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brainwashing students

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posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 03:24 PM
If I could brainwash me students, they would all do their homework, do well on standardized tests, and not get sent to the vice-principal's office for calling another student a "$#%#@% ^$%$@^ @&Y%^#$%^ " - comic cursing substituted for dramatic - and comedic effect.

If the state were brainwashing students, there wouldn't be an ATS with US members. There wouldn't be any non-conformists. There wouldn't be a shortage of soldiers for Iraq.

I could go on, but I really think I've proved my point.


posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by shantyman
If I could brainwash me students, they would all do their homework, do well on standardized tests, and not get sent to the vice-principal's office for calling another student a "$#%#@% ^$%$@^ @&Y%^#$%^ " - comic cursing substituted for dramatic - and comedic effect.

If the state were brainwashing students, there wouldn't be an ATS with US members. There wouldn't be any non-conformists. There wouldn't be a shortage of soldiers for Iraq.

I could go on, but I really think I've proved my point.


Well, teachers aren't trained in such practical things as how to teach students to be hard-working, responsible. Instead teachers are taught how to manipulate the kids into agreeing with the globalistic, nihilistic, atheistic, amoral worldview of the people on top who control the curriculums and are looking to create semiliterate world citizens who will be compliant slaves in the School of Lifelong Learning. Your job as a teacher is to get the students to agree that there is no right, there is no wrong, that everybody's opinion is just as good as everyone else's and let's just get along.

Just read the posts from the people on this thread. Is this not what they are all saying? Abortion is just somebody's opinion and who are you to say who's right and who's wrong? Homosexuality is just an inclination, so it's okay to indulge? The Bible is just an outdated book written 2000 years ago?

I think I prove MY point! (unfortunately)

[edit on 16-10-2005 by resistance]

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by resistance
Well, teachers aren't trained in such practical things as how to teach students to be hard-working, responsible. Instead teachers are taught how to manipulate the kids into agreeing with the globalistic, nihilistic, atheistic, amoral worldview of the people on top who control the curriculums and are looking to create semiliterate world citizens who will be compliant slaves in the School of Lifelong Learning.

There are other teachers on this board. What you are saying is biggoted, disrespectful and would be defamation if people actually took you seriously. Ease up.. you wouldn't be able to slander them if they didn't teach you how to write.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 10:10 AM
I guess Resistance, in Dayton Tennesse, its exceptable to only see black and white. But you see, in the rest of the world, the bible beaters are only a small percentage of people in the world. And the others have all different religions with different moral viewpoints. With our new social world stratification as of the 20th century, its only the RESPONSIBLE and REASONABLE thing to do to try to teach to make children from polarized home views more aware of these different viewpoint, and to make them more tolerant of others. This doesnt mean they start carving islamic symbols into theyre arm, stop eating beef, and pray to the pagan gods, but they accept that there are other beliefs out there, and that everybody has the right to theyre own beliefs.
With a lack of tolerance, some of the worst crimes in humanity have been commited. The Crusades killed thousands of Muslims because they were in the holy land, and they would not become christians. The Holocaust killed millions of Jews to protect the "people chosen by god" from "corrupting" viewpoints. In a world of such much hate, does tolerance really scare you that much?

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by resistance
Well, teachers aren't trained in such practical things as how to teach students to be hard-working, responsible.

Once again I feel I must point out that this is an incredibly rude statement to make, resistance. I work extremely hard to instill in my students concepts of responsibility and hard work. I would hope that I personally set an example for them to emulate in these areas. For a non-teacher to broadly declare that teachers do not do these things is somewhat insulting to me personally, as well as to other teachers, as riley has pointed out. I would ask you to kindly stop making generalisations concerning the actions and motivations of teachers, because you are simply wrong on this issue. Do you think that every teacher on this thread who has spoken against what you are saying is lying? Some of us have not been indoctrinated by Government schooling, since we went to religious schools. We have also not been brainwashed or taught to do any of the things you have claimed at a tertiary level. If every teacher here says that you are mistaken, is it so unreasonable to think that you may be?

Instead teachers are taught how to manipulate the kids into agreeing with the globalistic, nihilistic, atheistic, amoral worldview of the people on top who control the curriculums and are looking to create semiliterate world citizens who will be compliant slaves in the School of Lifelong Learning.

This is also not true. It does touch on broader issues which Mystery_Lady wished to discuss, which I would be happy to do. Each of the things you accuse teachers of being taught to do are false and I shall now refute them individually:

I do not teach my students to be globalistic - I have taught units on Australian nationalism and personal identity, both of which run counter to your claim.

