posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 03:35 PM
In biology there is a phenomenon known as 'meiotic drive' , in which some chromosomes are able to get themselves into the next generation with a
much higher frequency than normal, I beleive that its normally accomplished by increasing their representation amoung the gametes (sperm, eggs).
Apparently, this drive can be powerful enough that the genes on that chromosome (or rather their alleles) can be 'driven to fixation' in the
population, meaning everyone has them, and then this can lead to the extinction of the population, because we're talking about an entire chromosome
being invariant here.
Imagine if something similar happened with the human X chromosome, such that sperms and eggs had extra copies of X, such that any fetus was, rather
than merely XX or XY (female or male respectively), XXY or XXX and the like, or imagine that this somehow worked out such that the Y chromosome (the
male-maker) went extinct.
Indeed, if the two sexes are seprated and equally cared for and production of new individuals occurs thru something other than simple sperm
fertilizing eggs, then the 'male' type becomes unimportant, and the sex will fade away (because without selection pressure to maintain it, the Y
will accumulate errors and be useless).
Then again, the same thing would happen with the X chromosome, if the technology is removing the fertilization and development of individuals far away
enough from the normal procedure, and the female 'type' would go extinct and the population would eventually just be sexless genderless mutants.