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UFO'S and the fall of NASA

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posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 10:26 AM
Well that sums up the official story quite nicely but im still of the opinion that there could be more to it..I may be wrong but it's not until recently that any talk of past foam problems has come about and i personally never heard of past problems until these last few shuttle flights had problems...

If these pieces have been falling off the shuttle for ages wouldnt some sort of brainstorming have been done by now to fix the problem.I wouldnt suggest that NASA has been knowingly putting lives in excessive danger for all these years.Did the Astronauts and their families know that peices were smashing into the shuttle everytime it blasted off

Considering the shuttles are made of aluminium it seems strange that an age old problem making space travel even more dangerous than it needed to be would have been fixed long ago.

[edit on 25-10-2005 by jimstradamus]

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 10:35 AM
I think NASA is likely with holding evidence of UFOs.

But this foam problem was noted after the first Shuttle Flight.

They couldn't easily solve the problem and no one really thought that large peices of foam could impact the leading edge of the shuttles. They were wrong and yes they did know it was a possible problem but everytime a shuttle landed safely they grew more confident that this would not happen or bring down a shuttle . Again they were wrong.

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 04:32 PM
NASA is a slow motion train wreck that has lost its direction under mounds of mismanaged beurocratic girth. It's level of management incompetency would surely lead to serious leak of any such UFO info if it even existed. It's unfortunate that it's most productive years are behind it. As much as I like the sciences, aerospace, and space flight, that return to the Moon and then Mars under NASA's guidance....

[edit on 25-10-2005 by nullster]

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by jimstradamus

Originally posted by Reptilian_Queen
UFOs have nothing to do with it.

With a handle like Reptilian Queen i cant see you thinking its so far off base that aliens would go to different countries depending on the task they have to accomplish...lets just say that if the aliens thought America has been a solo superpower for to long and needed some competition that they would give another very powerful country a boost in the space dept.

Possibly the aliens have a task that the Americans refused to do and ill bet that China would jump at any chance to stick it to the US and all the Aliens have to do is sabotage NASA to make sure China gets the task done.

Well, NASA are just idiots. They were the ones that gave Challenger the okay to launch when even the engineers that designed her parts told them not to. That has to do with incompetence, not aliens.

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by lost_shaman
I think NASA is likely with holding evidence of UFOs.

But this foam problem was noted after the first Shuttle Flight.

They couldn't easily solve the problem and no one really thought that large peices of foam could impact the leading edge of the shuttles. They were wrong and yes they did know it was a possible problem but everytime a shuttle landed safely they grew more confident that this would not happen or bring down a shuttle . Again they were wrong.

That just shows you how incompetent NASA is. I mean what sane person would not think a huge hole in the protective shielding of the shuttle's wing is not dangerous?

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 06:10 AM

This was actually fairly well publicised in the media last year.

Paul Allen is a founding member of Microsoft. I believe he is in the top 5 richest people in the world.

Virgin Galatic is an arm of Richard Branson's 'Virgin' group. He has expressed an interest in space tourism and wants his company to be involved. They are licensed to have space tourism flights in the next 2-3 years.

Burt Rutan is an aircraft designer and designed SpaceShipOne - the winning entry in this contest.

Personally, I can't see pricate companies having the financial resources - even if they are backed by the likes of Paul Allen - to 'compete' with governmental organisations like NASA.

[edit on 25-10-2005 by kedfr]

And who backs Paul Allen,top 5 richest guy in the world must have some big connections.Are the Illuminati getting into the private aerospace buisness?

[edit on 26-10-2005 by jimstradamus]

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by Reptilian_Queen

Originally posted by lost_shaman
I think NASA is likely with holding evidence of UFOs.

But this foam problem was noted after the first Shuttle Flight.

They couldn't easily solve the problem and no one really thought that large peices of foam could impact the leading edge of the shuttles. They were wrong and yes they did know it was a possible problem but everytime a shuttle landed safely they grew more confident that this would not happen or bring down a shuttle . Again they were wrong.

That just shows you how incompetent NASA is. I mean what sane person would not think a huge hole in the protective shielding of the shuttle's wing is not dangerous?

So your opinion then would have to be that NASA is guilty of adding excessive danger to space flights by not finding a solution to an age old problem and continued to do so even after the problem directly caused a shuttle to explode? ......I think they would have to be covering up something pretty big for anyone at NASA to own up to that.

[edit on 26-10-2005 by jimstradamus]

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 11:13 AM
Private industry is what will get everyday citizens into space. Companies like Scaled Composites and Virgin (Virgin Galactic) have the drive, ambition, and vision big government lost in the 1970's.

Privately owned companies will succeed where beaurocratic governments are failing. Why do people continue to believe that governemnts, especially the US Government are these "all seeing", very well managed machines that work without fault.

