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Here's the proof we've all been waiting for !!!

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posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 07:50 AM
Groom Lake started out as an UNDERGROUND Nuclear testing facility. Of COURSE there are underground facilities there.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 03:51 PM
Groom Lake (Area 51) was NEVER a nuclear test site. Atomic testing took place mainly above, on and under Yucca Flat and on Frenchman Flat. Underground testing in tunnels took place in Rainer Mesa and Pahute Mesa. The closest test areas to Groom were Area 15 on Yucca Flat (above ground and underground tests), about 9 miles southwest of Groom Lake and Area 13 (plutonium dispersal safety experiment), about 5 miles northwest of Groom Lake.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by hank
Be aware that this is the same troll that cross posted between here and Dreamland Resort that he had the phone number of the base.

if there is proof of that, contact a mod right away...

i hate trolls...

and lyers

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 05:40 PM
"Groom Lake (Area 51) was NEVER a nuclear test site."

No *EDITED*! Some of you need to get your facts straight first of all...

Second of all I never proclaimed to have emailed a "secret" source. Simply that I emailed the State of Nevada Nuclear Projects agency. I thought since the testing site is near Area 51, that they might know about underground facilities there...

Third, when I say I worked with the Navy guy's son, the kid worked in another department than I, and was only there for a few weeks. We didn't talk much. He simply told me that his dad did in fact have a TS clearance and that he was based out of some secret place in Georgia and he test flew all kinds of secret planes. And I did talk to his father. Believe me, this guy had every Navy badge you could possibly have on his dark navy one piece jump suit...

Folks, no matter how many *EDITED* call me a troll I have never lied about anything I've posted here and don't ever plan on doing so...

Have a nice day!

[edit on 8-9-2005 by Thomas Crowne]

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 05:47 PM
i think he finally understands his "proof" and "find" was nothing more than the butt end of a joke.

you can tell by his defense mechanism of calling us "douche bags" since we didnt believe his misunderstanding and praise him for his "proof".

[edit on 8-9-2005 by purelogik]

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by purelogikyou can tell by his defense mechanism of calling us "douche bags" since we didnt believe his misunderstanding and praise him for his "proof".[edit on 8-9-2005 by purelogik]

No the real reason was the "troll" name calling.

If you think I was on the recieving end of joke, fine. I don't really care. Why you haven't recieved an email from them yet, I don't know why. I have emailed them before like I said. They've always been up front with me and honest. I'm not interested in your praise or belief. That's why I stated in the begining I didn't really care to prove what I was saying was true, but I kept on being asked to prove so I did.

But it seems as though you all know exactly what this State of Nevada Nuclear Projects does, so what ever...

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 06:06 PM
If Mesh is a troll or "lyer(sic)", i'd have to change my opinion.

If he's not, well, let's see the facts then I guess.

They See All, I am quite aware you don't need respect because you seem to have this vibe of "I am better than you" around you, I understand you are a skeptic (skepticism is either a product of fear, ignorance or distrust), I will withdraw what I have said so far if there is proof of Mesh being a liar and i'd be more than pleased to have another liar banned, but I have seen little out right lies here.

This "Skepticism" has cost this board a lot of members that have never been proven to be hoaxers, liars or trolls, they often were just driven to the edge.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 07:12 PM
yes, but when you get a thread with 98% skeptical opinions on a board like ats, thats saying something.

[edit on 8-9-2005 by purelogik]

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 08:02 PM

you will be getting a warn soon...


Originally posted by GrOuNd_ZeRo
They See All, I am quite aware you don't need respect because you seem to have this vibe of "I am better than you" around you, I understand you are a skeptic (skepticism is either a product of fear, ignorance or distrust), I will withdraw what I have said so far if there is proof of Mesh being a liar and i'd be more than pleased to have another liar banned, but I have seen little out right lies here.

you take back what you said about me???

if so, i will be more than happy to forgive you...

"it is better to make friends, than enemies"

BTW, here at ATS, we (the members at least) are all equal...

i am no better than anyone else...

i just don't want you respect (and i don't need it)...

but, i would be happy to accept your lost respect for me, if you forgive me...

anyway, let this thread get back on topic and no name calling...

