The Golden Spike
Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
you can speculate all you want to...
but you are wrong... All we have been hearing for the last 3 days in Oklahoma is about the bombing... no such "spiking" as you are trying to
I am claiming that this story is being spiked at the national level. If I'm wrong, kindly give some examples. I am citing all my sources.
Show me where I'm wrong.
I am not assuming anything about this case. I am observing the shocking disparity between the nature of this story and the national coverage and
expressing my significant concern about what I'm observing.
I invite you to find this story on,, or today. Note the extent of the coverage. Note what stories
are being carried instead of this one.
Note the conspicuous absence of investigative reporting as we head into the
fourth day after what the “authorities” are officially calling
a “suicide bombing”.
In Oklahoma!
Note the pushing of an “official” story which is not supported by the facts presented so far.
The angle is clearly to “prove” that our unfortunate three-named suspect intended suicide, despite the fact that there was no suicide note
(according to them) and the proximity of tens of thousands of people to the blast site.
I am highly suspicious of the motives for doing this.
The Frustrating Quest For Answers
Meanwhile, I have been stomaching the commercial bombardment of my local news radio station -- which is normally all over stories like this one -- and
so far, I haven't heard ONE WORD about this story.
I'm referring to
KKOH. Go see for yourself. Not ONE WORD. And this silence coming from a station that runs the entire
right-wing line-up -- including Michael Savage -- and so far I haven't heard anything about this story from them.
I haven't been listening 24/7 -- I can't handle that much of this stuff -- but if anyone else has heard anything on this story from these people,
please let me know, because I can't find this story there.
That's what bothers me: the rumors coming from
all sources in lieu of facts, and the deafening
silence surrounding a
suicide bombing
on U.S. soil.
I am at least as skeptical of some of the so-called sources for this story as anyone else is.
So let's please not spread the false rumor that I have abandoned skepticism.
I have reasonable concerns which are justified by the way this story is being handled by the media. I ask simply that my concerns be addressed. I am
NOT trying to push this story in a particular direction.
I just want some facts, and facts are not only scarce, but the spin being promoted in place of them is highly suspect.
Why is this story being handled this way?
That's what I want to know.
The Most Unreliable Source
Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
Majic, I don't want you to leave this story alone... I just want you to get it right... please no more assumptions of islamic connection... at this
point, with no evidence, (world nut daily excluded) that is just insulting... and ignorant...and scaremongering... no need to go there until the
littlest evidence can point there...
I suggest you follow your own advice and not make assumptions.
In particular, I recommend not making assumptions about me. This story is not about me, so please stay on topic and stop talking about me, okay?
If you have evidence I have made a false assumption, kindly post a quote MADE BY ME and your evidence showing I'm wrong. If you have such evidence, I
would greatly appreciate that, because it will help me to correct whatever errors I have made so far in this case.
Specifically, I urge you to kindly withdraw so much as the suggestion that I am making any sort of Islamic connection to this case, because that is
demonstrably false. I have seen others make that claim, but I have seen no credible evidence to support it, which is why I claim
not to know if
there is such a connection.
Check this thread. I have not even so much as used the word in this thread until now -- and only in response to
your slanderous claim. Please
don't try to confuse things more than they already are by making misleading statements like that.
I don't mind being proven wrong, but I seriously mind people making false statements about me or my position on things. Please don't put words in my
mouth. I have more than enough of my own to share, as I am sure my fellow members can agree.
I'm interested in the facts of this case, not false speculation about me or what I believe. If you want to quote me, quote me accurately and use a
quote block.
Let's leave the expression of my opinions to me, okay?
Assessing The Coverage
Let's take a look at my claims so far,
which specifically do NOT include speculation about the motives of the bomber, with the possible
exception of a sarcastic jab that he might have been a “Mennonite” (I really don't know what his religion, if any, was).
I am claiming that this story is being spiked at the national level, and that “mainstream media” coverage of this incident is conspicuously absent
to an absurd degree.
Is anyone seeing coverage of this that I'm not seeing?
At the national level, there is a virtual blackout on this story. What information I am seeing comes from the local student newspaper and information
from people who claim to live in Norman or were at the game that night.
This story is being carried almost exclusively by the “blogosphere”. Am I the only person who finds that disturbing? Am I to understand that the
story of a suicide bomber on U.S. soil -- whatever the details may be -- doesn't merit national attention?
What I'm not seeing is any evidence that this story is being investigated by the “big boys”. Usually they at least send a reporter and have them
check in, but I've seen nothing like that so far.
Am I wrong about the dearth of national coverage? If so, please show me some links so I can get educated about this.
That's all I ask: I just want to know what's going on here.