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Small Gold Flat Chips Extracted From Throat - Need Help

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posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 02:44 AM
Low serotonin levels?

Were any of the following detected in the chips:

* safrole: 3,4-methylenedioxyallylbenzene, 1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-propene
* isosafrole: 3,4-methylenedioxypropenylbenzene, 1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-1-propene
* MDP-2-P: 3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone, 3,4-methylenedioxyphenylacetone, 3,4-methylenedioxybenzyl methyl ketone, piperonylacetone
* piperonal: 3,4-methylenedioxybenzaldehyde, heliotropin
* beta-nitroisosafrole: 3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl-2-nitropropene

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 09:07 AM
I did read when this all started and felt bad for this woman. It is certainly easy enough to figure out though and I'm surprised that it is still going on.

You can definitely see that the part has a key (profile that would fit it too another part) style that would fit into a slide type situation. It looks very familiar and quite possibly came out of a watch, jewelry box latch, lock mechanism, etc... It has to fit into a guide of some sort and slide back and forth. An implant with a profile or shape such as this would make no sense.

Obviously her and her sister found a box or bag or just a pile of these lying around and as young children do, they stuffed 3 or 4 up their noses. They got lodged in the sinus cavity and occasionally one would break loose. As soon as it starts to fall out of the sinus cavity a gag reaction happens and the piece is coughed up.

Sound pretty accurate? In fact someone most likely already has posted this scenario but I didn't have time to read the entire thread. So, my apologies if I'm repeating points already posted.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 09:33 AM
Stick it in the microwave and zap that lil pucker
that will teach whatever technology it is and do it in real good

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 06:02 PM
I think the problem was that the chips are not large enough, or not enough. Nor made into a grill

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by jbondo
I did read when this all started and felt bad for this woman. It is certainly easy enough to figure out though and I'm surprised that it is still going on.

Well GEE! Where were you last year when everyone "Needed" your expertise?

Its amazing how people can just read a thread Title and look at the Metallurgical TESTS after they have been done , and " figure out " simple enough?

Come on guy's we had to have experts look at this. Nobody knew what it was , and the "Definitive" answer is still to this day evasive ?

In my mind , its just SILLY to come on a LARGE Thread like this after Hundreds of people have devoted their time and energy and say , Oh , this was easy to "figure out ".

I bet it was ,... after the thousands of man hours Collectively we ( ATS ) put into solving this Puzzle , including several professional Ufologists!!!

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 06:45 PM
Not only Ufologists but some other professional titles as well.

Especially after the chips are going to be examined (or have they already? I ahven't followed the thread in a couple months) by professionals in a lab.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by lost_shaman

And just that you know , she found the object last Friday, I was in contact with her on Sunday, and by Monday she had already been in contact with A. J. Gevaerd , and had already recieved E-mails from him, way before I ever asked her to write a Thread here on ATS.

The original post say "been dealing this for almost four days straight"
Then he tells us his aims.
1. I want to see if anyone recognizes this as terrestrial or man-made
2. We're going to bring this chip to a lab ourselves for a compositional analysis. I want a complete readout in elemental percentages. I'll have that analyzed and translated into laymen's terms.
3. I want to take microscopic photos of the chip
4. I want an X-Ray of it to see if there is any inner circuitry technology that can be studied
5. If anyone can think of anything else, please tell me.

If he had contacted and received emails from the top man why would he be asking us questions?

And why did he tell us "and I remained on the couch with our dog"? he was never under suspicion so why did he give us an alibi?

[edit on 13-4-2006 by The Links]

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by The Links

If he had contacted and received emails from the top man why would he be asking us questions?

Who is he?

You see when you have even the BASIC Facts and details wrong , how can you expect people to take your objections seriously?

The FACT is that before NEED HELP ever posted on ATS , SHE was informed that it would be wise to post pictures and see if people recognized the "Small Gold Flat Chip".

I personally HELPED HER post Pictures to see if people recognized the "Chip" , they didn't.

In my very first post (I think) I recomended that she, being from Brazil , should cantact A. J. Geveard.

