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The media are minimising US and British war crimes in Iraq

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posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by IAF101
It is not a crime to be richer than the poorest poor in the world especially when you have earned every cent on your own merit.

No; it is not a Crime - if you do not get CAUGHT.

And the Facts that America is the Richest Country on the Planet has to do with only one thing - and its one of the Seven Deadly Sins:


Thats why we have a GLOBAL Warming Effect - see if you Effect a BIG Ocean such as Atlantic or Pacific, you put the Delicate Natural Balance out of balance, thus creating a Worldwide BUTTERFLY Effect.

I dont see how this has anything to do with the topic !

But ofcourse you don't. You can't see much from where you are standing anyway. Try putting on some Sun Glasses - maybe they will help you look more COOL while seeing nothing in front of you.

Again your hate is taking over!
To be true, Americans are the most generous people on the planet!

OH, I forgot - USA generously Exports American Lifestyle; if you do not want it, we will Give it to you anyway. With Guns and lots of Ammo.

One wonders where the lightbuld, the PC, the TV etc all came from ??
Another point is that you have said that we export only Guns, Money and power

Again - PCs, TVs and Lightbulbs create enormous ammounts of PROFIT.

So we come back to the Money - or was it a Higher Purpose to ENLIGHTEN the Mankind, which I fail to see?

How can you say that the US is selfcentered and yet state a few statements later that the US only exports money ??


The Corporate Power has NO Limits in the American Way of Life - they are Untouchable. And most of all, they are GREEDY.

  • U.S. corporations dominate the Top 200, with 82 slots (41 percent of the total). Japanese firms are second, with only 41 slots

  • Of the U.S. corporations on the list, 44 did not pay the full standard 35 percent federal corporate tax rate during the period 1996-1998. Seven of the firms actually paid less than zero in federal income taxes in 1998 (because of rebates). These include: Texaco, Chevron, PepsiCo, Enron, Worldcom, McKesson and the world's biggest corporation - General Motors

  • The Top 200 corporations' sales are growing at a faster rate than overall global economic activity. Between 1983 and 1999, their combined sales grew from the equivalent of 25.0 percent to 27.5 percent of World GDP

  • The Top 200s' combined sales are 18 times the size of the combined annual income of the 1.2 billion people (24 percent of the total world population) living in "severe" poverty

  • Half the world — nearly three billion people — live on less than two dollars a day

  • 1 billion children live in poverty (1 in 2 children in the world). 640 million live without adequate shelter, 400 million have no access to safe water, 270 million have no access to health services. 10.6 million died in 2003 before they reached the age of 5

Such a NICE PLACE we have here, don't we?


ONLY for Cosmetics in the United States 8 BILLION $ is SPENT,

for Perfumes in Europe and the United States 12 BILLION $,

for Pet foods in Europe and the United States 17 BILLION $,

AND Military spending in the world Represents 780 BILLION $ - US spends around $400+ BILLION

Basic education for everyone in the world - 6 BILLION $,

Water and sanitation for everyone in the world - 9 BILLON $,

Reproductive health for all women in the world - 12 BILLION $,

Basic health and nutrition for everyone in the world - 13 BILLION $!

SCARY Stats, right?

Please spare me the "America Cares" - Numbers speak for themselves!

This proves that these statements are nothing more than the rants of hatred that have deviated wildly from reason.

Whatever Man.

I suggest that US invades yet ANOTHER Country (soon it will!) and gain some more "FRIENDS"!

[edit on 14/12/05 by Souljah]

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
Let check some more Articles supporting the first Post:

US media covers up American war crimes in Iraq
Source: url=

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Why is the US media blacking out documentary on war crimes in Afghanistan?
Source :url=

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Corporate Media Ignores US Hypocrisy on War Crimes
source :url=

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Covering up US war crimes
Source : url=

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Prosecute US Corporate Media Whores For War Crimes

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Media Complicity In War Crimes

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

I hope that you Find something you LIKE in Articles Above.

The Phrase here is " Mein Gott ! "

So lets see, not one, not two or even three but we have SIX links to sites that claim that the author of this thread reports to be " News ".
LudaChris pointed this fact out and I want to expand upon this.
The links that have been posted as a reflection of the news are from sites such as zmag and greenleft and ofcourse the World Socialist Web Site ! These sites apparently show the real "unbaised and complete truth" about the doings of the US according to the author of the post !! The articles presented not only make the sites look silly but seriously make us question the authors rationale and state of mind.
Lets look at some of the "news" :
First from the Socialist web site >

Abdul-Ahad describes at least four separate rocket strikes by American helicopters against the unarmed Iraqis—documenting that the helicopters returned several times to fire on those seeking to remove the dead and wounded from the first missile strike.
“People started running towards me in waves. A man wearing an orange overall was sweeping the street while others were running. A couple of helicopters in the sky overhead turned away.”
About 20 m ahead of me, I could see the American Bradley armoured vehicle, a huge monster with fire rising from within. It stood alone, its doors open, burning. I stopped, took a couple of photos and crossed the street

Okay apart from the propaganda, this is what they have to say about the " US media coverups ". First let me ask, why in the world would a man wearing an orange overall sweep the street when everybody is running to get away from rocket fire ??
Second, if the entire place was filled with civilians, how come a "mosterous" Bradley lay smoking ??
Does any of this make sense ?? let continue further to the great film by an Irish man about Afganistan.

