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U.S. Forces "Incompetent"

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posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 07:55 PM
I wonder if this is the exact intended translation. The 1st part of the quote is what I find interesting. Seems almost like he is saying "American society doesn't have the stomach or will" to do what needs to be done in a war situation. One can see how he would get that impression. Our own media is essentially anti-military. People like Cindy Sheehan are put forth like the peoples' representative even though she only represents the opinion of a small minority fringe. Our own democrat senators espouse anti-American rhetoric for nothing more than trying to win poll numbers. Our mainstream press spreads anti-American lies and fabrication as truths. They believe as the Nazis did, if you tell the lie long enough, eventually it will be believed as truth. It is sad really.
I think that man is on to something. Due to the left wing minority control of major media outlets (which is most likely the window the rest of the world views us through), we probably do appear spineless, weak, and incompetent.

[edit on 10-11-2005 by Apoc]

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Apoc
Our mainstream press spreads anti-American lies and fabrication as truths. They believe as the Nazis did, if you tell the lie long enough, eventually it will be believed as truth.

Yet back in 2003 when it was shouting about WMD'S it was telling the truth? The media is only lying when it disagrees with you? Is that the case?

we probably do appear spineless, weak, and incompetent.

Immoral, hypocritical, vain, maybe. Spineless? Your chickenhawk politicians have no problem putting you in harm's way. I ask you, which takes more spine? To go to war, or to stand up to those who would force you into a war you feel is unjustified. The US soldiers are brave and have some backbone in a battle, but do they have the courage of their convictions? I think they do and I think you may see that in a very dramatic way some time soon.

Nobody could say you were weak in the traditional sense, but you were driven into war the same way sheep are driven into a pen, by shouting and barking from the media. 3 years later and the media is saying the total opposite and you don't have the strength of mind to realise what is going on. So, weak? In the head, yes.

Incompetent? I have one question.

Does "Friendly-Fire" display competence or incompetence?

You decide.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 10:02 PM
The US military is not incompetent but fights with one hand tied behind its back, its hard trying to be the good guy. If the US decided to get the gloves off that would be a different matter. But who cares as its a shoe in that no country with nukes will allow occuppying forces on its soil.

Myself I would miss all the chinese martial art movies and the carry outs. Not to mention the fact that china has a 23% share in all imported goods to the US. Billions of dollars, why would they kill the golden goose?

Totally not going to happen not till the oil is nearly gone anyway. We got 20 - 100 years.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by howmuchisthedoggy

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
The was a horrible its estimated that some 200,000 women most of which were Korean were forced into sexual slavery............

If this discussion had anything to do with comfort women then I would agree with you, but it doesn't so, go look for one of the many J-bashing threads in PTS and we will talk about it.

One point, will people still be harping on about the use of DU rounds by the US and their horrific effects on millions and future generations (more perverse and horrific than a few thousand women being raped) in 60 years time? I doubt it. You see, shift the focus and shift the blame tactics in effect again.

First off Try a few hundered thousand women not a few thousand. Its not shifting the blame its stating facts on what happened between two of countries in this thread. Past actions on that scale do indeed have effects or current relations whether people want to talk about it or not. But its so much easier to just forget the past then bring it up.

Second whats this thread have to do about DU rounds? Not like uranium found in DU rounds is any more dangerous then lead when in the enviroment. Lead can be very bad for people and the enviroment but that dont stop every nation on earth from using it in bullets. If your close enough to a DU round to breath parts of it in after a impact (which is bad) uranium will the least of your worries trust me.

Comparing DU rounds to the rape of some 200,000 women
talk about shifting the blame.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Munro_DreadGod
The US military is not incompetent but fights with one hand tied behind its back, its hard trying to be the good guy.

I am sure there are a lot of places in the world right now who would disagree with the term "Good Guy". Who says they are the good guys? I am sure the Germans thought the Nazi's were the good guys for a while as well. Until they started knocking on their door of course!

This "one hand tied" business is another lie, I feel. There are plenty of gloves off type engagements gong on. I am sure the torture camps and black sites being used worldwide by the CIA could be not construed as anything less than both hands elbow deep in the dirty business.

However, if the media says it, you will all believe it.

Sad, sad, sad.......

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 10:28 PM
You forget one thing the military is an organisation controlled by politicians, they are told what to do, they carry out orders. They don't make it up as they go along. If you want to say 'someone is incompetent' then say the politicians are. The CIA is not the military. Any orders given to the soldiers are carried out, end of.

