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Who is responsible for 9/11?

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posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by uNBaLaNCeD
Was carried out by a group masquerading as al-qaida,al qaida does not even exist in the way that people believe it does.

fake Al Qaeda cell

To be honest I'm not sure who did it, all I do know is that things certainly aren't as clear cut as our governments would have us believe.

[edit on 22-7-2004 by legion]

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 07:42 AM
i believe that the us had a good hand in the attacks. at the same time i also believe that bin laden is secretly working for us and is playing the pupet master to the midle eastern muslims to start a war between the us and the middle east.

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 02:04 PM
I believe that the U.S. Government in not responding to some of the warnings were mainly at fault.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 07:37 PM
take a look at this website

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 11:44 AM
like 1933 and now etc certian VERY powerful groups and societies are awsome at keeping quiet about what is really going on until it is way past too late.

posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 06:58 AM
I also have loads more on Israel's constant attacks on America. For example:

1) U.S.S. Liberty
2) The Lavon Affair
3) The Pollard Affair

Let me know if you want them. Together, they will shock you.

Israeili Treachery in the 9-11 Attacks on America

Examining the reaction of the American media and government to the terrorist attacks of September 2001 shows the power of zionist control over them. While the fires were still burning in the Twin towers and the Pentagon, Jewish partisans in the media carefully began conditioning the minds of the American people so that these attacks would help the Israeli cause. The major news networks ran a video tape of a small group of Palestinian kids supposedly celebrating the news of the strike against America, and then aired it every five or ten minutes juxtaposed to the spectacular carnage of the burning WTC and soot-covered Americans crying in horror. In truth, every major Palestinian organization condemned the attacks and not even a single Palestinian was implicated in the attacks. Interestingly enough, the Jerusalem Post reported that Israelis on a rooftop nearby the World Trade Center in New York were detained by the FBI after they were spotted video-taping and �whooping with glee as the Twin Towers burned.�511 Repeatedly running the tape of a few Palestinian rowdies was an especially cheap shot that left a powerful anti-Palestinian impression seared in the consciousness of millions of Americans traumatized by the horrible scenes of destruction they witnessed on their television screen.

Almost immediately after the attacks, the media began to parrot a huge lie about why the event happened so as to protect Israel�s image and maximize American hatred for Israeli�s enemies. There were two main parts to the lie. First, the media solemnly announced that the attacks had absolutely nothing to do with American support of the criminal and terrorist policies of Israel. It is vital to the Jewish Supremacists that the American people do not fully realize the huge national and personal costs of our Israeli controlled foreign policy.
Americans might begin to ask why we have a policy that so hurts America and that even brings terrorism to our shores. The media cannot afford people to ask those kinds of logical questions, so they had to manufacture an explanation for the attack that left out Israel. Jewish ultra-supremacist Benjamin Netanyahu actually had the chutzpah to appear before a Congressional hearing on the incident and claim that the Arab world hates America so much that it is Israel that suffers from its association with the United States!

Thus, the soldiers of militant Islam do not hate the West because of Israel, they hate Israel because of the West� (Statement of former Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu before the U.S. Government Reform Committee. (2001). Sept. 20.)

Netanyahu told America not to worry, however, because loyal little Israel would still stand behind the United States even though it has been ruining its sterling reputation with the Arabs by associating with us. President Bush should have immediately responded by telling the Israelis that we are very sorry for hurting Israel�s image among the Arabs, so we will solve that problem for you by cutting off our support for Israel. Secondly, the media repeatedly alleged that the attackers simply did it because they hate American �freedom.� The attack on freedom was repeated incessantly by the media. Even President George Bush repeated that canard in his speech to the U.S. Congress. He said:

Americans are asking "Why do they hate us?" They hate what they see right here in this chamber: a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms: our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other.