Massacre in Mazar, a documentary by Irish director Jamie Doran, was screened last week before select audiences in Europe. The film documents events following the November 21, 2001 fall of Konduz, the Taliban’s last stronghold in northern Afghanistan.
The film includes scenes of the aftermath of the massacre of hundreds of Taliban fighters who were taken prisoner outside Mazar-i-Sharif, at the Qala-i-Jangi prison, showing captured troops who were apparently shot with their hands tied.
Filmmaker Jamie Doran decided to release a rough cut of his documentary before final editing because he feared Afghan forces were preparing to destroy evidence of the mass killings, scattering the remains of the victims.

Obviously poppycock but nevertheless...
First, How come an Irish director just trotted along in Afganistan during some of the most bitter fighting in the war ??
How come the director also just happened to stop by a prision where they welcomed him to see a slaughter especially when all the media people that were allowed had to have passes ?? Notice also how the word "apparently"slips in when decribing the "aftermath" of the "massacres " .
And finally if the director has not shown these massacres because he thinks the US military would remove the evidence how come the WSWS know so many details about it ??
Next my favorite greenleft :

— and the mass media, private in form, state appendages in practice, disseminate the most outrageous lies, in defense and praise of the conquering “storm troopers” — call them SS or marines.
Like in Nazi Germany, the US mass media feature unconfirmed reports by the US military of the bloody murders, beheadings and kidnappings “by the foreign terrorists”.
Firstly, the "Storm Troopers" and the SS are two completly different things, so are the Marines. The Storm troops were never troops that were used to conquer but to take trenches! Is this not an attempt to bring a nazi comparision when their is none ?
Second, how can the reports be unconfirmed when their is clear videos of beheadings and torture of innocent journalists and non military personale by the terrorists?
Even their champion of the truth Al-Jazeera shows them ! We all have seen parts of them on TV and bodies have been recovered and terrorists themselves have taken responsibility, how can greenleft deny that ??
A point to note is that the person who wrote this article is from newyork and he apparently knows about all the "brutality" staying at home!!

I could go on but I think these are suffecient proof of the total lack of credibility of these articles that have been passed off as "NEWS " .

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 09:06 AM
I was watching CNN last night while I was making myself a B.L.T. sandwich. I saw a reporter talking to an Iraqi women who seemed thrilled to have the opportunity to voice her opinion. You know what it was she said?

"Anyone who opposes the war in Iraq or the great man Bush can go to hell!"

She said it with such passion and zest that I wish I could find a link to the video so you all could see it yourself. Everyone has their own agenda... Especially this so called "freedom fighter" that spits his crap in our face everyday on this web site. But the fact is... The majority of Iraqi people are glad to be in the situation they are in right now.

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
....Try putting on some Sun Glasses ......

Petty insults only show your true intent !

OH, I forgot - USA generously Exports American Lifestyle; if you do not want it, we will Give it to you anyway. With Guns and lots of Ammo.

Obviously you are biased and no amount of proof of the make you realize the truth. Even in the recent Tsunami the maximum contributions were from the US as always. Yet Slovenians like yourself who havent even contributed a cent towards anybody else are in a position to insinuate that Americans are greedy!

Again - PCs, TVs and Lightbulbs create enormous ammounts of PROFIT.
So we come back to the Money - or was it a Higher Purpose to ENLIGHTEN the Mankind, which I fail to see?

Obviously you do! No suprise that. It is a fact the greatest manufacterers of these products are infact not American at all !
It is a contribuiton to humanity ! All of which have changed everybody's life even yours!

The Corporate Power has NO Limits in the American Way of Life - they are Untouchable. And most of all, they are GREEDY.

That in itself shows your ignorance. The "corporate power" is limited by legislation that is introduced by the peoples representatives in the USA. Unfortunately the popular perception is quite different, usuall spread by desperate people who commit their entire being into slandering the USA.

  • U.S. corporations dominate the Top 200, with 82 slots (41 percent of the total). Japanese firms are second, with only 41 slots

Such a NICE PLACE we have here, don't we?

Unfortunately, everybody in the world cannot be like SLovenia, we all cant live on a cattlefarm and call that as an exsistence can we ???

Being the best is what America is all about, and being in the Top200 only reinforces that fact.
As for the rest of that list, it has no point ! Just random numbers with no link to the topic at all !
The desperate antics of a desperate campaign :shk:

SCARY Stats, right?
Please spare me the "America Cares" - Numbers speak for themselves!

Not at all!

The US spends a lot because we earn a lot and plus the responsibility of taking care of the world rests on Americas shoulders!
As for numbers you are correct, the numbers clearly show that the US is the greatest contributer of Foreign Aid in the world.