I do not teach my students to be nihilistic. On the contrary, I urge them to get involved with things about which they are passionate. I encourage them to develop strong opinions on a range of issues and give them the tools to express these opinions eloquently.

I do not teach my students to be atheistic. I simply teach them that it is not alright to physically or emotionally abuse somebody from a religion different to their own. Do you disagree with this? I have discussed religion with individual students, have referred students to the school chaplain, and have assisted him in organising student religious groups.

I do not teach my students to be ammoral. I teach them to form their own opinions on moral issues. If they ask me what my opinions are, I shall tell them. If they disagree and are able to voice that disagreement, then I am doing my job.

Whilst I acknowledge that the system in America may be somewhat different, I know it is not sufficiently different to nullify everything I have said. I know that there are many hardworking American teachers doing exactly what I am doing. Your opinions of what teachers are doing in reality seems to be based on what you think they are doing, rather than any type of direct observation. For a third time, I invite you to spend some time in a public school. It may change your opinion of teachers.

Your job as a teacher is to get the students to agree that there is no right, there is no wrong, that everybody's opinion is just as good as everyone else's and let's just get along.

My job is not to get my students to agree that there is no right and wrong. Rather, as I said above, the opposite is true. I do not care what my students believe, I really don't. I couldn't care less if they hate homosexuals or think that abortion is murder. My job is not to try and change their beliefs. My job is to ensure that they have the ability to think for themselves and to voice their opinions in a polite manner. My job is also to educate them that, whilst it is okay to believe differently to somebody else, it is not okay to belittle that person because of these differences. Because everybody's opinion is equal. Different, yet equal. Do you, for example, feel that your opinion is worth more than mine, resistance?

Just read the posts from the people on this thread. Is this not what they are all saying? Abortion is just somebody's opinion and who are you to say who's right and who's wrong? Homosexuality is just an inclination, so it's okay to indulge? The Bible is just an outdated book written 2000 years ago?

As I have said, this is not what we are saying. You have misinterpreted my words. I believe I have adequately explained myself above, however.

I think I prove MY point! (unfortunately)

You have proven nothing. You see, everything you have said is an opinion - your opinion. It is not fact, because if it were everybody would feel the same as you. You are entitled to your opinion, but so are other people. Yours is worth no more than any others.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by resistance
Well, teachers aren't trained in such practical things as how to teach students to be hard-working, responsible. Instead teachers are taught how to manipulate the kids into agreeing with the globalistic, nihilistic, atheistic, amoral worldview of the people on top who control the curriculums and are looking to create semiliterate world citizens who will be compliant slaves in the School of Lifelong Learning. Your job as a teacher is to get the students to agree that there is no right, there is no wrong, that everybody's opinion is just as good as everyone else's and let's just get along.

Oh, let's face it. I can't hold my charade any longer. I am just a mindless Lemming in the parade of atheism. All I want to do is get along with everyone and not ripple any waters. Abortionists? They're fine. Christians? They aren't overzealous at all. I just LOVE everyone! Let's pass out the flowers, bust out the guitars, and kick off our shoes. Soon the rainbows will arc across the sky and we will all be holding hands.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 12:48 PM
Rouch -- Is it not true that is in fact your own philosophy -- everybody's right, nobody's wrong, let's just get along? Isn't that why you thought it was fine to direct some young person on this thread to where he could learn how to summon or be possessed by a demon? Isn't it true that you feel like everybody can think whatever they want as long as they agree to leave everybody else alone and not criticize or judge their opinions? Isn't it true that the only thing you find offensive is one person judging another's opinions? Is that not true?

Wolf -- I can see you are a definite product of the government schools. Blame everything on the Christians -- especially war. Blame the Christians for Hitler. Yep. If we could just get rid of the Christians what a wonderful world it would be, hey?

[edit on 16-10-2005 by resistance]

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by resistance
Well, teachers aren't trained in such practical things as how to teach students to be hard-working, responsible.

by Jeremiah:
Once again I feel I must point out that this is an incredibly rude statement to make, resistance. I work extremely hard to instill in my students concepts of responsibility and hard work. I would hope that I personally set an example for them to emulate in these areas. For a non-teacher to broadly declare that teachersdo not do hese things is somewhat insulting to me personally, as well as to other teachers, as riley has pointed out. I would ask you to kindly stop making generalisations concerning the actions and motivations of teachers, because you are simply wrong on this issue.