The price of freedom is not cheap.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX

Comparing DU rounds to the rape of some 200,000 women
talk about shifting the blame.

Apparently it is the "in" thing to call foul on the Japanese for something they did 60 years ago and haven't repeated than it is to for us to focus on the current and recent misdeeds of other countries.

THAT is mis-direction and shifting the focus. Who said anything about blame?

My example of the DU rounds was an extension of that. It's relation to the topic is this. It is quite convienantly forgotten by the American public at large that they dump tons of radioactive crap all over the world through the use of DU rounds. Go look it up. See how cancer rates have skyrocketed in the Balkans, birth mutations in Iraq?

But of course, you can't talk about that as it jazzes with the American "Good Guys" image. Oh quick!!! Somebody bring up the comfort women again! We nearly focused on the true nature of the world's heroes!!! We can't have that!

By the way, it is pointless having the most sophisticated weapons and logistics in the world if the guy sitting holding the trigger is some redneck raised on reality tv and beer commercials. The weakest link is always the first to break.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by Munro_DreadGod
You forget one thing the military is an organisation controlled by politicians, they are told what to do, they carry out orders.

Like Abu Ghraib? Now we can add irresponsibility to incompetence. How many atrocities have been carried out while "under orders"?

They don't make it up as they go along. If you want to say 'someone is incompetent' then say the politicians are.

In their field, politicians are very competent. The only thing is, their field isn't to do what is best for the people. If they were incompetent they wouldn't be in the positions they are in now.

The CIA is not the military.

Glad you cleared that up for us. I am sure the mothers of those being held without trial or recourse can sleep sounder.

The price of freedom is not cheap.

This, pal, is just parroting the media line. Freedom should be free. Nobody in the US, or indeed the western world is truly free. We are all slaves and we don't know it. The best slave shackles are the ones you can't see.

They tell you freedom isn't cheap so you will go and pay the ultimate price on their behalf.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by HowlrunnerIV

Agreed. About Nukes. But Japan have a very healthy aerospace sector. Remember that only one country has suffered nuclear attack. That kinda makes them virulently anti-nuke.

Healthy aerospace? What home grown missles capable of delivering a nuclear war head do they have?

They'd probably shoot the slow, lumbering beasts out of the sky with impunity and far more ease than the Vietnamese did. And they didn't exactly find it hard. Do you know how many combat jets the PLAAF has? Let alone SAMs.

Ohhh yeah - they have plenty of aircraft, the problem is that the vast majority of them are completely obsolete. The US Navy alone could take their air force, never mind the USAF.

With incredulity, I would suggest. The Patriot is an ABM, an anti-ballistic missile missile. It's only job is to shoot down attacking missiles.

If, however, you meant something like Tomahawk, which is a cruise missile, that would be different. Probably with rage, a lot like the Iraqis in '91.

Yeah, my bad.

I love how you denigrate all forces but your own. The US are not the best military in the world.

Name me a better one.

They cannot fight asymmetric conflicts, that has been proven twice before and is being proven at the moment.

Excuse me?

The US has lost less then 1% of the service men that have fought in Iraq. LESS THEN 1%!

I challange you to find me any other conflict with less then 10% casualties that the US has not fought in.

In the event of war China can mobilise and arm 100% of its adult population of military age. That's what the People's Auxilliary Forces are for.

That is a completely false statement.

They have nearly 700 million people that are of military age. You think they have 700 million AKs?

China's military might be a joke to you, but it is rapidly catching up, and unlike the US, it's main infantry weapon doesn't jam and needs no servicing. It may not be able to travel and its technology may be lagging behind, but it would make occupation far more painful than Iraq currently is.

Who said anything about occupation?

Frankly, there is no reason to occupy China when you can just bomb them day and night.

As for their military... Yes, it is progressing, but frankly what advantage do they have over the US besides numbers?

Their air force is decades behind the US. They have no blue water Navy. No modern armor...

And Chinas numerical advantage would be more then made up for by US air superiority.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by American Mad Man

In the event of war China can mobilise and arm 100% of its adult population of military age. That's what the People's Auxilliary Forces are for.

That is a completely false statement.

They have nearly 700 million people that are of military age. You think they have 700 million AKs?


That is funny AMM since there is only about 50 million AKs in the entire world and thats the most prolific rifle on the planet.