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
It is?

Why do you think that?

Could it be, that this war was WRONG?

Could it be the media is run by a certain group of people who dont even note the most simplistic things like say oh I dunno the fact that the RN sent over 500,000 MRE's to america after the huricane?

...and they are all Military Personell, right?

Nope actually 2 are ex hair dressers I'll have you know and both can shoot the arse off the average squaddie.

That's like asking a Football Player, why he Hates Football!

No its not when you dont ask the football player..

Independant Media means - that they are NOT Influenced by ANY of the Sides involved, and that they put the clearest possible picture out of all.

That is impossible I'm sorry or are you saying events to do not affect us one and all ?

Thats why they are called INDEPENDANT.

Like the independant reporters who dont mention resistance crimes?

I don't Understand...

You control your fight, there are many types of war hell take the war on drugs for example.
Are they using tanks and naval air strikes to blow up factories?
No they not in the war on drugs.

The INSURGENTS have More Money?!?

Are you saying they are running and supplying and arming themselves with no outside help?

The Insurgents come from Strictly Sunni Iraqis, which live on a Land WITHOUT any Oil or any other Income, that would MAKE THEM, Rich and full of Money. All they have in the Sunni Triangle are Endless Weapons and Ammunitions Dumps.

And yet they stil work with just weapons and ammo dumps.....yes and do you suppose that they are not being supported by outside forces?

There are?

It is all the Same to me.

They all Use Weapons and the All are Trained to Kill when Ordered.

Simple, the three conduct radicaly diffrent missions, I bet you didnt know that most of the RN is not made up of fighters but engineers.
Because there are limited number of weapons onboard and just about all are able to be run from the C+C , they are not trained to kill when ordered, any idiot can fire a weapon when ordered.
They're trained to kill an enemy who is firing or will be firing at them.

What is the BIG DIFFERENCE then?

They fight on 3 types of terrain hell one service fights on all 3.
It just shows ignorance by saying "whats the diffrence" , I could say that about terrorists and you could easily lump me in the "ignorant" pile because I dont recognise diffrences.

You can Trust me.

Anymore than I can trust a man who is born to kill?

Errr... The Military IS a part of the Goverment, thats why there is a Man called the Secretary of Defence

The military is a brance of the government JUST like the NHS , unless your saying that my mother is lieing to me and that infact she is a crazt evil nazi neocon spreading lies to support the war?
BTW....There is no such title as secretary of defence, in britain.

- so when HE LIES, he is LYING for the Goverment and the Army combined!

No if he lies the government lies.
The military on the other hand has to tell the truth or they will be left out to dry, notice the recenet false alegations by many members of the press against service.
Guess what , the armed forces done nothing against them.
And BTW if its only the army thats lieing then I take it the RN and the RAF are bot htelling the truth then?

Ofcourse there are Propaganda Officers!

There are NO propaganda officers for god sake!

You just don't see them very often - what do you call then Intelligence Officers in the Army Intel, whos job are the Propaganda Activites?

Oh so you mean british military intelligence DOESNT gather intelligence and DOESNT use its funding to find the enemy but instead conducts propaganda warfare which can more easily be done by , you guessed it, the physcological warfare UNIT!

What did I write in my Previous Post?

Their Little Propaganda is NOTHING compared to the Mighty US and their Corporate Media/Military Industry Brainwashing Machine.

You didnt answer my question at all, you avoided it and moved the focus away from the resistance to the US.

Now tell me:

Aren't you UPSET about the BIG LIES that US Goverment used to Invade Iraq? Becaues they sure did LIE to You and to all of us. But that is not BOTHERING you either.

What bothers me is that no one is reporting the lies made by the other side.
Infact we are trusting them more than ourselves.

You Giving me Quotes from Hollywood Movies?

Yea, I am scared of Colonel Nathan R. Jessep!

You should be.

If you remember that Movie correctly, when the Colonel was shouting that Fact he also REVEALED his true Self and with it, revealed how HE Authorized torture and abuse of the US Marines at Guantanamo.

Ironic isn't it'

Yes I did and notice how it was fictional but wait a second that means they where LIEING AHHH..
Your moving the focus yet AGAIN away from the iraqi resistance.

For Once, you could learn to write my NAME and SPELL it correctly - because that only shows the ammount of Time and Respect given to this Post and given to Me.

Mabye you would be kind enough to spell armed forces correctly instead of referring to it as army, or shall I use your exscuse?
"Whats the big difference"?

But, you still don't get it, in all the numerous posts with endless quotes we had.

No you dont get what I am getting at , you are too wrapped in anti US threads and posts that you are not paying attention to what I am asking.

Again, how can there be PEACE without JUSTICE?

How can there be justice without force?

If the Coalition troops roam around Iraq doing what they want, where they want to, that is not Liberation, but an OCCUPATION - and every Occupation results in RESISTANCE.

Roaming around? You mean training iraqi forceas (which btw we have much evidence from "independant" sources if you would..) ?

