posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 12:58 PM
Thanks for the thoughts and the prayers! Let's hope we don't use them up.
I, garyo1954, am headed back to Dallas after all the semi precious stuff is stuffed away. Since I live within three miles of the Gulf, I think that is
a wise decision. I am taking the less travelled route this evening. Dr. Love is right things are tense here on the coast.
Bank lines are longer, some ATMs shut down, gas stations showing lines, and traffic extremely unusual going north into Houston. This morning there
were more boats, motor homes, travel trailers, horse trailers, tractors, and fully loaded cars than I can remember. Even a few golf carts being towed
to safety.
The tension scares me. One guy almost lost his boat on the highway when the trailer tilted up. Lucky he could move over to the side of the road to
secure it properly. And I think Katrina had a damaging effect on the overall sense of security. I am not seeing mass hysteria, or panic, but more like
people acting without thinking, rushing to remove themselves from harms way.
Still, not a pretty thought when you see four boats, three travel trailers, two jet skis, and a golf cart being towed to safety and every other person
has a cell phone to their ear while mom and the kids are just trying to get out alive.
Talk to you guys from Dallas.
How people are responding is a social study in itself.
[edit on 21-9-2005 by garyo1954]