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Is there an undeclared global weather war?

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posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 08:46 PM
OK this is the whole fruitcake and the icing, but here goes....

This is suposedly from the Secretary of defence in 1997...

Richard Hoagland's blog.

Almost no one, even now, is aware of Secretary Cohen's remarkably revealing testimony re "eco-terrorism" in 1997, reproduced at the beginning of this entry.

Still fewer seem to realize -- even after they've actually read his statement -- the staggering technological and political implications behind what this Republican Clinton Administration Defense Secretary stunningly revealed--

Regarding the current existence of this "god-like" technology ... a technology which can actually, as Cohen testified, "alter the climate ... set off earthquakes [and] volcanoes remotely ... through the use of electromagnetic waves ..."

Flash forward to 2005 -- and the quiet introduction this Spring (in both houses of Congress) of a bill to officially institutionalize within the United States Government precisely such major "weather modification" ... under the Secretary of the Department of Commerce -- and, by October 1, 2005!

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 09:09 PM
more on the topic from someone called Tom Bearden on this facinating website

I suspect most of our storms from now on will have appreciable weather engineering added, to cause more damage.

We have entered the operational phase of asymmetrical war against us, and – as Secretary of Defense Cohen confirmed in 1997 – the “terrorists” are using “electromagnetic” weapons to stimulate volcanoes into eruption, cause earthquakes, and control our climate and weather.

This hurricane already made a right angle turn West to move across the tip of Florida, and into the Gulf, where the warm Gulf waters will increase its intensity and the damage it does.

Some 40% or so of U.S. oil comes from that Gulf, hence the strategic importance of the targeting. The most lucrative damage path would be through the oil rigs and platforms, and then hit shore centered on New Orleans. We’ll just have to see if that is the path generated.

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 09:16 PM
How about this military Research paper "Weather as a Force Multiplier:
Owning the Weather in 2025" on exactly this topic?

From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counterspace control, weather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary.


In this paper we show that appropriate application of weather-modification can provide battlespace dominance to a degree never before imagined. In the future, such operations will enhance air and space superiority and provide new options for battlespace shaping and battlespace awareness. The technology is there, waiting for us to pull it all together

[edit on 21-9-2005 by Netchicken]

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 09:39 PM
OMG - GREAT lead NC. wow.

Re: the Weather Modification Research and Technology Transfer Authorization Act of 2005 - Search Bill S 517 at

also see:
Us Patent for Weather Control

PS. LOFLMAO at your signature. Thnx

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 10:25 PM
has anyone seen the movie "The Core". A movie where the US accidentally sets off a number of natural disasters through an environmental controll...How would something like this it practical...costs? Why wouldn't the terrorists just set off a nuke within the US...Wouldn't that cause more damage?


posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 10:34 PM
I think it has less to do with terrorism, and more to do with the fact that we have sucked all the oil out of the ground and the earth has become unstable.

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by Disaster_Boy
I think it has less to do with terrorism, and more to do with the fact that we have sucked all the oil out of the ground and the earth has become unstable.

WOW. The "Earth's Shock Absorbers Theory." I developed it in Grade 6 - but didn't know it had gotten around.

...Idea being that the earth's oil, water, gas, and other deposits act as shock absorbers - and we've sucked 'em all dry. ooops.

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 11:16 PM
Two worst case senario storms within a few weeks of each other?

A Bloomberg article today contains a quotation from a Wall Street energy expert as saying,

“‘Rita is developing into our worst-case scenario,’ said John Kilduff, vice president of risk management at Fimat USA in New York. ‘This is headed right into our other major refining center just after all the damage done to facilities in Louisiana. From an energy perspective it doesn't get any worse than this.’

The South Texas Project nuclear plant – one of the largest in the country – is being completely shut down in preparation for Rita’s landfall. It is only 12 miles from the Texas coast and almost dead center in the hurricane’s projected path. Texas has its own power grid but catastrophic electricity shortages could easily ripple throughout the country in a short time. Electricity lost from that that facility will only be added to what is lost from other facilities powered by now critically short supplies of natural gas.

[edit on 21-9-2005 by Netchicken]

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 11:28 PM
I'm not saying the following as fact. I have read in some book at sometime not long ago that 20-35 years ago the Soviets and America signed an unknown pact to not interfere with weather amongst themselves.

True or untrue, I read it a while ago and when this weather manipulation stuff started happening and appearing in UFO journals I started thinking again about what I had read back then, and at that time not giving it the slightest belief, until recently.


posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 11:36 PM
I'm not either, it goes against my sceptical grain. but both storms are so environmentally and economocally devestating, and to both happen so close together, it does start to make you wonder.

