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How will everyone see UFO's in 100 years time?...

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posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 07:00 PM
In a hundred years from now, do you think we'll know the truth? Do you think we'll know that aliens have been here or a long, or that they;ve been visiting or that they haven;t been here at all?

Do you think we will be any closer to the truth, or will people still be pulling the wool over our eyes? Will we ever know the truth? Or even afetr incredible revaltaions will we still not know the truth?

Do you think we will always be lied too? Or do you think in 100 years we will finally know the truth about UFO's and aliens, and that we will all live peacfully? Or that we'll be under the thumb of our alien overlords?

Do you think a centuary will lead us to the truth? Or to an ever deeper circle of lies and cover ups? I mena if there is a secret alien adgenda, then its got to be reckognised and enacted at some point, or are they incredibly patient and wiat till us questioning people are dead?

Will we ever know the enitre truth? I'm fairly certain we won;t. But in 100 yeras time do you think we'll atleats be closer to it?...

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 08:11 PM
In around 100 years, the existance of extraterrestrial life will be made public, as the United States will no longer be the world's greatest superpower.

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 11:05 PM
The advent of modern communications technology and the availability of recording devices to almost anyone should lead us somewhere is less than 100 years.

It was easy to keep things secret when we could not communicate with each other, or all we had were simple cameras with which to record events. Today you can video something and put it out to the World in an instant. And once something is on the Net it becomes almost impossible to cover-up. People also have much more access to news and information from other parts of the World, that alone is powerful.

So I think we will have significant new discoveries in much less than 100 years.


posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 11:42 PM
the government has known for a long time

believe me when I sincerely say


I think , that we've been given messages about them, in the movies.
movies you think are fiction, but the truth is, the stories are based on valid info. of course with some hollywood spin.

let me ask you a question.
if these aliens are so benevolent , and no threat to us at all, what reason could
the government have, to cover up the story ? and why would the gov't silence people ?

I believe the true story is huge, and amazing and scary...[ mindblowing ]

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 12:00 AM
Like we view dragons of the Medieval age.

UFO's will be viewed as the great stories of legend that entertained the hopes, fears, and imaginations durring the late 20th early 21st centuries. The faithful began to falter after incessant high profile hoaxs and charlatans were exposed.

[edit on 28-8-2005 by nullster]

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 12:50 AM
hoax ?

yeah , in july , 1952 the hoax's, flew over washington dc for SIX HOURS !

pretty darn good hoax I'd say...

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 05:36 AM


Oh but I really do. I accept the truth may be, and I stress 'may' be hard to deal with but I would still rather we faced it together.

if these aliens are so benevolent , and no threat to us at all, what reason could
the government have, to cover up the story ? and why would the gov't silence people ?

I know that I and others have responded to exactly those questions before but to sum up:

Knowledge = Power, simply knowing for certain that we are not alone and that others can travel the Universe is a powerful thing.

Fear, the people in power are not exactly visionaries, fear and doubt are a part of their daily lives.

Worry, even with the very best of intentions, the most friendly of Visitors will change the World in ways that no one can predict. Those in power are charged with keeping things steady and safe and they are not willing to roll the dice.

There are all sorts of possibilities that do not involve actual hostility on the part of the Aliens, humans fear the unknown and the different. Aliens represent both to the Nth degree.

And I have to say that idea that even a significant part of the movies about Aliens are correct is just too much for me to accept. The reason there are 10 'Independance Days' to every one 'ET' is because that is what sells and for no other reason. Now if it were the other way, if what we humans loved was warm fuzzy stories, and still we had a ton of hostile Alien movies I would see your point, but that is not the way it is.

To say it is any other way is to ignore human nature.


[edit on 8/28/05 by Alexander Tau]

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 07:33 AM
i think in 100 years the human race will be extremely lucky if it is still surviving. if you notice a trend in the animal world it's usually that when predators are high in numbers, their prey are in low numbers. however, the predators start to die off as food is hard to come by, thus the prey's numbers then rise.

the same will be so for humans, as our population grows and grows, sooner or later we will run out of food, energy, and space for all these people, hence our numbers will drop.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 07:38 AM
I think 100 years is a long time, I also know I don't have the power to see the future. I would hope that the truth, whatever that may be, will be known but I also know that no one man knows the entire truth, some person has the corner pieces to the puzzle, others the edges, some the centre. No one knows the whole truth, and I doubt that time will ever tell us everything.

Edit: Turned "t e h" into "the".

[edit on 28-8-2005 by shorty]

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Alexander Tau
The advent of modern communications technology and the availability of recording devices ...

Those 'modern' things are more than 100 years old. We have been able to talk with people all over the world instantly by phones (older than 100 years), film camera is about 100 years old (Charlie Chaplin is probably the most famous of the early actors and directors), newspapers are more than 100 years old, sending letters worldwide by post is more than 300 years old and so on...

I just can't see that anything has changed!

Beam me up!

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by nullster
Like we view dragons of the Medieval age.