The Coalition have armed and equipped TWO sides of this Conflict and have Demoized the Third party - the result will be nothing else but a Civil War if this Scenario goes on.

The third party slaughtered and raped the other 2 , or do you not believe in justice?

And PLEASE spare me the talk, that the Coalition has done Wrong IN ACCIDENTS ONLY!

No I wont spare you, I will only spare you the talk IF you recognise the resistance has done wrong and start reporting it.

When Coalition kills Civilans that is called Friendly Fire or Collateral Damage - sorry, you should not be there in the first place!

So the UN shouldnt be in africa? Your now contradicting yourself saying we shouldnt be in thier affairs so we should infact have left saddam to kill main and rape his people.
And to continue this we should have left hitler to continue on his rampage across europe.

But when the Insurgents target US forces, while they surround themselves with Children, to give them Candy in a WARZONE,

A warzone implies fighting is still going on, not when it is all quiet.


Uhh no the iraqi resistance calls that "ok" and "acceptable" losses, mabye shockingly they should learn from the IRA or the UVF and start targetting military BASES. Gee never would have thought of that huh?
Must be my "military" training coming thourh huh?

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 12:01 PM

At a news conference last week, it seemed that even Secretary Rumsfeld was confused about the issue. When the senior U.S. military officer, General Peter Pace, said U.S. troops in Iraq have the responsibility to stop abuse when they see it, the secretary interjected to correct the general, but General Pace stood his ground.

RUMSFELD: "But I don't think you mean they have an obligation to physically stop it. It's to report it."

PACE: "If they are physically present when inhumane treatment is taking place, sir, they have an obligation to try to stop it."

That policy was confirmed by Pentagon Spokesman Bryan Whitman, who read the official directive issued by the U.S. commander of all multi-national forces in Iraq.
Voice of America

The Secretary of Defense doesn't even know about a soldier's moral obligation to stop abuse?!

Are we supposed to trust this administration if they don't even know what is right and wrong?

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by IAF101
The links that have been posted as a reflection of the news are from sites such as zmag and greenleft and ofcourse the World Socialist Web Site ! These sites apparently show the real "unbaised and complete truth" about the doings of the US according to the author of the post !! The articles presented not only make the sites look silly but seriously make us question the authors rationale and state of mind.

Well I am sure that if you do not fid these NEWS satisfactory for your delicate consevative pro-war senses, that you only reaction would be as expected. Ofcourse you DENY the World Socialist Web Site and Zmag and everything else, that has a single Fiber of Anti-War quotes. Ofcourse! How could I ignore that - in your opinion NOBODY is against WAR, and if they are Against it, they are the result of thr leftwing-islamo-fascist-commie-propaganda!

Yes! The Commies are Gonna Get Ya!

Too bad you did not Comment ANY of the QUOTES written bellow, which really speak much more then your empty words all togather.

Obviously you are biased and no amount of proof of the make you realize the truth. Even in the recent Tsunami the maximum contributions were from the US as always. Yet Slovenians like yourself who havent even contributed a cent towards anybody else are in a position to insinuate that Americans are greedy!

Obviously you are biased and no amount of proof can make YOU realize the TRUTH - even the Numbers are not Enough for you. Again, you have missed the POINT and started to snipe me and my nationality, which has NOTHING to do with this Thread. We did not invade Iraq. We did not sell Saddam weapons and technology. We did not put him and the Ba'athist into power. We did not give him alot of money. Yet, you always find a way to turn it all around on my nationality.

Why is that?

No comment on the Numbers, how BILLIONS of dollars are spent for MEANINGLESS things, while the 2/3 of world population suffers?

That in itself shows your ignorance. The "corporate power" is limited by legislation that is introduced by the peoples representatives in the USA. Unfortunately the popular perception is quite different, usuall spread by desperate people who commit their entire being into slandering the USA.

I see you have much to learn.

I suggest you start with The Corporation.

There you will find out interesting FACTS - like how IBM made their first BIG DEAL.

Unfortunately, everybody in the world cannot be like SLovenia, we all cant live on a cattlefarm and call that as an exsistence can we?

Again the Insults - you just can not write a post without them, right?

As for the rest of that list, it has no point ! Just random numbers with no link to the topic at all !
The desperate antics of a desperate campaign.

Random Numbers, huh?

When you are confronted with FACTS you always resort to two things:

- insults
- denial

The US spends a lot because we earn a lot and plus the responsibility of taking care of the world rests on Americas shoulders!

Sure, sure...

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 09:18 AM
You are missing the point!
You are promoting these sites as the only truthful sources of news.
You hold everything that these sites to be, forgive the phrase, The God's Own Honest Truth. That is the problem here dear Souljah.
That is what numerous people have tried (myself included) to tell you. To tell you to put out a more balanced perspective. But instead, all you have done is deride other posters who detract from your truthful sources, You have denied as well as ignored other posters who have posted alternative sites that contradict what your truthful sources say.
You have shown the last few months that as long as the sources are anti-american, kill all americans, then the site must be truthfual and everything that such a site posts is 100% factual.
The same reasoning that you present for your sources can also be presented to supoort such wonderful sites such as Pravda and WorldNewsDaily as being 100% correct and factual.

