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Extreme Urban Organic Farming

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posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 02:11 AM
Wired News: No Green Acres? Try Skyscrapers

The goal of Lior Hassel's plan is to put unusable and unrecyclable storage containers to good use, stack em up and set up organic hydroponic farms right in sub-urbia or even inner-city. By stacking them up in skyscraper food "factories" he believes he can make money by offering cheaper transportation cost's and who's to argue, grow it near where it's needed. If that wasn't audatious enough he plans to have the entire system automated that will be run by a handfull of technitions, I can already see repair men rubbing their hands with glee.

OrganiTech can supply a complete set of robotic equipment plus greenhouse for $2 million. A system the size of a tennis court can produce 145,000 bags of lettuce leaves per year -- that's a yield similar to a 100-acre traditional farm. According to the company, it costs 27 cents to produce a single head of lettuce with its system, compared to about 18 cents per head of lettuce grown in California fields. Factor in the transportation costs and suddenly the automated greenhouse grower saves as much as 43 cents a head.

So what do you all think?

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 04:23 AM
Could you describe the "unusable and unrecyclable storage containers"? I'm curious about what they are.

I get 4 gallon plastic buckets from the bakery department at large grocery stores and grow tomatoes in them. They work just fine and are really sturdy. They probably don't degrade in landfills which is where they go if no one asks for them. I set my tomatoes in front of windows that will reflect the sun on them so they get a double dose. Great tomatoes!

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 12:32 PM
Oops sorrry Didn't read carefully enough, they are basically those steel contrainers you see on the back of 18 wheelers and on trains.

[edit on 3-10-2005 by sardion2000]

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by sardion2000
So what do you all think?

I think it is a great idea that has been long overdue for quite some time now. With agricultural methods that are outdated at best, it is this kind of thinking that is going to be necessary if we as a species have any plans of meeting food needs in the 21st century. I do however think that this sort of thing will only be a first step towards bigger and more complex urban food production centers.

I forget the name right now, but there are ways of growing multiple foods, and raising animals so that all systems benefit each other. This is set up in a multi layer system with the intent of maximizing the use of all things produced, including waste.

For instance, a mutli tiered system could be capable of raising a type of fish at the top of such a structure. The water would then be recycled into another tank that held bottom feeders such as catfish or shrimp, which eat animal waste in water. From here the water could be used to water and fertilize a variety of crops, without the need of much fertilizer because of trace elements left over from the fish waste, and bottom feeder waste. From here the water could be transfered to another tank where an algae or edible seaweed could be grown. This would further clean the water making it suitable to pump back into the top tank containing the fish, and then the process starts all over again. Of course some water is lost, and I am sure nutrient supplementation would be necessary, but it would still save resources and produce more in the long run.

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 12:23 AM
How would they use those containers? Put in a bunch of grow lights? Or cut them in half and let the plants grow in the sun?

I'd like to get one of those containers. I'd bury it and use it as a root cellar. They'd make good bomb shelters if people are still doing that.

I do think the gardening idea is a good one.

[edit on 6-10-2005 by Alikospah]

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 12:29 AM
They can and probably will use a mix of Fiber Optic's to rout sunlight into the containers and regular lights powered through the grid, eventually you could stick a bunch of solar panels, fiber panels and wind turbines to supply a good portion of the power required. As for buying a box for yourself, those things are heavy beasts just transporting them will cost allot. Taking sides off could compromise structural integrity unless they replace it with very strong glass as he wants to build skyscrapers of these things.

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 12:36 AM
Sardion -- I like the idea, except who's got $2 million to build one of these?

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 12:40 AM
Unless a ship comes in for me, its out of my reach. But you never know. If I had the chance, I'd have one buried on my place. Just cut a door in one end is all that's needed and if the right ship came in, I could afford that. LOL

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 12:45 AM

Just for a visual reference this is what this guy plans to use. Look for a local junkyard that stores these things, you might be able to come to an accomidation with the owner and the transport cost's may not be as painfull as I think. Doesn't hurt to try anyway eh?

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 03:14 AM
I reckon this ideas fantastic. Solve world hunger by making more food with less space!

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 07:43 PM
Your first statement in this thread is he'll be using unrecyclable storage containers.