Once is chance, twice is coincidence, but three times is enemy action (a quote from somewhere)

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 11:45 PM
I have a quote here in my research somewhere that I can'f find at the moment (3 Gig of .txt if that tells you anything) but about three years ago I caught a quote in an interview with the NOAA Big Cheese saying something to the effect that "It's like steering a basketball with a drinking straw". If I find it I will post it on this thread. I also have a thread up on here about the recent Legislation which specificly outlaws weather modification and is specific to the point of mentioning frequencies.

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 12:06 AM
Just a quick thought before I log off -

Why don't we talk about major corporate powers when we talk about war? Historically, corporations fronted colonial wars - still do. Corporations are most likely to use population control and destabilization bioweapons. Corporations have the most to gain economically in any fray - and have more resources than most nations, including "security."

So why don't we think of corporations as major powers, or as wargame players? Are we conditioned not to?

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 12:08 AM
I live in Florida and with both this year's and last year's storms noticed that some of what Bearden said were signatures seem to be occuring. Last year, I noticed an unusual spiked cloud pattern, never seeing that before, and told my wife, hey, that looks like one of the things this guy on the internet said were indications of weather war.

Right after that, there was a slew of hurricanes which oddly followed very similar paths, 2 almost exactly the same path.

Another signature to look for are fireballs in the sky, and just this week, a massive unexplained fireball was seen.

My hope is the USA is on to this and working to combat it, if real, but my concern is the government and military isn't even aware of the capabilities in this regard, much less actually taking notice that an impossible hurricane, forming south of the equator occurred last year, and never seen before, and that perhaps last year's hurricanes and the one in Brazil were tests to see if we would notice the weapons systems in effect.

I am not sure if we even noticed it.

It may be the efforts to bury technology has been so successful in the West and US, that our scientists are essentially brainwashed about fundamental capabilities.

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by soficrow
So why don't we think of corporations as major powers, or as wargame players? Are we conditioned not to?

I agree with you whole heartedly on this. Everything about the corporate institution is wrong. The primary goal is to maximize profit. That was pounded into my head over and over in business school. Greed; one of seven deadly sins. Profit maximization as THE end goal will only lead to evil means. And yes, "we" are conditions not to think this way because the corporations own the mass media, including the publication of school books. The media (corporations) own the minds of the masses through their capitalistic propoganda. Earn Earn Earn, Buy Buy Buy, Consume Consume Consume, Disposable, Whiter than white, Antibacterial, Ammunition at K-Mart, Right to Bear Arms, Join the Army!, Do You Need Prozac? What about Viagra? Ask your doctor! Here's a prescription for the side effects. Xenedrine at every convenience store, preservatives in all our food, No we won't tell you what is in our cigarettes!, Aren't you feeling agressive yet?, How about some fast food to make you irritable? 99 cent Extra Value! Why won't those power lines outside quit crackling? Cut your hair, Shave your face, Plastic razor dull? Throw it out, buy another. Dammit boy what's wrong with you? Mommy the fumes at the gas station make my head hurt. Lemme run inside the store and get you some Advil. We need to build more prisons. Those delinquents need boot camp. Here's a gun... point it there shoot. Mow that yard! $500 fine for weeds over 18". Wait no... pave a bigger parking lot around the church... got to keep the collections rolling in. Jesus, Inc.

A little Megadeth:

Just like the pied piper led rats through the streets... we dance like marionettes... swaying to the symphony of destruction.

One must realize the masses are the untruth. Everything you've been taught is wrong.

What can one do? Flee the cities. Head for the hills. Grow food. Humbly subsist.

Sri Oracle

ps ...and I also feel we all sell our children to the corporate system through college debt. (wishing my parents had signed me up for 10 acres and a mule instead)


posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by soficrow
Just a quick thought before I log off -

Why don't we talk about major corporate powers when we talk about war? Historically, corporations fronted colonial wars - still do. Corporations are most likely to use population control and destabilization bioweapons. Corporations have the most to gain economically in any fray - and have more resources than most nations, including "security."

So why don't we think of corporations as major powers, or as wargame players? Are we conditioned not to?

Very good point there soficrow. It seems these days that you cannot trust the government (probly never could) but even more so we shouldn't trust international financeers and transnational corporations who sell arms and the bankers who lend the money to the various governments so they can buy the Arms.

