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Does extraterrestrial life exist?

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posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by silentlonewolf
However, I just have to add, the earth is not the center of universe, nor it's own solar system (I find it very hard to believe that this is even being serious).

I voted D. Not only have we seen several intelligent species in the leading up to Homo sapiens as well as other intelligent though perhaps not intellectual species such dolphins, We have had two intellectual speices co-existing in the neanderthals and the early Homo sapiens.

[edit on 2-10-2005 by silentlonewolf]

The Bible says we ARE the center of the universe. Since God was the only one who was there at the time, I'll go with the main eyewitness.

And science confirms we are in fact at the center. If we look out from a telescope in any direction from Planet Earth there is an equal thickness of stars -- indicating that Planet Earth is located smack dab in the middle of the universe.

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 03:04 PM

The Bible says we ARE the center of the universe. Since God was the only one who was there at the time, I'll go with the main eyewitness.

And science confirms we are in fact at the center. If we look out from a telescope in any direction from Planet Earth there is an equal thickness of stars -- indicating that Planet Earth is located smack dab in the middle of the universe.

I don't want to sound condescending. But you are very wrong.
In no way does science confirm any such thing.
We have at the present time a model of an infinite universe, simply because we have no idea of it's actual size. That model in no way places earth at the center. To postulate such a thing, one would have to, at the very least, have some definitive line of reference to judge from. we, you, or I have no such point of reference.

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by resistance

The Bible says we ARE the center of the universe. Since God was the only one who was there at the time, I'll go with the main eyewitness.

And science confirms we are in fact at the center. If we look out from a telescope in any direction from Planet Earth there is an equal thickness of stars -- indicating that Planet Earth is located smack dab in the middle of the universe.

I dont know what science confirms that since science right now claims there is no "Center of the universe"

No matter where you are, it looks as if you are at the center of the expansion. The universe is not expanding out from a centre into space. The whole universe itself is expanding and it is doing so equally at all places, as far as we can tell.

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by resistance

Originally posted by silentlonewolf
However, I just have to add, the earth is not the center of universe, nor it's own solar system (I find it very hard to believe that this is even being serious).

I voted D. Not only have we seen several intelligent species in the leading up to Homo sapiens as well as other intelligent though perhaps not intellectual species such dolphins, We have had two intellectual speices co-existing in the neanderthals and the early Homo sapiens.

[edit on 2-10-2005 by silentlonewolf]

The Bible says we ARE the center of the universe. Since God was the only one who was there at the time, I'll go with the main eyewitness.

And science confirms we are in fact at the center. If we look out from a telescope in any direction from Planet Earth there is an equal thickness of stars -- indicating that Planet Earth is located smack dab in the middle of the universe.

So, do you think the Sun actually orbits the Earth? Along with all of the other planets? That's the only way we could be the center.

The reason it looks the same when you look out into the stars in all directions is because of the infinite amount of stuff out in the universe. You get to a certain point where when you look out its so thick that its not gonna look any thicker. Just because of that you can't say we are the center, because it would look like that from anywhere.

Just a little question. What would you say if in the news tomorrow they say that they have found life on another planet? Would you say it was the work of the devil trying to decieve us, or god put it there for a reason, or what?

And I voted D because it's just obvious.

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX

Originally posted by resistance

The Bible says we ARE the center of the universe. Since God was the only one who was there at the time, I'll go with the main eyewitness.

And science confirms we are in fact at the center. If we look out from a telescope in any direction from Planet Earth there is an equal thickness of stars -- indicating that Planet Earth is located smack dab in the middle of the universe.

I dont know what science confirms that since science right now claims there is no "Center of the universe"

No matter where you are, it looks as if you are at the center of the expansion. The universe is not expanding out from a centre into space. The whole universe itself is expanding and it is doing so equally at all places, as far as we can tell.

Yeah, I agree. The cosmologists and astronomers who have sold their souls for money and prestige (i.e. they'd lose their cushy jobs if they didn't agree with this nonsense) say there IS no center, that EVERYTHING is the center. They say the universe is infinite and that makes for no center of the universe. Well, I think that's just ridiculous. Of course there's a center, and of course the universe is NOT infinite. To be scientific, something must be able to be duplicated in the lab. And so far in the lab nobody has ever been able to produce something from nothing. Atoms do not create themselves out of thin air. In fact, we're told that the atoms are self-existent, that they've always been here. So if they're infinite, still making more and more and more of themselves, well, even God doesn't claim to be THAT big. God is omnipresent, everywhere, but where God isn't there is nothing. These cosmologists claim the universe is just multiplying upon itself into infinity. That's just plain crazy.

