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Maybe we could all try to practice some tolerance here inclucing myself. I would try to take a look at a different aspect of this subject of brainwashing students as the title states and look at the broader picture of it as social reform and the plans the few in the extremely "elite" class has for us from even as far back as 1913.
Jeremiah -- Don't know what the schools are like in Australia. I'm an American and I think the schools here suck. Furthermore, it's just welfare.
As to your statements about "facilitating" discussions with kids on marijuana, if you ever did such a thing with my child I would be livid. Just livid. Unless you are willing to teach my child what I believe about pot -- which is that it's a dangerous and destructive drug and to stay away -- then you'd better keep your mouth shut and DO NOT INTERFERE. Otherwise, I consider that to be corrupting my child. Other parents may not mind you doing that to their child, but I certainly do. Anybody that tries to sit as an authority with my child and invite her to discuss with her peers the so-called "Pros and cons" of pot deserves to be FIRED.
If you as a teacher are not willing to take a definite stand on what is right and what is wrong in the areas of drugs, sex, abortion, homosexuality, or any other matter then you just need to button your lip and you should not be teaching anything other than perhaps math or chemistry or grammar. Not literature, history or science. If you don't know what you believe yourself, you should not be teaching other people. And if what you believe is in contradiction to what the parents believe, then you are undermining their authority and corrupting the morals of minor children.
But here is the problem - what you consider to be right and wrong are different to what somebody else thinks is right and wrong. And if you want people to respect your point of view, you must be prepared to do the same in return.
Originally posted by resistance
This is utter ludicrous dung. I don't want my kid going to school to learn to "respect others' point of view." I want her to learn the point of view that I want her to have, and she's going to know what that point of view is in no uncertain terms. I don't want her equivocating about pot, or abortion, or homosexuality, or atheism. I will teach my child manners and how to be polite but believe you me she will not "respect" these wicked things. She will see them for what they are with her eyes wide open. She will hate them because I have taught her to hate them. Why? Because I hate them myself and I am the parent, and I want to protect my child from this kind of evil stuff. I want my child to be happy, to have a good life, and to have an eternity in Heaven. I DON'T WANT MY CHILD RESPECT EVIL. I want my child to HATE evil.
Hate. That's a good word. Too bad the only thing you are able to whip yourself into hating is intolerance. Educrats Dictionary said it: WE WILL NOT TOLERATE INTOLERANCE !#%!#%!#%
She will hate them because I have taught her to hate them.
Originally posted by resistance
Jeremiah -- Don't know what the schools are like in Australia. I'm an American and I think the schools here suck. Furthermore, it's just welfare. It's not the government's JOB to raise the kids or to educate them. Rather, it's the parents. Our Constitutional government here does not grant the government, federal or state, the right to raise the kids, to insist on any kind of worldview, ESPECIALLY one that is atheistic, with an enforced belief in evolution, abortion as a solution to problems, teaching that people are just animals and need to therefore be taught "Safe Sex," that homosexuality is just another kind of lifestyle that's no better or no worse than any other kind of lifestyle (and would you like some statistics to prove that is a huge LIE?) --
Originally posted by resistance
Mostly the schools are doing a poor job of teaching basic academics and a very good job of corrupting morals and ruining character of all the young people who are its victims. They teach groupthink and do it from K on up to 12th grade. Rather than individuals being responsible for their own work, they are taught to work and think in groups. They then do this instinctively throuhgout their lives -- waiting to see which direction the crowd is going and then running to keep up, no matter where it's going. This is in effect teaching people to ignore their consciences, to ignore the fact that they are human beings at all, but just to be compliant little slaves who are ready for the School of Lifelong Learning -- which is the actual title of planned career training that the federal government has given to their grand scheme.
Originally posted by resistance
As to your statements about "facilitating" discussions with kids on marijuana, if you ever did such a thing with my child I would be livid. Just livid. Unless you are willing to teach my child what I believe about pot -- which is that it's a dangerous and destructive drug and to stay away -- then you'd better keep your mouth shut and DO NOT INTERFERE. Otherwise, I consider that to be corrupting my child. Other parents may not mind you doing that to their child, but I certainly do. Anybody that tries to sit as an authority with my child and invite her to discuss with her peers the so-called "Pros and cons" of pot deserves to be FIRED.
Originally posted by resistance
Same with engaging my child in discussions about "Safe Sex."