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by devilwasp
Nope actually 2 are ex hair dressers I'll have you know and both can shoot the arse off the average squaddie.

Well, thanks for that Information.

Sure clears it up!

Like the independant reporters who dont mention resistance crimes?

Or the Corporate Reporters who don't mention Goverment war crimes - or for that fact, they are not ALLOWED to post a single picture of a dead US soldier.

You control your fight, there are many types of war hell take the war on drugs for example.

War on Drugs is just as Bogus as War on Terrorism:


And yet they stil work with just weapons and ammo dumps.....yes and do you suppose that they are not being supported by outside forces?

They fight on 3 types of terrain hell one service fights on all 3.
It just shows ignorance by saying "whats the diffrence" , I could say that about terrorists and you could easily lump me in the "ignorant" pile because I dont recognise diffrences.

Seriously - if a Sailor Lanunchse a Tomahawk missile, that will hit a Target somewhere - or if a Pilot drops a laser guided bomb - or if a soldiers launches a shoulder launched missile - the EFFECT will be the SAME - Target DESTROYED!

The military is a brance of the government JUST like the NHS , unless your saying that my mother is lieing to me and that infact she is a crazt evil nazi neocon spreading lies to support the war?
BTW....There is no such title as secretary of defence, in britain.

Your Mother works in the Goverment?

Anyway, even if Britain does not have the Secretary of Defence, you get my point - Military is a vital PART of the Goverment.

The military on the other hand has to tell the truth or they will be left out to dry, notice the recenet false alegations by many members of the press against service.

Don't be foolish! The Military does NOT have to Tell you ANYTHING they do not wish! And frankly they DON'T!

Oh so you mean british military intelligence DOESNT gather intelligence and DOESNT use its funding to find the enemy but instead conducts propaganda warfare which can more easily be done by , you guessed it, the physcological warfare UNIT!

OK - you can call them PR's (Public Relations) Officers - they decide what News can get out and what news does NOT.

You didnt answer my question at all, you avoided it and moved the focus away from the resistance to the US.

I have as much Agenda as You do, mein Freund.

What bothers me is that no one is reporting the lies made by the other side.
Infact we are trusting them more than ourselves.


What Lies?

How do you know they are Lies?

Because the ARMY said so?

You should be.

Was that a Threat?

Mabye you would be kind enough to spell armed forces correctly instead of referring to it as army, or shall I use your exscuse?
"Whats the big difference"?

Are you seriously doing that on purpuse, because I put all Armed Forces in one big basket?

How childish!

No you dont get what I am getting at , you are too wrapped in anti US threads and posts that you are not paying attention to what I am asking.

Or maybe we just don't understand each other - because we never WILL.

How can there be justice without force?

Yet again a pro-military turn by you.

Nice one, I admit!

Roaming around? You mean training iraqi forceas (which btw we have much evidence from "independant" sources if you would..) ?

They are not Iraqi Forcse - they are members of SHIA and KURDISH Relitigous and Ethnic Groups - they do not represent the ENTIRE Iraq.

That is a BIG Difference...

The third party slaughtered and raped the other 2 , or do you not believe in justice?

And at that time Saddam was a BIG ALLY of the West - remember that?

No I wont spare you, I will only spare you the talk IF you recognise the resistance has done wrong and start reporting it.

And I will do the same IF you recognize that the Coalition has DONE WRONG as do the so-called Iraqi Defence Forces - or Ethinic MILITAS.

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 10:04 AM
Obviously the Majority of the People here just do not get, or do not want to Understand the topic of this Thread, that The media are minimising US and British war crimes in Iraq! Why is that so HARD to belive? Do you think this is the FIRST time this was done? Why are people so shocked? This is the Age of Information Wars and the MEDIA are playing far more important role then at any time in History.


Media is Owned by COPORATIONS.

Corporations influence the News reported by Media.

Propaganda is the KEY in every War.


In March 2005, the New York Times revealed that there has been a large amount of fake and prepackaged news created by US government departments, such as the Pentagon, the State Department and others, and disseminated through the mainstream media. The New York Times noted a number of important issues including:

  • The US Bush administration has "aggressively" used public relations to prepackage news. Issues with this have included that:

    o A number of these government-made news segments are made to look like local news (either by the government department or by the receiving broadcaster);
    o Sometimes these reports have fake reporters such as when a “‘reporter’ covering airport safety was actually a public relations professional working under a false name for the Transportation Security Administration”;
    o Other times, there is no mention that a video segment is produced by the government;
    o Where there is some attribution, news stations simply rebroadcast them but sometimes without attributing the source.

  • These segments have reached millions;

  • This benefits both the government and the broadcaster;

  • This could amount to propaganda within the United States as well as internationally.

Effectively, American tax payers have paid to be subjected to propaganda disseminated through these massaged messaged.