The reason why it looks like we're in the center of the unvierse is because we ARE in the center of the universe. Why? Because nothing plus nothing equals nothing. I learned that in pre-kindergarden.

[edit on 5-10-2005 by resistance]

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by xxblackoctoberxx

Just a little question. What would you say if in the news tomorrow they say that they have found life on another planet? Would you say it was the work of the devil trying to decieve us, or god put it there for a reason, or what?

I'd say the news was lying, like they always do, or mostly always do. The media is controlled by the Illuminati, who also controls NASA and the UFOooligist military experiments, and will be staging a fake "alien invasion" soon. I guess you're ready, yes? Just remember, it's a lie. These people LIE. They are NOT NICE PEOPLE.

[edit on 5-10-2005 by resistance]

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by xxblackoctoberxx

So, do you think the Sun actually orbits the Earth? Along with all of the other planets? That's the only way we could be the center.

Actually, to shock everyone here, I actually do believe the sun is orbiting the earth. I say this based on Scripture and also based on what I know about the physical proofs. Airy's Failure is one proof that the earth isn't moving at all. Another proof is the predictions of the phases of Mars. The geocentric, geostatic model predicts the phases perfectly; the heliocentric model can never predict them.

Scripture says that God hung the earth in space and set the sun and moon in their paths. Space is not "empty" but is the plenum which fills the firmament, and holds things in their place. God created all the stars and the sun and moon in less than one day, probably in an instant. God is able to move the entire universe around once each day around the earth, with all the laws he created still operating perfectly within the firmament. God is outside the laws he created.

So now that you've fallen off your chair, go ahead and start calling me lots of names. But complain to NASA, not me. They've been up there (supposedly) so why have they not bothered to document the answers to the one thing that astronomy and cosmology was created to discover -- earth's place in the universe.

The physics dymanics work equally whether it's the earth or the sun that's moving, so let's have some proof. At this stage, we have NO PROOF that the earth goes around the sun. It's just a theory. The math fits, but so does the math fit for the geocentric, geostatic model. And the physics actually works better with the geocentric/geostatic model as I said above.

There are physicists such as Neville Jones and Gerardous Bouw and others who agree that the earth is in fact not spinning on an axis and not revolving around the sun.

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 04:06 PM
I learned that in pre-kindergarden.

I think that sums it up.
Now, show me the repeatable study and/or experiment that proves the Bible and ALL of the things in it are true.
Give the names of the Holy Men that wrote the Bible and Give the evidence for the influence of the Holy Spirit's aquiessence.
Is the Hebrew calender the reference you use for your calculations, assuming they are forthcoming, or is it the Syrian or the Greek or the Alexandrian or the Roman or the?... actually there were at least twelve that were preiminate during the Bible's time line.
I could go on and on.

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by freddieb

I think that sums it up.
Now, show me the repeatable study and/or experiment that proves the Bible and ALL of the things in it are true.
Give the names of the Holy Men that wrote the Bible and Give the evidence for the influence of the Holy Spirit's aquiessence.
Is the Hebrew calender the reference you use for your calculations, assuming they are forthcoming, or is it the Syrian or the Greek or the Alexandrian or the Roman or the?... actually there were at least twelve that were preiminate during the Bible's time line.
I could go on and on.

The Bible is a history book and God's biography. The events in the Bible have been proved to be true -- many or most of them. None of them has beenproved not to be true. As a history book, the Bible is as reliable as any other history book, bar none.

Some of the holy men of old who wrote the Bible are Moses (first five books of the Bible including Genesis), Solomon, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, AND MANY MORE; Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Peter, James.

God used many of these holy men, yet it's plain to anyone who reads and knows and believes the Bible that there was one author behind the entire Book. The Bible proves itself by its prophecies which are fulfilled within its own pages (the Bible was written over a period of thousands of years) and by the way the parts all fit together like a perfectly fitted puzzle with no missing pieces.

The Bible is an awesome book, unlike any other ever written. It's God's Word.

[edit on 5-10-2005 by resistance]

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by resistance

Actually, to shock everyone here, I actually do believe the sun is orbiting the earth.

The Sun orbits around the earth
That is classic.

Welcome to the 16th century

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX

Originally posted by resistance

Actually, to shock everyone here, I actually do believe the sun is orbiting the earth.

The Sun orbits around the earth
That is classic.

Welcome to the 16th century

What an original and thought-provoking comment.

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 04:28 PM
If you think anyone is going to waste time to prove the earth orbits the sun you could be in for a long wait.

How could you seriously think the sun orbits the earth? Do you also think the world is flat?

