posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 07:03 AM
Israel is the worst terrorist rogue state on earth. Israel and its terrorist leaders including Ben-Gurion, Begin, Shamir, Barak and Sharon have
committed a half-century of relentless ethnic cleansing, bombings, shootings, torture and murder of the Palestinian people. Israel has also committed
numerous acts of treachery and terrorism against the United States of America as I have clearly shown in documenting the Lavon Affair, the Attack on
the USS Liberty and the Pollard Spy case and the continued spying that still continues. Because of overwhelming Israeli power in media and government,
traitors to the United States continue to treasonously betray America with little fear of punishment.
Through the efforts of Jewish and Gentile traitors in service to Jewish Supremacism, the American government has embarked on a foreign policy that has
repeatedly betrayed America�s true interests.
Massive American military and monetary support has enabled Israel to continue its relentless terrorism against the Palestinians and has thus provoked
tremendous hatred against the United States, greatly hurt American economic and strategic interests, and ultimately spawned the terrorism now rising
against America. The traitors who sacrificed America to Israel are as guilty of the death of 4,000 American lives on September 11 as those who
actually hijacked and crashed the planes into the World Trade Center and Pentagon. However, knowing Israel�s record of treachery against America, I
had suspicions from the first few moments of the attacks that Israel played a treacherous role in these attacks from which it was the only real
From the dawn of the new century to September 11, 2001, Israel has suffered the worst public relations disaster in its history. The election of mass
murder Ariel Sharon as Prime Minister was the last straw for millions of decent minded people all over the world. The UN Conference on Racism, which
labeled Israel an �Apartheid state,� also signaled rapidly growing disapproval of Israel.
Then, suddenly, the attack on the World Trade Center changed everything. In a matter of minutes, the world swung back to Israel�s favor and has since
been given a blank check (which they have quickly cashed!) to indiscriminately bomb and kill the Palestinians and crush their fledgling new state. Was
all of this just a fortunate coincidence for Israel?
As I have shown earlier in this chapter, Israeli has a long and treacherous record of covert treachery against the United States. They are very aware
that any Arab terrorist attack on America greatly advances their own aims, the bigger the attack against America; the more carnage, the better it is
for Israel.
On September 10, 2001, the eve of the WTC attack, The Washington Times ran a story on about a recent 68-page study issued by the U.S. Army School for
Advanced Military Studies (SAMS). The study, issued by the elite Army officer�s school, detailed the dangers of a possible U.S. Army Occupational
force in the Mideast. Here is how the article commented about the Israeli Mossad:
Of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers Say: "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and
make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act."
Ironically, within 24 hours of the story�s publication, the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were in flames. Could the �ruthless and cunning
Mossad,� as the U.S. Army officers describe it, covertly have been behind the attack?
The Mossad is certainly the most ruthless terrorist organization in the entire world. It is also one of the largest and most sophisticated
Intelligence organizations. No other nation comes even close to matching its level of infiltration of Arabic organizations. It prides itself on
infiltrating every sizable militant Palestinian and Arabic organization on earth. knowing these facts, there can be little doubt the Mossad has deeply
penetrated one of the oldest, largest and what is considered the most famous and dangerous Arabic terrorist organization on earth; bin Laden�s
Furthermore, the FBI and the CIA have clearly stated that the attack on the WTC and Pentagon was a huge covert operation using an international
network of at least a hundred terrorists, spanning three continents. Could Mossad agents in al-Qaida as well as the rest of Mossad�s vast network of
thousands of infiltrators and informants, not have learned about the most extensive and ambitious Arabic terrorist operation in history? It is, of
Course, extremely difficult to prove the precise role of secretive, foreign intelligence organization, such as the Mossad, in a terrorist act; they
are in fact a super-secret spy organization. But, powerful evidence is mounting that the Israelis had foreknowledge of the September 11th attack on
America. And, if indeed they had fore-knowledge of these murderous acts of terrorism � and then had the cold-blooded mentality not to warn the United
States and avert the disaster -- because they saw a horrendous massacre of thousands of Americans as good for Israel - it follows that they would have
felt no moral restraint from actually instigating and covertly aiding this terrorist plan through their own agent provocateurs. Let�s look at the
mounting hard evidence indicating the Mossad had foreknowledge of the September 11 attack.
