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Things Jesus Hates and You Should Too (Current Boycotts)

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posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 06:14 AM
If you're a busy family values activist like me you've been too caught up watching the season finales of all the shows on the FOX NETWORKS to keep up with the anti-family things Jesus currently hates.

Can you believe the threesome is now a foursome? And that transgendered mouth pissing beat down? That was some must see TV right there!

Well here's the quarterly wrap up of things to be concerned about for those that that missed it. Let's mold this country to our authoritarian view by voting with our coin purses and annoying the heck out of people now that granny's got e-mail.

Mattel -10/11/05
I personally can't follow the logic as to why I'm supposed to hate these satanist son's of bitches, but I do. E-mail links inside. Get 'em Christian soldiers.

NASCAR - 9/19/2005
Lawls yes. It's about time those NASCAR jokers showed some RESPECT for family values. Feedback link inside. That Robby Gordon thinks he's so smug. His blatant use of the "S" word on national television is gonna cost him. Jesus thinks a $10,000 fine and 25 race points will press the point of eternal damnation nicely. Gordon has already earned $1.8 million this year.

XXX Domain - 8/16/2005
Vin Diesel doesn't need his own domain. We do.

CNN - 8/15/2005
I HATE those guys.

AllState Insurance - 8/9/2005
Diversity Inc., a company which rates homosexual friendly corporations, recently rated Allstate as the ninth most homosexual friendly corporation in America, well ahead of hundreds of other corporations. 'Nuff said. Let's open the ninth gate of hell of these Jesus haters. E-mail link inside.

Carls Jr and Hardees - 7/28/2005
Naked midriff's in ads. This is important. Forget e-mail, phone numbers inside. Take a stand against belly buttonists.

Kraft Foods - 6/8/2005
It's the cheesiest. Get a load of their diversity statement.

"Diversity is more than a word many people like to say. At Kraft we truly respect all kinds of differences. And diversity is not a selective concept. By definition, it’s nothing if not inclusive. We respect diversity of ethnicity, gender, experience, background, personal style and yes, sexual orientation and gender identity. Recognizing, respecting and valuing these differences helps us be a more successful business and a workplace where all employees can realize their full potential."

Jesus wants them dead. He wants their families dead! He want their houses burned to the ground! But most of all, He wants to go there in the middle of the night and piss on their ashes! E-mail links inside.

As most of you know, the 2.2 million member American Family Association was founded by United Methodist Minister Donald E. Wildmon after a particularly grueling night of watching television.

"One evening in 1977 I sat down with my family to watch TV. On one channel was adultery, on another cursing, on another a man beating another over the head with a hammer. I asked the children to turn off the TV. I sat there, got angry, and said, 'They're going to bring this into my home, and I'm going to do all I can to change it."

And as evident by our success, we're making a HUUUGE difference. Why just last year we got Disney to do absolutely nothing. Now, if you'll excuse me I've got to run. Fox 'n Friends is coming on and that Mancow segment is HI-LAR-I-OUS!

See you on the Internets!

[edit on 13-10-2005 by RANT]

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by RANT
CNN - 8/15/2005
I HATE those guys.

Not to worry RANT. NOBODY watches CNN. If they do
watch, they don't admit to it in public. It ooozes agenda.

if you'll excuse me I've got to run. Fox 'n Friends is coming on and that Mancow segment is HI-LAR-I-OUS!

Ah yes, morning TV. What to watch? Katie Couric? I'd rather throw up.
MSNBC with Imus? He's disgusting. MSNBC is okay, but IMUS stinks.
CNN? Yeah right
. On to Mancow - he isn't on but for 2 minutes
... he's ... um ... entertaining. AND he's better than CNN, Couric, and
(or should I say, 'less bad'?)

Seriously ... not much in the morning to chose from, eh?

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 07:56 AM
Jesus Really hates all those things? WOW, um how exactly do we know he hates these things?

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 09:27 AM
Hey im the neo incarnation of Jesus (believe me or not) and i dont hate, i just laugh about these trivial absurdities of mankind, but i certainly dont hate these kinds of thing.

Why are people so arrogant to speak for my behalf anyway??
Is it because you think you are better the the rest, me included??

Im gonna ask my friend Peter to give you some serious spanking when you come to the gates if you dont watch it, just concentrate on your own good doings in this world and dont judge others.