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by resistance

Originally posted by ShadowXIX

Originally posted by resistance

Actually, to shock everyone here, I actually do believe the sun is orbiting the earth.

The Sun orbits around the earth
That is classic.

Welcome to the 16th century

where is your evidence resistance? Your belief is not proof.
Because the Bible says so, is not proof or even quasi-evidentuary.
The timeline of the Bible narrative spans thousands of years. Of course there are actual historical references to be found within it's pages. That is to be expected. It also gives many allusions to the commonly held beliefs of it's cast that have been shown to be patently wrong. e.g....the sun revolves around the Earth.
I have to think that you are simply trying to get under some people's skin.

What an original and thought-provoking comment.

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 04:48 PM
Fred -- YOU are the one with no proof. If you have it, tell me.

As I said, my model works better for Airy's Success and for predicting the phases of Mars.

As to the Bible not being "proof," well, maybe not to you. But to anyone who has given the Bible half a chance and looked at it with an open mind, it's an awesome Book, obviously what it claims to be.

Fact, is nobody was there when all this happened (the creation.) I read what God said in the Bible, since he's the one who did all this, and what he says about how it all happened makes sense to me, does not conflict with what my two eyes tell me. So I'll go with what God says, not with what Time Magazine or Dan Rather or whoever it is that wants to present another idea.

Copernicus did not prove anyhting. He offered a theory whose math did not conflict with the model it presented. Well, the geocentric model has mathematical formulas to explain the movements of the planets that work just as well, and in the case of Mars works even better. In addition, we have the experiment known as Airy's Failure which proves that the earth is not moving. (i.e. the experiment was set up to prove that the earth IS moving, and instead proved that it's NOT.)

You got any physics proofs to present that say any different? I don't really care what Sagon said or Jay Gould or any of those people. They are just opinions. I want some proof. To me what the Bible says is the best proof of all, because it's the Book. Beyond that, there's physics proofs. And if you want documentation on what the earth is or isn't doing relative to the rest of the solar system or the stars, why don't you ask NASA? They are supposed to have all the answers. Well, guess what? They have only hokey drawings and simulations on their website, fakey stuff, nothing to prove anyhting at all relative to the place of the earth in either the solar system or the universe.

Don't you think it's a little strange that they never bothered to try to document these things? And don't you think that if they HAD documented them that these pics, these films would be shown in every public school, on TV, on the Discovery channel, ad infinitum? But NOTHING. All we have are artistic renditions and stuff put together by a Mormon artist space junkie who does these things for a hobby on the NASA sites. (i.e. Mormons are into space because they think someday they'll have their own planet to populate and be a "god." They think there's infinite worlds out there teeming with life, and when they watch Star Trek they think they're watching a documentary. Just kidding about the Star Trek thing, but really they space junkies because of their religion.)

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
If you think anyone is going to waste time to prove the earth orbits the sun you could be in for a long wait.

How could you seriously think the sun orbits the earth? Do you also think the world is flat?

How arrogant to take taxpayer money and not even attempt to document what this was all about in the first place -- to discover earth's place in the solar system and in the universe. Maybe you're satisfied to assume things are as Copernicus said they are, but I'm not. And lots of other people aren't either.

You need more than some one person's theory. You need something better than that.

At least I have what the Bible says (that God hung the earth in space, and that he set the sun, moon and stars in a path.)

I also have some experiments in physics as I said -- Airy's failure, and the inability of the helicentric model to predict the phases of Mars.

If it's such a "given" as you say, why hasn't NASA presented one smitch of proof with all the money and effort they've expended in all this roaring around in space? Could they not have at least tried to answer this one basic question, provided some proof? I believe even people committed to believing what they've been told would find the verification of these "truths" to be fascinating, and I have no doubt such proofs would be trumpeted everywhere. See, we told you?

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 07:41 PM
*sigh* Ask me how I knew this would turn into a "God thing."...just ASK...oh, nevermind!

Okay, first off, I DO INFACT believe there are higher lifeforms elsewhere in the Universe. Second, I also believe it's a mute point that life exists elsewhere in the Universe. Why? Bcause I DON'T believe in UFOs.

That's right! If Universal Laws Of Motion apply to everyone, everywhere, and if the scientists AND the priests are right, then everything was created at roughly the same time, which means they're in the same boat as we are and THERE'S NO WAY they can come here to prove they exist...right?

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Toelint

That's right! If Universal Laws Of Motion apply to everyone, everywhere, and if the scientists AND the priests are right, then everything was created at roughly the same time, which means they're in the same boat as we are and THERE'S NO WAY they can come here to prove they exist...right?

