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Here's the proof we've all been waiting for !!!

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posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 06:45 AM
The guy is probably really regretting his little faux pax...all those emails to answer...heheh...he deserves it...heheheh. Great thread, tho! Had my attention (and subscription)!

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL

i speak truth...

anyway, is there any proof for this guy's claim???

did anyone else recieve an e-mail from a military guy???

Please... This is a webforum. It's opinion vs opinion. Don't be ridiculous.

The guy may or may not have been serious with that reply to mesh. Frankly, we don't know. We can't claim to know either, or are you psychic?

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by GrOuNd_ZeRo
I will withdraw what I have said so far if there is proof of Mesh being a liar and i'd be more than pleased to have another liar banned, but I have seen little out right lies here.

This "Skepticism" has cost this board a lot of members that have never been proven to be hoaxers, liars or trolls, they often were just driven to the edge.

IMO this is the best post in this whole thread. I fully agree with ground zero here.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 03:47 PM
im not physic TheBandit795...

do i pretend to be???

i just wish we had proof...

posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 12:34 AM
Who knows if the guy Mesh emailed was just having some fun with him, or what. But the email i recieved was quite different, even though the email i sent was very similar. So who knows.

posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 02:54 AM
To be completely honest some military people can be quite forth coming or lockheed martin for that fact. My dad was in the army intelligence/ cryptology, and I've also spoken with lockheed martin personnel at mensa functions. If you ask the right questions of private sector people they love to brag about stuff they do cause away from work its not dangerous to discuss stuff hell a few times at mensa functions there have been military personnel talking about atomic weaponry discussing how they work and what the average size of an atomic bomb is and where they've been set off. My dad who had high security clearence since he was in intelligence/ cryptology and spoke 3 languages ( which 1 was korean) one place he was stationed at was san diego and he also spent time in the dmz in korea intercepting encrypted communications from north korean military. and did other various other projects later on involving being in korea interrogating some other people. My dad also discussed with me many years later about 9/11 that very day on the phone he told me why the terrorists chose the twin towers and they the terrorists had been told just how to hit the towers and at what speed and where to hit them to do the most damage, he went into detail with schematics of the 2 towers. Where the planes hit was not random in the 2 towers. they were purposefully aimed where the weakest points in the towers schematics. As far as area 51 he told me also projects he knew of when he was still in the army cause of his clearence and believe me I have his badge he has it encased in glass it was done as something of honor from the military when he retired. He never denied a thing about what he knew about north korea or what he intercepted in communications from them or what he knew of at area 51 which he never denied never existing he made a valid point too the guys in jeeps on the hills above the base are NOT military ( hired guns). and there is a way to spy on them you get close enough and listen through ham radio chatter it seems to happen more often late at night or real early in the morning. I've seen the documentary about the guy who tried to infiltrate area 51 various techniques and he spooked them enough they got in his place and took his comp and various files. If you know the right people & ask the right questions away from where they work they will be pretty open cause as I said some get pretty talkative when they like you enough. I've been to mensa conventions in S.f. California and in Michigan.

posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by MisticDragon
...My dad also discussed with me many years later about
9/11 that very day on the phone he told me why the terrorists
chose the twin towers and they the terrorists had been told
just how to hit the towers and at what speed and where to
hit them to do the most damage...

Your dad was in contact with the terrorists?


posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 02:51 PM
No, my dad was talking about the twin towers while they were being struck I was in CA & he was in MI He could tell me about the 2 towers cause he taken architechture classes in college and he pointed out to me by seeing the footage on the news they knew where to hit the towers to do the most damage and where the weakest points in the buildings were and what would make them the most unstable. also due to his army intelligence training/ cryptology he knew for years if terrorists ever hit the u.s. which buildings would be the targets and now in light of this latest al qaeda tape I know which buildings would be targets in australia & L.A. california specific targets would most likely be the building by the water in sidney the one with the arched white roof & in L.A. there are a few targets they'll probably pin point where the lakers play, and a few in hollywood like the rca tower and manns chinese theater and a few other spots maybe even universal studios. TYhough I hope homeland security really tightens security detail in the 2 major airports in L.A. And in Sidney Australia al qaeda would pick now to hit while the u.s. tries to recover from katrina al qaeda really are cowards and aught to be wiped from the earth. I hope some navy seal or some other black opts group shoots & kills osama no need to ask questions just shoot to kill and all his other cronies near him. and track each cell in the u.s. and put them in prison for life with no parole or better yet each terrorist cell get the gas chamber & the chair. Teach them we mean business.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by MisticDragon
No, my dad was talking about the twin towers while they were being struck I was in CA & he was in MI He could tell me about the 2 towers cause he taken architechture classes in college and he pointed out to me by seeing the footage on the news they knew where to hit the towers to do the most damage and where the weakest points in the buildings were and what would make them the most unstable...

OK. But that's a function of your dad having taken
architechture classes in college. That's something that
the terrorists most certainly could have, and probably
did do, as well.

I don't really see how that relates to government spooks
giving away any kind of restricted or secret information.
That's what I thought was the point of your orig post.


posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 03:41 AM

by the water in sidney the one with the arched white roof

Are you talking about the Opera House in Sydney Mistic?
The new tape that came out named Melbourne (which is a different city in Aus) and LA, too by the way, not Sydney.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by meshuggah1324
Who did I email? I already posted that in my first sentence. Here's the original email, but I'm leaving out my email address and theirs. You can go to the State of Nevada Nuclear Projects web site if you want their email.

Are you saying you E-Mail an office of the Nevada State Government?

If so, I' sorry but, You've Been Duped! The state of Nevada doesn't own Groom Lake, all Military land is federally owned. You need to Writhe to the US Department of Defense, at the Pentagon it get info on Military facilities. You sent your question to the wrong people.


[edit on 13-9-2005 by ghost]

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 09:17 AM
for the record, still have not received a reply to the email that I sent..

But did we really think that I would?

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 11:46 AM
yes the opera house in sydney australia that is a big tourist spot, but there are far more populated tourist spots in L.A. alot of them but ones that come to mind in L.A. disneyland, the rca tower, universal studios,manns chinese theater, seaworld, thats just to name a few spots terrorists might be targeting if they even get near L.A. . Yes there are some who work in the private sector & armed forces who if asked the right questions will give up rather classified secrets, I've met a few of my moms friends at a mensa function who work for lockheed martin, and they do have things to say about projects they have worked on or are working on and sometimes at these functions there are ex armed forces people or are still enlisted who talk about different aircraft they have worked on or other projects like atomic weaponry, I've even had a chance to meet guys who work deep inside Lucas Industrial Light & Magic they showed me how they created special effects on star wars trilogy and Twister that tornado movie lol the cow in the tornado was one effect I saw and some rather hilarious out take footage from star wars pretty funny stuff and aslso how they created every dinosaur in the Jurassic Park trilogy stuff like that, but the most interesting I think I've heard is the projects at lockheed like stealth jets that are camoflauged from radar and sight, and unmanned jets pretty ingenious stuff at lockheed and you can only guess why area 51 would use non military to keep security outside of the base cause someone I know and respect even has stated that it is indeed hired guns who are the guys outside the base in the white jeep cherokees. Hence why the sign says use of deadly force authorized cause its not military outside doing the security and now they are expanding the base even further then it is now they are currently building more onto the base making it even larger and you know what thats where your tax paying money is going to. and there are so many trip wire mines outside the base and surveilance radars way outside the base like 50 miles outside on the hills but its camoflauged by the cactus and other sthings on the hills and there is notable confirmation that they are their own government out there an unidentified source has ben seen on a documentary about area 51 where the black shadowed and voice altered person states they are at area 51 their own government and do whatever they want cause really clinton made it so now even judges are not allowed to hear anything about area 51 from people whop have gotten sick with stuff doctors have never even seen before and the people who have gotten sick have claimed it was from hazardous materials that seem to be nuclear in general from how the people who got sick have described now I thought there was no more nuclear testing going on in nevada? seems to me that isn't the truth. and then these KGB secret file things on sci fi recently? I've even tried to find this russian scientists book that is talked about on the very first KGB thing that was on the sci fi channel and not even amazon is carrying or even heard of it. Its called Project ISIS.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by elevatedone
for the record, still have not received a reply to the email that I sent..

