Some ideas for Cicada and others - if you're interested in future research:
Now I have a warm spot for Freemasonry – They are very good people. So many Freemasons do not yet realize how important their history is. Was it
not the Great Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce himself who said that the future in the New Age of Aquarius would belong to something like that brotherly
love of the Mason, not necessarily Freemasonry but that brotherly love portion of it? If it were not for Freemasonry, many of the greatest truths
would never have been protected and later revealed. Early Freemasons understood the notion of the Spiritual Sun, or as was known earlier as
“Aton” and helped bring forward much of those Mystery school teachings. But later it degenerated into a tradition of sorts, but the Masons never
worshipped the material Sun as a God. And although the Knights Templar, who fought against the Muslim Assassins (the Saracens – wearing the
modern-day peace symbol as a sign of disrespect to the Christian), the knights also continued to preserve the earliest forms of the Essene teachings
of Jesus and many others, who came before and after him. But the Church decided to rule over the people, just in the same way the Mullah‘s and
Imams did it to the Islamic world after the Great Prophet Mohammed passed over. This pattern seems to repeat itself over and over again. In all the
Great Empires, we see this happening.
My interest in spiritual truth means everything to me. I studied the writings of early Christian scholars like Origen and St. Augustine, and the 4
main books of the Bible, Mark, Mathew, John, and Luke. Interestingly enough, all the earliest Christians believed in re-incarnation - no surprise
there. These advanced souls seemed so close to what I envisioned Jesus to be like. The Logos or Christ consciousness, are common terms to me. I
started to slowly place the bits and pieces together and eventually came to the conclusion that the Bible, just like the Koran and many of the books
were all interconnected to an Absolute Divine Truth. Even still the early fathers of all faiths altered some text.
I learned even more when studying the negative aspects that many conspiracy theorists were claiming. Just as some people had limited knowledge of the
coming New Age of Aquarius, illuminati etc my interests were not at all limited to the Gods of Set, Osiris, and Isis etc. For example, the Gods of
the Hindu - Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, are Triune in nature, as are the Gods, Osiris, and Isis and Ra etc. But these God’s were always understood as
being one in multiplicity (but not a multiple) But always we do have those degenerates who would attempt to poison God’s name by ruling over his
fellow man. The leaders of today are really pushing their luck, for if they are as gifted in smarts as they claim to be, they must also be aware of
the coming Karma-related earth changes and the new Age of spiritual enlightenment.
There were also the followers of Seth and Jehovah, a cruel and vengeful God. The early Sanhedrin Israelites are but only one example. Other
descendants are those Set and Jehova worshipers may very well rule the world today (yet under many different names). The cruel God of Jehovah or Set
was not accepted by most of the early Gnostics and the Essenes and many of their practices are spoken out against in New Testament. The Sanhedrin was
the ones who Jesus spoke out to against saying “those who call yourselves Jews, but are not, and you do lie!” The Sanhedrin manipulated the
Romans into murdering Jesus.
From my readings of the Dead Sea Scrolls and other books (for example: Mahayana Buddhism’s Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Hindu Upanishads and even
some Classical Indian Vedanta philosophy), I thought I finally had enough to satisfy a huge appetite, but that was short lived. I will add that I
found many answers to my questions in the various books and writings of Edgar Cayce. Not that he said anything more fantastic than the other, but it
was the powerful way in which he brought together ALL religions and all faiths; he even explained the origins of man from before the time of Atlantis
like I have never heard before. Thus it validates the Mayans’ and Samaritan texts along with the Bible and many, many more. Amilius and Thoth are
but examples of names often not mentioned or granted much attention by modern day scholars. Yet, Thoth’s flying craft may still be hidden under the
Sphinx? How else could the build the pyramids without changing the molecular structure of the stone to float on air? If you have studied anything of
the Theosophists, you will notice how similar Cayce’s teachings are.
From that point forward, Atlantis was the only thing I could think about. I also read the writings of John Panial (Children of the Law of One), Alice
Bailey (Lucis Trust) and I when I became stronger in my resolve I read some books on witchcraft and Satanism (black magic interested me in general) to
“understand and know thy enemy” better and also to separate them from those who are offering true service to their fellow man. I have pieced
together some modern day conspiracies (still ongoing!) and am trying to understand what is really going on today. I know Roswell was faked – this I
know and that the little green men are more of Crowley’s little demons (from inner space) rather than from an outer space, as such. There are
Guardian-like extra-terrestrials - if you want to call them that and they do not need to kidnap us or make deals with any government. They balance
the Earth’s Karma. As for UFO’s: The Tesla-based ARV’s are lightening fast and terrain made, based on my research. Most of lies propagated by
our all wise and most humble global elite have to do with instilling fear and controlling of the masses. Much of all this technology is now coming
from Atlantis times – the people are incarnating here from Atlantis now.