The media did not bother to tell the American people that the attack occurred on the anniversary of the League of Nations Proclamation of the British Mandate, which was made public in Palestine on September 11, 1922. The British Mandate was the first major step toward implementation of the Balfour Declaration; the founding of a Jewish State in what is now Israel. September 11 is a day of infamy for the Palestinians and they apparently sought the same for America. The media bosses had to know of the significance of that date. But, no major news source even mentioned it. The date can be found in many historical dating indexes, including Important Dates in History. At the same time the media blamed Bin Laden for being the mastermind behind the attack, they told us he did it because he �hates American freedom!� The media knew such claptrap was blatant lie. Every media outlet in the world has full access to his past interviews. Laden has never said a word against democracy or freedom. In 1998, ABC news interviewed Laden and asked him about the previous attack
on the World Trade Center. He praised the attackers and gave the reasons why he opposes America. Here are some excerpts of the broadcast by ABC three years ago:

�I say to them that they (Americans) have put themselves at the mercy of a disloyal government, and this is most evident in Clinton's administration�We believe that it represents Israel inside America. Take the sensitive ministries such as the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense and the CIA, you will find that the Jews have the upper hand in them. They make use of America to further their plans for the world�� �For over half a century, Muslims in Palestine have been (by the Jews) slaughtered and assaulted and robbed of their honor and of their property. Their houses have been blasted, their crops destroyed�


[edit on 15-8-2004 by The Hunter]

[edit on 15-8-2004 by The Hunter]

posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 07:01 AM
The pro-zionist media knew why America was attacked from day one. They knew all along it was because of our Israel First foreign policy. The media bosses had a meeting and decided to air no more interviews with bin Laden (except for government approved excerpts) so they could Perpetuate their lies about his motivations. They knew that the attackers viewed America as under control of Zionists and that it has been used to support Israel�s terrorism and to attack and murder Israel�s enemies. Saying the September 11 suicide bombers attacked America because they hate democracy is as ridiculous as saying wolves eat rabbits because they hop. The truth is that wolves do not eat rabbits because they hop, but because they are food. Arab terrorists struck at America not because it is a democracy, but because they believed that terrorism against us was justified for our support of the Israeli terrorism against them. The world has not read about any plane bombs crashing into Switzerland or Iceland, two long-enduring democracies. The absolutely absurd, Big Lie about attacking democracy was promoted to cover up the obvious truth that the terrorist acts happened in retaliation for America�s unconditional support for the terrorist state of Israel and its leader who is one of the world�s most blood-stained terrorists; Ariel Sharon. The Jewish supremacist media felt compelled to lie and divert people with a bogus reason for the terrorist acts. If Americans clearly Understood that the fact that our Israeli policy was the primary cause of this tragedy, people might ask obvious Questions, such as:

Is America�s support of Israel really worth it?

� Is it worth the lives of 4,000 American victims lost on 9/11?
� Is it worth the one trillion dollars of damage suffered by our economy?
� Is it worth the 200 billion dollars of American taxpayer�s money sent to Israel since its inception?
� Is it worth the additional trillions of dollars we have spent for higher petroleum costs? (The Arab oil-weapon response to our pro-Israel policies)
� Is it worth the enormous dangers of biological, chemical and nuclear
terrorism upon the American people?
� Is it worth the loss of our precious Constitutional Rights and freedoms?
� Is it worth making 99 percent of the people of the Mideast hate us to please a nation that commits treachery against us?
� Is it worth it to support a nation created by terrorism and ethnic cleansing and whose leader is a long-time terrorist who is responsible for the death of 1500 men, women and children refugees in Lebanon?
� Is it worth it to support a nation that has committed terrorist acts of murder and destruction against the United States? (Such as the Lavon Affair and the attack on the American Navy ship, the U.S.S Liberty)
� Is it worth it to support a nation who spies on us? (Such as the Jonathan Pollard Case)
� Is it worth it to support a nation who steals from us? (Such as the theft of enriched uranium for Israel�s illegal atomic bombs)
� Is it worth it to support a nation that sells our most secret defense technology to America�s most dangerous enemy, the Red Chinese?
� Is it worth it to allow a foreign nation to have the strongest lobby in our own American government?
� Is it worth it for Israeli agents to bribe American candidates with vast sums of campaign money so they will put the interests of Israel over America?

The fact that the media could so unanimously cover up the real reason for the attack of September 11 is clear proof of the Jewish supremacism over it. Of course, the real truth is that America was attacked not because we have a truly free press, but because it is controlled by Jewish Supremacists. We were attacked not because our Government is free, but because of our Israeli controlled government, as Sen. William Fulbright said, one that has acted directly against the most important interests of the American people. Right up until September 11, the media daily characterized George Bush as the village idiot who stumbled into the Presidency. Now that Bush is embracing Israel�s Holy War against the Palestinians and their allies, he has suddenly become a great leader who will give us a wonderful victory in the glorious war ahead. At least, as long as he continues to serve the interests of Jewish Supremacism.
The same leftist Jewish bosses and media personnel who have subverted every true American patriotic interest to Israel�s agenda over the past 50 years, and who have consistently represented those who wave American flags as ignorant, country yahoos, have now put an American flag everywhere in sight and made flag-waving chic. They solemnly tell us that George Bush�s campaign to �rid the world of evil� is not in the least bit too ambitious.