I think the first thing you need to do is take a remedial reading class yourself. I DID NOT SAY teachers DON'T teach responsibility. I said THEY ARE NOT TRAINED to do so. This IS A THREAD. This is a discussion. One thought leads to another. You are NOT FOLLOWING. If you are upset at what I'm saying, well I am upset at what you are saying about WHAT I HAVEN'T SAID. If you are such a great thinker and teacher, why can't you comprehend simple words like "TAUGHT." We are discussing here what teachers are TAUGHT to teach by the ones who TEACH THEM. Duh!

by Jeremiah
I do not teach my students to be globalistic - I have taught units on Australian nationalism and personal identity, both of which run counter to your claim.

It's not what units you teach. It's what you teach about the units that matters.

by Jeremia
I do not teach my students to be nihilistic. On the contrary, I urge them to get involved with things about which they are passionate. I encourage them to develop strong opinions on a range of issues and give them the tools to express these opinions eloquently.

How can they do that when people like you have drummed it into their heads for years that their opinions aren't any better than anybody else's, and to be careful not to offend anybody? Gimme a break! Talk is cheap.

by Jeremiah
I do not teach my students to be atheistic. I simply teach them that it is not alright to physically or emotionally abuse somebody from a religion different to their own. Do you disagree with this? I have discussed religion with individual students, have referred students to the school chaplain, and have assisted him in organising student religious groups.

If it's anything like in this country you pretend God doesn't exist, you deliberately skip over mention of God, and you redefine the holidays so no mention is made of any Christian holiday. It's okay to get out for Hannukah or Ramadin but it's Winter Vacation, not Christmas vacation, and it's spring break, not Easter break. I could say more, lots more.

I do not teach my students to be ammoral. I teach them to form their own opinions on moral issues. If they ask me what my opinions are, I shall tell them. If they disagree and are able to voice that disagreement, then I am doing my job.

You said you don't give a raip about what people think about abortion or homosexuality. This is called "amoral," or no morals. Look it up. You are bragging about the fact that you have no morals except that of so-called "tolerance," which isn't even that because you in fact have no tolerance for people like me who have strong views about morality.

I know that there are many hardworking American teachers doing exactly what I am doing. Your opinions of what teachers are doing in reality seems to be based on what you think they are doing, rather than any type of direct observation. For a third time, I invite you to spend some time in a public school. It may change your opinion of teachers.

That's nonsense. I don't live on the moon. I went to teacher's college myself. I see what's going on. I don't care how sweet and hardworking the government school teachers and a whole lot of the religious school teachers are. None of them are getting theif hands on my kid to proseletyze them in groupthink, amorality, nihilism, or globalism.

See below. This is you. This is the nonsense you advocate. Why? Because you've been taught to do this, and you are a good, compliant group-thinker yourself.

by Jeremiah
My job is not to get my students to agree that there is no right and wrong. Rather, as I said above, the opposite is true. I do not care what my students believe, I really don't. I couldn't care less if they hate homosexuals or think that abortion is murder. My job is not to try and change their beliefs. My job is to ensure that they have the ability to think for themselves and to voice their opinions in a polite manner. My job is also to educate them that, whilst it is okay to believe differently to somebody else, it is not okay to belittle that person because of these differences. Because everybody's opinion is equal. Different, yet equal. Do you, for example, feel that your opinion is worth more than mine, resistance?

Yes, I do think my opinion is "worth" more than yours is. Anybody that doesn't know what they believe or value what they believe and have confidence in what they believe is just a mushball lemming.

You make my point very well in your above paragraph. Your belief and what you try to teach your students with all earnestness and determination is that everybody's right, nobody's wrong, and let's just get along. If I had my way you would not be allowed to teach this nihilistic amoral philosophy to anyone's child anyplace on this planet. That's not to be rude or uncivil; it's just a fact.

[edit on 16-10-2005 by resistance]

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by resistance

Wolf -- I can see you are a definite product of the government schools. Blame everything on the Christians -- especially war. Blame the Christians for Hitler. Yep. If we could just get rid of the Christians what a wonderful world it would be, hey?

[edit on 16-10-2005 by resistance]

You fail to read between the lines of what I had to say. I didn't blame the holocaust on the christians, I blamed intolerance and hatred for it. Hitler used Christianity as a cover for his hatred for the Jewish people, and because of the closed minded, narrow perspectives of Germany atthe time, i.e. Intolerance, they easily went along with his perspectives, clouded by theyre own hatred to see that it was a very non-christian thing to do. It's not religions that do this but it is People who are Intolerant and in the end just people filled with inexcusable Hatred for their fellow man.