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 08:18 PM
Ok no more calling people trolls and no more calling people douche bags. Any further flaming will have consequences. Please stay on topic....*sigh*

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by kinglizard
Ok no more calling people trolls and no more calling people douche bags. Any further flaming will have consequences. Please stay on topic....*sigh*

this is best put here:

anyway, let this thread get back on topic and no name calling...



darn, i got a warn because of my comment...

guess what???

i am not removing it because it is true... [Edit: then let me help you]

[edit on 8-9-2005 by they see ALL]

[edit on 9-9-2005 by kinglizard]

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 08:28 PM
they see ALL, What did I just say...right above your post? No more name calling. Good God...

[edit on 9-9-2005 by kinglizard]

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by kinglizard
What did I just say...right above your post? No more name calling. Good God...

i speak truth...

anyway, is there any proof for this guy's claim???

did anyone else recieve an e-mail from a military guy???

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 10:33 PM
To get back on topic...

The main point is that the "State of Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects" has nothing to do with administration of the Nevada Test Site (NTS). They are a political action group that opposes nuclear activities in Nevada. Don't expect them to have any insider information about "Area 51."

The Department of Energy manages the NTS (now euphemistically called an "Environmental Research Park). Even the DoE doesn't have a need-to-know regarding activities at Groom Lake (a USAF facility managed by the Air Force Flight Test Center)

There is no photographic or documentary evidence supporting the hypothesis that nthere are underground facilities at Groom. There is testimony from people who worked at Groom (technicians, engineers, pilots, base commnaders, etc.) that there are no such facilities. Logic dictates that there would be no reason to go to the expense of constructing subterranean structures. Over the last 15 years, there has been a marked increase in surface structures.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 11:21 PM
Shadow, just curious, what if they did find proof of this? how will your opinion change? just curious

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 04:22 PM
I would need to have some compelling proof. So far, the best evidence is weighted the other way. (See my posts above)

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 06:11 PM
Well, I was hypothetically speaking ofcourse, so what if they had extremely compelling proof like pictures, government statements, etc...

I know many skeptics are very hard to convince, but how much would you need to get convinced and what will your opinion be of these groomlake employees?

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 06:21 PM
Ask them to quit playing with the weather machines or one day they may not be able to turn them off.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 05:40 AM
Hey people,

I sent an email to them after hearing about this thread, and this is the message i recieved back. I recieved it on thursday but only realised today as i have been busy. So here it is:

The State of Nevada has no inside knowledge of Groom Lake.
The Federal Government, which operates the facilites at Groom Lake
would be
the ones to ask, and they probably wouldn't even answer.
From what has leaked to the press over the years, there are probably
underground facilities and from the projects that have become public,
are probably concerned with aircraft and some weapons systems, like
wars. It would be too dangerous to do chemical, biological or nuclear
testing there.
I have had a rush of questions on Groom Lake lately. Is there something
that has hit the press that I missed?
(Name withheld by me for privacy)

Just thought you guys would like to know.


posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by Odds022
Hey people,

I sent an email to them after hearing about this thread, and this is the message i recieved back. I recieved it on thursday but only realised today as i have been busy. So here it is:

The State of Nevada has no inside knowledge of Groom Lake.
The Federal Government, which operates the facilites at Groom Lake
would be
the ones to ask, and they probably wouldn't even answer.
From what has leaked to the press over the years, there are probably
underground facilities and from the projects that have become public,
are probably concerned with aircraft and some weapons systems, like
wars. It would be too dangerous to do chemical, biological or nuclear
testing there.
I have had a rush of questions on Groom Lake lately. Is there something
that has hit the press that I missed?
(Name withheld by me for privacy)

Just thought you guys would like to know.


Now that was far more believable than what this thread began with.

The poor sod at the other end of this e-mailaddy is probably getting spammed now by anxious ATS'ers who think that they are on to something.

Seems they know just as much as the rest of us....bugger all.

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