[edit on 15-8-2004 by The Hunter]

posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 07:03 AM
Israel is the worst terrorist rogue state on earth. Israel and its terrorist leaders including Ben-Gurion, Begin, Shamir, Barak and Sharon have committed a half-century of relentless ethnic cleansing, bombings, shootings, torture and murder of the Palestinian people. Israel has also committed numerous acts of treachery and terrorism against the United States of America as I have clearly shown in documenting the Lavon Affair, the Attack on the USS Liberty and the Pollard Spy case and the continued spying that still continues. Because of overwhelming Israeli power in media and government, traitors to the United States continue to treasonously betray America with little fear of punishment.
Through the efforts of Jewish and Gentile traitors in service to Jewish Supremacism, the American government has embarked on a foreign policy that has repeatedly betrayed America�s true interests.
Massive American military and monetary support has enabled Israel to continue its relentless terrorism against the Palestinians and has thus provoked tremendous hatred against the United States, greatly hurt American economic and strategic interests, and ultimately spawned the terrorism now rising against America. The traitors who sacrificed America to Israel are as guilty of the death of 4,000 American lives on September 11 as those who actually hijacked and crashed the planes into the World Trade Center and Pentagon. However, knowing Israel�s record of treachery against America, I had suspicions from the first few moments of the attacks that Israel played a treacherous role in these attacks from which it was the only real beneficiary.
From the dawn of the new century to September 11, 2001, Israel has suffered the worst public relations disaster in its history. The election of mass murder Ariel Sharon as Prime Minister was the last straw for millions of decent minded people all over the world. The UN Conference on Racism, which labeled Israel an �Apartheid state,� also signaled rapidly growing disapproval of Israel.
Then, suddenly, the attack on the World Trade Center changed everything. In a matter of minutes, the world swung back to Israel�s favor and has since been given a blank check (which they have quickly cashed!) to indiscriminately bomb and kill the Palestinians and crush their fledgling new state. Was all of this just a fortunate coincidence for Israel?
As I have shown earlier in this chapter, Israeli has a long and treacherous record of covert treachery against the United States. They are very aware that any Arab terrorist attack on America greatly advances their own aims, the bigger the attack against America; the more carnage, the better it is for Israel.
On September 10, 2001, the eve of the WTC attack, The Washington Times ran a story on about a recent 68-page study issued by the U.S. Army School for Advanced Military Studies (SAMS). The study, issued by the elite Army officer�s school, detailed the dangers of a possible U.S. Army Occupational force in the Mideast. Here is how the article commented about the Israeli Mossad:

Of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers Say: "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act."

Ironically, within 24 hours of the story�s publication, the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were in flames. Could the �ruthless and cunning Mossad,� as the U.S. Army officers describe it, covertly have been behind the attack?
The Mossad is certainly the most ruthless terrorist organization in the entire world. It is also one of the largest and most sophisticated Intelligence organizations. No other nation comes even close to matching its level of infiltration of Arabic organizations. It prides itself on infiltrating every sizable militant Palestinian and Arabic organization on earth. knowing these facts, there can be little doubt the Mossad has deeply penetrated one of the oldest, largest and what is considered the most famous and dangerous Arabic terrorist organization on earth; bin Laden�s al-Qaida.
Furthermore, the FBI and the CIA have clearly stated that the attack on the WTC and Pentagon was a huge covert operation using an international network of at least a hundred terrorists, spanning three continents. Could Mossad agents in al-Qaida as well as the rest of Mossad�s vast network of thousands of infiltrators and informants, not have learned about the most extensive and ambitious Arabic terrorist operation in history? It is, of Course, extremely difficult to prove the precise role of secretive, foreign intelligence organization, such as the Mossad, in a terrorist act; they are in fact a super-secret spy organization. But, powerful evidence is mounting that the Israelis had foreknowledge of the September 11th attack on America. And, if indeed they had fore-knowledge of these murderous acts of terrorism � and then had the cold-blooded mentality not to warn the United States and avert the disaster -- because they saw a horrendous massacre of thousands of Americans as good for Israel - it follows that they would have felt no moral restraint from actually instigating and covertly aiding this terrorist plan through their own agent provocateurs. Let�s look at the mounting hard evidence indicating the Mossad had foreknowledge of the September 11 attack.