Why Steel is North America's #1 Recycled Material

There are good reasons why steel is The Most Recycled Material in the World.

* Steel is 100% recyclable.
* Steel can be recycled many times over without losing durability or strength.

The environmental benefits of recycled steel are substantial.

* Recycling steel saves energy, conserves natural resources, and reduces landfill waste.
* Each year, steel recycling saves in energy consumption an amount equal to the electricity needs of about 20 million North American homes.
* Every ton of steel recycled saves 2500 pounds of iron ore, 1400 pounds of coal, and 120 pounds of limestone.
* Half of Canada's steel capacity is produced in electric furnace mills that use virtually 100% steel scrap in the production process.
* It takes 40 to 50 trees to frame a 2,000-square foot home. The same home could be framed using the steel from just six junked cars.

I just love the expression "scrap steel".

It's never scrap, it's a valuable commodity unless contaminated with radiation.

I think people could do more by just planting potatos instead of petunias.
You don't need all those pretty flowers in your yard or that perfect mono-cultured lawn. Plant some peas and tomatoes and grow a row of corn along your fence line.
Transportation costs drop to zero when you only have to walk them to your kitchen.

Even if you live in a condo or apartment, people have balconies and window sills, plant something on them, it's not that hard.

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 09:18 PM
Backyard gardens are hardly enough.

If they are 100 % economically recyclable then why are they not being recycled? I know of a few places like that around my city that I've driven by on occasion and they were just sitting they piling up ever so gradually. Also you ever consider those living in northern latitudes?

I think people could do more by just planting potatos instead of petunias.

You expect too much out of people in this day and age, this brings agriculture into the 21st century and does away with lots of wastage and pollution. Did you actually read the article or are you just responding to comments in the thread?

[edit on 6-10-2005 by sardion2000]

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 05:15 PM
Sardion -- If the NWO goes as planned, there won't be anymore farmers out west growing our food. So your high-rise farming idea may be the way it's done.

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by resistance
Sardion -- If the NWO goes as planned, there won't be anymore farmers out west growing our food. So your high-rise farming idea may be the way it's done.

You know the NWO plan hmm? Wonderfull that means we can beat "them"(whoever "they" are changes with whoever you ask The Left say it's the corporations and the Right say it's them socialist pinko lefies in France).

Paranoia aside regular farms are incredibly polluting and very wasteful as well as risky(Bird Flu, Mad Cow etc) as was stated above this brings agriculture into the 21st century as well as making it cheaper to eat for everybody (transportation is the majority of the cost of food)

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by sardion2000

Originally posted by resistance
Sardion -- If the NWO goes as planned, there won't be anymore farmers out west growing our food. So your high-rise farming idea may be the way it's done.

You know the NWO plan hmm? Wonderfull that means we can beat "them"(whoever "they" are changes with whoever you ask The Left say it's the corporations and the Right say it's them socialist pinko lefies in France).

Paranoia aside regular farms are incredibly polluting and very wasteful as well as risky(Bird Flu, Mad Cow etc) as was stated above this brings agriculture into the 21st century as well as making it cheaper to eat for everybody (transportation is the majority of the cost of food)

Bird Flu, Mad Cow are "manufactured crises" to allow the Illuminati (through FEMA, USDA, etcetera) to impose marshal law and clamp down on the farmers and ranchers. You seem to have bought the propaganda that the world would be better off without farmers and ranchers. In fact, this is a lie right out of the pits of hell.

We do not live in an overpopulated or polluted world. Whatever pollution we have is caused by these Rewilding proponents, Cull-and-thin-the-polluting-humans zealots. Their chemtrails, HAARP machines and GWEN towers are polluting and destroying the atmosphere in one day more than all our cars and lawnmowers and fertilizer does in a lifetime.

We do not live in an overpopulated world. The entire world's population could be put in the state of Texas and still have billions of square feet left over. Most of the earth is uninhabited, full of trees. You need to look deeper into what's true and what's not true, don't accept the propaganda handed out in the government schools, the media, etcetera.

Scripture says, What man most highly esteems God considers to be an abomination. So if somebody or something is highly esteemed, it's probably that way because they bowed their knee to Satan and sold their soul. If you're willing to tell lies and exploit people, you will rise to the top of the heap the way our world goes today.

