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Bible Code and the existence of 'Shadow Government'

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posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 11:18 PM
I recntly started looking at various bible code articals. I must admit i was very sceptical, until that is i started researching and found evidence leading toward the prophecies.

Evidence seems to point towar a joint Israeli-US airstrike on Iran following the upcoming US ellections, thus starting WW3. I'd love to hear what others views are on this, people i have spoken to are shocked when the evidence is placed before them.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 11:27 PM
I am sorry but i've come to realize that you can look at those codes and come up with one million things. Whatever you want. And you can only tell the past if you put it all together.


posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 11:31 PM
Not always, i have always been a big researcher and have found evidence that would suggest that all the prophecies of WW3 are more accurate than i thought.

The peices are falling into place and its almost end-game.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 11:33 PM
Some of the most untrustworthy words around bible codes are "Evidence seems to point".

You take an idea look through the bible codes for confirmation, no matter how vague, to substantiate your poistion, and then base that as evidence for your initial idea.

Its nonsence based on nonsence, sorry.


posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 11:37 PM
I think its really great that people are sceptical, last thing the world needs is for people NOT TO QUESTION strange things, and thats the main reason i'm here.

For me, my semi-befief in the prophecies wil come in the next 3 months, Iran being attacked by Isreal and the US.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 11:45 PM
You have the idea Iran will be attacked.

You look it up using the bible codes,

You find somethng that you think corroborates your belief (which you havn't shown us yet)

Then waddayaknow1 Iran is attacked (as MANY people predict)

And you say "The the bible codes are true". When infact they are not. They didn't PREDICT anything, you just took the words you found there and INTERPRETATED it as a prediction.
Enough people have predicted that Iran might be attacked - including Bush himself - that it might come true. nothing to do with the bible codes however.


posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 11:56 PM
the piece i looked at was by Roy A Reinhold. It claimed a variety of things concerning a WW3, mentioning country alliances i always believed to be false.

I have never professed to believe these claims, however i went inti it the only way i know how, by looking at how viable these claims could be. I downloaded the document on July 6th 2005.

It talks of 'Kings of the South', or the arab nations, backed by the 'Kings of the North'. Its was this notion of the northern alliances that caused me the most scepticism. Why would Russia, China and Germany defend and alline themslelves with the arab nations.

Since then, Russia has become friendly with China, holding joint exercises, and now is building energy pipeline with Germany. As i researched i became more aware of secret society theories, with historical ties.

I do not claim all this to be true, only time will tell this. as always i remain open minded to it all.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 12:47 AM
hasnt it been proven by more than one debunker that you can get "bible codes" out of any text?


posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 01:03 AM
i dont yet know, i'm still looking into it all, its a huge body of work to examine.

I originally aimed to disprove it by finding that the alliances it speaks of couldnot palmably exist. problem is the more i aimed to disprove it the more evidence i was finding that things were looking correct. dont get me wrong, i really hope its all false, however right now, the more i read the more i'm edging my bets and waiting to see what happens.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by purelogik
hasnt it been proven by more than one debunker that you can get "bible codes" out of any text?

Yep, you can with the Lord of the Rings, as well as any long books.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by la2
It claimed a variety of things concerning a WW3, mentioning country alliances i always believed to be false.

Such as? International politics is a web of diplomacy and alliances - nothing should really be too suprising (well US and North Korea might be, but it wasn't so long ago US and Iraq were allies).

It talks of 'Kings of the South', or the arab nations, backed by the 'Kings of the North'. Its was this notion of the northern alliances that caused me the most scepticism.

Well who are the "Kings of the South"? Africa and Australia? Arab countries are generally referred to as the East. So this doesn't even work.

I do not claim all this to be true, only time will tell this. as always i remain open minded to it all.

Claim what is true? You have so far been very vague about your claims are and have not provided any evidence to back it up whatsoever.

Oh yeah, and just to concurr with the other posters: the whole Bible code debacle is just a confidence trick played out by charlatans.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by Odium

Originally posted by purelogik
hasnt it been proven by more than one debunker that you can get "bible codes" out of any text?

Yep, you can with the Lord of the Rings, as well as any long books.

I saw a show where they used Moby Dick and were able to get all kinds of codes

la2, you said you said you found evidence that would suggest that all the prophecies of WW3 are more accurate than i thought. Since WW3 hasn't happened how do you know anything about the accuracy of the prophecies

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 01:42 PM
In the Lord of the Rings [my friend has a copy, which uses a Bible code like program] we managed to find out that I [using my real name and it's not common] will be King of the World. :|

I hold little truth on anything that searches through books for key-words to proove something. Especailly the Bible since many people wrote it, the chance of them all knowing the code along with the mistakes after the edits...come on people.


posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 04:49 PM
it is said that the bible we know today is fundamentally flawed. The original text was translated into greek, however when it was translated into latin, some words would not translate, and i'd imagine the same can be said when different nations had it translated into their language too.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 04:56 PM
I'm sorry La, but what you are saying is nonsence.

If you want to read the bible in the original languages then all you have to do is learn hebrew, aramaic and greek. The Jews still have the original translations, thats why the fragments found can be so easily read, and are so easily identifiable as biblical texts.

What you are stating is an oft used "fact" of Islamic apologists to discredit the bible and show that the koran is more "true".

BTW using your argument, if the bible has changed, wouldn't that make the bible codes false then? Beacuse they are based on the text of the supposedly changed bible.

[edit on 9-9-2005 by Netchicken]


posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 05:07 PM
its a valid point.

The best thing about anything like this is examining it from different angles, the main reason i joined this site was to see other peoples views. By looking into any subject matter like the things talked about on here it is very important to stay honest and avoid bias, something that can become lost when loking into things as an individual, 2 heads really are better than 1.

Its having people point things out that keep u open to new ideas.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 05:14 PM
You know La, thats what I was thinking when I read this thread. One of the good things about ATS is that the huge diversity of posters give everyone new ideas and refine old ones. Having been here quite a while when I talk about issues now some people are amazed how much I know on topics (my wife often says this) and thats because of following the board closely. Certianly many things I once believed I no longer do, and visa versa.

[edit on 9-9-2005 by Netchicken]


posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 05:20 PM
i aint been on here long, so i do understand that i do repeat old posts but hopefully people will get something from what i write, either way i will get better at this.

posted on Sep, 10 2005 @ 08:24 PM
If you were to show me a code today that said New York will be nuked on June 6 2006 and then it happened,i dont care how the code was decyphered or by whom or if the code breaker made it up's prophetic none the less..On the other hand dont show me the code on June 7th.

posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 06:14 AM
Have read that reports about the bible code, too and thought about that. Also think with words can be played in every book.
Have not heard yet about future profecies out of that code.

If I would adopt Gods view...every man has his free will live and do what he likes. Its up to each ones own decisions what hes doing. For each situation there can be several possiblities how it develops depending on the decision of people, on the circumstances etc.....
I basicly don't think that every little thing that takes place is already defined somewhere, specially not in gods word. Because then nobody would be able to do something, we would not actually have a free will and we could do nothing than to accept everything and beeing scared of profecies.
By poring over the biblical stories and profecies, you'll find, that god often gave future visions of things that would logically happen, if some certain situations would not change. God send profets to warn people, in some storys they did act accordingly in order to prefent a worse case but some did not listen...
today its the same, most time you must not even be a profet to recognize that certain things will not come out well.....

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