Only One Israeli Casualty at the WTC

The day after the attack on the World Trade Center, the Jerusalem Post, the most respected and famous Israeli newspaper in the world, reported that 4000 Israelis were missing in the attack on the WTC. The Foreign Ministry compiled the number from Israeli relatives, who in the first few hours after the attack, contacted the Israeli Foreign Ministry and gave the names of Israeli friends and relatives who worked in the WTC or who had business scheduled in it or its adjacent structures. Even without seeing the article in the Jerusalem Post, logic alone would tell one that there would be many hundreds, if not thousands of Israelis in the World Trade Center at the time of the attacks. The international Jewish domination of banking finance and Trade is legendary.
For instance, two of the richest firms in New York are Goldman-Sachs and the Solomon Brothers; and both have offices in the Twin Towers. Many executives in many firms in the Trade Towers regularly commute back and forth to Israel. New York is the center of world-wide Jewish financial power, and the World Trade Center is at its epicenter. One would naturally expect the Israeli death toll to be catastrophic. The Jerusalem Post certainly thought so on September 12, 2001. Here is the beginning of its article:

Thousands of Israelis missing near WTC, Pentagon
The Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem has so far received the names of 4,000 Israelis believed to have been in the areas of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon at the time of the attack. (The headlineand first sentence of the Jerusalem Post article) - Jerusalem Post. (2001). Thousands of Israelis missing near WTC, Pentagon.
Sept. 12.

When George Bush made his speech before Congress, it turns out that he made a significant numerical error in addition to making the absurd allegation that the WTC attackers did it because they �hated freedom.� Bush made it a point to say that in addition to thousands of Americans, 130 Israelis died in the WTC. The implication was to say that Israel shared in our suffering, and that we and Israel are in this thing together. Upon hearing the number of 130 Israeli dead, it seemed suspiciously low to me. If 4000 Israelis were at the WTC, and the WTC death toll was about 4000 (about 10 percent of the 40,000 people normally in the buildings at that time), the Israeli toll should have statistically been around 400 and not 130. As the center of international commerce, the Trade Center was not a place of minimum-wage employment like McDonald�s, it had thousands of highly paid, high tech and high level jobs and executive positions primarily in international finance, banking and stock trading. Israel�s population is the most over-represented nation in the world in the kinds of jobs and type of business found in the WTC. I asked myself how there could be only 130 Israelis dead, while there were at that time even an estimated 199 dead from Columbia and about a 100 victims from one of the poorest and most obscure nations on earth, Ecuador. Would anyone suggest that Ecuadorians have anywhere near the presence in international trading and finance as Israelis?
Searching through hundreds of articles, trying to track down the true Israeli death toll, I finally found a New York Times piece that clarified the precise number of Israelis who died in the World Trade Center attack. It turned out that of the 130 Israelis President Bush claimed had died in the World Trade Center, 129 of them were still alive! Only one Israeli had actually died in the World Trade Center! I was incredulous. �Good God,� I said to myself, �only one Israeli!� Here is the amazing excerpt I found in the NY Times:

But interviews with many consulate officials Friday suggested that the lists of people they were collecting varied widely in their usefulness. For example, the city had somehow received reports of many Israelis feared missing at the site, and President Bush in his address to the country on Thursday night mentioned that about 130 Israelis had died in the attacks.
But Friday, Alon Pinkas, Israel's consul general here, said that lists of the missing included reports from people who had called in because, for instance, relatives in New York had not returned their phone calls from Israel. There were, in fact, only three Israelis who had been confirmed as dead: two on the planes and another who had been visiting the towers on business and who was identified and buried. (New York Times, Sept. 22)


[edit on 15-8-2004 by The Hunter]

posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 07:07 AM
Even the very low death toll of 130 had suggested that a number of Israelis at the Trade Center had been warned before the attack. When I found out the truth that only one Israeli had died, it erased all reasonable doubt that there had been a prior warning for many Israelis. Having only one Israeli casualty among the 4000 dead at the WTC is simply a statistical impossibility. For example, there were two Israeli casualties among only 157 passengers on the two hijacked domestic flights that struck the WTC. Certainly there would have had to have been a much higher percentage among the over 40,000 people in the Trade Center itself. Even if the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the Jerusalem Post had
grossly overestimated the number of Israelis at the World Trade Center by a factor of 10, there still should have been 400 Israelis there at the time of the attacks. Even if only a few hundred Israelis were present at that time, only one Israeli death occurring is statistically absurd. Either September 11 had to be a big Jewish holiday, or a number of Israeli citizens had some advance warning of the impending attack.

