posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 09:03 PM
Originally posted by NEOAMADEUS
As for SNAFU, he used the word "anti Semitic" with respect to some of my posts which is a term I DO NOT TAKE LIGHTLY on these threads---especially
from persons who do not know a son of Shem when he sees one. (Which is the reason for my recent bombast.)
Main Entry: an·ti-Sem·i·tism
Function: noun
: hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group
this doesnt describe your previous posts in any way? master race? come on...what's more hostile than associating a jew with a nazi?
you have absolutely no idea what i do or do not know. i could be trailer trash, or i could be a highly trained air traffic control specialist. just
because i happen to disagree with your world outlook, i'm ignorant and know nothing about the subject? have we really discussed enough for you to
have that opinion? oh, i'm sorry, i forgot....i was having what i thought was an open discussion and you were taking your ignorance out on the
stupid american christian. get a life.
oh and by the way, in reference to shem...i think most educated people understand that the babylonians, assyrians, aramaeans, arabs and hebrews all
descended from one people, and are all technically semitic (dont try to tell an arab that though...good way to get your throat slit). makes you
wonder why they spend so much time trying to kill each other off.
[edit on 30-9-2005 by snafu7700]