posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 02:02 PM
AgentSmith, yes and no. I don't use a cone, I merely expressed the principle as a cone. Thanks for the link though as I haven't seen this attempt
before. As to the yes, it does have three sides (in part) and not three cones.
I think his (her?) failure was in weight to lift ratio, too much weight and no lift. Had this design utilized a weight transfer and not merely
centrifical force he might have gotten it to jump. (I assume, I skimmed the article and spent more time looking at the pics)
You people express an anger in that I just don't lay it all out for you. You seem to think I am merely after points. You think I am just a fake with
fraudulent claims as to what the design implementation is capable of.
I can piece-meal it out all day long and unless you pictured the overall design you wouldn't appreciate the harmony. I said about all I can say
regarding the principle, I won't spell out the design, at least not yet. If you feel I am merely after points (1 at a time lol) pulease, give me more
credit than that. This concept would have made great sci-fi and I could have submitted it to collaborative fiction had the points interested me.
I told you the clue, geometry. Thats as far as I am going to divulge it at this time. Believe it or not, don't even post if you feel this about me.
It isn't your blessings on the design I was looking for. The basis of the design or at least partial design, has been clearly defined. Had you the
intuition to understand what it meant you would already know how to implement it.
I'm not trying to tease you, I stated my reasoning in the initial post and as such I am still waiting until I either give it out of futility or cease
out of an illumination. I know its hard to see a viability of a design when all you have is a principle and that is why I only gave you the cone as
example. I just told you it had three sides so now you know it is triangular. For me to say any more at this time would defeat my entire purpose, to
understand others feelings, and to have your blessing.
Consider that the very hint of a viable design might affect world oil prices. This isn't why I did it either. Consider that I am responsible under
National Security if my idea were haphazardly available to all when there is so much possible with it. I will pay the consequences, not mankind
regardless of how good it would be. Never mind the position I put myself in to a trillion dollar a year industry.
And yes, I am more than aware of how badly this is needed. Would I have been looking at it for 10 years if I didn't have hope?
Understand that I'm not after my 15 minutes of fame either, would I be using a NIC if I wanted to be known? I could have made money off of this, at
the very least as a sci-fi writer and at one point I had considered introducing the concept that way (not here, through a paperback) but I am only in
this for humanity. And the advancement of our technology that would ultimatley lead to inter-stellar travel.
I told you all I had given it to NASA first. On another thread I mentioned a re-inventing of the wheel, 4,680 degrees instead of 360. I offered to
help others with their designs as well. I only want to see this come to fruition and not get suppressed.
I have given a lot more of this than I have expressed publicly to others here and in that, at the least, whatever happens will be either an example of
my mistake in coming forward, or should I be silenced the theory is known. Even in that, I didn't divulge it all in that there is an unusual
correlation between the base and the triangle. Enough said.
Like I have said, it is so simple which is the beauty of it all. I had often wondered why nobody has seen this before? Maybe thinking outside the box
is a little hard when so many have tried and failed. I am not an engineer, I do all my work in my mind. If you think I am delusional, whatever. I know
what I see as being capable. Please don't even bother to post if you doubt, or post if you will, it matters little to me as I am not aiming at this
audience anyway.