There is a new age in flight "Space Flight". Not unlike what the Wright brothers started at Kitty Hawk. Private space enthusiasts even billionaire Jeff Bezos (Founder/CEO is starting his own space ventures in Texas. John Carmack of "Doom" fame has founded "Armadillo Aerospace".
Entreprenuers Enter Space Race

[edit on 26-10-2005 by nullster]

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by Denied

UFO's being seen and shown from NASA missions with what could be shots fired in some

That part intrigued me the most, any opinions on why we are shooting at them.?
What are we shooting at them with?
Obviously i dont know the full story, but it seems very hostile to be firing on them.
Some suggest, to bring it down, for research reasons..

Any idea's????

First of all, all it is in the NASA footage is debris. The "shots fired" that people claim are happening are nothing more than meteors shooting by. They occur very regularly and are easy to see from up there.

Notice the debris moves when the shuttle's thrusters fire? Kind of a clue isn't.

Get real.


posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by Tomastro

Originally posted by Denied

UFO's being seen and shown from NASA missions with what could be shots fired in some

That part intrigued me the most, any opinions on why we are shooting at them.?
What are we shooting at them with?
Obviously i dont know the full story, but it seems very hostile to be firing on them.
Some suggest, to bring it down, for research reasons..

Any idea's????

First of all, all it is in the NASA footage is debris. The "shots fired" that people claim are happening are nothing more than meteors shooting by. They occur very regularly and are easy to see from up there.

Notice the debris moves when the shuttle's thrusters fire? Kind of a clue isn't.

Get real.


Tom you know maybe some of the footage is debris as you say but theres no way debris moves and changes directions at those speeds,or flys right up to the camera,thats just ridiculous...If you wanna hold on to the past with that death grip thats fine but coaxing others do to the same by insinuating that your more real is just holding up the progress to the next phase....Trust me you'll know when real gets here!!!

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 12:06 AM
Wow debri that shoots up from the planet at another chunk of debri that makes an extagrated turn away from it?? SIMPLY AMAZING!! Anyways to get on to the point jim. One of the issues with the foam as of late is that NASA switched from a freon based insulating foam to a non freon based one. NASA switched to this foam so that it would comply with EPA restrictions that the clinton adminstration set forth. So basically this was a disaster years in the making.

See link for the rest of the story.

NASA foam issue

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 08:43 AM
WOW,Great article Whompa,It really does show a high level of incompetance that i was nieve enough to think wouldnt take place in such an important buisness.I can confirm the difficulties of foam insulation as i spray icynene and urethane and while i understand their products are far superior the application process is critical.Air pockets and improperly prepared substrates do spell disaster.

Before the environmentally friendly new insulation was used, about 40 of the spacecraft's 26,000 ceramic tiles would sustain damage in missions. However, Katnik reported that NASA engineers found 308 "hits" to Columbia after a 1997 flight. He called the damage "significant." One hundred thirty-two hits were bigger than 1 inch in diameter, and some slashes were as long as 15 inches

This is just unbelievable...308 hits on one shuttle in 1997 and up until the present nothing has been done.

I understand that space flight can only be so safe,there will always be risks but to knowingly endanger the lives of so many is unbelievable.Astronauts were killed because of this incompetance and theres no public outcry,no inquiry or wrongfull death.Dont they tell these Astronauts that they are doing a great service for their Country and humanity but their Country and humanity could care less if they live or die....figures.

[edit on 28-10-2005 by jimstradamus]

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by jimstradamus

I understand that space flight can only be so safe,there will always be risks but to knowingly endanger the lives of so many is unbelievable.Astronauts were killed because of this incompetance and theres no public outcry,no inquiry or wrongfull death.Dont they tell these Astronauts that they are doing a great service for their Country and humanity but their Country and humanity could care less if they live or die....figures.

I think any Astronaut knows that there are risks involved anytime you climb on board 600 tons of Rocket.

It isn't like no one knew that small pieces of Foam were coming off and impacting the Ceramic Tiles , but these are replaceable.

The problem with Foam is that it has small bubbles of gas , that makes it great for insulation, but as the Shuttle gains altitude the outside air pressure drops rapidly and the gas bubbles expand causing pieces to break off.

No one expected large pieces of foam to break away and impact the Wings leading edge Carbon Panels .

It is not like no one cares if Astronauts live or die , it all boils down to does America fly the Space Shuttle or not.

There is a small problem with the Foam but it can not be 100% fixed so do we fly the shuttle or start from scratch ?

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 09:37 AM
Just off the top of my head i would say that they should have been given permission to use the freon based foam that didnt kill Astronauts while they worked on a better formula for the non freon foam.

Unless of course pretending to care for the freons effect on the environment was more impotant than the lives of the shuttle crew.

308 hits and a 15 inch slash from one launch of a shuttle in 1997 and they dont expect that foam may rip off.....Do you work for NASA Shaman,you sound way to smart to be defending them unless you think these peoples safety is nothing when compared to the viability of the shuttle program otherwise i suggest you cant see the naked sheep through the wool over your eyes.

[edit on 28-10-2005 by jimstradamus]

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by jimstradamus

Tom you know maybe some of the footage is debris as you say but theres no way debris moves and changes directions at those speeds,or flys right up to the camera,thats just ridiculous...If you wanna hold on to the past with that death grip thats fine but coaxing others do to the same by insinuating that your more real is just holding up the progress to the next phase....Trust me you'll know when real gets here!!!

