First off,
My thanks to Northwolf for his efforts. He did a good job based on a quick verbal description and his camouflage is particularly impressive as a
However; someone asked for a 'second idea'. And here it is:
Note that this is NOT a 'six foot tall' critter. It is 3-4ft tall /until/ it stands (to walk up stairs or look over a wall). Something that is
no-reverse-pelvis possible in a mechanical ungulate thanks to discretely separate actuator technology.
Speaking of which, let's take another look at this design via a system elements study rather than some block-generated whole.
To begin, there has to be some kind of skeletal armature to support the weight of the add on systems and to _self contain_ the propulsive system.
I propose that it be based on electropneumatic or hydraulic (self telescoping, like the shocks on a car) cylinders with the REAR legs naturally
semi-crouched (like a Saber Tooth Cat or Bear). At the walk, these lead to a semi-swaggering or tiptoe motion. But in the run, they hyper EXTEND to
get cheetah or puma like push off acceleration and lateral divert force.
The forelegs should be taller to support a headsup ability to look over obstacles and this should be further aided with both UAV remote link and a
masted popup (periscopic) sensor. And the principal 'hips' (socketed joint) should actually be between the shoulders so that fore and aft legs can
operate individually.
The spinal column, like an ungulate animal should operate like a second (massive) hydraulic ram and indeed should include a recoverative braking.
It's function is to both stabilize inertial diversity of motion between fore and aft body segments. And to recover electrical capacitance to
reenergize the running lope.
Wrapped around both sides of this center spine mount should be something like 'saddle tanks' of fuel storage. Each separate and able to feed the
buttocks engine mount through self sealing lines and explosion suppressive foam liners. A further (third) 'combat tank' should be on-mount with the
engine itself and act as both a negative orientation/G fuel injection and sump. Further systems mounts (hydraulics etc.) should also be dual
channel/dual feed and cross-feed separated while being layered in damage tolerant levels of intermediate insulation as much as isolationg.
ALL these systems are isolated behind the big shoulder pauldrons. Which is where your principal frontal armor protection is going to be. So scoring
a frontal hit on armor which is canted as much as 40-50` and THICK (to remove all vulnerability to 7.62 class 'AK' ammo at least) should effectively
not mean a thing to a kitty whose guts are protected.
The head is wrong. You want the turret to be here because the heavy steel in it's design will further protect the CPU/combat AI behind it -if- you
isolate all turret functions (elevate, traverse, ammo selection and feed) to within it's own mass. While there will be COG penalties, they should be
offset by the rear systems enclosure and the leg stance. While accepting a 210` traverse arc rather than a full 180` one allows for the total height
to be reduced by a good foot or so, even standing.
KEEP IN MIND, that like a tank with a hydro pneumatic suspension, killer kitty can also further crouch to reduce it's topline silouhette to little
more than 2ft -and- it can explosively LEAP into action from this posture without the 'roll over and scramble to feet' phase of an infantryman. Or
the white-face looky-looky vulnerabilities of eyes restricted to an eyes-forward skull restricted posture.
Principle combat vision will be through distributed optical apertures something like this-
With the optics imbedded in the surface of the creature, possibly as 'striplines' of photosensitive strips rather than discrete apertures. This
removes problems of spatial stabilization and articulation of turreted enclosures while still providing at least 4 times the visual acuity of man AND
a 'spatial memory' algorithm by which the total target field is continually refreshed and integrated together by multiple sensors rather than just
one point of vulnerability. What's more, because the _baseline_ of these optical strips is so long, they can measure angular range to a target,
designate it and engage without necessarily being able to see it directly.
The exception to this rule of fail operative distributed aperture optics is going to be the mast mounted optics which should extend vertically from a
protected well behind the frontal glacis and gun turret for long range surveillance and thus must have additional (auditory and powered telescopic
zoom) functions.
The 'missile tubes' are unlikely, IMO. I prefer to think of them as smoke mortar launchers. An air (painball) or sling-spinning (DREAD)
microgrenade cassette system able to dispense either vertically along the flanks or as projected launch, should also be included, keeping in mind
that, IF you have 100 of them, they don't have to be 6-8lb pineapples or cylinders. But rather can weigh a few ounces (blasting cap with
fragmenation enclosure).
I would also propose that this system be able to deliver non-lethal weaponry in the form of tranquilizer or tazer based stun attack.
The key is to rebuild your creature in modules. Starting with the self-actuated skeleton and then adding systems as you go while keeping in mind
things like the need for the telescoping spine (must clear back end mounted systems at full compression) and 'forward hips' joint (which must have
enough torsional freedom to slew the creature at speed).
Make everything mount in rapid remove layers with quick disconnects or better yet on pull-out slide rails so that you can QUICKLY replace entire
electrical generation, hydraulics/utility circuits or weapons packages _without_ violating the external shell of the robot. In this, armor packages
which are spaced from the principal innards can serve as work platform 'shelves' when folded or rolled down as well as mounts for cellular
venturi/gridded/forced optimized cooling and environmental protective enclosure functions. But must never be considered 'block segments' of design
in which systems are irretrievably imbedded. Think of them more like shields on the arm of a knight than aesthetic covers for the guts of the