UFO's will be viewed as the great stories of legend that entertained the hopes, fears, and imaginations durring the late 20th early 21st centuries. The faithful began to falter after incessant high profile hoaxs and charlatans were exposed.

I agree!

I do think we'll discover lifeforms on other planets (not necessarily sentient, but lifeforms.) And I think we'll find that if there IS a Federation of allied intelligent species that they are not that interested in a planet on the far end of a spiral arm of the galaxy; a star and planetary system composed of pretty common elements.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by toasted
if these aliens are so benevolent , and no threat to us at all, what reason could the government have, to cover up the story ? and why would the gov't silence people ?

The government is afraid. They don't even hide it. They let the military deal with it, and you know how the military treath things they do not understand. Its a great deal for politicans as they don't have to worry about it and can go on with their life... ignorance' is a blessing for them.

Thinking is a choise, it is not something one have to do.
But maybe it is also a question of time. There are only so many hours/day and they have a family to tend to, budgets that must be met and so on; theres just not anough time to stop up and think about things outside their everyday routines.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by toasted
hoax ?

yeah , in july , 1952 the hoax's, flew over washington dc for SIX HOURS !
pretty darn good hoax I'd say...

Ahh but those are Unidentified Flying Objects and nothing else. You and I will be dust in the grave and they will remain unexplained in 100 years. Stories and accounts will forever get skewed in their retelling. That's what good legends are all about.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 02:31 PM

Those 'modern' things are more than 100 years old. We have been able to talk with people all over the world instantly by phones (older than 100 years)

A couple of points here. First it is a matter of reach. The older methods were one to one, one person could contact another. That is a very slow way to spead information. Compare that the the Internet where uncounted numbers of people can access information from anywhere on the planet. You see something and tell a friend, ok. But if you can tell thousands, or millions of people, you might reach someone with similar expereinces. Or perhaps someone who can give you an answer.

Newspapers are a mass media of course, but even they have a limited reach. And they can be controlled if the governments under which they operate decide it is necessary to do so.

Consider a place like ATS, available 24/7/365. That is even an improvement over a UFO group that meets weekly or anything of that nature.

Second is availability. When a device is first created it is only available to a select few, then with time, those with large amounts of money, and so on until almost anyone has access. 100 years ago this process took years.

I consider cell-phones with cameras to be a remarkable tool, with the addition of motion video, people have a powerful way to capture events. Compare that even to modern camcorders, how many people actually carry them around everyday?

Our ability to record events, discuss them, and distribute the information across the globe in an instant is eventually going to lead to better and better information. And on an important flip-side, quicker debunking of hoaxes. Anyone remember the phony documents about President Bush's National Guard service. It was not the national media with all their resources that cracked that, it was bloggers.

There is no way to judge how much, or how fast, information will increase, but it has been, and will continue to for quite some time.


posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 11:58 AM
there's a predicted "flip" that some are talking about

everybody has a different idea [ about the near future ]

they ALL can't be right !

if the flip happens...the planet will be here, and so will the stone age

whoever is left will be starting from scratch

no streets , no electric , no towns...[ like a freaking rod serling clip ]

of all the scenarios [ that are floating out there ].... I hope I don't see that one unfold

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 03:13 PM
Oh, i don't know, I think it won't take 100 years. It's been almost 60 years since roswell. Well 2007 is the 60th aniversary, but there's 60-70 percent of the population now that actually believe there might be life out there. And who knows, we might now have to wait till 2047 for everyone to wonder. It might just take 10-20 years, you never know.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 04:04 PM
I am betting there may be multiple eventual disclosures and advances (planned and unplanned). Those events in part or in whole just won't live up to the hype of 40+ years of speculation and conspiracy. This evidence will be incontrovertible but highly anti climactic.

There will be those that rail against it, like one would a good movie with a terrible ending. The faithful, the believers who follow the sanctity of alien beings. Alien beings that are coming to save them/mankind from themsleves will always hold out for the higher power to draw them up out of body and into the heavens. You can call those types what you will.

I don't see the virgin Mary in a piece of cornflake or tortilla, but there are those that do. Just like people that see blotches in photos and see their beloved oofos. You can't use science or rationale to explain that. It's just called keeping the faith.

[edit on 31-8-2005 by nullster]

posted on Sep, 4 2005 @ 01:14 AM
according to some sources, we already know, there are 50+ varieties of aliens

identifying the different ships they travel in , seems to be a waste of time [ this isn't like a hobby, like baseball cards ] [ hey, maybe it could be ,

more importantly is

when will we find out why so many different kinds are here

what are there intentions ?

are we on the menu ?

posted on Sep, 4 2005 @ 01:32 AM

posted on Sep, 4 2005 @ 01:48 AM
toasted - I'll look into that link in a second.

In the meantime here's a work in progress. This will be a Golden Arches abduction. Aliens are stepping up their cow mutilations and moving to fast food kinda theme. Burger King, McDonalds and Pepsico are....I can't divulge more under threat of death by that thing called "the Government". But hell here's a shoddy pic of something because its not finished.

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