This is my lecture for today and have to cure some lepards now.


posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 09:38 AM
Jesus and God has become like a shirt you buy in a dollar store, One size fits all.

So depending of your agenda and what you hate the most, Jesus and God are right there next to you, to do the hating with you.

Isn't religion glorious. Amen.

Now about ManCow I used to listen to him before going to work in the mornings here in GA but they took him out of the radio air waves I mean the "Religious rights"

They are watching over me to make sure I don't get my mind contaminate by the kinds like him.

Isn't Religion glorious, and more glorious the self appointed righteous that wants to do the thinking for you.


posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
Now about ManCow I used to listen to him before going to work in the mornings here in GA but they took him out of the radio air waves I mean the "Religious rights"

They are watching over me to make sure I don't get my mind contaminate by the kinds like him.

Are you sure it wasn't the pro-censorship liberal PC thought police on that one? Jesus likes Mancow. He hates "Dummycraps" and homos just like the Lord.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 10:17 AM
Ah, just won't do!LMAO!

Originally posted by RANT

Originally posted by marg6043
Now about ManCow I used to listen to him before going to work in the mornings here in GA but they took him out of the radio air waves I mean the "Religious rights"

They are watching over me to make sure I don't get my mind contaminate by the kinds like him.

Are you sure it wasn't the pro-censorship liberal PC thought police on that one? Jesus likes Mancow. He hates "Dummycraps" and homos just like the Lord.

Perhaps the locals hadn't gotten the latest memo telling them who Jesus wanted off the air.......some times they're a bit behind the curve here......and sometimes mis-identify one of their own as a liberal when they go off half cocked! ( I've seen Lester (you remember him, Rant?) referred to as a liberal, just because he was a democrat! )

(I love it, "pro-censorship liberal".... you're quoting right? )

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 10:19 AM

Not to worry RANT. NOBODY watches CNN. If they do
watch, they don't admit to it in public. It ooozes agenda.

Yep. CNN oozes agenda, as does Fox News and MSNBC. There isn't anything reliable, ever. You might as well get used to it now.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 10:40 AM

Seriously ... not much in the morning to chose from, eh?

I like Washington Journal on Cspan in the morning...tis proof that Americans aren't blind sheep--maybe we're fantical, paranoid, and a lil crazy. Most definately crazy. Yet, oh so loveable.

Farrakhan was on this morning. I must link this lovely tibit.
October 13
his interview starts an 57 minutes into the program. god bless america.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by sweatmonicaIdo
Yep. CNN oozes agenda, as does Fox News and MSNBC.
There isn't anything reliable, ever.

I'd give ya an applause if I had one left. I totally agree
with you. I don't know if 'truth' exhists on this planet anymore.
Would anyone even know it if they saw it??

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 12:18 PM
??? Nascar? Isn't Nascar thee redneck right wing conservative sport? I love racing, and saw Robby Gordon snap and throw his helmet at MW. Then when he said **** on tv reminded me when Dale Jr did it last year. Different circumstances but still funny.

Mattell? Go Mattell! How many of these dolls can I buy, or can I just donate money to the Girls Inc?

CNN? Hey at least watching that doesn't count towards your daily 4-7 hours of Bush Worship.(Every 2 hours spent watching counts as 1 hour of Bush Worship)

XXX? That's right sex is an evil vile thing that should be banned! 100 years later no humans left but at least we won the War on Sex

AllState? How the hell can an insurance company be gay?


They hate Kraft Foods? Just proves my points even more, republicans need to be stopped. Hey, they could help the War on Sex by not breeding, so a 100 years from now the Average IQ of the planet goes up 20 points and peace breaks out as the National Debt is taken to 0 as all the blacks, gays, jews, and women celebrate the fact they aren't killed for being black, gay, jewish, or women.

Rant, can I send a email to Kraft/the others? They offer it on the site but that is negative, I want to send supportive ones. Like for Kraft Cheese something about the penis sniffers need to get hobbies.(To make sure they don't smell like butt)

Edit2: Here is the Email I sent to Kraft CHeese...
You guys are supporting the Gay Games in Chicago which the Penis Sniffers(christians) are attacking. They are now attacking you guys for not being the bigots they are. Go Kraft! These Penis Sniffers need to get a life or a hobby instead of making sure a penis doesn't smell like butt. Again, GO KRAFT!!!