She had already recieved similar advice from Seattle. And had already attempted to contact Geveard by the time I talked to her. ( Although , I didn't know that when I advised she should contact Geveard.)

She had a preliminary response back from Geveard at around the same time I was trying to help her with posting Pictures to write this thread.

I've tried to avoid posting some things NEED HELP e-mailed me , but I hope this will begin to clear things up for some people.

Here you go...

From Fri, 12 Aug 2005 12:07:43 +0000

" I was advised by the director of UFO research in Seattle to create a page online which included the pics, then ask if anyone could recognize it. The reasons I wanted to talk to the people before I gave it to professionals is because: I wanted advice, I wanted to see if anyone could recognize this thing and if they could, we could figure it out. For instance if someone said "HEY we see those chips all the time in the Diet Coke factory!" Then I could say, "well gosh darn, that makes sense!", It's weird! And extremely rare and coincidental, but okay! At least we know what it is....and go from there. But that unfortunately didn't happen." - Need Help

[edit on 13-4-2006 by lost_shaman]

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 04:37 PM
Wow...I still remember my first post being on this thread.

And now my second post is still on this thread...

Nice to see you again here, Lost Shaman.

[edit on 17-5-2006 by bigmakoy]

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by lost_shaman
Well GEE! Where were you last year when everyone "Needed" your expertise?

Its amazing how people can just read a thread Title and look at the Metallurgical TESTS after they have been done , and " figure out " simple enough?

Come on guy's we had to have experts look at this. Nobody knew what it was , and the "Definitive" answer is still to this day evasive ?

In my mind , its just SILLY to come on a LARGE Thread like this after Hundreds of people have devoted their time and energy and say , Oh , this was easy to "figure out ".

I bet it was ,... after the thousands of man hours Collectively we ( ATS ) put into solving this Puzzle , including several professional Ufologists!!!

Dude, I said I didn't read the 'entire' thread. The fact is, I did read many, many pages and was reading right from the start last year. I also went to her personal page several times right after she was driven from here. So as you can see, I didn't just show up with a shot in the dark. I just didn't happen to be a member of ATS at the time.

I thought it was unfortunate that she was driven off her own thread because of all the browbeaters that feel it necessary to attack everyone with a story and throttle them mercilessly. If people are frauds they usually hang themselves. But here they don’t get that chance nor do the honest people looking for help.

Don't assume you know me. And don’t assume to know that I couldn't come up with an answer just because I'm not who you qualify to solve the problems here.

You bet wrong Einstein.

I don’t like to write posts like this but you had no right to attack me!

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 06:36 AM
I do have to agree with many people about this thread. It was a very good read. I spent several hours scrolling through this thread and checking out the links (only to find other links to investigate). It was a good read, however; I am bit disappointed to say the least. The lack of closure does kind of annoy me. This thread reminds of another thread that I got sucked into months back.

I do not have any information to offer. Most of the questions that I had were already asked. It's a very interesting topic. I'd like to thank Need Help for creating this thread. Only time will tell. I guess I will be just another person eagerly awaiting a definitive answer.

Oh, the thread that I mentioned can be found here:

I really enjoyed reading that thread. Please forgive me for linking to an unrelated thread. I'm not sure if this against the rules (I reckon I should be aware of all the rules before I post). Most of the long time members have probably already viewed the aforementioned thread, but for those who have not, I suggest you check it out.

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 10:23 PM

Sarcasm wasn't meant to be taken personal. I do it to all my friends.

I just thought it was kind of "High and Mighty" to say how "easy" this was to "figure out ". When still no-one knows exactly what this is or where it came from for sure.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 03:50 PM
I know that Brasil is among the most interesting ET countries.
But all such stuff is small invisible soft or hard to prove

No grill-laugh enter from me... i know...

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 12:20 PM
your girlfriend...
Is an alien...
that chip is a tracking device...
LOL,No im just screwing around...
I dont know what it oculd be but i havent seen any pics sources suck

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 12:58 PM
No offence, but how do you know your girlfriend isn't just faking it came out of her mouth ?

