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Severe Solar Warning - will reach the Earth

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posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 04:27 PM
As part of the Team working on the Severe Geomagnetic Storm Research Project, we have posted important information in relation with the recent X17 SOLAR CLASS FLARE.

See information published by

This event has a high probability of becoming something really dangerous for all of us.

Solar X flares together with geomagnetic storms, as mentioned by Regenmacher and Worldwathcer, are very powerful and generate events of major power. They generate storms loaded with radiation and with long effect, generating besides an effect very harmful to the live beings, the climate, the communications, the satellites and electrical sudden blackouts of long or short duration.

See more information about this:

We never know what these X Flares can cause but, among others, this could happen:

High solar radiation, severe climate changes, blackouts of HF communications, active earthquake activity, etc.

Take caution.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 04:50 PM
exactly when is this supposed to happen if it does?

Kind Regards,

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 04:51 PM
I believe it causes damage to Satellites in a high orbit. Which will lead to communications blackouts, loss of services etc.

Really depends on the intensity of the storm. I hear this is going to be a biggy though.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 04:54 PM
yea but when are they saying this storm is going to take place?

Kind Regards,
Digital grl

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 05:04 PM
the flare started yesterday, the solar activity will continue and mostly likely intensify over the next few days.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 05:06 PM

yea but when are they saying this storm is going to take place?

The link posted says:

a significant sideways impact at Earth could occur as early as before midnight tommorow (September 8), although more likely on September 9. Active to severe geomagnetic storming is possible.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 05:19 PM
Keep in mind that this flare was not directed at the Earth.
So expect some possible Comm. interuptions, and a nice
Aurora show.

It IS possible that the activity could occur again, as this disturbed area rotates toward the earth..

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 05:21 PM
i dont see why this is that important. doesnt this happen everyday on smaller scales (not to mention occasianally on an equal scale)?

why is it so revolutionary for the sun to have large, dangerous flares?

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 05:27 PM
it's not revolutionary for the sun to have them, but it is important to study them and their effects on our planet.

you might want to start with some general info found here

In a society, that heavily relies on technology, any satellite, communication, electrical disruptions could be critical.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 05:33 PM
As mentioned by Worldwatcher
NOAA forecasters say the flare, the fourth largest in the last 15 years, has already affected some high-frequency communications on the sunlit side of Earth.
While the blast was not aimed at Earth, the event created a complete blackout of high frequency communications in North and South America. According to the NOAA Space Environment Center, communications used by emergency services along the Gulf Coast may have experienced problems due to this flare. Low frequency navigation systems may also have experienced a period of significant degradation. Further, they report that agencies impacted by space weather storms may experience disruptions over the next two weeks. These include spacecraft operators, electric power systems, high frequency communications, and low-frequency navigations systems.

It is completely unusual for the solar monitor to show a mega flare for so long. Already 24 hours have passed and activity has not ceased. This is extremely dangerous.
The last Mega Flare we had, took place on November, the 4th 2003 and lasted for a couple of hours.
Up to now, the solar flare we have, has not changed.

Something serious can happen, maybe not. But the risk is there.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 05:33 PM

It happens often, but not really every day.
Depending on the strength, and direction..
these events can cause major blackouts, for one..
This happens when voltages are induced across powerlines, overloading them.
Blackouts are bad, and can happen on a large scale, due to these events..

Satellite damage is not a good thing either, when we rely so much on this form of communication.

If a Coronal mass Ejection occurs, and strikes the Earth directly, there are other problems, radiation, because this is literally a piece of the Sun hitting our Planet

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 05:58 PM
I was comign here to post about the tornados and spain. After reading this I put a direct link on it. Most of my family is from spaind have do not recall having tornadoes in 40+ years.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 06:06 PM
Does anyone know what TYPE of electric power systems it could affect...??
Or would it be only the systems in orbit ? Hope not on the ground. Could we have general power blackouts???


posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by AndrewTB
I was comign here to post about the tornados and spain. After reading this I put a direct link on it. Most of my family is from spaind have do not recall having tornadoes in 40+ years.