But did we really think that I would?

Hey elevate,

I'm not sure why you didnt get one back, but i got one which i posted on the other page. Still got the original in my yahoo account.
Maybe they got sick of answering questions about it, or maybe your email was a bit long or something?

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 04:22 AM
Mistic - your post was a bit difficult to read as it seemed
to go back and forth between several topics, including
hollywood movie special FX, and had no line breaks.

I'd like to try and comment on some of your material...

Originally posted by MisticDragon can only guess why area 51 would use non military
to keep security outside of the base cause someone I know
and respect even has stated that it is indeed hired guns who
are the guys outside the base in the white jeep cherokees...

You don't have to "know anyone" to know that the area 51
security is provided by outside private contractors. Most
if not all US military bases utilize outside contractors
for security.

Originally posted by MisticDragon
Hence why the sign says use of deadly force authorized
cause its not military outside doing the security

Again, no secrets here. That "deadly force authorized" is
in effect in essentially every US military base in the world.
It has nothing to do with private vs military security.

Originally posted by MisticDragon
... and there are so many trip wire mines outside the base...

That's a pretty preposterous statement. If it were true, don't
you think that hikers and wild animals and BLS rangers and
sheriff's deputies would be tripping them?

Originally posted by MisticDragon
...and surveilance radars way outside the base like 50 miles outside on the hills but its camoflauged by the cactus...

A51 is an airbase. They have radar. That radar might be on
or off the base. They're also the US military. They are in contact
with NORAD and with civilian air authorities. Don't you think that
the base at A51 needs to know about planes that may want
to approach it's airspace?

Why would they need to disguise a radar as a cactus?
That would be an incredibly huge and out of place
looking cactus. Can you give coordinates to where you
think these radar installations are at?

I'll stop commenting at this point in your post because your
story starts to quote "an unidentified source, face blacked out
on a documentary". Certainly that's not what you would consider
any kind of reliable source, is it?

As titilating as your stories are, I suggest that it's an overactive
imagination working here. George Lucas and real world are not
the same. There are no mines with trip wires. The cammo dudes
are well documented outside contractors, like every other mil
base has.

I'm not trying to dampen your inquisitive nature. I'm suggesting
that you consider a bit of maturity to your research. If your post
was a newspaper article, it would never stand the test of journalism.
It might make a good fiction book. But consider looking at what you
hear with the eyes and ears of a reasonable adult investigator. Apply
the same skeptic nature to the sources of this outlandish material
as you do to the concepts of A51 or any other "secret base", the
general topic of this category in ATS.


posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by meshuggah1324
This is from the State of Nevada Nuclear Projects. I thought I'd email them to ask about underground facilities at Groom Lake (Area S-4 ect). Their response shocked me and is proof in my mind. We can all stop guessing if underground facilities exist there. Notice how they say both *hidden* 'and' *underground facilities*

My email to them:

Are there underground facilities below the area of Groom Lake. What are they used for? Thanks...

Their response:

"Groom Lake is full of hidden and underground facilities. Because of
satelitte photography, there is no other way."

[edit on 8-9-2005 by John bull 1]

Post the original email and response from them with email headers... Real researchers can't simply take someone's word on an Internet forum about these things...