I am no more a product of the public school system then your daughter is a product of your hatred towards anything non-christian. You prooved that in your posts.

BTW, I think abortion is wrong, and I believe in abstinence before marriage. So that sortof debunks your "product of the public school system" philosphy anyways. The proof is in the outcome.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 01:52 PM
By using these domains, you agree to the following:

1.) You will not post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate.

That applies more to another forum you frequent.

2.) You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack anyone.

I'm not saying I'm all sugar and spice.. [I admit I react in debates] but you repetitively insult and abuse people with no justification whatsoever.. now you are abusing people purely for being teachers. I could go back and copy and paste every example but I don't think my PC has got enough memory for that task. No doubt people brace themselves before reading.. it's all good though.. keep doing it and it'll be just a means to an end.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 01:56 PM
Wolf -- You are schizophrenic in your thinking. Either you stand for things or you don't stand for things. If you stand for things, you will be called intolerant. (big whoopee, do I care?) If you don't stand for things, you will be called a mushbrained lemming shmucko by everyone, and especially by the one who matters -- God. You will answer to God for being so spineless and uncaring for your fellow man and for what's right and caring only about "getting along.''

The babies need people who will stick up for them. They have no one else to do so. They want to live. The mothers will regret their decision down the road. You have two victims here. Do you stand by and just "be nice?" There's nothing nice about keeping silent in the face of these things.

Likewise with homosexuality, with all the stuff that's happening today. This board is all about people's opinions, and if there are people on this board who are teachers and don't like to hear what some people like me think about the government schools (and a lot of the religious schools too btw), well, why not go post on a board where it doesn't hit home so hard?

So as Joshua said, Choose ye this day who you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 02:12 PM
Riley -- Ha. You of all people to talk about civility. You have laughed me to scorn on the creation thread. You have also accused me of lying. You have used the words, you're lying. I'm not jeering at anyone or calling any names. At all. I am just being truthful about the subject we are discussing here -- which is brainwashing in the schools. If a teacher wants to come on here and use himself as an example of not brainwashing, but the things he says prove the opposite, then I am going to throw his own words back. I don't think that's breaking any rules.

If people want to win in a debate, they should try getting on the right side. It really helps. That's why I win in debates -- because I'm right. And when I'm not right, I admit it and go on. I don't win because I lie or twist people's words or call people names or laugh them to scorn like was done to me on the Creationism thread.

It seems like I'm a fish swimming upstream on any thread I get on. It's me against everyone else. If you guys can't prevail in a debate, maybe you need to rethink your arguments and figure out that maybe you're on the wrong side of the argument. Simple.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by resistance
Riley -- Ha. You of all people to talk about civility. You have laughed me to scorn on the creation thread. You have also accused me of lying. You have used the words, you're lying.

Actually.. I think you kept insisting that humans killed dinos off... you were presented evidence as to why this is not true and still kept saying it.. ergo you were posting false information which is what I think I said.. I do not remember calling you names. If I was uncivil it is because biggotry, unwarrented abuse and disinformation [especially when you provide NO evidence] annoys me.. disinformation especially as this place is meant to deny ignorance yet you seem incapable of understnding what that means despite the community's best attempts to educate you into the fold.

I'm not jeering at anyone or calling any names. At all.

You've even did it in your last post. Shall I call you a liar now?

[edit on 16-10-2005 by riley]

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by resistance
Wolf -- You are schizophrenic in your thinking. Either you stand for things or you don't stand for things. If you stand for things, you will be called intolerant. (big whoopee, do I care?) If you don't stand for things, you will be called a mushbrained lemming shmucko by everyone, and especially by the one who matters -- God. You will answer to God for being so spineless and uncaring for your fellow man and for what's right and caring only about "getting along.''

The babies need people who will stick up for them. They have no one else to do so. They want to live. The mothers will regret their decision down the road. You have two victims here. Do you stand by and just "be nice?" There's nothing nice about keeping silent in the face of these things.

Likewise with homosexuality, with all the stuff that's happening today. This board is all about people's opinions, and if there are people on this board who are teachers and don't like to hear what some people like me think about the government schools (and a lot of the religious schools too btw), well, why not go post on a board where it doesn't hit home so hard?