Prior Warning to Israelis

The next thing I researched was to see if there were any confirmed warnings to Israelis prior to the attack. I quickly found an article in Newsbytes, a news service of the Washington Post, titled �Instant Messages To Israel Warned of WTC attack.� 515 The Israeli daily, Ha'aretz, also confirmed the prior warnings to Israel and confirmed that the FBI is investigating the warnings.516 The articles detailed that an Israeli messaging firm, Odigo, with offices in both the World Trade Center and in Israel, received a number of warnings just two hours before the attack.

Instant Messages To Israel Warned Of WTC Attack
Officials at instant-messaging firm Odigo confirmed today that two employees received text messages warning of an attack on the World Trade Center two hours before terrorists crashed planes into the New York landmarks. But Alex Diamandis, vice president of sales and marketing,
confirmed that workers in Odigo's research and development and international sales office in Israel received a warning from another Odigo user approximately two hours prior to the first attack. (From the Washington Post�s Newsbytes)

So now I had found powerful and convincing evidence from impeccable
sources show some Israelis were warned in advance of the attack. First, without a prior warning, there could not have been only a single Israeli victim at the World Trade Center. Secondly, there is clear confirmation that an Israeli company with offices in both Israel and the WTC received instant messages warning of the attack on the World Trade Center just two hours before it happened. Who would have warned Israelis of the impending attack if not
Israel�s Mossad? The fact that Israel�s government had prior knowledge
of this huge, unprecedented attack and had warned potential Israeli victims, but then deliberately let thousands of Americans die � makes the Israelis just as responsible for the carnage as the Arab Kamikazes. As I continued to look into the matter, I figured that it was only a matter of time before intelligence information leaked out that would indicate Israeli had foreknowledge of the attack. The media also ran stories immediately after the attack reporting
the FBI was investigating massive short-selling of airlines and insurance
stocks right before the attacks. They pointed out that the short selling (betting the stocks would collapse) indicated involvement and prior knowledge in the attacks because the volume of trades in these multiple stocks was 1,000 times greater than the normal volume. These trades netted tens of millions of dollars in profits in a number of exchanges in America and Europe. Americans were told by government officials that the trades would give us a clear trail to those
behind these acts. Americans were told that the operatives of bin Laden were probably behind them. Strangely, though, after the initial flurry of articles, there has been nothing at all released on the identity of those who made millions on the transactions. I suspect that the media has suppressed the follow-up stories because the profiteers turned out to be not Arab terrorists but Jewish supremacists. Finally, on December 12, a major news source broke a story that
openly pointed out that the FBI had evidence of Israeli advance knowledge of the attacks. Here are excerpts from the Fox Network News story.

BRIT HUME, HOST: It has been more than 16 years since a civilian working for the Navy was charged with passing secrets to Israel. Jonathan Pollard pled guilty to conspiracy to commit espionage and is serving a life sentence. At first, Israeli leaders claimed Pollard was part of a rogue operation, but later took responsibility for his work. Now Fox News has learned some U.S. investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S., who may have known things they didn't tell us before Sept. 11.
11, more than 60 Israelis have been arrested or detained, either under the new patriot anti-terrorism law, or for immigration violations. A handful of active Israeli military were among those detained, according to ivestigators, who say some of the detainees also failed polygraph questions when asked about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United States. There is no indication that the Israelis were involved in the 9/11 attacks, but investigators suspect that they Israelis may have
gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance, and not shared
�HUME: Carl, what about this question of advanced knowledge of what was going to happen on 9/11? How clear are investigators that some Israeli agents may have known something? CAMERON: It's very explosive information, obviously, and there's a great deal of evidence that they say they have collected � none of it necessarily conclusive. It's more when they put it all together. A bigger question, they say, is how could they not have know? Almost a direct quote.