Edit3: Email to All State...
The Bigots(christians) are currently attacking you because they say you support gays. How that is possible IDK. ANyways, the Penis Sniffing Bigots need to a a hobby and leave you guys alone. Go All State!

Edit4: Email to Hardees

The Penis Sniffing Bigots(christians) are attacking you because of your ads. Not like we don't see worse(or better, hehe) at the mall or beach. The Penis Sniffing Bigots(christians) need to get a hobby and leave your great food alone. Go Hardees!
[edit on 13-10-2005 by Full Metal]

[edit on 13-10-2005 by Full Metal]

[edit on 13-10-2005 by Full Metal]

[edit on 13-10-2005 by Full Metal]

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 12:29 PM
Theres a recurring problem that anyone who believes in Jesus or God is automaticly labelled as republican. I'm of neither left nor right, and if I was either I wouldn't expect it to reflect my religious view. As someone who would be seen as a liberal in the "peace love and understanding" sense, wouldn't it make sense to believe in an all loving God? Just because ultra republicans think everyone should be controlled and ultra Liberals think no one should have any control over them, doesn't mean that relgion can be slotted into the frames. Faith in God is totally separate and I fail to see why so many non "right or left" religious folk should be labelled Republican.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 12:30 PM
NASCAR is family values.

And if anyone continues to insist it is not, then how about add to that Jesus-Hates list: Major League Baseball, NFL, NBA, etc, etc., k?

What a bunch of liberal agenda ridden self-serving Mancow wannabe manure, if I have ever heard such on family values and what Jesus hates. Who the hell knows exactly what Jesus hates? How ludicrous.

You want real family values, then get your sledgehammers out and start destroying your TVs. Unplug your internet line from your computers. Get rid of your internet service provider. Start reading some books and spending more time with your FAMILIES, hello?! Better yet, give thought to joining or supporting an anti-ACLU organization, cause we all know that the ACLU is definately trying to protect us and our family values....


[edit on 13-10-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 12:47 PM
Rant, why do you hate decency and embrace filth in such a way?

Why do you say crap like "Jesus wants them dead" when you know that is not true. In case you don't know, if it were God's desire to simply kill people for being viole, he could have done so without sending His Son to die for our sins.

Here's a big ol' clue for you we Christians have just as much a right to stand against filth and indecency as the filthy and indecent have to try and destroy our culture. As a matter of fact, we have an obligation to do so, since, as I've told you beore and you prefer to deny it, this was created to be a Christian nation and was a strong nation when it actually was a Christian nation. I see why you prefer to deny that, as it appears you prefer to mock that which is Christian and stand for that which is not.

If you wish, you may continue to mock Jesus and belittle those of us who prefer to not support those who are doing their best to destroy the traditional values that held the nation together during some dark days of our past. When the time comes, either on this side or the other of eternity, you will remember your stand, and you will also remember my words.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 12:57 PM
You have voted Seekerof for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

AND T.C. if i could give you a WATS too, i would. Things Jesus hates would be people stating (arbitrarily) the things that Jesus hates imho.

But hey RANT likes to rant what'cha gonna do, i am worried that he's starting to grow on me tho.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:00 PM
If you wish, you may continue to mock Jesus Thomas Crowne

Is that like mockign the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus? What? I won't get any gifts under the christmas tree? I won't get my chocolate eggs? I won't get molested by a priest?

And Rren, you people use Jesus/God to say "He hates gays, evolution/science, blacks, liberals, PETA, and anyone else who doesn't worship Bush&Co who are the Second Coming." SO why can you say Jesus hates these people but Rant can't? Is it because he is one of those Liberals Jesus hates?

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Why do you say crap like "Jesus wants them dead" when you know that is not true. In case you don't know, if it were God's desire to simply kill people for being viole, he could have done so without sending His Son to die for our sins.

That is the point TC if the Christan God wanted to kill his master piece "Human kind" it would had do it long time ago and create a new one more "friendly and willing"

But that is not the case, "Jesus wants them death" is a metaphor TC the Jesus version of the self righteous religious leaders of our country had drill that kind of though to the common faithful American and many of them don't even know what they are agreeing with it, but they do so, remember never question your religious leaders because they are closes to the lord that you will ever be or that is what many preach anyway.