So as Joshua said, Choose ye this day who you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Not everything in the world is so polarized. Not everything is just good or evil. That type of thinking is ignorant. And you know, ignorance is bliss. Being able to only see one side of things is a much simplier and easier way of life. Feel free to stick to that paradigm if youd like, but don't think that I'm wrong just because your stuck in your simple mindset. I don't see things in black and white, I see things in shades of grey. When I look at abortion, I may not see the inherant evil of the moment, but see the future of a child whom starves to death because the crack-addicted mother could never handle the child in the first place. Not everything is so black and white as youd like to think. But that doesn't mean you can't make a stance on it. Something doesnt need to be good or evil to make a stance, and I'm not staying neutral on anything. As I said before, I don't think abortion is right. But thats not because Its evil, or I see it as this black abyssmal dark evil thing, but because I don't believe its a responsible thing to do.

And your wrong, tolerance and standing up for things is two different things.

tolerance n. 1. a fair and permissive attitude toward those whose race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry.

That doesnt mean you can't have a stance on it. That doesnt mean that if you tolerate homosexuality, that it means you are neutral to it. You can still see homosexuality as a sin, or an immoral and sadonic lifestyle, and still tolerate it in society.Without tolerance though, it leads to hatred, which leads to violence. Many people have been killed by people who feel they deserve to die because they are of a different lifestyle. Right now we have people over in Isreal and Palestine ready to kill eachother, because they don't share tolerance for one another.

Is it so much to ask to let other humans live out theyre lives? You don't have to agree, or even like what they do, but you should atleast give them the common curtiousy of tolerating them. You've complained before that public schools are teaching people to be atheists and to hate christianity. Maybe its not the public schools, but because the lack of tolerance in many of the christian community? After all, if they don't show alittle humanity, why should the opposite side show humanity to them? Ye who be without sin, cast the first stone

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by resistance
Rouch -- Is it not true that is in fact your own philosophy -- everybody's right, nobody's wrong, let's just get along?

To a point....get that? TO A POINT. You want to kill your baby? That isn't MY problem. You want to homeschool? WHATEVER. I may not approve, but I won't FORCE you to change your ways. I'm sorry, but I think you just don't get it. If you and I met at a bus stop, and you never spouted your beliefs on these things, I might like you. It doesn't matter to me what you believe.

Isn't that why you thought it was fine to direct some young person on this thread to where he could learn how to summon or be possessed by a demon?

And if that's all you have against me, fine. And no, I didn't. Read the ENTIRE thread. I have more than one post in there.

Isn't it true that you feel like everybody can think whatever they want as long as they agree to leave everybody else alone and not criticize or judge
their opinions?

Oh, I will "judge" you. Not to your face, though. It's not my place to. You don't have to leave me alone with your opinion. Just don't shove them down my throat and expect me to accept them.

Isn't it true that the only thing you find offensive is one person judging another's opinions? Is that not true?

Yes. That is offensive to me., IF you are doing it do my face and shoving YOUR opinions onto me. Is it the ONLY thing offensive to me?

Here's a little story. Once upon a time, in America, there was an election of Bush (Republican) vs. Kerry (Democrat). I didn't like Kerry for my own reasons, so I told that to some of my friends. Got that, right? FRIENDS. They pounced on me for half an hour about why Bush was bad. I couldn't say a word otherwise. No argument of mine was good enough for them. Eventually I stood up, told them where to go for SHOVING THEIR BELIEFS ONTO ME AND NOT ALLOWING ME TO MAKE UP MY OWN MIND. I didn't speak to them for three months.

Does that make any sense to you? an you finally finally finally understand what I am telling you?

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 03:39 PM
Rouch -- This is a forum to discuss ideas, not to make friends. Doesn't mean we should not be civil, truthful, and obey the rules of the forum best we can.

Nobody's shoving their opinions down anybody's throat here because nobody's forcing anybody to participate. 95 percent of the opinions on these threads I do not agree with. Do I get mad? No. Somebody might even write something here that will show me something I didn't know or cause me to readjust my thinking on something.

Maybe some of the people on this forum never heard opinions like mine before. Maybe you need to know that there are people like me in the world, and in fact more than a few of us. Most of us are homeschooling because we DON'T like what's going on in the government schools. And maybe now you can understand why.

So if it's a big shock, well that just means you learned something. The Internet is good about bringing new facts and information to people.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by resistance
Rouch -- This is a forum to discuss ideas, not to make friends. Doesn't mean we should not be civil, truthful, and obey the rules of the forum best we can.

What the...? Where did that come from? I never said I was trying to make friends here (although I already have). I am being civil. I am being truthful. And far as I know, I didn't disobey any rules.

