As an intelligent woman, I am not even going dignify some of the above comments with a response. However, those that give this research merit should
consider its source.
Richard Lynn is a eugenicist, meaning that he belives that negative genetic traits should be removed from future generations. Considering his belief
that people have limitations on thier intellect, strength, personality and emotional capacity based on their race and/or gender, this has serious
implications for what he would like to do to future generations of humans.
How about a quote?
"What is called for here is not genocide, the killing off of the population of incompetent cultures. But we do need to think realistically in terms
of the 'phasing out' of such peoples.... Evolutionary progress means the extinction of the less competent. To think otherwise is mere
sentimentality." (cited in Newsday, 11/9/94)
Phased out? Ummm... isn't that a nice way of saying....
Yeah. He's the second coming of Mengele.
Herr Lynn was also the man who concluded that lighter-skinned African-Americans are smarter than darker-skinned African Americans. (Skin color and
intelligence in African Americans. Population and Environment, 2002)
Also, in his article entitled
"Intelligence and The Wealth & Poverty of Nations",
he suggests that the reason why counties like the U.S. and Japan have healthy economic growth is because of the higher IQ's, and poorer nations are
poor because of lower IQs.
Will someone please teach this man the difference between CORRELATION and CAUSALITY? This is what happens when good regression analysis goes bad.
Lynn has also received significant funding from
The Pioneer Fund, which was set up in 1937 by a
rich white supremacist who supported the Nazi parties' "breeding programs." Now, the Pioneer Fund calls themselves
"race-realists" and claim that they are agnostic, but oddly, all of their research seems to
conclude that Caucasians have a superior gene pool, although Asians are very intelligent (if only we could splice out the shortness... but
Pioneer-funded scientists are working on it!) African-Americans, well... to quote Herr Lynn again...
"Who can doubt that the Caucasoids and the Mongoloids are the only two races that have made any significant contributions to civilization?" (cited
in New Republic, 10/31/94)
They have given large grants to Lynn and his ilk and eschew those who call them "nazis" and racists as ignorant namecallers. Oh, did I mention that
Otto Frieharr von Verschuer, the man who taught Josef Mengele everything he knew, was an editorial board member of the Pioneer Fund's science
Oh, but that was BEFORE the Holocaust.
Back to Lynn. His most controversial conclusions, however, surround the concept that based on your genetic limitations, you should assume certain
roles in life. Men have higher aptitudes for finace and sports and women have higher aptitudes for cooking and child-rearing.
Even more controversial is the idea that through genetic modification, certain "undesireable characteristics"
should be weeded out of the
population through mating of genetically well-matched parents, destruction of embryos with inferior genetic traits and COMPULSORY STERILIZATION OF
Not Hitler. Right.
Where is that grain of salt again...?
More on the debate here...