So don't be so outraged about Rants post be more outrage of what people in this country is heading thanks to the fundamentalist around they are actually poisoning people with their BS.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:09 PM
chebob, the reason those fostering Christian ideals are labeled as republicans is because most of the vocal, hard-core Christians and most of the vocal, hard-core republicans vocalize the same principles--to the point I personally get tired of both. At least that's how I've always observed it to be.

Although it was directed at RANT, I would like to offer my own response for some of your post TC. While this nation's ideals were most certainly founded on Christian beliefs, I've never understood this to be a nation created as a Christian nation. In fact, I though freedom of religion was one of the biggies in starting this nation--give the people the ability to worship whomever they want, regardless of how Christian their beliefs may be.

While there are plenty of "traditional values" that should most definitely be upheld, I see no reason why you not wanting to support, for example, a company that's associated with pro-homosexuality groups, should affect my decision to support them. If you don't want your kids growing up with Barbie & Kendra dolls then fine--but there's no reason you should keep me from letting my kids grow up with them if I want to let them.

One thing I've always loved about life is that, if something is bothering me, I have every right to avoid it. I think that TV show is offensive and I don't want my kids watching it? Then I change the channel. The guy next door can't miss an episode? That's his problem, not mine. And if the guy isn't mentally stable enough to keep in mind that it's only a television show, and somehow screws around with my kids because of it, then I should've done something to prevent my kids from getting in that situation. Taught them better, moved, anything. My kids are my responsibility, and his actions are his.

I completely agree with Seekerof. If some group is wanting to bolster this nation's family values, then they should be trying to get families to act as families and keep them from staring at the television all day. Get them off the internet. Get the damned controllers out of the kid's hand and teach them what family values are.

Don't try to force it on the rest of us; let us make our own mistakes. If that somehow weakens this country, then maybe the human race just isn't ready for that level of freedom and we can go back to dictators and monarchs.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:16 PM
Hell when I get old and have kids I'd hope my daughter was a lesbian, means she wouldn't be doing the nasty with any boys. No nasty with boys, no pregnancies, no 14 year old girl having a kid that she can't take care of or drops out of school to do so. I would probably take care of the kid so my daughter could continue with school, but still, a lesbian daughter means 0-1% chance of that happeneing.(rape being that 1% chance)

Daughter's are God's curse on men for being men. They know how they were when they were teens and hope their precious little girl doesn't meet any boys like that.(Something like that, from Tom Clancy Executive Orders)

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by MCory1
chebob, the reason those fostering Christian ideals are labeled as republicans is because most of the vocal, hard-core Christians and most of the vocal, hard-core republicans vocalize the same principles--to the point I personally get tired of both. At least that's how I've always observed it to be.

Bingo, what many can not digest yet is that the Republican party has been taken over by Religious rights, it has taken them almost two decades to do just that.

You take Pat's own words.

"We are not coming up against just human beings to beat them in elections. We're going to be coming up against spiritual warfare." (Pat Robertson at a 1994 Christian Coalition national strategy conference)"

One good example is how Pat and his Christian coalition has claim ownership of the Republican party and claim that he help put Bush in power.

When the Christian coalition was formed back in the early 90's their main goal was to "Working Control" of the Republican Party -- Precinct by Precinct, State by State.

They are very good at what they do, taking control of the nation through the Republican party with help from "Above"

In 1994 The Christian coalition sent their brand new guide "Family Values Voter's Guide" To more than 100,000 churches nationwide.

1996, 45 million voter guides were sent out.

In 2000, 75 million voter guides were sent out to support George Bush.

The Christan coalition has gain lot within the Republican party since 2004,

The candidates it has supported now reside in the U.S. Congress, state legislatures, the courts, state boards of education and more. And most of the Republican leadership of the U.S. Congress consistently receive 100% scores from Christian Coalition. Thirty-eight out of fifty-two Republicans in the U.S. Senate received 100% scorecards from Family Research Council in 2003 and forty-one out of fifty-one Senators received 100% scorecards from Christian Coalition in 2004.

Then people ask why when is mention something about the "Religious Rights" every body think "Republican Party"

Its very obvious.

Bush Allies Till Fertile Soil, Among Baptists, for Votes

[edit on 13-10-2005 by marg6043]

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