[edit on 15-8-2004 by The Hunter]

posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 07:09 AM
It would seem that such information, of the uncovering of a vast Israeli spy network in the United States and that Israel purposefully let thousands of Americans be slaughtered on September 11, should be headline news in every newspaper of America. It should be the lead story on every major news broadcast. It should have by now caused George Bush to have suspended all aid and diplomatic relations with Israel. But, the Jewish press only drones on in silence about these revelations of Israeli treachery. And President Bush, who says he will attack anyone who aided the 9-11 terrorists, remains silent about the fact that Israeli
was an accessory to the worst terrorist act ever committed against America. By purposefully not warning America, Israel aided this horrendous act of murder and terror. President Bush by now must know about the Israeli involvement in the September attack. If he remains silent about it, he too will become an ccessory to murder and a traitor who would cover up the crimes of a foreign enemy! These words are harsh, I know, and it saddens my heart that I must write about the betrayal of my country by its highest leaders. You can be sure that joy rose in the hearts of all Israeli supremacists as they witnessed the smoke plume rising from the twin towers. As I mentioned earlier, the FBI even arrested five Israelis on a rooftop nearby the twin towers, videotaping and cheering the entire event. They knew that American and world resistance to Israel�s Supremacism and terrorism had plummeted right along with the collapse of the towers of the World Trade Center. Perhaps the most telling statement was when a NY Times reporter questioned the former Israeli, Benjamin Netanyahu, a man every bit as radical as Ariel Sharon. Here are the words of the excited former Israeli Prime Minister:

Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister, replied, "It's very good." Then he edited himself: "Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy.

Sharon and his fellow Jewish Supremacists did not warn American authorities and save thousands of American lives because they knew such a horrible event would reverse all of Israel�s recent losses. September 11 would be a twenty-first century Pearl Harbor; galvanizing the American people for war; their war! Of course, not warning America about the impending attacks would make Israel a coldblooded accomplice in mass terror and murder. But, please tell me
when Israel or Ariel Sharon has shrunk from such treachery. Zionists have never worried about the loss of innocent lives to achieve their ends. The Israeli state was founded on terror such as it had perpetrated at Deir Yassin, when Menachem Begin�s thugs brutally murdered over 250 men, women and children. Only Jewish supremacists would have the chutzpah to then purposely publicize the atrocity in order to terrorize the Palestinians into fleeing from their homes and lands. And as I already pointed out, Ben-Gurion purposely
even blew up an entire ship of his own people, (appropriately on Christmas Day) to accomplish his supremacist objectives. One fact is irrefutable; Zionists are as responsible for the attack on America just as surely as if they themselves had piloted those plane bombs. It was caused by the Jewish control of the American media and Congress and its blind support of over 50 years of Israeli terrorism and murder against the Palestinians and the other peoples of the
Mideast. Their supremacism over America can be illustrated by the fact that the American government has continued to support Israel with guns and money even after it committed direct acts of terrorism and treachery against America -- such as in the Lavon Affair, in the Assault on the Liberty, and in the ongoing spying and sabotaging of American interests. The truth is that the Zionists not only seek Jewish supremacism over the hapless Palestinians; they seek supremacism over all of us no matter what our race or nationality. It�s not just America they want supremacy over, it�s Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and every other nation upon the earth. Jewish supremacists already control the Hollywood movie and television industry, music, and the news media that so strongly influence the entire civilized world. They are the most powerful single force, in fact an irresistible force, in the government of the United States. Through that control they also direct the most powerful military might the world has ever known and can thus extend their supremacism even to nations where their power is not as pervasive as in the United States. The Jewish Supremacists have purposely orchestrated the non-European immigration that will dispossess European Americans the same way that Jewish immigration into Palestine has displaced the Palestinians. They have consciously led the effort to make European Americans a minority in our own country as they made Palestinians a minority in Palestine. They seek nothing less than to destroy the genetic, cultural identity and nationalism of all peoples other than their own. While they preach open borders for us, they preach ultranationalism for their own people and support for Israel which has not
a religious, but a genetic requirement for immigration. The inescapable truth is that Jewish Supremacists hate the European people and Christians just as much as they hate Muslim Arabs and Palestinians. They teach their children fear and hatred toward all Gentiles, and they endlessly recite Christian and Moslem persecutions against them. Their media teaches hatred of their Gentile enemies
from Pharaoh and Haman to Hitler and Hussein; their hate propaganda
is as ancient as the Talmud and as modern as movies such as the horrifying fiction of Shindler�s List.
Jewish supremacists have also been the instigators of the globalism that is sweeping away American sovereignty and truly the freedoms, economic independence, and cultural values of all nations. They are the architects of so-called hate laws that are the modern equivalent of medieval laws against Blasphemy or Heresy. Only this time, it is Jewish Supremacism who is the God beyond questioning. And now, in the wake of the September attacks of 2001 and the global war that follows, they are orchestrating the most massive infringement of rights and freedom in world history. They are setting up a
world government and world police state that will make it a serious criminal offense to utter a word against their supremacism. They are the new Gods, and those who love freedom are the new Heretics. They are also preparing us for the dungeons and torture chambers of medieval times. Jewish pundits and even Jewish �civil-libertarians� such as Alan Dershowitz are now calling for the legalization of torture. Am I am alarmist? Were the early Palestinian resistance fighters �alarmists� when they said that the Zionist settlers coming to Palestine in the 1940s had not come to live as good neighbors but to take their country and enslave their people? Were the White Russians �alarmists� when they warned that the Jewish Bolsheviks would wipe away freedom and cast Mother Russia into a sea of blood? Were political untouchables like Patrick Buchanan and myself alarmists when we warned that Americans would suffer terrorism and murder by supporting the crimes of the Zionist state? Have we been proven wrong? In my preface I quoted Ben-Gurion�s prediction in Look Magazine in 1962.