Only One Israeli Casualty at the WTC
The day after the attack on the World Trade Center, the Jerusalem Post, the most respected and famous Israeli newspaper in the world, reported that
4000 Israelis were missing in the attack on the WTC. The Foreign Ministry compiled the number from Israeli relatives, who in the first few hours after
the attack, contacted the Israeli Foreign Ministry and gave the names of Israeli friends and relatives who worked in the WTC or who had business
scheduled in it or its adjacent structures. Even without seeing the article in the Jerusalem Post, logic alone would tell one that there would be many
hundreds, if not thousands of Israelis in the World Trade Center at the time of the attacks. The international Jewish domination of banking finance
and Trade is legendary.
For instance, two of the richest firms in New York are Goldman-Sachs and the Solomon Brothers; and both have offices in the Twin Towers. Many
executives in many firms in the Trade Towers regularly commute back and forth to Israel. New York is the center of world-wide Jewish financial power,
and the World Trade Center is at its epicenter. One would naturally expect the Israeli death toll to be catastrophic. The Jerusalem Post certainly
thought so on September 12, 2001. Here is the beginning of its article:
Thousands of Israelis missing near WTC, Pentagon
The Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem has so far received the names of 4,000 Israelis believed to have been in the areas of the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon at the time of the attack. (The headlineand first sentence of the Jerusalem Post article) - Jerusalem Post. (2001). Thousands of Israelis
missing near WTC, Pentagon.
Sept. 12.
When George Bush made his speech before Congress, it turns out that he made a significant numerical error in addition to making the absurd allegation
that the WTC attackers did it because they �hated freedom.� Bush made it a point to say that in addition to thousands of Americans, 130 Israelis died
in the WTC. The implication was to say that Israel shared in our suffering, and that we and Israel are in this thing together. Upon hearing the number
of 130 Israeli dead, it seemed suspiciously low to me. If 4000 Israelis were at the WTC, and the WTC death toll was about 4000 (about 10 percent of
the 40,000 people normally in the buildings at that time), the Israeli toll should have statistically been around 400 and not 130. As the center of
international commerce, the Trade Center was not a place of minimum-wage employment like McDonald�s, it had thousands of highly paid, high tech and
high level jobs and executive positions primarily in international finance, banking and stock trading. Israel�s population is the most
over-represented nation in the world in the kinds of jobs and type of business found in the WTC. I asked myself how there could be only 130 Israelis
dead, while there were at that time even an estimated 199 dead from Columbia and about a 100 victims from one of the poorest and most obscure nations
on earth, Ecuador. Would anyone suggest that Ecuadorians have anywhere near the presence in international trading and finance as Israelis?
Searching through hundreds of articles, trying to track down the true Israeli death toll, I finally found a New York Times piece that clarified the
precise number of Israelis who died in the World Trade Center attack. It turned out that of the 130 Israelis President Bush claimed had died in the
World Trade Center, 129 of them were still alive! Only one Israeli had actually died in the World Trade Center! I was incredulous. �Good God,� I said
to myself, �only one Israeli!� Here is the amazing excerpt I found in the NY Times:
But interviews with many consulate officials Friday suggested that the lists of people they were collecting varied widely in their usefulness. For
example, the city had somehow received reports of many Israelis feared missing at the site, and President Bush in his address to the country on
Thursday night mentioned that about 130 Israelis had died in the attacks.
But Friday, Alon Pinkas, Israel's consul general here, said that lists of the missing included reports from people who had called in because, for
instance, relatives in New York had not returned their phone calls from Israel. There were, in fact, only three Israelis who had been confirmed as
dead: two on the planes and another who had been visiting the towers on business and who was identified and buried. (New York Times, Sept. 22)
[edit on 15-8-2004 by The Hunter]