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 09:27 PM
I have been reading ATS with interest for some months now, after the debacle that ensued upon my 'shadow creatures' posting on the fortean times message board i have been reluctant to get involved in any forums, i may post it again here but that is another story.
On a related subject i have included below a copy of an e-mail that i sent recently to the press office of the official USAF website, the reasons for the mail are self explanatory so i wont go into that but i will say that this was a couple of weeks ago and i have still recieved no reply, not even an acknowledgement of receipt, if and when i receive a reply i will certainly post it here for your perusal/entertainment.

mailed to: [email protected]

"To whom it may concern,

I am not quite sure who to send this request to so please pass on to whoever is most suitable to answer the following query.

I am currently in the early stages of designing a concept for a computer game to run on next generation cell processor machines, for this game i would like to accurately represent several locations throughout the world as game playing environments.
As one of the primary locations i would like to reproduce the groom lake training/testing area (spuriously known as area 51), obviously i gather that i would need to obtain official permission of some sort to reproduce a US air force base even if the details do not bear exact resemblance to the real thing. To whom would i address this request and would i be likely to receive it? Bearing in mind that fair quality imagery of the site in question is freely available via the 'google earth' system and that the structures and functions thereof contained within said site would be merely extrapolated from this freely available imagery and of course the activities and narrative pertaining to this environment would be entirely fictitious.

If i could obtain from you some sort of prior unofficial permission then i would be confident to press ahead with the development of this idea then later on in the project the plans for said environment would be submitted for official approval, is this acceptable?

Yours sincerely,
S J Northam
[email protected]"

Maybe it was lazy of me but i could not be bothered to try to find a mail address for the facility itself, bureaucracy should carry this mail to the right eyes eventually, the question is, will i receive a reply? will it be a positive one? or am i going to get a visit from the men in black? lol

I actually live in the UK so this is rather far removed from me, but i bear in mind now as i did when writing the mail that shortly before the 9/11 incident i was arrested and cautioned for 'possession of explosive substances in suspicious circumstances' for leaving some broken up fireworks lying around in a flat that moved out of! At the time of course i, as everyone else in the general public, had no idea of what was brewing in the shadowy underworlds, goes to show that those who watch are indeed on the ball and that impertinent questions may lead to impertinent consequences....


"true wisdom come with the realisation that in fact you know nothing"

posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 11:58 PM
This was always suspect though right?

I remember talking to ex military guy who was familar with area what extent I am unaware but I kept pushing him for anything and he just said what you don't see is below..

I don't know what they got but anyone see the show about the nasty chemicals they use! Damn I would hate to be a general laboror there. They get exposed sick etc etc and can't do # they sign waivers plus Top Secret and expempt even if you wanted to know what it was to help cure yourself your #ed.

I am so curious when it will be public of the next secret plane. Its like the last real exciting plane made public was the stealth and we have had that for years we must have some badass plane by now eh'?

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 11:50 AM
here is what i got when asking about groom lake


Date: 9/15/2005 5:22:17 PM
To: "Alan Byrd"
From: "State of Nevada Nuclear Projects"
Subject: Re: is america safe?

Groom Lake is a Federal Installation.

You should probably direct your question to the White House.

Paul Maser
Date sent: 15 Sep 2005 11:04:21 +0000
From: "Alan Byrd" ;
To: [email protected]
Subject: is america safe?

> What procautions are taken against satelite telescopes in top secret bases such as groom lake, is america safe from prying eyes?
> E-mail Now Has a HUGE 50MB of Storage! Sign Up Now!

posted on Sep, 17 2005 @ 06:42 PM
japike, better watch your mouth, the don't tolerate that kind of language, trust me, I know

Mistic(sic)Dragon, I do have to agree with another member, Sgt_ Camo and another member.

There are no tripwires there, there is a whole bunch of sensors for detecting unauthrorized people trying to trespass, and definitly no radar sites camoflaged as cactusses.

And yes, your post wast quite hard to read.

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