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Looks like XM-8 will be put on hold

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posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by Browno
There have been a lot of cut backs recently. The RAH-66 Commanche, The Air Force F-35 variant, Maybe the F/A-22, and now this stupid plastic rifle.

The F-35A isn't cancelled, and the F/A-22 wont be cancelled.

I like the XM-8 and hope it pans out...cause I think everyone agrees its time for a new gun.

The M-8 is a good looking gun, not some wierd sci-fi weapon.

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 02:01 PM
I don't really like the look of many new assault rifles, but I seem to now be attatched and fascinated by the look of XM-8....

It looks like a plasma rifle for God's sake! lol

I had the honor of holding a replica version..... So comfortable..

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 06:09 PM
make it 6.8mm and change the bow curvy thingy a bit and your on

posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 05:23 PM
I think we will see evolutionairy designs of rifle for a while. I think that we are waiting for the next AK in terms of revolutionairy design. The AK altrough wasnt the first AR it is still a very influential design.

posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 09:28 PM
I personally grew attached to the way the XM-8 looked, esspecially the black-version.

I hope they will make it look more G36 style and give it 6.5mm rounds.

Tomcat, what would be the next big step then? reliability is acheived with the gas-piston system, accuracy could be acheived with floating barrels and all that stuff and ofcourse HK's delayed-roller blowback type action (correct me if i'm wrong here).

The only thing i'll see improvement is firepower, it's time for a new round!

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 07:29 AM
The AICW, while ispired by the OICW project, is not really a clone. It uses Metal Storm technology to deliver the 40mm grenades. It is also adapted for the Steyr AUG (ADF designation - F88. Otherwise known as the Austeyr), while the OICW uses the G36 if I remember correctly.

The OICW has the magazine for the grenade launcher in a bullpup position and retains the under receiver magazine for rifle rounds.

The Metal Storm technology utilises electronic impulse ignition to project the grenades and as a result the grenades get stacked inside the barrel. Removing the need for a 2nd grenade magazine.

Personally, and only from looking at the weapons, I think the OICW is far too bulky and the multiple magazines clumsy. The AICW seems to be a more compact and better thought through adaption.

[edit on 27-11-2005 by cargo]

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 10:59 AM
Cargo, there has been many efforts in making the OICW more compact, well it doesn't matter, the project has been cancelled unforuntatly, or at the very least put on hold, pitty, it was ambitious.

Too bad so many things go the way of the Commanche and the Crusader...


posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 11:03 AM
Thats politics for you....

posted on Nov, 30 2005 @ 05:23 PM
Not so bad since i seen it in black. im sort of starting to like the thing now i suppose. Is the M-8 German becouse HK have been involved developing the gun. Its the Millenium anyway, Welcome to the modern world! new designs take over!. The Ruger/Muzzelite MZ-14 is a nice design although it is a bullpup stock conversion for the Mini 14. The stocks were used in Total Recall and Starship Troopers.

Anyway what is the gun that Kurt Russel uses in Escape from LA? Looks a beast for a Future Assault Weapon!.

Swerve the movie stuff off, BE REAL!

[edit on 30-11-2005 by Browno]

posted on Dec, 1 2005 @ 09:43 AM
Actually im not sure if i do like it, Im more into present day weapons, slightly older things or all timers like the AK series. You knever know the future variants of the M-8 may be better than the M-8 now just like the descendants of the M-16 rifle series, the later ones are the best such as M-16A2s M-4s and the M203 version 'Scarface gun'.

The first M-16 was too puny, at least the A2 is more stocky which i like in weapons.

I do like futuristic weapons as long as they dont look toyish or plastic like this one.

My best rifle is the FAMAS, the HK G3 or the CETME rifles similar to it

Blowback operated ones deffo.

[edit on 1-12-2005 by Browno]

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 07:26 AM
yeah the XM8 is a neat concept but it needs to unplastic itself and convert to 6.8mm for me to get excited about it, when i saw an XM8 it looked like it should be an ion or laser weapon

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 08:41 AM
Guess it would take some time to get used to these futuristic weird designs maybe?

We just thought it was a weird plastic gun becouse we have never seen anything like it before i suppose?.


posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 10:14 AM
Yet again its the M16 bb gun syndrome...

just because somthing looks diffrent and no one trusts it, who told you all never to trust a book by its cover?

posted on Dec, 8 2005 @ 02:23 PM
Kind of like the Bushmaster M-17 Bullpup. I wonder what will happen with that?.

There is another weapon similar to the XM-8, The XM-25 Grenade Launcher.
Roumours it may take place of the HK OICW.

posted on Dec, 8 2005 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Browno
Is the M-8 German becouse HK have been involved developing the gun.

Depends on your approach. The XM8 technically (note: no hyphen) is a german development. However the OWNER of the XM8 is american.

Originally posted by Browno
There is another weapon similar to the XM-8, The XM-25 Grenade Launcher.
Roumours it may take place of the HK OICW.

No, the OICW particularly was the rifle+grenade launcher. The "I" stood for individual - like the M203 is now. The XM25 however is a squad support weapon. And correctly it was the ATK OICW, not HK OICW

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