Originally posted by resistance
If you as a teacher are not willing to take a definite stand on what is right and what is wrong in the areas of drugs, sex, abortion, homosexuality, or any other matter then you just need to button your lip and you should not be teaching anything other than perhaps math or chemistry or grammar. Not literature, history or science. If you don't know what you believe yourself, you should not be teaching other people. And if what you believe is in contradiction to what the parents believe, then you are undermining their authority and corrupting the morals of minor children.
Originally posted by resistance
Jeremiah -- You are ignoring what I said. I agree that manners and civility are good things and I believe I practice it here, and I teach my child to be respectful and civil to others.
There's no other way around it. That's a fact.
Same with abortion. You want to tell some pregnant teen that abortion might be an okay solution for her? Well, you are an accomplice to murder if you do that. You will answer to God for that.
You may not like what I say, but it's the truth. Schools should be places to teach truth -- not wishful thinking or to gloss over the truth or to reframe it to make it seem good. Scripture says, Woe unto those who call good evil and evil good.
If it says it in the Bible, I think anyone should sit up and take notice and listen. We're talking about the Book here, not some fly-by-night religious mumbo jumbo fakey book of fairy tales.
We're discussing this question: Is it right to pretend to people who are doing things that we hate and abhor that we actually approve of them and admire them?
Originally posted by resistance
I want her to learn the point of view that I want her to have, and she's going to know what that point of view is in no uncertain terms.
Originally posted by resistance
I don't want her equivocating about pot, or abortion, or homosexuality, or atheism. I will teach my child manners and how to be polite but believe you me she will not "respect" these wicked things.
Originally posted by resistance
She will hate them because I have taught her to hate them.
Originally posted by resistance
Because I hate them myself and I am the parent, and I want to protect my child from this kind of evil stuff.
Originally posted by resistance
I want my child to be happy, to have a good life, and to have an eternity in Heaven. I DON'T WANT MY CHILD RESPECT EVIL.
]Originally posted by resistance
Mystery Lady -- I am going to call it the way I see it because I think that's the best way to communicate in most cases. Nobody's personal feelings are at stake here because nobody knows anybody, we're all pseudonyms here. We're discussing ideas, just ideas.
"A crisis on campus" by Jim Nelson Black, a powerful overview of how America's colleges are corrupting the minds and morals of the next generation.
"Sex in the classroom" by Ben Shapiro – a mind-boggling first-hand account of sexual anarchy on the typical campus. As Shapiro summarizes: "Homosexuality is perfectly normal. Pedophilia is acceptable. Bestiality is fine."
"How Western culture has been turned upside down" by David Kupelian, showing what's really behind multiculturalism and political correctness, which started on the college campus and have now grown to permeate society at large.
The Marketing of Evil" reveals how much of what Americans once almost universally abhorred has been packaged, perfumed, gift-wrapped and sold to them as though it had great value. Highly skilled marketers, playing on our deeply felt national values of fairness, generosity and tolerance, have persuaded us to embrace as enlightened and noble that which all previous generations since America's founding regarded as grossly self-destructive - in a word, evil.
Likewise, most of us mistakenly believe the "abortion rights" and "gay rights" movements were spontaneous, grassroots uprisings of neglected or persecuted minorities wanting to breathe free. Few people realize America was actually "sold" on abortion thanks to an audacious public relations campaign that relied on fantastic lies and fabrications. Or that the "gay rights" movement – which transformed America's former view of homosexuals as self-destructive human beings into their current status as victims and cultural heroes – faithfully followed an in-depth, phased plan laid out by professional Harvard-trained marketers.
Originally posted by resistance
As to hate, I consider God's enemies to be my enemies. I hate what they do and I consider them to be my enemies. I don't see that as a bad thing.
Do you think it might be possible that you yourself may be a victim of too many years of indoctrination in a government school?
Originally posted by resistance
Riley -- Aren't you the one on the Creationism forum who argues for evolution, says the Hobbit people aren't even humans, just animals? Seems like you are the one full of hate -- towards God and man both, else you would be willing to ascribe to Him his due as Creator and you would not be so quick to label people as just an animal.
Originally posted by resistance
True hate and true love are actions, not emotions. It's what you do that counts. Advocating for abortion rights means in my book that you hate unborn babies and would like to see more of them killed. Advocating for homosexuality means you hate the homosexuals because you want them to do things that will shorten their lives, make them miserable, and ultimately send them to Hell. Do unto others? If I were a homosexual or a woman contemplating abortion I would want someone to try to talk some sense into me and try to save me from myself.
Originally posted by resistance
It's obvious nowadays that almost everyone hates Christians.