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 05:52 PM
Thanks for trying to derail my thread man much appreciated... When did I ever mention overpopulation? We are heading towards a fertility crises in 30-40 years... I guess all the pollution is just in my head then as I cannot even breath when it's smoggy out where does that smog come from HAARP? I guess my Asthma is a conspiracy in order to get me addicted to ultra cheap medication that extends my life expectancy by a few decades (my great grandmonther died at 52 from an Asthma attack)

One thing if you are so convinced that Pollution doesn't exist then get into a car go into a sealed garage and turn it on. Or just start inhaling exhaust fumes straight from the tailpipe see how you like that. Try going for a swim in Lake Ontario, the Don river or the Humber River in Toronto I dare you
I know someone who lost ALL his hair from swimming in the Don River

[edit on 7-10-2005 by sardion2000]

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by sardion2000
Thanks for trying to derail my thread man much appreciated... When did I ever mention overpopulation? We are heading towards a fertility crises in 30-40 years... I guess all the pollution is just in my head then as I cannot even breath when it's smoggy out where does that smog come from HAARP? I guess my Asthma is a conspiracy in order to get me addicted to ultra cheap medication that extends my life expectancy by a few decades (my great grandmonther died at 52 from an Asthma attack)

[edit on 7-10-2005 by sardion2000]

Sardion -- I'm not trying to derail your thread. I agree that if people are forced to live congested into highrises and the farmers and ranchers are outlawed -- which it looks they are on their way to being -- that this is one way that food can be grown.

Seems like if you have asthma from all the cars and city smokestacks maybe the farms and ranches might be something you'd like to look into yourself, like go live in the country if your asthma is that bad. I'm not trying to be mean and heartless or derail your thread. I do not disagree with the idea you propose at all. I just disputed with you about the denigration of farmers and ranchers.


posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by resistance
Bird Flu, Mad Cow are "manufactured crises" to allow the Illuminati (through FEMA, USDA, etcetera) to impose marshal law and clamp down on the farmers and ranchers.

I guess all the health professionals have bought that line hook and sinker too as they are treating it very seriously. Personally I would rather believe trained professionals then some PCT(Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist)

You seem to have bought the propaganda that the world would be better off without farmers and ranchers. In fact, this is a lie right out of the pits of hell.

You've bought the propoganda being push by whom? I dunno where you get your info from but it seems very Bible centric.

We do not live in an overpopulated or polluted world. Whatever pollution we have is caused by these Rewilding proponents,

This is what I meant about derailing this thread. Perhaps a poor choice of words on my part in describing, you tried to put words into my mouth would have been a better way to put it. However we do live in a polluted world getting more so every day, I could pull up hundreds of links to support my position but really how much would that really do to change your mind? Not much I would think so I'm not even going to bother.

Their chemtrails, HAARP machines and GWEN towers are polluting and destroying the atmosphere in one day more than all our cars and lawnmowers and fertilizer does in a lifetime.

Yeah I guess pulling up peer-reviewed articles would just get shot down as propaganda by you so why should I even bother responding to this?

The entire world's population could be put in the state of Texas and still have billions of square feet left over.

What are you smoking and where can I get some?
You do realize how many acres of farmland it takes to feed a million people? You do realize how much space it would take to feed all six billion people using conventional farming technologies.

Most of the earth is uninhabited, full of trees. You need to look deeper into what's true and what's not true, don't accept the propaganda handed out in the government schools, the media, etcetera.

I'm an Engineer in training I only believe what I can see and experiment with, you should try taking a few courses it firewalls the brain against BS.

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 07:16 PM

I'm an Engineer in training I only believe what I can see and experiment with, you should try taking a few courses it firewalls the brain against BS.

Then go up in a plane and peek out the window. You'll see we're not overpopulated. Most of the planet is uninhabited, and there are trees everywhere.

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 07:22 PM
Great thread Sardion - good stuff. I cited it in one of my own pieces.

...A while back, I read a research piece that promoted greenhouses as the future of farming. Farmers laugh, but I wonder if it wasn't planning for an ice age. Lost the link and haven't been able to find it again. But this plan looks somewhat similar.

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