I got one so I know China dont even have all 50 million

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 11:33 PM
Wait... let me think... what happened in every war China has fought?

Oh, ok, now I remember. Take a good guess...

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 11:35 PM
Well wonder where your loyalties lie.

Ask the Iranian female population if they like being treated the way they do.
Ask the average Iraqi if they like being free of saddam. Ask the average european if they like not speaking russian. Ask the average londoner if they would rather the guys who blew up and murdered people their recently where in a detainee camp. People like you take freedom for granted you have too fight for it, its not free. Not every soldier is as bad as you would make out my friend. So listen PAL, whats your point, in war people die, bad things happen, but how on earth does this make the US military incompetent? They have done everything asked of them have they not. They will stay and do the job until told to leave. Your points are referenced to what incompetence in the US military?

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by howmuchisthedoggy

I am sure there are a lot of places in the world right now who would disagree with the term "Good Guy". Who says they are the good guys? I am sure the Germans thought the Nazi's were the good guys for a while as well. Until they started knocking on their door of course!

This "one hand tied" business is another lie, I feel. There are plenty of gloves off type engagements gong on. I am sure the torture camps and black sites being used worldwide by the CIA could be not construed as anything less than both hands elbow deep in the dirty business.

Apparently some people missed a little bit of history. Does the invasion of Kuwait ring a bell? How about the bombing of the USS cole? HOw about WTC bombing 1? What about 911?.....hell i have lost count on my fingers the amount of terrorist attacks that have occured in past decades to the US alone. This is not counting other countries. Did people think that the US should just bend over, spread their cheeks, and say thank you sir may i have another?

Explain to me why you would label a terrorist organization bombing innocent people in countries all across the west and now in the middle east, and against their own people for decades would be labelled as the "Good Guy"????

On another point. The US is fighting with their hands tied behind their backs, Their feet bound , and a blind fold on. Other than the occasional offensive movment to stop foreign fighters entering the country, they are currently there training Iraqi forces, helping rebuild, helping POLICE the country, and all the while taking on suicide bombers and snipers from within the crowds. The terrorists are killing anything and everything in their way to get to the US and Iraqi soldiers. They care nothing for the public. They care nothing of the order in the country other than to cause TERROR and disarray. Now for those of you who think you can do a much better job. Well, pick up a gun and lets see if you can go in rebuild, help train, help police, try to keep absolute perfect morals,values, and exectution while getting shot at from crowds and pursued by disguised bombers. .....good luck


posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by howmuchisthedoggy
Well, talking about laughable. This is a statement coming from someone who believes that:

What exactly does Japanese and Chinese share, other then funny sounding words to westerners? As for culture, the only thing they share is a distaste for each other.

If the extent of your Asian knowledge is "funny sounding words" then you are hardly qualified to comment on what these two countries might do. Remember the Cold War? Remember all those Allies the US had, who they had a distaste for? Like the Taliban for instance? But, needs be, in that situation you rose above your distaste for them and got together for the (your) common good.

I was mocking you genius. Do you really believe they share language? Seriously?

And Alies we had a distaste for, including the Taliban? There is no proof the US ever even backed the Taliban.

Also, even if we did, there is a bit of a difference between the US backing a tiny little country like Afghanistan which the US military managed to take over with under 20,000 men, and 2 nations that have been mortal enemies for over a thousand years.

Hmmmm.....sticks little finger in the corner of mouth a la Dr. Evil.......

Wealthy. Yes. I am assuming you got your degree in economics the same place you did your diploma on Asian culture. I hope you haven't any money invested or too many credit card loans. You may be in for a rude shock sometime soon.

I am currently at some crapy little place they call The Wharton School of The University of Pennsylvania. You may have heard of it.

And yeah, I know all about consumer debt. Nothing big for me. A few hundred bucks on my credit card with about 30K in the bank.

Whoops. I'd check your facts again, skippy!

So you are saying that Japan makes more money off of China then the US?

I highly doubt that, though I am not going to look it up at this moment.

Very good point. The Japanese really would like the Chinese threat taken care of and goading the US into doing it for them is probably their #1 priority. Rather the dirty gaijin die for us than we doing it ourselves. Failing that, I have no doubt that Japan will choose the winning side should any conflict arise. While still doing business with the other side of course!

Ehhh, I dissagree that they would continue to do buisiness with China in any kind of cold war, or a full scale war.

