This is Keybored.
This has gone above and beyond my hopes and expectations. In the interests of keeping the integrity of this site I ask that this become the last post
and the thread be closed. There is no way this will go forward without expressed ignorance. Look where it led. We all have our beliefs and there is no
middle ground on something this big.
First thing, Mrs., Thank you and hush.
Secondly, I appreciate you all however your reactions were intended or perceived, and I think I can positively state that we all learned something
from this exercise in futility. How can something so well intended get so distorted and convoluted into derisive comments and animosity is a matter of
record that would probably be better off unthreaded. We all made mistakes.
In my defense of coming across as some arrogant know it all or however was phrased I can only add that my arrogance was really frustration The
frustration was in that having presented this concept, (the basis for further concepts) it was taking so long for others to grasp and yet this base
line theory is the easiest compared with what was to follow. Had I told you then what I will tell you now, this thread would have been all over the
place without looking at the first integral part with which everything else depended. I won’t give the full details since as I contended from the
start, this has inherent ramifications that none of you could have truly appreciated without knowing the ultimate end.
Was I trying to lead you on? Or milk this for whatever reason… never. I wanted to get on with it and move on. The further evolvement of my theories
depended upon this integral part being built. I saw capabilities within many of you and I had hoped you would take me up on it. Perhaps some out there
are seriously looking into this and I sincerely hope so. If and when you get this working I would like to know (which is why I wanted to start that
research group) since this was only the beginning. The design should work. There is no reason for it not to, all it needs is tuning. I will be working
on it too.
I was accused of being cryptic and vague, I see that now and in many of my posts I was getting ahead of myself. Perpetual motion was only the
beginning. From this base line it would have progressed to levitation (I have two ideas, two viable means to implement it, and regardless of how your
thoughts run on that is beside the point at this juncture) I was also accused of wanting Armageddon and of being idolatrous (? Can’t recall,
whatever) and no I don’t, however, I do feel I have my role in the outcome whichever way it turns out. You all wanted it, I wanted it, we need it,
it IS Pandora’s box. I posted this…
Perhaps now you can appreciate the gravity (no pun intended) of the weight I felt under. If it were you, I’d cut you all the slack you needed
because believe me, until you know what it truly means you have no idea what its like.
And think what you want but please, keep it to yourself. If you have doubts fine, lets leave it at that and just think me a fool or whatever. I see
things from my perspective as you see things from yours,
Once I had the levitation I had the means for propulsion, FTL, and the ultimate end is I suspect a wormhole. (I know, trust me I’d considered all
the angles already so lets not go there ok? Don’t lecture me on flux or neutralizations, I took it into account already and regardless, humor me)
Maybe now you can see where I was coming from but regardless, this is something I see I will be doing alone if at all.
If I was having this hard a time convincing you all that the perpetual motion worked, I can just imagine with how much disbelief just ran through you
all. Again, opinions aren’t my concern. My concerns were first and foremost getting this baseline discovery out there so I could've proceeded with
the rest.
Perhaps your initial disbelief stemmed from wondering why I would offer it in the first place when it would be worth so much, but as you see I had
bigger fish to fry. Why didn’t I just build it before now? See my first post.
As you should be able to understand, I can’t in good conscience put this in its entirety in a public forum, there are inherent dangers not only in
design implementation but in usage if it got into the wrong hands because for all intensive purposes I really don’t know what exactly is going to
take place other than I know there will be an effect. (It would need to be tried on a small scale and in deep space if at all. Depends on what we'd
learn along the way ) It is inevitable and I had given glimpses of it. Spinning the square isn’t required for the perpetual motion itself, which can
be done simply with magnets alone. I add electromagnets to really get this thing going and if you saw it the way I looked at it, you’d be in awe
That link to the Swiss magnet motor I would hope gave you all some hope in the viability of this. Thanks for posting it.
Now I don’t care if you believe it or not, I think the result of this thread demonstrated what happens when someone counts on or demands of others
without taking into consideration their wills. Perhaps mine is too strong and my visions too far out of the box (call it what you will, it matters
little now) for you to accept without ridicule (I’m sure of it). Please just do us all a favor and keep it to yourself, we don’t need it anymore.
As stated, I’d hope we all learned from this. I have reasons for my beliefs as do you.
Quiet Renegade, that was quality, you’d make a good mediator.
Yeahright, You deserve a worthy mention too.
Bottom line, I am requesting that you close this thread now.
Thanks and Bye.