Thank you for confirming.
It has been really incredible. Not only 1 tornado, but 12!

Climate is changing everywhere & at a very high speed.

And returning to the subject: the solar flare can even make it worse for the next days...

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by mercury19
Does anyone know what TYPE of electric power systems it could affect...??
Or would it be only the systems in orbit ? Hope not on the ground. Could we have general power blackouts???


I think authorities do not even know the real consequences that these solar flares can produce.

As we are talking about solar storms loaded with radiation and with long effect, generating besides an effect very harmful to the live beings, the climate, the communications, the satellites and electrical sudden blackouts of long or short duration, as well as the possibility of having solar radiation and that humans can also be affected by these flares and by the geomagnetic conditions...

What to expect?
A big earthquake? A Supervolcano eruption? A hurricane?
Or just false alarm?

Who knows what can really happen?

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 09:09 PM
In March 1989 a large solar flare knocked out power for over 6 million people in Quebec, Canada. That same year, in June, another solar flare killed 500+ people when a gas pipeline along the trans Siberian Railroad exploded. ( University of California - Winter 2002 (PDF) )

Our Star, the Sun - some really good reading.

Should you be overly alarmed? No. On November 4, 2003, a solar flare (the largest recorded) was a 'whopping' X45. "This makes it more than twice as large as any previously recorded flare, and if the accompanying particle and magnetic storm had been aimed at the Earth, the damage to some satellites and electrical networks could have been considerable," says Thomson. Their calculations show that the flare's x-ray radiation bombarding the atmosphere was equivalent to that of 5,000 Suns, though none of it reached the Earth's surface, the researchers say." -- And, we're all still here.

The flares from yesterday were not 'aimed' towards Earth. The most we're going to see is some increased aurora and a small chance of communications disruption. has an X17 blast yesterday and an X5 blast today and a 30% chance of another XFlare tomorrow.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by Ptolomeo
...We never know what these X Flares can cause but, among others, this could happen:

High solar radiation, severe climate changes, blackouts of HF communications, active earthquake activity, etc.

Take caution.

Take caution? How?

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 11:56 PM
There has been a large amount of interference today with my tv and radio. This is unusual and there is nothing local to cause it.

Watch the weather satellites coming out of the antarctic for large twirly whirlys like the ones that have now so far caused Katrina, Nabi, Talim, Orphelia and another that has since settled off Taiwan.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 04:46 AM
Some of the things we can do, expect or avoid:

We could expect weather changes, electrical faults, earthquakes, telephone & Internet disruptions...

Avoid airplanes and helicopters.

GPS and satellites can suffer problems and be unoperable.

Of course, do not take sunbaths.
Humans can also be affected by these flares and by the geomagnetic conditions.

It can happen or not.
We will have to wait and see.
Lets hope nothing serious happens.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 05:53 AM
There is already a solar flare thread started earlier. Here is the link.

Solar flares are nothing new to us. The have happened for as long as humans have been around. Technology is enabling us to see them first hand now. This flare is in fact the 4th biggest flare recorded. But you have to take into account that it is only the 4th biggest flare since 1976. So who knows how big flares could have been before this date.

There is nothing to be worried about as this flare wasn't directly aimed toward the earth. The biggest flare on record was back on November 4, 2003 which was too big to calculate. They estimated it first at an X40, but then they lowered their estimates to X28. This flare was also not directly aimed toward the earth.

Things that may happen are radio blackouts, auroras and radiation storms.

So far, except for brief radio blackouts, the flares from sunspot 798 have had little effect on Earth. The 'spot is near the sun's eastern limb, so the explosions have not been Earth-directed.

source >

But as you stated earlier we might have a problem to deal with as the suns rotation turns sunspot 798 toward the earth. If there was another mega flare during this time we might have many radio blackouts and radiation storms.

But I'm confident that there is nothing to worry about as I have seen this scenario many times before.

Everyone should be excited as this will spark some magnificent auroras!

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