posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 02:12 AM
I was just thinking about the question Byrd asks. Supposing you do manage to terrify someone into "making a decision for Jesus" after being scared
sh**less at one of these things--how long do you suppose such a "conversion" will last? This is someone making a "decision" under the most extreme
emotional duress--this ain't about "free will" at all, which it's supposed to be! I think you'll have one of two possible outcomes--either
someone who clings to this sect's version of "Christianity" out of a mindless terror of hell (not a great Christian in my view, motivated by fear
and fear alone), OR a person who once the fear fades will go back to their old ways and will incidentally probably be "inoculated" against
Christianity for life, due to the scars they suffered during this emotional assault. I can only imagine the kind of emotional distress, nightmares,
terror of hell (and religion!) and all the other kinds of emotional damage that will result from this kind of shameless exhibition. I expect some
people could suffer lifelong negative consequences from a horror show like this, especially those who are very young and vulnerable. Because
remember--unlike horror movies, this is not presented as fiction. This is presented as REALITY, and that is far more terrifying. I know--I've never
been to a Hell House and never will--the whole idea repulses me--but in my childhood I was exposed to some attempts to frighten me into conversion.
All it did was give me nightmares!!