Nobody's shoving their opinions down anybody's throat here because nobody's forcing anybody to participate. 95 percent of the opinions on these threads I do not agree with. Do I get mad? No. Somebody might even write something here that will show me something I didn't know or cause me to readjust my thinking on something.

Resistance, you have not agreed with ONE idea, thought, or fact here on this entire thread, unless it had to do with your own. Not one. Go ahead, reread them. I did. And yes, I do think you get mad.

Maybe you need to know that there are people like me in the world, and in fact more than a few of us.

The probability factor of you being the ONLY one with the same principles, ideas and beliefs is 0.

Most of us are homeschooling because we DON'T like what's going on in the government schools. And maybe now you can understand why.

I do understand why. Really, I do. And as I said in earlier posts, I admire those who find the time, energy and money to do it.

So if it's a big shock, well that just means you learned something. The Internet is good about bringing new facts and information to people.

There's no need to get nasty.

What I was trying to say was that even my closest friends make me mad when they try to make me conform. So a complete stranger has no chance.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 05:54 PM
Resistance, if what you said is from experience, I am sorry that you had some really horrid teachers. So did I for much of my school years.

As a teacher of history and government, I feel it is my obligation to teach my students to be critical thinkers - to evaluate sources from multiple perspectives, to weigh opinions and evidence, to analyze these sources and synthesize an educated opinion. In short, I train my students to be professional historians.

I encourage my students to question and challenge conventions. I am deeply religious, but I am very careful to keep my faith out of the classroom. My students do present their opinions on subjects as wide-ranging as the role of government, the civil price of the Patriot Act, abortion, the sequel to the Scopes trial (monkeys redux). By encouraging my students to be unafraid to voice their opinions and smacking them down unless they can back it up with a well reasoned arguement, I am giving them the tools NOT to be brainwashed. I am a trained historian and educator holding with a wall of expensive diplomas to prove my educational and professional credentials. I am a teacher because I truly believe that teaching is one of the highest callings. It sure isn't for the money, and certainly not for the opportunity to impose the dictates of the NWO or the UN or the rabidly fundementalist administration.

For that handful of fundementalists who seem to believe that I should be teaching the history of all according to some approved theological perspective - give me a break! Whose Holy Book do we use? Whose beliefs are more valid? And what gives anyone in the US the right to impose their beliefs and values on all? I am a very devout Catholic and I do see many of my students in church. I am open to discussing the history and values of Catholic thought with them outside of the classroom. But, unless I've missed something really important, we aren't a theocracy yet. My world history students are exposed to philosophies and religious writings from most of the world's religions. I encourage them to look at them from a cultural and moral perspective and what they tell us about the people who lived by these rules. If that's not acceptable, I am sorry. That's why tenure sometimes isn't a bad thing...

To those incredibly paranoid ranters. I KNOW this is a site that is focused on conspiracy, but sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

As always, thanks for your indulgence and for a fascinating dialogue...

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 07:50 PM
Shanty -- My gripe is not with the teachers. The teachers are hired to do a job, and they do the job the way they are taught to do it and with the materials and agenda they are given to promote. If they want to eat, they conform.

My gripe is with government schools, period. As you say, whose world view is going to be promoted in the schools? Some years ago it was the Christian, patriotic American point of view. Now it's Groupthink, down with America, down with Christians, up with atheism, up with globalism, up with Everybody's Right, Nobody's Wrong, Let's Just Get Along, and Tolerance of Intolerance Will Not Be Tolerated.

The system corrupts everyone -- teachers and students alike. And it's not fair to make those who have opted out have to pay for this indoctrination which teaches other people's kids to hate what we love and to love what we hate. This is contrary to the Constitution, and the Constitution never meant for the government to raise our kids or educate them.
The answer is for parents to take their kids out of these schools, build their own schools, and hire their own teachers who will promote the world views the parents want promoted.

Rausch -- I'm not trying to force you to conform to my opinions. How could I do that? But if you are willing to read what I say then you take the risk of becoming persuaded to my point of view because obviously that's what I'm trying to do -- convince and persuade. If I can do that, I'm happy. That's really why I'm here. Especially being in a tiny minority as you so correctly point out, I see ATS as a small opening for me to speak up. The day is soon coming when nobody will be able to speak up IMO. In fact, the Senate is about to ratify "hate" legislation which will shut the mouths of even pastors in their own churches from preaching what the Bible has to say about things like abortion or homosexuality.

[edit on 16-10-2005 by resistance]

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 07:59 PM
So resistance, its only okay when Christian views are taught in schools?

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