There is much, MUCH more to this.

I have only Scratched the Surface, and yet I was opposed by a Number of People for being "Unbiased".

Which only shows one thing:

That the US Propaganda Machine is VERY Effiecent!

Furthermore, there is "growing evidence of a White House campaign to bypass or control the media in its everyday presentation of government policy, which included paying one journalist hundreds of thousands of dollars to promote its policies."

While the article details that one example, they mention many others, including:
  • Using actors as fake journalists;

  • Fake news stories or propaganda packaged as news;

  • Plagiarism and forgeries;

  • Paying journalists to design or promote policies.

The mole, the US media and a White House coup - by Paul Harris

The media is in the midst of a transformation which the Bush administration is keen to foster. They have discovered that a partisan and atomised media can be controlled, manipulated and used to an unprecedented degree.

Administration officials were recently revealed to have paid three senior journalists to promote or design policies....

At the same time, Bush has held fewer Washington press conferences than any of his modern predecessors, while courting local media, such as small city newspapers, which are perceived as easier to steamroll. During last year's election campaign Bush avoided interviews with leading newspapers, such as the Washington Post , but frequently invited reporters from smaller swing state publications to speak with him on Air Force One. Vice-president Dick Cheney took the strategy one step further and banned New York Times reporters from traveling with him.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Mister Noam Chomsky:

In the west, 10 or 20 years, there has been massive research documenting the fact that the media are extraordinarily subordinated to external power. Now, when you have that power, the best technique is to ignore all of that discussion, ignore it totally, and to eliminate it, by the simple device of asserting the opposite. If you assert the opposite, that eliminates mountains of evidence demonstrating that what you are saying is false. That’s what power means. And the way we assert the opposite is by just saying that the media are liberal.

One of the conservative movement’s strokes of genius has been to invest a fortune in persuading the rest of the nation of the existence of a beast called the “liberal media”. This is, from a conservative standpoint, extremely useful nonsense.

The right sort - by Eric Alterman

Miren Guiterrez, editor-in-chief of Inter Press Service notes a number of elements of propaganda taking the more recent wars into account, the "War on terror" and the Iraq crisis. Summing up his short but detailed report, he includes the following as propaganda strategies:
  • Incompleteness

  • Inaccuracy

  • Driving the agenda

  • Milking the story (maximizing media coverage of a particular issue by the caseful use of briefings, leaking pieces of a jigsaw to different outlets, allowing journalists to piece the story together and drive the story up the news agenda, etc.)

  • Exploiting that we want to believe the best of ourselves

  • Perception Management (in particular by using PR firms)

  • Reinforcing existing attitudes

  • Simple, repetitious and emotional phrases (e.g. war on terror, axis of evil, weapons of mass destruction, shock and awe, war of liberation, etc)

Still - the only thing this post of mine has proved, are the Points written above.

And I thank all the Members in Contributing to that.

"One reads about the world’s desire for American leadership only in the United States.
Everywhere else one reads about American arrogance and unilateralism."

America is in Danger of Alienating the World

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
Or the Corporate Reporters who don't mention Goverment war crimes - or for that fact, they are not ALLOWED to post a single picture of a dead US soldier.

Oh you mean the same ones who have been running the abuse stories and varios other stories most of which are not true non stop for the entire war?
Yes they dont report anything like that.

War on Drugs is just as Bogus as War on Terrorism:


So your now saying that WW2 has caused WW3?

Seriously - if a Sailor Lanunchse a Tomahawk missile, that will hit a Target somewhere - or if a Pilot drops a laser guided bomb - or if a soldiers launches a shoulder launched missile - the EFFECT will be the SAME - Target DESTROYED!

So your saying there is no difference between policemen who are armed since when they fire they kill?
Or how about people trained with weapons ?

Your Mother works in the Goverment?

She's a nurse in the national health service, which BTW is government funded.

Anyway, even if Britain does not have the Secretary of Defence, you get my point - Military is a vital PART of the Goverment.

The military is not important aprantly to ours, mabye you didnt notice how they screw the military at every chance?
Or mabye how hundreds of sailors died because of one governments idiotic idea to remove larger carriers?

Don't be foolish!

Pot calling kettle black is the phrase.

The Military does NOT have to Tell you ANYTHING they do not wish! And frankly they DON'T!

So they WANTED the world to know that several of its members where complete arseholes?

OK - you can call them PR's (Public Relations) Officers - they decide what News can get out and what news does NOT.

We have no such officer.
Regular officers give out information, thats right regular infantry, logistics and engineers give out info.
BTW, the news isnt controlled by the military, other wise the RM wouldnt have allowed the videos of the idiots in its units to get out.

I have as much Agenda as You do, mein Freund.

Yet again avoiding it, you act much like a sure your not one?


What Lies?

How do you know they are Lies?

Because the ARMY said so?

Mabye the lies that say that the west is evil?
Mabye the lies that say that my family is wrong for believing in anything other than islam?
Mabye the lies about tim collins?
What about the lies said about the paras, the marines!