On top of that, exactly how is Japan just going to choose the winning side?

They would be involved in any conlict from day one. Just look at a map of US military bases and take a look at Japan. In fact, Japan would take any attack that China would attempt.

I live in Japan and I know their attitude to the "rules" of Western society. If they can do something, say prostitution, gambling, etc., they will. While they are telling you they are not. They have novel ways of gettnig around the rules. I dare say they have found novel ways around not having any nuclear weapons.

Well, we know 1 thing is absolutely 100% true: They have never detonated a nuclear device. If you haven't detonated one, then you really don't know what you have. On top of that, exactly what delivery methods do they have? Not many to speak of.

Now, yet again, you think it is laughable. They have a space program, they have home grown rocket technology (I live not so far away from where they build the rocket engines for their H2 rocket) and they have a very sizable nuclear technology sector, reactors, etc. I know you are probably stuck in the fugue that Japan is still full of people wearing pointy hats and using oxen to work their paddy fields and the very notion that anyone other than the US is superior in any way is offensive to you. If it helps you sleep at night....

I have been to Japan, and understand that they are in every day a "modern" country.

However, they have absolutely no modern delivery methods. I don't think you fully apreciate what it takes to build a nuclear deterent. Just because they have a space program doesn't mean they hace ICBMs, and just because they have nuclear reactors doesn't mean they have warheads.

Sure the US has some awesome logistical abilities, but aren't you spread pretty thin right now? If you pull logistics from elsewhere will the whole house of cards fall down?

How many people make up the US military. How many are stationed in Iraq?

Basically, about 10% of our man power is in Iraq. The US is spread thin in the sense that we have a LOT of bases over seas, and thus to man them spread our overseas deployment thin.

Also, I would like to point out US military doctrine:

That is to be able to fight a 2 theater war at the same time. Iraq was a tiny war in one theater.

Oh, here we go. Take the chest-beating elsewhere please.....

Seriously. Answere the question.

How is China going to challenge US airpower? Their newest aircraft - the J-10 - is based off of the Isreali Lavi, which in turn is based off of the US F-16...An aircraft that will be phased out of service over the next 15 years in favor of the stealthy F-35 joint strike fighter. On top of that, the US has a CLEAR edge in detection systems.

Secondly, judging from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, when your citzen's backs were against the wall, did they bravely band together to get the job done or did it descend into anarchy and the law of the jungle. I have little doubt the "Me-Me-Me" generation of the most selfish country on the planet would do what they do best - Look out for themselves.

If you think that the small number of left over people who stayed in NO after the hurricane in any way defines America, well, that is your stupidity.

I would point you to 9/11 for how the US bands together.

I am still interested to hear what you have to say about this statement however. With your amazing logistic base spread thin, all it would take would be a little internal strife at home and -BOOM- China would be so on you and you could do nothing about it.

Again, this is laughable.

The US has the most heavily armed population in the world.

You think Iraq is bad with 2000 deaths in nearly 3 years?

Try occupying NYC and LA.

And god knows China wouldn't want to venture out of the cities where people actually know how to shoot.

Of course this is to say nothing of actual US military action, which again would absolutely dominate China's military. Again, I point you to naval power. Exactly what does China have that even comes close to a SeaWolf attack sub or the DDX?

Hell, do they even have an aircraft carrier, the most important piece of power projection in the whole military (no, they don't).

So tell me, exactly what navy is going to bring those chinese troops over?

You are living in fantasy land.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by Munro_DreadGod
Well wonder where your loyalties lie.

You can try labelling me if you like, if it will take the edge of whatever I am saying. Label someone and you can just dismiss their comments aftewards as being right/left/liberal whatever.

My loyalties start and end with myself. I am not willing to give myself over to a piece of colored cloth or an ideal that would get me or someone else killed. That is where my loyalties lie.

Ask the Iranian female population if they like being treated the way they do.

Oh, I can hear the stirring music starting to play in the background.....America...saviour of the world.....God Bless You USA!

That, pal, was sarcasm, something a scot might understand well. You are parroting the lines again. I have heard these talking points spewed over and over without any real analysis.

And what have the Iranian females got to do with anyway?????

Ask the average Iraqi if they like being free of saddam.

Heh. Ask if one dictator is better than another while you are at it.

Ask the average european if they like not speaking russian.

Yikes. A variation on the "You're lucky we saved your butts" routine I have come to know and loathe.

