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When Will ATS Become a Threat to National Security

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posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 02:11 PM
I have read things like this all over the board:

Originally posted by Dallas

Is ATS being watched?, not only watched but recorded and disceminated to the Hidden Gov administration for things like Secret info given out, Politcal Future Agendas, Popularity Problem Identification for rectification, etc..

Phone calls will be listened to as well should certain 'key words'' be used during a telephone conversation. I'm hearing now that Holders of Library Cards also get fed to the NSA or other Fed Dept when certain book titles are loaned from a Library.

I'm sure many of you have read articles similar to this one:
No government agency in Canada or the U.S. has acknowledged that it employs hackers to break into computers. That information is secret because the targets of "computer exploitation" are not just terrorists like bin Laden and hostile states. The targets can just as easily be citizens at home, trade negotiators and diplomats from friendly countries, or foreign businessmen bidding against a domestic company. In this exclusive Gazette report, some of North America's top intelligence, military and computer experts talk about how government hackers are transforming the Internet into a tool for spying and warfare. They say U.S. spy agencies, and very likely Canadian ones too, have been hacking into computers for years.

Full Article

So I guess my question is this, how long until ATS becomes a threat to National Security?

With all the legislature that has been past in the last 4 years, I can see that it is only a short matter of time before our 'keepers' step in and and shut it down server-side. Calling the site an 'Anti-American propaganda distributor' and that we are 'empowering terrorists'.

It wouldn't be that difficult for them to do! All they would do is put the order out and someone on their payroll creeps inside the network, drop some kind of 'nuke' and we loose everything. When I say everything I mean absolutely nothing left (unless admin does backups of the boards).

On top of that they would make it look like an accident, there would be no trace of an intrusion on the system. So therefore your provider would not have any answers for you. They would say something like 'there was a massive unrecoverable data loss', or something to that effect.

Just a thought I had.....

[edit on 9-9-2005 by gangster45]

[edit on 9-9-2005 by gangster45]

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 03:01 PM
I could not get to the site this morning.. and that is no secret. A lot of people could not.

I entertained the thought this morning. thinking you know maybe one day this site maybe a little to much for the powers to be to keep up with their illusion They would most likely shut it down for something similar as you stated in your post. But maybe they do not really care since the mass population is deceived or toiling in their everyday life to even care. Sometimes the best deception is none at all. If this site is ever prosecuted or judged against then we musta hit pretty darn close to the mark eh?

ATS has a good defense at the moment. They have all kinds of topics from Aliens to Ancient lost civilizations, Cryptozoology, paranormal. Most people see these things and laugh it off as silliness; the absurd. They will think the site is mindless teenage curiosity; writing it all off as hogwash...

[edit on 9-9-2005 by GameSetMatch]

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 03:08 PM
ATS would only become a threat to national security if it began calling for the violent overthrow of the U.S. government.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 03:10 PM
Sorry, guys, but there are thousands of websites expressly communicating messages that are anti- the Bush administration (which may or may not be a genuine concern for national security) and which advocate the specific means of removing an unwanted government. That is their express mission and the truths exposed at such sites are not subject to attempts at rebuttal.

ATS is international in scope, but looking at purpose and message it is a children's playground by comparison with other sites.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 03:13 PM
You say "threat", I say a useful tool. I have no doubt that a few members here do in fact work for the government in some capacity, spreading disinfo. Don't laugh. This place is blowing up!!! Centralize all the conspiracy nuts (myself included) and keep tabs on the ones that are figuring things out. They want to see how other members respond to the ones that have figured things out. If members start buying the correct theory en masse, they just send someone to this site to twist or skew it in order to take it in another direction. Make the members 'lose the scent' so to speak.


posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 03:16 PM

Sorry, guys, but there are thousands of websites expressly communicating messages that are anti- the Bush administration

Yeah, that's what I was going to say.

I don't know how many other ATS members have visited or participated in other conspiracy/paranormal debate forums out there, but compared to most that I've experienced ATS is a sowing circle compared to some of the rabid insanity rants that await you on other sites.

Which is pretty much the reason I only come to ATS nowadays, it's the closest thing to open minded debate on the internet regarding most of these subjects.

I doubt ATS is considered a threat in any sense, or would ever be.

Take that for what it's worth, and of course and as always IMO.


[edit on 9/9/2005 by Spiderj]

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
You say "threat", I say a useful tool. I have no doubt that a few members here do in fact work for the government in some capacity, spreading disinfo. Don't laugh. This place is blowing up!!! Centralize all the conspiracy nuts (myself included) and keep tabs on the ones that are figuring things out. They want to see how other members respond to the ones that have figured things out. If members start buying the correct theory en masse, they just send someone to this site to twist or skew it in order to take it in another direction. Make the members 'lose the scent' so to speak.


You are not too far off the mark but I beleive that the monitoring that is done is just that, I have not yet seen true attempts of spreading disinformation during my time here. The Admins and Mods as well as the members are pretty quick in picking that up.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by GameSetMatch
I could not get to the site this morning.. and that is no secret. A lot of people could not.