Was that a Threat?

Take it as you percieve it.

Are you seriously doing that on purpuse, because I put all Armed Forces in one big basket?

Yes I am.

How childish!

Pot calling kettle......pot calling kettle....come in kettle..

Or maybe we just don't understand each other - because we never WILL.

No you just avoid the questions.

Yet again a pro-military turn by you.

Not at all, the military has no place playing policemen.

They are not Iraqi Forcse - they are members of SHIA and KURDISH Relitigous and Ethnic Groups - they do not represent the ENTIRE Iraq.

That is a BIG Difference...

So now your playing racist?

And at that time Saddam was a BIG ALLY of the West - remember that?

Yes I do, this has no bearing at all, your changing the subject again..

And I will do the same IF you recognize that the Coalition has DONE WRONG as do the so-called Iraqi Defence Forces - or Ethinic MILITAS.

I will accept the first but not the second, thats your opinion and not a fact.

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 11:01 AM
So what about the media not reporting any war crimes by the resistance?

How about when people are hung because they associate with the coalition or support democracy....oh yes thats right...the west is worst so we should JUST focus on them...

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 11:12 AM

Still - the only thing this post of mine has proved, are the Points written above.
And I thank all the Members in Contributing to that.

So what you are saying here is that as long as posters post something that Supports your supposition they and only they are contributing to the thread.
Whereas anyone that posts anything that detracts or derails your (and your sources) of painting Americans as the most evil and vile creatures on Earth and promoting the insurgents / terrorists (what ever the newest PC word for them are) as Saints and freedom fighters that do no wrong and are only fighting the "good fight" Posters that post such information are only detracting from the subject of the thread?
Come on now
This is a conspiracy site and there are people from all sides on this site and everyone has their own personal viewpoint. To say that anyone that does not agree with you and your anti-american sentiments is not contributing to the thread is beneath you dear sir.
You are of course attempting to spread your anti-american information / misinformation and others are able to to show how that information is either incorrect or is misleading or even support your supposition.

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 05:39 PM
Perhaps media minimizes what they consider to be too contriversial?
Arab Media Mum On Iran-Israel Flap

(CBS/AP) Arab governments appeared reluctant Thursday to condemn Iran's president for calling the Holocaust a "myth" used by Europeans to create a Jewish state in the heart of the Islamic world.
While official Arab reaction in such cases is usually slower than international reaction, any issue involving a defense of Israel is a thorny one for Arab governments, who risk appearing to side with Israel against a Muslim nation.

Is this not doing the exact same thing that you are blaming the US media about in regards to Iraq?
Oh but wait a minute... this is not an aljazeer of communistic website so it must be incorrect right?

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 10:04 PM
I am an American... mom and dad are corporatites that get their news from the mass media... Yesterday, I get this forward from mom, aparently it is circulating amongst her friends in their McMansion neighborhood:


"Are we fighting a war on terror or aren't we? Was it or was it not started by Islamic people who brought it to our shores on September 11, 2001?

Were people from all over the world, mostly Americans, not brutally murdered that day, in downtown Manhattan, across the Potomac from our nation's capitol and in a field in Pennsylvania? Did nearly three thousand men, women and children die a horrible, burning or crushing death that day, or didn't they?

And I'm supposed to care that a copy of the Koran was "desecrated" when an overworked American soldier kicked it or got it wet? Well, I don't. I don't care at all.

I'll start caring when Osama bin Laden turns himself in and repents for incinerating all those innocent people on 9/11.

I'll care about the Koran when the fanatics in the Middle East start caring about the Holy Bible, the mere possession of which is a crime in Saudi Arabia.

I'll care when Abu Musab al-Zarqawi tells the world he is sorry for hacking off Nick Berg's head while Berg screamed through his gurgling, slashed throat.

I'll care when the cowardly so-called "insurgents" in Iraq come out and fight like men instead of disrespecting their own religion by hiding in mosques.

I'll care when the mindless zealots who blow themselves up in search of nirvana care about the innocent children within range of their suicide bombs.

I'll care when the American media stops pretending that their First Amendment liberties are somehow derived from international law instead of the United States Constitution's Bill of Rights.

In the meantime, when I hear a story about a brave marine roughing up an Iraqi terrorist to obtain information, know this: I don't care.

When I see a fuzzy photo of a pile of naked Iraqi prisoners who have been humiliated in what amounts to a college hazing incident, rest assured that I don't care.

When I see a wounded terrorist get shot in the head when he is told not to move because he might be booby-trapped, you can take it to the bank that I don't care.

When I hear that a prisoner, who was issued a Koran and a prayer mat, and fed "special" food that is paid for by my tax dollars, is complaining that his holy book is being "mishandled," you can absolutely believe in your heart of hearts that I don't care.

And oh, by the way, I've noticed that sometimes it's spelled "Koran" and other times "Quran." Well, Jimmy Crack Corn and ---- you got it, I DON'T CARE!