Problem is these corporations keep us busy, busy, busy so at the end of the day, the majority of people just couldn't care how these corporations and bankers do business. Shame


Netchicken, nice find
. *possibly* Installed weather modification Oct 05??????

If true it is a VERY scary thought especially about the fuel and New Orleans you *could* be on to something here, I will def be keeping an eye on this thread. Keep up the good work.


[edit on 22/9/05 by Hunting Veritas]

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by Netchicken
I'm not either, it goes against my sceptical grain. but both storms are so environmentally and economocally devestating, and to both happen so close together, it does start to make you wonder.

Once is chance, twice is coincidence, but three times is enemy action (a quote from somewhere)

And yet last year the south got pounded with 4 hurricanes in 4 weeks (not as powerful though).

We don't much talk about the two super typhoons that hit Asia soon after Katrina, maybe the pacific is a good place to watch for the next week (watch and see what happens to Saola). There's not much to back up my theory, but all we can do is watch for patterns.

There's plenty of evidence to suggest the technologies exists and if it does would the US not be one of the countries with access/control?

If this is a war, who are the players? If corperations are to be considered as soficrow suggests, which would have both access to that sort of technology and be in the market to make such a profit from these disasters? So, who made the most money off Katrina? I won't take a diatribe on the corperate institute as an answer as I won't personify an economical system. Disreguard "good and evil" and then contemplate the players.

If we deny profit as reason for eco-weapons, what are the goals of the attacks, and where's the retaliation? How does it play into current global affairs?

Just more questions...

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 08:11 AM
I've been wondering the same thing, and that's some great stuff there, Netchicken, thanks!

War is war though, and if this IS going on (which I sure hope it isn't) then it would seem that we could answer with any weapon at our disposal, not just another storm. But how in the heck would they go about proving a storm was controlled or influenced? Might there possibly be ways to detect the use of these microwaves for that purpose? I saw the spiked cloud thing, but to me that would not constitute proof. It would seem that if there is a way to control or influence these storms, then there might be a way to detect the energy directed for that purpose.

It also occurs to me that if these storms are happening via contol of any kind, then chances are that along with that development, the governments and/or corporations are probably also head deep into figuring out ways of detecting the controlling energy. And if that is the case, they could already know (or have an idea) of who did it. Considering the kind of damage we are talking about, that makes me wonder if someone, somewhere is about to be pulverized for this, and I' not talking Rita here. And considering who the likely countires are that have this technology, this could spell disaster. Or WW3.

Other ATS threads on Weather Wars:

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 08:13 AM
anyone an edgar cayce fan? according to him, atlantis has this grand way of air travel, if I remember right they had something like beams that were like channels that their aircraft kind of just followed. they decided to use this instead for war purposes, when they diverted these beams into the earth, well, they sunk themselves...

this might not be so much new technology as rediscovered old technology?
then again, maybe that pyramid in the burmuda triangle that's been active for so long has finally gotten it's settings totally scrambled and it creating the chaos.

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 08:46 AM
But if Bin Laden's goal is to overthrow Saudi, then the best way is to cut off their flow of petrodollars coming from the US. The only way to make that happen is to force the US and Europe to buy less oil.

You can

a) disrupt saudi's oil infrastructure

b) attack US or Europe's refinery capacity. Most Saudi oil goes to US, and they have a very centralized refining structure.

Maybe these storms are "coincidence." But they effectively prosecute his plan for him.

Incedentally, Afghanistan is mostly desert. Why would the Taliban host a regime that was certain to invite a US presence? Perhaps if Bin Laden could promise to make it rain . . .

On the other hand.

I've found a couple of websites that claim that the latest scientific evidence points to us being on the threshold of the next Ice Age. More than 60% of world glaciers are growing, compared to about the same number that were shrinking until the early 90's. The scientists I was reading acted like a lot of scientists see it, but don't want to talk about it, because it will confuse the public and draw attention away from "global warming" legislation and attendant agenda.

(If a decide it's worth posting, I'll put it on a separte thread, so this one stays on topic)

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 08:52 AM
What I like about these 'weather wars' is that they are being conducted by people who know zilch about meteorology/climatology, using methods that defy all we know about meteorlogy/climatology and right under the noses of the world's meteorlogical/climatological experts....... They were even clever enough to start hurricanes exactly when we'd predicted an upsurge in hurricane activity!

Of course no-one wants to counternance the possibility that we simply have no control whatsoever over the weather and all these seemingly natural occurences really are natural, 'cos, like, that'd make us impotent and - in the grand scheme of things - pretty irrelevant...........

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