they are using them as human shields.
The insurgency isnt all iraqies,
And we removed him
Originally posted by rogue1
Souljah and SS are treating the Iraqi conflict as a game, they is no nobility in what they post. It's a race who can dig up the most trash in the shortest amount of time possible. Doesn't matter if it's made up or completely untrue, they post anyway.
Kinda interesting as well, since both these people benefit from a western deomcracy and probably the wellfar system
For wahtever reason, I'm guessing they don't fit. Therefore they've turned their anger into support for some fairytale, knight in shining armour type support for the insurgency. Something they know nothing about except to read dubious BS on the net
As many people have pointed out, they are incapable of any free thought, they just pound the same view, ignoring anything ( and it is alot ) which proves them wrong. Hardly the truth seekers they portend to be
Originally posted by NumberCruncher
You have hit the nail on the head Rogue1.
Originally posted by Syrian Sister
You miss read the Guardian report. The info is from a BRITISH SOLDIER, not from an Iraqi comander. Read it again.
As for the image, thanks for telling me it didn't work, you can have a look at it by opening the link below.
I hope it works, this time, otherwise i could try to upload it on ATS or send it to you via email or otherwise.
LOL, is that why in the article the british soldier was complaining there where not enough Civilian Cars in the desert?
And you accuse ME of lying.
Your report didn't say the baby was held up as a shield. Your report said the soldier didn't see the baby, when he shot the man holding, it because the man had his BACK AWAY from him as he was running, holding the baby protectively away from the fire, not held up in front of you.
What doens't work out in the open?
Using civilians as shields doesn't work out in the open. Because there aren't enough of them around.
We dont do that.
LOL, isn't that right?? WELL what is it that doesn't work when civilians aren't around??
Driving close behind a civilian car...
Actually dear, even your own government admits that vast majority of the resistance is Iraqi , 90-96%.
That I dont deny , I am simply pointing out that there are forign fighters.
Replacing him with something equally as bad, yourselves.
I didnt know that medics where bad.
I didnt know that first aid workers where bad.
I didnt know that men and women who are defending civilians where bad....gee I take it then I was also brung up wrong to respect women and act like a gentleman huh?
Originally posted by rogue1
Souljah and SS are treating the Iraqi conflict as a game, they is no nobility in what they post. It's a race who can dig up the most trash in the shortest amount of time possible. Doesn't matter if it's made up or completely untrue, they post anyway.
For wahtever reason, I'm guessing they don't fit. Therefore they've turned their anger into support for some fairytale, knight in shining armour type support for the insurgency. Something they know nothing about except to read dubious BS on the net
As many people have pointed out, they are incapable of any free thought, they just pound the same view, ignoring anything ( and it is alot ) which proves them wrong. Hardly the truth seekers they portend to be
Originally posted by Souljah
And your living in Denial all of your Life.
I guess you people are just satisfied with good old Faux News and a Portion of Dan Rather, saying that we must Exterminate the Liberal Vermin and Eliminate the threat of Muslim Invasion.
Originally posted by Souljah
Are you saying that Guardian Journalists are Crap and have "Doubious BS" in it, just because they write an article that is directed Against the US and UK and not against the "Terrorists"?
How Ignorant is that?
[edit on 14/11/05 by Souljah]
Originally posted by xman_in_blackx
About as ignorant as someone who would think that yellow journalism could never exist in todays Guardian. Just because a paper spouts stories that appeal to you doesn't make them true. As I have stated before, just because someone writes it doesn't make it true. Just because a link exists on the net doesn't make it true.
Especially if you are using technology, that their way of life brought to the entire world, to express your views. Some people may consider that hypocracy. Sort of like having a link about how to "stop hate" in your signature, but yet you are known for mixing it up and splashing the hate around yourself.
The collective network gained a public face in the 1990s. In August 1991 CERN in Switzerland publicized the new World Wide Web project, two years after Tim Berners-Lee had begun creating HTML, HTTP and the first few web pages at CERN in Switzerland. In 1993 the Mosaic web browser version 1.0 was released, and by late 1994 there was growing public interest in the previously academic/technical Internet. By 1996 the word "Internet" was common public currency, but it referred almost entirely to the World Wide Web.
Originally posted by Souljah
Well, as I remember this Technologhy we use today - the World Wide Web - was created in CERN:
But yet again, you successfully Took all the Priviledges and Merits of it.
USA is No.1!
We Inveted Everything and we are the BEST.