In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind.

I wonder if you, dear reader, after digesting the intervening two hundred pages of this book, might now share my fears that Ben-Gurion�s dark dreams are dangerously close to fulfillment. Is my fear just some anti-Semitic nightmare, or will the reader find it a healthy reaction to the ravings of unbridled Jewish supremacism? Jewish Supremacism is by far the most critical issue in the 21st Century World. As these past two chapters have shown, Jewish Supremacism is a term synonymous with terror. It goes to the very heart of the two most important things to every people on earth: survival and freedom.


[edit on 15-8-2004 by The Hunter]

posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 09:26 AM

[edit on 12-9-2004 by Tamahu]

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 02:25 PM

the phil jayhan interview

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 01:09 AM
"" - wow what a Great Source (Sarcasm) -

What great information:
"George W. Bush is a Tool of the Right Wing Neo-Cons"

"Alawi (New PM of Iraq) is CIA"

"9/11 was an Inside Job"

DUH - whats next - "Conservatives are Zionists" -
"Republican Party Politicians" are Funded & Paid Off by
"Big Pharma" - "Big Oil" & "Big Weapons Manufacturers"?
Wow - No Duh!!!

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 05:14 PM
Osama was hired by the CIA, Al Quada Funded by the CIA.
All in all the US had it done. To divert attention. To close some gaps
make things slightly more difficult for "us"

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 05:38 PM

Any comments on Osamas whereabouts Visit the above thread.

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 05:55 PM
This is a new post I found. Check out the video and sound. Incredible9/11 incredible stuff

**This is an eyeopener if I ever saw one**

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Seraphim_Serpente
"" - wow what a Great Source (Sarcasm) -

What great information:
"George W. Bush is a Tool of the Right Wing Neo-Cons"

"Alawi (New PM of Iraq) is CIA"

"9/11 was an Inside Job"

DUH - whats next - "Conservatives are Zionists" -
"Republican Party Politicians" are Funded & Paid Off by
"Big Pharma" - "Big Oil" & "Big Weapons Manufacturers"?
Wow - No Duh!!!

Basically, every thing you have stated is true. (no sarcasm)
Im glad you finally see the light. (sarcasm)
As much evidence you have and you still deny the evil deeds-
You are amongst the 30% of brainwashed individuals. Who says mind control doesnt work?

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
This is a new post I found. Check out the video and sound. Incredible9/11 incredible stuff

**This is an eyeopener if I ever saw one**

This video is what conviced me there was something fundamentaly wrong with the evets leading to and including sept 11. I urge anyone who hasnt seen it to do so what ever you believe. It really is an eyeopener.

[edit on 19-8-2004 by Janus]

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 06:07 PM
If its such groundbreaking evidence, why do they have to sell it? Why not release it to public domain, so the real "truth" is exposed?

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Skibum
If its such groundbreaking evidence, why do they have to sell it? Why not release it to public domain, so the real "truth" is exposed?

Do you think that producing a documentary, no matter how small is free? if you dont want to pay for it then try bittorrent.

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