There are times when it's about finished loading up here (I have cable modem) and suddenly I get an error message saying MSIE can't open that page, and I get a server error. It's happened a few times.

I entertained the thought this morning. thinking you know maybe one day this site maybe a little to much for the powers to be to keep up with their illusion They would most likely shut it down for something similar as you stated in your post. But maybe they do not really care since the mass population is deceived or toiling in their everyday life to even care. Sometimes the best deception is none at all. If this site is ever prosecuted or judged against then we musta hit pretty darn close to the mark eh?

As Poe said, the best place to hide something is in the open. And even a lot of the anti-Bush crowd, it seems, have a hard time with the concept that our government is out to get us.

ATS has a good defense at the moment. They have all kinds of topics from Aliens to Ancient lost civilizations, Cryptozoology, paranormal. Most people see these things and laugh it off as silliness; the absurd. They will think the site is mindless teenage curiosity; writing it all off as hogwash...

[edit on 9-9-2005 by GameSetMatch]

That's pretty much what I think. Given all the topics that are discussed, it could be blown off as a BS/paranoia site.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 03:52 PM
Are you sure that ATS is not ran by government agents to help confuse the sheeple of the world.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by AmethystAs Poe said, the best place to hide something is in the open.

Interesting, you see my signature
Could you elaborate on "Poe" who is this you mention. I'm curious, I may need to fix my sig and give him the credit.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by GameSetMatch

Originally posted by AmethystAs Poe said, the best place to hide something is in the open.

Interesting, you see my signature
Could you elaborate on "Poe" who is this you mention. I'm curious, I may need to fix my sig and give him the credit.

Edgar Allan Poe. I believe it came from his story "The Telltale Heart," if I remember right. That quote is attributed to him, at least.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 04:36 PM
There is no issue to worry about here.... *waves hand*

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 05:46 PM
Many of you have good points, but the fact still remains that this country has set very blurry lines as far as what can be considered a threat. We are entering an era where more and more things will be considered threats to the government. As more laws pass, more actions or crimes fall under the massive umbrella that is Homeland $ecurity.

In this scenario, any type of public out-cry against the administration will be considered an act of treason, and thereby declaring you an enemy of the state and a threat to national security. Keep in mind this is what they would tell the press....

The real reasoning is that they don't want any kind of disclosure on what really may be happening behind closed doors. They want us out there in the job market, working 3 jobs, continually giving CPR to the American economy.

Yes yes... all IMO

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by gangster45
In this scenario, any type of public out-cry against the administration will be considered an act of treason, and thereby declaring you an enemy of the state and a threat to national security. Keep in mind this is what they would tell the press....

It's already happening more or less. Remember when the FBI and/or SS was harassing anti-war protesters a little bit during the 2004 campaign?

Bush has already said (check out that anyone who's anti-war is a "motherf***ing traitor." In fact, he REALLY got steamed when some VFW guys were wearing "B***S*** Protectors" over their ears!

People, the lunatics are running the asylum.


posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 07:30 PM
phone calls r already monitored, in a facility on the yorkshire moors, Charles Clark, the UK's Home Secretry is asking for more powers.

National security varies from country to country.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 07:48 PM
lol, I love the overly-inflated sence of importance so many here have. ATS isint even a footnote on any government lists, its just another hole in the net to them. The fact of the matter is that the true dangers do not openly converse on a public discussion board but rather in the darker, more private corners of the internet.

Now to quell all the panic of the server being taken out. ATS is hosted in a hosting center, which means a massive building, secured (hopefully) from physical harm including but not limited to magnetic locks, CCTV systems, guards, power line conditioning hardware, battery and generator backup, etc. Hosting centers are in the business of being secure, so its not like someone is walking in there to the cage where the server is and taking it without flashing a warrant. You people really need a reality check, its not as simple to break into a place and destroy something, even for the goverment.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 08:18 PM
if an idividual became a threat, he would be of interest, but the site itself will never be a threat.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 08:28 PM
I never spoke of the government walking into a building and destroying or seizing hardware. I'm talking about CIA or FBI hackers bypassing security measures and uploading malicious viri to a network. Leaving no trace of 'breached entry'. If we have 'hackers' on US payroll, I'm sure we have some of the best in the biz.

No I'm not talking about anytime in the next few months....

If this downward spiral keeps up we may eventually become a target along with 100s maybe 1000s of other sites. That was the point that I was trying to make. You are correct in saying that the real dangers of the Internet happen in places we(most of us) could never locate.....

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 09:15 PM
I would think that people with first-hand knowledge and a big mouth are the threat to Them. When you really think about it, most of us just ferret out the news on the Internet and discuss it. We're just spreading around what we know...or what we think we know.

posted on Sep, 10 2005 @ 04:33 PM
ATS will become a threat to National Security when we start posting classified documents and threats against America and/or its government.

ATS is not currently any threat to national security because the most dangerous thing going on here is heated discussion about government conspiracies. I think i even heard someone say that the FBI has given ATS the thumbs

Good question man, but i don't see it happening any time soon.


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