The Invincible Operation was carried out by two Super Etendard of the Argentina Navy (ALTAR), whose pilots were the Lieutenant commander Alexander
Francisco and the Lieutenant of Ship Luis Collavino and, by the following personnel and airships of the Air Force: Hercules C-130, Tc-69
matriculation, indicative "Piece". Crew: Air force lieutenant colonel Luis Litrenta, Captain. Guillermo Destéfanis, Greater Francisco Mensi,
Petty officer Juan Perón, Petty officer Juan Tello, Auxiliary Sergeant major Hugo González, Auxiliary Sergeant major Vicente Reynoso and Auxiliary
Suboficial Manuel Lombino. Hs took off of River Galician to 11:25 and arrived at Commodore Rivadavia to 17:25 hs.
Hercules C-130 Tc-70 matriculation, indicative "Rooster". Crew: Greater Briend Robert, Air force lieutenant colonel Robert Noah, Greater Miguel
Sanchez, Captain Osvaldo Bilmezis, Sergeant major Greater Juan Cufré, Main Sergeant major Carlos Golier, Main Sergeant major Caravaca Robert,
Auxiliary Sergeant major Insipid Héctor and Auxiliary Sergeant major Juan Marnoni. He took off of River Galician to 11:25 and arrived at 17:15
Four A-4c, Zonda indicative. Mission: attack to the aircraft carrier located in the position 51° South 38'/53° 38 ' the West, with two
resupplies, armed with three pumps slowed down by parachute (BRP), each one. Crew: to 1er Lieutenant Jose Vázquez (C-301), to 1er Lieutenant
Ernesto Ureta (C-321), to 1er Omar Lieutenant Castle (C-310) and Lieutenant Gerald Isaac (C-318). The Lieutenant Daniel Paredi would act like
reserve. They took off from Grande River to 12:30 hs and returned to 16:00 hs. The predicted routes left from Grande River (Super Etendard/A-4c
Skyhawk) and River Galician (Hercules Kc-130), converged to 55º 50 ' S/58º Or, where the resupply would become
Each system would resupply twice, to the going and the return, to take off with Maxima armament load. From there, with course 330º/350º would
descend to grazing (100 feet), the Super Etendard to front and two A-4c Skyhawk to each side. They would come near flying in formation to 420 knots
until 100 miles of the target. In this section, the Super Etendard would have to locate with their radar the objective and, twenty-five kilometers
before, to send the last Exocet returning, previous resupply, to Grande River. Accelerating to the maximum, the A-4c Skyhawk would mount in the
trajectory of the missile until the ship, fifty seconds after the impact would drop three bombs slowed down by parachute of 250 kg each one.