posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 09:59 PM
This is my alien encouter.I don't want to stante my name becase this is privet.I was 16.This is one out of two abdutiones i had.This was my first
one. It was about 11o'clock at night, i was just lining down in my bed thinking about my day.When i heard a bussing sound,then a blinding light.Then
i saw them ther not like the things that pepple reported.But my abdutes where about 5Ft. but thay looked just like us, thay had the same
hare,eyes,throut,nose,evey thang.but the only thanges diffrent is thay had difrent kind of fingers and didden't have clothes on. Once i saw them I
tried to move but i cudn't.It felt like i was perlised head to toe,the only thang i can move is my eyes. I over herd one ,it said ( that i was a
perfet specemen),then thay nauded to agement.the next thang thsy did thay took all the covers off my bed.Then thay put 4 small prisim boxes on the
corners of me, then i rose about 2 feet off my bed and started going towards the window, but somehow i went thrue my close window.
Once i was on bord thay put me in this machen.This machen had some kind of horizonal lazer.Which cut away my PJ's off when it pased over my boody.
The next thang i new i was lang down on a cold table.I have been laing for 30 min. whith out them notising the parlisaton went away. When thay came in
thay brout some siver cabnents with them, when thay open the cabnets i saw some intements some where vary long neddles,scaples,secsers,and alot of
tubes. Then i was friton, then I tride to excape.When i seted up thay grabed me and pused me back down on the table.I stugle i was varey hard to get
up agein, but thay where to stroung.So i new it was hopeles so i gave up. then one of them put claof like subdence over and under me, the only thang
that was not cover was my face. Then one of them pused a button and some steem came down from the cilling. Then i new that the claof turnd into some
form of strong latex over me.It conneted me to the tabble.I was scerming my head off,because it begane to sqsase me for a short while once it stop I
had vary little room to move. It feelt like being stuck in concret.The one by my head put some of the extra latex behind my head over my head.It was
vary hard to breath therw the material.One of them cut 9 hose in the material, left eye,2. my right eye, left ear, right ear, nose mouth belly button 8.#1 privet 9.#2 privet. When i was yelling the surgen put some kind of black sluge in my mouth then put a meatle mouth
peace in my mouth ,then a long metle tube thrue the moute pece and then down my throut. And a lot of tubes going into all the oping in my body, ther
must have been 20 tubes goin into me.And a lot of other thangs to perpar me to examen.One of them conneted to my #1 privet which had claws at the end
of it. The examation was extemly panful heres what i now what happen ,thay lower this machean from the siling and a 4in.neddle persed my bellbuton,
and i was in a lot of pain.After 2 1/2 of having exteming painfuil examanations.Thay parlised me agien and put a light over me and tund it on all of
asodon the latex subdes was backto its arignal form. Then two of them cared me off to a diferent room.
The room was brigly lite add it was pure white inside,there was just a small mat on the ground, the 2 aliens put me on that mat which it felt like
cold wet clay which can stile can be molded ,befor thay left thay gave me a shot whith a surige.I was ther for about ten min, whil in that time it
felt like i was skinking in the clay, it felt i sunk 2in.,then about five minets latter two alien female came in and cercle around me for few
minets.Then a had a bad thout in my head. That i was going to be used for bio and repoduteve experments and I was right.Then thay came on me, for 2
houres i had sexual contact then it was ended.After that all of them came in and cared me off to the expmeal lab agen. Then thay black me out, next
thang i new i was in my bed agen.
no,this is no prank this relly happed. i swer it.