LOL! O.K., you win they're alien spacecrafts. There feel better?

Now go ahead and prove it. Good luck.

[edit on 30-10-2005 by parrhesia]

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by jimstradamus

308 hits and a 15 inch slash from one launch of a shuttle in 1997 and they dont expect that foam may rip off.....Do you work for NASA Shaman,you sound way to smart to be defending them unless you think these peoples safety is nothing when compared to the viability of the shuttle program otherwise i suggest you cant see the naked sheep through the wool over your eyes.

No I don't work for NASA .

I just don't harbor any real contempt for NASA , and I understand the difficulties they have had with Foam.

I don't think any one is being forced on Board Shuttles against their will.

And I seriously don't think that we would need to rely on UFO technology to support our Rocket based Shuttle systems, since UFOs don't ever tend to be observed using rocket technology its a good bet they don't use it.

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 06:02 PM

I bet in countries with more chins than a chinese phonebook the human hosting goes completely unnoticed...Holy chow maybe China.

Ok I really needed to address this because one of my major pet peeves is someone using a joke or even a cliche without knowing the meaning of it. "More chins than a Chinese phone book" is an obesity joke. As in, the person is so fat that they have multiple chins. I don't think I have to explain the "chins in a Chinese phone book" part to you because that seems to be the only thing you got out of it all. So basically your use of the joke doesn't make any sense in this case. I hope you didn't create this thread just to use that joke you heard in school today!!

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by Tomastro

Originally posted by jimstradamus

Tom you know maybe some of the footage is debris as you say but theres no way debris moves and changes directions at those speeds,or flys right up to the camera,thats just ridiculous...If you wanna hold on to the past with that death grip thats fine but coaxing others do to the same by insinuating that your more real is just holding up the progress to the next phase....Trust me you'll know when real gets here!!!

LOL! O.K., you win they're alien spacecrafts. There feel better?

Now go ahead and prove it. Good luck.

[edit on 30-10-2005 by parrhesia]

I feel great no matter what your beliefs are and i cant show you anything new if you still only see with your eyes.For people who's spirit isnt ready there is no proof. If you need to shake hands with an alien for proof before you accept the inevitable change im sorry .. I wont be burdened in the least by the needs of naysayers.

[edit on 31-10-2005 by jimstradamus]

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by Rasputin13

I bet in countries with more chins than a chinese phonebook the human hosting goes completely unnoticed...Holy chow maybe China.

Ok I really needed to address this because one of my major pet peeves is someone using a joke or even a cliche without knowing the meaning of it. "More chins than a Chinese phone book" is an obesity joke. As in, the person is so fat that they have multiple chins. I don't think I have to explain the "chins in a Chinese phone book" part to you because that seems to be the only thing you got out of it all. So basically your use of the joke doesn't make any sense in this case. I hope you didn't create this thread just to use that joke you heard in school today!!

What another one that cant accept change,I changed the joke just like the world is changing and both with no regard to your pet peeves.

If this post was nothing for you im sorry..This is the Aliens and UFO threads my theory that aliens and UFO's are sabotaging NASA and selling Space secrets to China...thats still my belief but i believe the people who posted think that it's NASA's incompetance and while i still believe China is getting the secrets i may have been convinced that the foam problem is merely NASA incompetance.
Its to bad one silly reference is enough to throw you off ..hope the update helps...but if you went to my school you would have given up pet peeves and pre conceived notions long ago.

I may be new here but i thought the idea was to post our theories and let others post theirs and see what new and interesting concepts arise.
I admit i cant prove that aliens are sabotaging NASA but if ATS was solely about displaying proof we would be staring at empty pages.

I may not have made a point or struck a chord with 2 many people but i learned from some other people and my ego allows me to learn from others and not just shut off because something new is different from what i thought in the past.The confidance i have in what i do know allows me to try and learn the things i dont without the embareassment of being told im wrong.A dumb post to you could be someone's creative spark,I followed a post on private aerospace that i believe branched from this one as my post branched from another.I learned,im happy.So im the only guy on the planet that thought foam wasnt the real cause.Oh well.

You may think my post was garbage but i had some curiosity and i explored it whether i was right or wrong no matter the outcome,maybe you prefer to just add dumb comments to other peoples posts and thats fine 2 if thats how you learn,unless of course your that guy that already knows everything,In which case i meet you all the time.

Instead of asking for proof that chins in a chinese phonebook is an obesity joke ill just admit it,you got me,i hoaxed it but I could have messages planted all through this post and all you came away with was an obesity joke.

[edit on 31-10-2005 by jimstradamus]

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 10:41 PM
Lost Shaman...sorry if there was any jokes you didnt like,Your obviously a smart guy...we'll just have to disagree on NASA negligence,thanks for adding to the post.Im know the foam would stick if you worked there.

There is more than rocket talk goin on above the atmosphere while at the present NASA cant go..publicly anyway..theres some interesting new Countries in the Space race and i do believe NASA is being kept out of something.

[edit on 31-10-2005 by jimstradamus]

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