Ask the average londoner if they would rather the guys who blew up and murdered people their recently where in a detainee camp.

Ask those guys who were just as innocent if they minded being used as bomb mules so Tony could get his new anti-terror laws passed! (They failed by the way! Hooray! Common sense still prevails!!!!)

People like you take freedom for granted you have too fight for it, its not free.

Freedom is a state of mind. I was free the first day I saw the bars. Now no prison can hold me. I only wish the same for you all. Freedom is knowing you can get off the Merry-go-round!

Not every soldier is as bad as you would make out my friend.

I would say bad soldiers are in the minority. I just make the whole unit of them out to be incompetent. Individually they are all very good people. it is just their best efforts are misguided. It makes me wonder what could be achieved if they were re-directed to a more productive route?

So listen PAL, whats your point, in war people die, bad things happen, but how on earth does this make the US military incompetent?

Answer my question then.

Friendly Fire = Competence. True or False?

Your points are referenced to what incompetence in the US military?

Too numerous to mention. Inflated self worth and importance. A false sense of omnipotence. Lack of basic good training. Terrible marksmanship in favour of letting the technology do it for you. Regulary failing equipment. Now they have even lower standards of recruitment, for both enlisted and officers.

If it was a case of them saying, ah, hey guys we are just okay as a military than most people would respond with a hearty, well, you are good actually.

It's the whole WE ARE THE GODS OF WAR and WE WILL DESTROY YOU ALL sort of attitude that makes the sliding scale shift towards incompetence whenever you make even the most basic mistakes.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 12:29 AM
Mad Man has some great points.

You cannot judge soldier competence on this recent war in Iraq.
Why?...because the initial conventional war was over within weeks and the rest is just using a very small amount of military to place the Iraqis in the position to police their own country. You are a fool if you think the US is giving it all its got and never had any prior planning to project itself elsewhere if necessary. Why do you think the US has only used 130,000 to 150,000 soldiers for this war?....because they know of other threats and the planning has been in the works for years to squash those threats if they arise during our current tasks. Hell, even a low educated office geek knows how to project manage.

Now as far as competence is concerned. Im not saying that the US military is the supreme, ultimate, and most competent soldiers in the universe. But they are among the most highly trained, most mobile, technically sophisticated, and best equipped soldiers in the world along with the brits, the french, the japanese, and the aussies. Hell, these militaries are made for large scale conflicts, and have proven themselves over the past century. The US was devised to compete on the level of superpower capabilities during the cold war. To judge compentence on this current police like state that the US soldiers are in in IRAQ is nothing but a complete "UNDERESTIMATION" on the capabilities of the US.
Here is a little info for those who think the US is an incompetent power.


posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by American Mad Man
I was mocking you genius. Do you really believe they share language? Seriously?

Yes, Japanese Kanji script comes from Chinese script. So they do share that aspect of their language. You were mocking me? Why?

And Alies we had a distaste for, including the Taliban? There is no proof the US ever even backed the Taliban.

Oh Lordy. Someone explain this to him. Next.

Also, even if we did, there is a bit of a difference between the US backing a tiny little country like Afghanistan which the US military managed to take over with under 20,000 men, and 2 nations that have been mortal enemies for over a thousand years.

Even if you did? I thought a second ago you were pretty sure you didn't? You never took Afghanistan over, duuuuude. Why are they talking of sending troops back if the job hasn't been done yet? Oh wait a second, the US did remember to secure the pipelines and the poppy fields though. Get your priorities straight anyway.

I am currently at some crapy little place they call The Wharton School of The University of Pennsylvania. You may have heard of it.

Nope. Can't say I have. Is it famous in America? Is it like one of those "send in your money - get a degree" type colleges or one of those frat party type affairs?

And yeah, I know all about consumer debt. Nothing big for me. A few hundred bucks on my credit card with about 30K in the bank.

Hooray for you! Pity about the karmic debt, though......

So you are saying that Japan makes more money off of China then the US?

I highly doubt that, though I am not going to look it up at this moment.

Yep, never let the facts get in the way of a good rant.

Well, we know 1 thing is absolutely 100% true: They have never detonated a nuclear device. If you haven't detonated one, then you really don't know what you have.

I'll concede you this excellent point. But I put this back to you. Why are you afraid of nuclear terrorism when no terrorist organisation has ever detonated a nuclear device either? Do you really need to detonate a device to become a nuclear power?