And thats the bottom line... to mom, dad, and everyother fox news watching corporatite, the war started on 9/11 when some crazy towel heads attacked our pretty towers for absolutely no reason. Now the US government ought to take due revenge... kill 'em all. AMERICA DOESN'T CARE!

They just don't get it. The phrase "mindless zealots who blow themselves up in search of nirvana" is all the average corporately-employed psuedo-christian American knows about the motives of a someone who resists American occupation.

Back around page four a comment was made by xman_in_blackx:

How are American civilians a threat to terrorists? Are they going to throw a cup of Starbucks coffee at them?

I'd like to comment on this because I feel it exemplifies a point.

What exactly does it take, to throw a cup of Starbucks coffee at a terrorist?

Meditate on that.

Imagine a simple world, no people except for yourself: the third party observer, a terrorist, and a man with a cup of Starbucks coffee. No man made things exist either, exept for those thing necessary to tell the tale... kind of like a deserted island story. Now, one by one, lets bring into existance each object required to bring our story of the man stopping the terrorist with a cup of Starbucks into reality:

Well for one... the terrorist needs something to destroy. Let see... potential targets... a subsistance farm, nah... wooden row boat, nah... a village of half naked natives chanting... nah... not typical terrorist targets... the story needs realism... Lets go with a Jet Airplane.

I guess that would place some new things into our pristine realm... at the very least a large swath of forest cleared in at least two areas and covered with 18 inches of concrete to serve as runways. We need jet fuel too... Looks like starbucks boy better see to it that some crude is pumped and refined... (was that air pollution I noticed on the horizon? Or just dust stirred up by the tanks headed off to secure the oil fields)

Now on the terrorist side we needs a weapon... uzi... nope, grenades... nope, napalm... nope... for some reason I see the terrorist sharpening an short oak stick over a stone near a river bank. He plans to sneak the sharp object on the plane when he boards. The terrorist thinks to himself, "Anything is a weapon in the hands of a master" (thanks DW).

Ok... so far terrorist has brought a pointy oak stick and a sharpening stone to the story... starbucks boy has brought jet fuel, concrete runways and deforestation.

Lets continue.

Cup of Starbucks... I guess that requires a styrofoam cup and a plastic lid

Polystyrene is a strong plastic created from erethylene and benzine

Wow... what's that smell... must have been another benzine spill in east asia... a wrinkle of scorn develops in the brow of the mindless zealot.

Cup of Starbucks... We need a location from which to sell the cup... I'm feeling a mega mall in northern New Jersey with a 65 acre asphalt parking lot would be a great place to serve a cup of Starbucks...

Cup of Starbucks... for some reason I suddenly see endless fields of monocropped, chemically fertilized, coffee bushes where there was once rainforest. Mindless Zealot growls under his breath.

Cup of Starbucks...


Now I could go on... but I respect the intelligence of those here so I believe you see my point.

-Sri Oracle

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 10:24 PM
allow me to point out that even if u had indeniable evidence of US and UK war crimes in iraq, they would never allow their soldiers to stand trial.

It all comes down to the Coalitions holier than thou attitude to the rest of the world. in particular to the islamic countries in the middle east.

The US seems to have the attitude that they can do what they want because they decided they are right.

posted on Dec, 16 2005 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by Conspiracy Theorist
allow me to point out that even if u had indeniable evidence of US and UK war crimes in iraq, they would never allow their soldiers to stand trial.

You mean like Tim Collins.....or the 3 soldiers jailed and kicked out of the army for abuse in iraq?
Yes we dont try anyone....noooo....I mean we are all nazi's after are we not?

posted on Dec, 16 2005 @ 02:52 AM

You mean like Tim Collins.....or the 3 soldiers jailed and kicked out of the army for abuse in iraq?

Oh yeah, and they were tried by the war crimes tribunal were they???

posted on Dec, 16 2005 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by Conspiracy Theorist
Oh yeah, and they were tried by the war crimes tribunal were they???

Tim Collins alegations where false, thats why he didnt get tried.
The 3 soldiers got tried by a british court because he commited an offence under BRITISH and iraqi law.

posted on Dec, 16 2005 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by kenshiro2012
Come on now
This is a conspiracy site and there are people from all sides on this site and everyone has their own personal viewpoint. To say that anyone that does not agree with you and your anti-american sentiments is not contributing to the thread is beneath you dear sir.
You are of course attempting to spread your anti-american information / misinformation and others are able to to show how that information is either incorrect or is misleading or even support your supposition.

Excuse me Sir,
But where did I say that anyone that does NOT agree with you and your anti-american sentiments is NOT contributing to the thread? I have merely thanked everybody who has put their Input into this, because without them this entire debate would not be so long. You may have Misunderstood me - I never said that they did NOT Contribute; I said that they have proven some of my points regarding the Corporate Media Propaganda machine and how GOOD it really is! Many of the people which were speaking against my viewpoint are a living proof of that.

Ofcourse this is a DEBATE Forum and if I would not look forward to a Good d-bate, I would not bother posting so many topics.

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