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How will everyone see UFO's in 100 years time?...

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posted on Sep, 4 2005 @ 05:11 PM
toasted - I read that link and those questions posed are fair enough. But what that site and most people who subscribe to those notions need to do is look within the community. There needs to be a serious effort to clean shop of the fringe. There is a discussion right now here at ATS about UFO/Alien spirituality and religion(s).

If I was an editor at a major local paper or TV network, I would tell you the first thing I think of is the fringe element. The 1990's had just enough hoax, fraudsters and UFO cult news to leave a bad taste in any editors mouth. Those leave an indelible mark on the community from the publics perspective. From a journalistic stand point, there is little or no objectivety in the UFO community anymore. A vast majority has ruined for the selective few who are adamant about presenting facts and proof without resorting to worn thin theories. There really is a point when answering questions with questions slams a lead brick wall. There is little or no journalistic benefit in that.

If people want to see UFO's get back into the press mainstream, they need to take out the fringe UFO order at the knee caps. The community needs to become true skeptics again and filter hokie or questionable news sources. Then and only then, will the press be drawn back into the fold.

Example: Now everyone praise Prophet Yahweh for duping the Las Vegas News stations with his hoax's. I'm sure that station manager has been raked over the coals for allowing that to air. There is little or no chance if these kinds of con artists continue to make the grade in UFO circles.

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 01:29 PM
it's kinda hard to clean shop, when you got a ten ton gorilla telling you what you can and can't say

this stuff will NEVER make mainstream

on purpose

get it ?

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 10:47 PM
" Ahh but those are Unidentified Flying Objects and nothing else."

wtf does THAT mean ! eh ?

I really wanna hear this...

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 01:24 AM
toasted - I would suggest a chill pill amigo.

There is no one forcing anything on anyone. The media does have slants, that is sure, but the examples I've posted have hurt the validity of the cause. If I was making the decisions on what aired, I would spare the mass viewing audience a UFO sighting. A majority of cases are simply Unidentified Flying Objects. Unidentified does not make them alien does it? That is not news worthy. Everyone should thank Prophet Yaweh for the continued flaws embraced by the community and the glaring problems inherant with hoaxers and hucksters seen as trail blazers. That's plain bad public relations.

For your information, the main news media here and in Mexico contiues to report on recuurent sightings. So this blanket media pox on UFO's is bad blanket statement.

I'll end with the Public Disclosure project that was shown in 2001. Whatever happened to that? Lost steam? Lost interest? Maybe the UFO community should rally behind getting that in motion again. In that past 10 years, that was probably the first press conference that actually appeared to have teeth.

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 03:31 AM
The Disclosure Project is still very much alive.

Its really hard to say how we will see UFOs in the future. But, concidering our advancements in technology that we (the general population) know about now, not to mention the black technology that we don't know about. I mean surely we won't be using rockets to get to space in 100 years so UFOs as we see them now will probably be a normality in our world by then. And I am sure that by then anti-gravity or something like it will propel many types of vehicles, vehicles that today would most definately look completely unidentified and down right frightening.

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 10:58 AM
tn2k - Those are very good points. I don't know how many people here follow the defense, bio genetic, and nano technolgy fronts, but we have already blasted into uncharted waters. Between flight and biological technologies the next 20-30 years will represent some spectacular and controversial changes.

On the private business side alone the drive to get to space is advancing at an unprecidented pace. We are working with a small aerospace company that much like Scaled Composites (Burt Rutans) company, they are gearing up for space flight. The 800 pound flat footed guerilla that is NASA isn't going to impress us as much as private industry will. The competetive nature of private industry will propagate UFO - like technologies faster than most people think.

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 11:27 AM

If people want to see UFO's get back into the press mainstream, they need to take out the fringe UFO order at the knee caps. The community needs to become true skeptics again and filter hokie or questionable news sources. Then and only then, will the press be drawn back into the fold.

I absolutely agree.

Yes, the Disclosure Project was a step in the right direction. Unfortunately, they too have the problem of accepting some less than credible sources. For example, they endorse Billy Meiers. Also, they allow access to their info only for a fee, which also taints them in the eyes of many. Simply put, a noble effort, but poorly executed.... It may still be alive, but if it's only on life support....

As nullster mentioned, we'll likely see some big advances in private space travel/exploration in the next few decades. My guess is that if this occurs, we'll see an answer to the UFO/Alien question sooner rather than later...

[edit on 6-9-2005 by Gazrok]

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