posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 12:12 AM
Okay guys!
Hit Dallas about an hour ago. Will really be PO'd if you Gen, you Zip, you Love, or you elf DON'T get out.
Hey! I left Bay City at 2:45 and saw boat parades, motor home shows, cows, cats, dogs, dead deer, and other anomalies people don't normally flaunt on
the open road. Even a few freezers and fridges, thrown in with a kitchen sink. Seriously.
The blue highway route took close to 9 hours compared to around 5 and a half on I45. And after spending many wasted minutes in traffic (read three
mile long jams entering the small towns), decided to get back to I45.
Have to hand it the Sealy and Bellville people, they had constables and officers at the major intersections directing traffic. And doing a great job
under the circumstances (temps there were in the 100's).
On Hwy 6 noted a flashing sign warning motorists there were no shelters available and directing them to the next possible location which was College
Station about 35 miles away.
Finally picked up I45 at Madisonville and watched as it became a red light ribbon heading north at sundown. And continued that way until well passed
Corsicana. Traffic thinned some in Ennis and I was one happy traveller when I hit Central and 635!
Safety is job 1? Right? So like Robert DeNiro said to Nick Nolte in Cape Fear, "Get out, get out, wherever you are!"
[edit on 22-9-2005 by garyo1954]