I highly recommend you look into researching Edgar Cayce, if you have not already done so. All his teachings speak of something that ring bells of
truth deep within us all. Some are not ready to hear the truth though. But even still, Cayce’s stuff on health is absolutely mind blowing!!
Basically, Cayce is another great addition to bring understandings together. But beware of those corruptions of the true teachings also. I am
absolutely convinced that there are some souls here (from Atlantian times) who have in effect been able to take over the minds of some of our
politicians. I cannot yet determine just how far this has permeated into our daily lives but based on the current level of mistrust and knowing that
many of teachers the Great White Brotherhood are winding up either dead or missing, things seem to point in that general direction. All the
prophecies (from Nostradamus to the Mayan’s to Cayce etc) seem to end in the Age of Aquarius, so I take them very seriously. It’s almost as if we
are about to write new one’s!
Have you also noticed the earth changes? They will get much worst and for those people who do not look for safety lands, they may join the fate of
the early Atlantians. I learned that the flood in the Bible and mentioned in other texts was a real event which occurred just after Noah built the
Arc, about 10,500 BC. His was the last of the 3 great disasters of Atlantis. Also the pyramid represents a holy workshop for us to go inside and
contact our guardian Angels on each of its sides. However, the "Arc of the Covenant" was more like a giant capacitor which the Atlantians used
inside the Great Pyramid-like structure to generate power, without wires, then the Ghost in Indiana Jones movies.
But again, what is the real
meaning the pyramid on the dollar bill? Those evil Belialians used pyramids to control the human-animals Nephilim (in Atlantis), so we have to wonder
if the symbols we are seeing today are going to be used for good, are they simply corruptions of the true meanings. 10 million years ago came the
first wavers into matter and they were sometimes mating with humans. These monstrosities or the son’s and daughter’s of Man were the offspring of
the first wavers mating with man. These daughter’s of Men were called “Lilith” or “Nephilim” or “Annukai” and just as real as you and I
are today - “for there were Giants in the Earth in those days!” This also explains the strange symbolism in Egypt of those “things” with the
bodies of an animal and head of a man or beast etc. They were eventually freed by Thoth and others etc.
Gnosticism, I see it as a continuation of the earlier faiths and culture and including many parts of them. One of the Gnostic symbols is the
6-pointed Star of David. This is also on the 1-dollar bill. The symbol is not only Jewish but Early Christian or Essene and was used as early as
Atlantian times. the Alchemists (Saint-Germaine), the Rosicrucian’s, the Templar Knights, School of Tao and Gnostic Essenes and many more were all
interconnected to the early schools of wisdom. Much of it entered into Europe later, when still blossoming. Certain Gnostic orders worshipped the
spiritual Sun behind Aton calling him other names also. St. Augustine was a Gnostic also and later became a Catholic. He was slightly critical of
Gnostics, I thought. Later I realized that his major beef with them was that although he too believed in a dualistic approach to good and evil, he
felt the Gnostic leaders had been too self-righteous. St. Augustine was also against the idea of astrology but I think he mostly opposed the giving
up of our free will, in light of Astrology etc. However, I personally believe that free will and astrology compliment each other at a higher stage
and that he may have had difficulty with this concept. Another attack on the early Gnostics by Christians is that they started making excuses for
doing evil (cause that's their nature etc), thus acting like they could also pickup the balance of their evil deeds, by doing good later on when they
so chose it. Thus, some would use their un-evolved egoism to assume that they could decide to give un-selfish love, when they were in fact being
selfish etc.
Man’s nature is at times; able to insist that we do great things to balance the bad out, when we have in fact, only done wrong – for reasons we
are often unaware of. Albert Pike also was aware of this Gnostic thought. He too, felt that we are dualistic in nature. Perhaps, if I have
misinterpreted this you could help me there.
Cabbalists/Gnostic/Manichean understanding is very close the the White Brotherhood's. Slighy differnces is regarding the concept of evil. WB do not
see evil as something real, or that the earth (matter) is evil – but only the absence of light is evil. Thus, to them evil is not needed for
balancing something that's already perfect but rather evil is meant to force the personality to come to know through experience (good or bad) what
are Love, Truth, and Mercy. Without evil, we are still but angels (no beginning and no end) and not wondering monads in time, space and place. But
we can never become what we already are not, Pike said. So if we are already Gods, then it is only through self-realization - which comes naturally
from stripping away the darkness or evil surrounding us, that we are free of matter. And as Manly P. Hall also put it, power of Lucifer (matter) is
within our grasps. Pike and Hall seem to be very close the source of all truth, IMHO.
All the Best.
[edit on 1-10-2005 by realrepublican]