Even if you witnessed her spitting it out, she still could have put it in her mouth before that.

Has she had an X Ray done of her Esophagus, Sinus, and throat to see if any more are lodged in her body. Seems to me that would be the first thing to be done.

If it was in her esophagus, how does brushing her teeth loosen it causing it to come out?

Have you tested the metal by seeing if it attracted to a magnet? Gold isn't attracted, but Nickel is, for example.

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 10:25 AM
Bump. Any news, anyone?

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 06:59 PM
You said in the Sinus cavity both sister's had the same thing. Was a "cat scan" done and did it show by any chance a blockage in the sigmoid Sinus?

I believe the Grey's implant a breathing aparatus in this location. They can activate this when they take you where you can not breathe the air.

Just curious.

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 11:07 PM
Good LORD! This thread is still on the front page? I'd rather not browse through the 12 or so pages that have been added on since I last looked in this, so can anyone tell me if the person here has posted any test results or anything? If not, then this is probably a hoax.. (The golden chip does look a little like a watch clasp.)

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 04:17 AM
When I was a teenager, a close family member came under the influence of a charismatic born-again preacher who was sharking about our neighbourhood.

At the time I was still fairly religious. I attended one of the preacher's meetings with the aforementioned relative. It didn't take long for me to identify the preacher as a fraud and a liar who was making a good living (and getting his ego well massaged) by unhappy souls in the neighbourhood. After the meeting was over, I told my relative what I thought. She refused to believe me and embarked on a passionate defence of this charlatan. One of the stories she told me was about a young woman, a domestic employee, from whom the preacher had 'cast out devils'. It was an impressively gruesome story.

Apparently, the demons who plagued this woman would cause pins and needles to appear in her flesh. Over the course of several 'exorcisms' the preacher had removed a number of these. Of course I suspected sleight-of-hand on the preacher's part, but my relative said that the woman's employers had first noticed the appearance of these objects, and it was they who had introduced the girl to the preacher. This seemed to eliminate the conjecture that the preacher was performing conjuring tricks to impress his flock.

I did not get to the bottom of the story at the time. I still considered the preacher a fraud, but the pins-and-needles story deeply impressed me, so much so that I maintained for some years a half-belief in demonic possession on the strength of it.

Then, while a student at university, I happened to read Colin Wilson's compendium of the paranormal, The Occult. And in it I found a description of an identical manifestation that had occurred in nineteenth-century Vienna. It was exactly the same story: suspected demonic possession (that era's equivalent of alien shenanigans), pins and needles emerging from small lesions in the woman's flesh, etc. There was one difference, however -- in the Vienna case, the woman was referred to one of the great psychologists for which that city was then famed. I think the man in question was Kraft-Ebbing, though I may be wrong about this.

Whoever he was, the psychologist put the girl under covert, round-the-clock observation. And what did he find? That the girl was sticking the needles and pins into her own flesh, of course. She appeared to be in some kind of fugue state while doing this, and seemed to have no memory of the act afterwards.

I suspect that something of the same sort is happening here. NeedHelp, Jessica or whatever her name is may genuinely believe that something extraordinary is happening to her girlfriend. She may even be right -- but the something extraordinary has nothing to do with alien nanotechnology, it has to do with the fact that her girlfriend suffers from some kind of psychological disorder that causes her to secretly palate bits of yellow metal and hold them in her mouth for a while before coughing them up and presenting them to other people as proof of -- who knows what? -- her need for attention, perhaps.

Yes, I know it isn't a very charitable hypothesis. But it is certainly makes sense, given the facts available.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 12:44 PM
I found these pics that look strikingly similar to the pics in the original post

I found these pics on this website:

& hermistoren/gold_und_silber_chip_thermistoren

The link above is not complete because the address was too long.

It looks like German to me, but I can barely speak English. The pics I posted appear to be some sort of circuit board component.

[edit on 26-10-2006 by Sparky63]

[edit on 26-10-2006 by Sparky63]

[edit on 26-10-2006 by Sparky63]

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