Seriously. Answere the question.

How is China going to challenge US airpower?

There is a Weaponry Forum for these types of questions. I would rather not get into a debate about jets and missiles and crap with people clutching the latest Janes Defence Weekly in their sweaty mitts, ready to jump on my back if I get the thrust pressure wrong or something.

But since you asked so earnestly, I will give you this. China is a big country. It has a well defended coastline. It can spread things around enough to make the missions too costly and dangerous. It doesn't matter if you have the latest fandangled aircraft if they can't hit anything.

By the way you didn't answer my friendly fire question. Quid pro quo.

I would point you to 9/11 for how the US bands together.

Yes, good point. However you banded together like a flock of sheep and have been running around hither and thither wherever the sheepdog media barked at you to make you go ever since. I wouldn't be very proud of that.

Try occupying NYC and LA.

And god knows China wouldn't want to venture out of the cities where people actually know how to shoot.

Now they might not put too much emphasis on reading in that University you go to, but I will refer you to the cliff notes of this discussion where I pointed out the futility and improbability of a Chinese invasion of the US. Someone else brought it up and I reacted in a similar fashion to you, i.e. greeting it with incredulity and derision.

You are living in fantasy land.

Yes, I'm so lucky. Rainbows and chocolate rivers, gum drop trees. Common sense and a sense of humour, so take the ad hominem down a notch, okay bud?

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by Mr Carburetor
Apparently some people missed a little bit of history. Does the invasion of Kuwait ring a bell? How about the bombing of the USS cole? HOw about WTC bombing 1? What about 911?.....hell i have lost count on my fingers the amount of terrorist attacks that have occured in past decades to the US alone.

Yes, you missed the history where the US rubbed all those countries up the wrong way in order that they become terrorist states. You brought on yourselves, so stop whining.

Did people think that the US should just bend over, spread their cheeks, and say thank you sir may i have another?

The US should have kept it's nose out of other countries' affairs.

Explain to me why you would label a terrorist organization bombing innocent people in countries all across the west and now in the middle east, and against their own people for decades would be labelled as the "Good Guy"????

I never labelled the terrorists as "Good Guys". I just commented that the US is not worthy of the title. This is another example of snap judgement thinking which gets the US into so much trouble. Saying A doesn't necessarily mean B. Use your head and read other peoples posts properly.....

On another point. The US is fighting with their hands tied behind their backs, Their feet bound , and a blind fold on.

You forgot head up their arse....

Other than the occasional offensive movment to stop foreign fighters entering the country, they are currently there training Iraqi forces, helping rebuild, helping POLICE the country, and all the while taking on suicide bombers and snipers from within the crowds......yadayada

Well, pick up a gun and lets see if you can go in rebuild, help train, help police, try to keep absolute perfect morals,values, and exectution while getting shot at from crowds and pursued by disguised bombers. .....


Or else you could have just kept out of there like the rest of the world told you too. You came looking for sympathy in the wrong place.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by Mr Carburetor
Here is a little info for those who think the US is an incompetent power.


Quote what you like. It is not like the lies you here in the media, that if they are repeated over and over, people will take them as being true.

In a real life situation just saying you are superior is setting yourself up for a fall. Just because you say it doesn't make it so.

If they were competent they would have been finished in Iraq a long time ago, never mind the mess they are in now. If what the media had told them was true the Iraqi people would have been showering their saviours with flower petals to bless the passage home of their liberators.

Instead you have a country fighting to take back what is rightfully theirs from a robber-baron entity. Whether they cripple a generation by taking the legs, arms and lives of thousands of naive young Americans, or lie through their teeth to set up a parliment and "democracy" so you will leave and they get back to the way things were.

Face it, they failed and they failed miserably. Hardly a mark of confidence.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by howmuchisthedoggy
By the way, it is pointless having the most sophisticated weapons and logistics in the world if the guy sitting holding the trigger is some redneck raised on reality tv and beer commercials. The weakest link is always the first to break.

You forgot to add "hunting" to the things he was raised on. That redneck will out shoot any other sub-culture (if that i the correct way to describe on earth.

Why don't you look up who wins all of the wrolds rifle contests...

They are almost ALWAYS rural Americans, generally from the south or mid west.

The trigger men on the end of sophisticated weapons systems are generally officers, hence they have graduated college, and have a high degree of training.

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