No! Being in the same boat as them? I think you forgetting that our Sun only formed around 5 billion years ago and there where plenty of other Stars around before our Sun was born since the Universe is estimated at 13 billion years old and the Milky Way has been around at least ten billion years giving other life in the Milky Way a possible 4-5 billion year head start on Earth..

Also there is nothing to stop anything from coming here. And you don't have to break any known laws of physics to travel between two stars. Even though we are likely not aware of certain aspects of Physics yet that may make this travel even easier than we think.

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by resistance
Here's why I voted No life to the question Does extraterrestrial life exist?

Because I believe in God and I believe in the Bible. Anybody who wants to find out the answers to origins should go to the book that was written by God, the Great Originator Himself.

The Bible starts at the beginning and describes how God created the universe.

1.It says the FIRST THING HE MADE WAS THE EARTH. That means we aren't just one insignificant planet in a universe of galaxies and planets and stars. We are in fact the center of the universe. In fact, if you look through a telescope in any direction from Planet Earth you will see an equal thickness of stars in whatever direction you look -- indicating that we are in fact at the center of the universe. Atheists answer this phenomena by saying there IS NO CENTER BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS THE CENTER BECAUSE THE UNIVERSE IS INFINITE. Well, I can conceive of the concept of an infinite God, but I can't conceive of matter creating itself out of nothing infinitely.

2. The Bible says the sun, moon and stars weren't created until the fourth day and that they were put there for signs, seasons, to give light upon the earth, and to declare the glory of God. The firmament separating heaven and earth was created the second day, the third day God divided the dry land from the water and made the plants and grass. It wasn't until the fourth day that God made the sun, moon and stars. And the way the Bible describes the stars, they were put in the firmament to give light to the earth. (this tells me the stars are not as far away as NASA and its virtual reality Hubble pictures would leald us to believe).

So go ahead and laugh your butts off at me for believing the Bible over NASA. But I know I'm right.

Correct me if iam wrong, But wasnt your entire post IGnorant? Last time i checked, ATS is about Deny Ignorance.... Not promoting it!

[edit on 5-10-2005 by PanzerDiv]

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by lost_shaman

Originally posted by Toelint

That's right! If Universal Laws Of Motion apply to everyone, everywhere, and if the scientists AND the priests are right, then everything was created at roughly the same time, which means they're in the same boat as we are and THERE'S NO WAY they can come here to prove they exist...right?

No! Being in the same boat as them? I think you forgetting that our Sun only formed around 5 billion years ago and there where plenty of other Stars around before our Sun was born since the Universe is estimated at 13 billion years old and the Milky Way has been around at least ten billion years giving other life in the Milky Way a possible 4-5 billion year head start on Earth..

Also there is nothing to stop anything from coming here. And you don't have to break any known laws of physics to travel between two stars. Even though we are likely not aware of certain aspects of Physics yet that may make this travel even easier than we think.

These things would have to travel faster than the speed of light. We can barely get people up 400 miles off our planet, and sometimes they don't come back alive. These things you saw are not physical beings who have parents and friends and siblings back home on Planet Whatever in the Constallation Whatever. That doesn't mean they aren't real creatures that you saw. These things can take any shape they want. They are evil beings, very evil -- and their intent is to deceive, to make you think you saw a spaceship from another planet aka Star Trek.

These creatures have also taken the form of the Virgin Mary and appeared as apparitions. You are not the first person to have seen strange creatures that are obviously not human. You just need to realize that these things are never what they seem. Very seldom do they just appear they way they actually look -- (and their "normal" everyday appearance is of slimy, ugly, grotesque monstrous creatures. But if they want to appear as a beautiful maiden, a spaceship, or something calling itself "the Queen of Heaven," they can and will do so. Just remember -- they LIE. And remember also that all of them are subject to God. Any believer in the Lord can stand against them, and they must submit. There is only one way to fight them and that is in the spiritual realm, by prayer and by standing in faith as a believer in Jesus.

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by PanzerDiv

Correct me if iam wrong, But wasnt your entire post IGnorant? Last time i checked, ATS is about Deny Ignorance.... Not promoting it!

[edit on 5-10-2005 by PanzerDiv]

Excuse me, PanzerDiv, but ATS is not about name-calling. If you don't agree with me, then say why you don't. I'm anything but ignorant. I'm a thinking person who reads and searches constantly for what's true. When I find the truth, I hold it like I just discovered gold. I love the truth. I love to learn things. All my long life I've been a reader and a seeker. So you are wrong when you say I am ignorant. I'm anything BUT ignorant. Just because I have a different opinion than you do about something does not make me ignorant.

But I do know that ATS will shut down this thread if the people on it can't express their opinions in a civil manner. So please try to be civil.

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