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Numbers and their significance

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posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 04:36 PM
Hey i didn't bother reading the thread its really long.
I just thought i'd mention that i tend to see number combinations allll the time unwillingly.
And even more.... now i already know that if you want to see these numbers then your subconscious can do the rest for you very easily. however i know i don't tel myself to see these number sequences yet i do at the most random times. For example...Ive woken up to see that the clock says it is 11:11 am or 12:12 pm.(probably after a late night on ATS lol) Waking up to it is the most random, that's when it make sme think the most. Other times, i could be doing the most random thing. I'd be totally engaged in this thinking or w/e i might be doing and i just happen to turn my head to the left for no apparent reason and i see 11:11 or another sequence. Happened once while i was checking out an attractive girls anatomy lol, i KNOW i wasnt going to randomly think of numbers while im engaged in that thinking. Sometimes i don't realize at first too. I'll walk past a clock and notice nothing. and suddenly "What the hell?" and it's like 12:12, or 11:11., these arent the only numbers by the way. I went thru a few days once or twic ei think where the only times i ever looked at a clock it had a sequence. It was jsut one of those days that i didnt really need ot know th etime, but when i came near one it jsut happened to be a number sequence.
So, yeah a bit odd.
I'm not anumerology expert so i dont have a clue if it means sqaut but it is odd.

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 05:33 PM
I think there is significance in numbers.

Here's a couple of number themes that have cropped up in my life. My mother was 36 when I was born. I was 36 when she died.

My husband was killed in a car accident on the seventh day of the week, on the seventh day of the month, 7 days after his birthday, 7 years after his mother's death. He was 37 when he died. He was buried on 9/11

It might just be odd coincidence but it just seems weird.

posted on Aug, 28 2006 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by mind is the universe
Can someone tell me what's so special about the 11th? or the number 11?

All I know in Numrology is it's a double and distinctive number like 22 etc.. Someone mentioned this in one of the above post can you explain the importance of it, when someone is born on the 11th..

Could someone tell me more?

posted on Sep, 5 2006 @ 01:08 AM
Found this interesting, especially being a Positive number and Mysterious (can not be represented by Human using fingers)

"11 (eleven) (hellheaven) is the natural number following 10 and preceding 12. Because eleven is the first number which cannot be represented by a human using his or her ten fingers, it is often considered a mysterious number. Eleven is the smallest positive integer requiring three syllables in English."

If you multiply 1111 by 1111 you get 1234321, representing a pyramid, and number 11 is a sacred number of the pyramid with the proportions of the great pyramid being of the ratio 7:11. also a number harmonious with Pi.

111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 1,2,345,678,987,654,321

"Scientists have found a gene on chromosome number 11, in mice, which may be involved in DNA repair. This ties in with the theory that stem cells (found in bone marrow, for example) are responsible for the ageing process when they become 'useless' and non-resistant to DNA damage. So by making stem cells more hardy, longevity can be increased. That this gene could be involved in DNA repair would be a major discovery, and the fact that it is located on chromosome number 11 and the correlation with the prolongation of life is incredible."

There are Tons of information and Coincidences out there that makes the number seems mystical and important, higher then a person can completely understand. When collected and looked over the number reappears even within it's self, what is this telling us?? Is there a wake up call that is happening within our own selves interlinking together for a common goal. I see these number all the time for the last 6-7 years, never before that had i noticed it. I've questioned it and told many about this, some think it's a crazy coincidence and that i think about it too much, others just dont know how to explain it when they do experiance it, but it almost divine.

Coincidence, maybe maybe not

posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 06:01 PM
posted on 11-9-2006 at 08:40 PM (post id: 2478272) - single EDIT

I have been seeing 1111 for quite some years now, in all of it's guises.

Digital clocks, pc clock even online playing a MMORPG the other night when I had finished a attack run for gold, my strength left was 1111. Just so you know, in this MMORPG game, strength is given out as a random amount between 1 and 5, per turn, each turn is 20mins so you can make between 3 and 15 str points per hour, on this night of my gold run I had about 1500 str and used between 1 and 10 str per attack until there was no worthwhile targets left, so it was not a planned thing to end up on 1111.

The amount of times I see those figures and as time progresses towards 2012 I'm seeing these figures on almost a daily basis now, before it was infrequent but over the last few years the frequency of the times I see these numbers has increased to and beyond the point that I actually started to notice them for the first time and realised that it really couldn't be just coincidence as I first thought.

Sorry as this seems as a re-post but where it was originally posted does seem like a dead thread, thanks to worldwatcher for steering me here

Just to add, I feel that time is quickening and I'm seeing these numbers all to frequent now, whatever they may mean or not I certainly believe whatever is coming is close to hand, not as in days, week, months but as in years and certainly before I peg it.


[edit on 11-9-2006 by Wolfie_UK]

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 12:38 PM
It's kinda funny that you say it like that, I think that's the most agreeable point any of us have come to. number eleven is significant! unfortunatly It would seem there are far to many things it relates to to describe the significance of it, without persay writing a thesis.

I like that tidbit about 11 relating to pyramids. If you have ever looked into orgone energy and the whole thing surrounding that maybe you'd click onto the same idea i just did. It would make sense that the people who advocate the truth of orgone energy may also be suffering the same incomplete picture as the rest of the world when viewing the unknown.

Either way it would seem that the number eleven alone ties into so many things that there in lies the reason there is no significance to it. It's being propagated by a huge interconnected idea.

Why do i say that. BECAUSE YOU CAN'T KILL AN IDEA! it just keeps growing.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 10:06 PM
i see the number 137 alot, not daily or even weekly but just here and there for like 10 years, does anyone know if 137 has any meaning? by the way i'm new on this board, it's so fascinating i know i'll miss a bunch of sleep just reading....

thanks, linda

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 10:28 PM
Just thought I'd add something to the mix - I hadn't seen this thread when I started my own on the number 23.

And a good book to read on the subject of the significance of numbers is the Illuminatus! trilogy.

There is a lot of discussion of the law of fives, the first part of which states:

"All phenomena are, directly or indirectly, related to the number 'five'." Applying this law, and learning the second part (which I shall not give here because there are people who might read this and be inspired to check out the book) is a really interesting experience.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 01:29 PM
The weird connection with the number 23 could be the numerological explaination of Viginti Tres.

My wife just out of no were decides that she got married too young and wants a seperation only days after her 23rd birthday. Id say this number connection numerology stuff is all bull crap, but my own experience wont allow me to rule it out.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by craftiechickie
i see the number 137 alot, not daily or even weekly but just here and there for like 10 years, does anyone know if 137 has any meaning? by the way i'm new on this board, it's so fascinating i know i'll miss a bunch of sleep just reading....

thanks, linda

well, if you think of it as one 37 is the lowest factor of 111(3X37), 222(6X37), 333(9X37), 444(12X37), 555(15X37), 666(18X37), 777(21X37), 888(24X37), 999(27X37).

and, if you add up these multipliers of 37, or more properly, reduce them numerologically....

111 ....3
222 .....6
333 .....9
444 ....12 --- 1 + 2 = 3
555 ....15 --- 1+5 = 6
666 ....18 ---- 1 + 8 = 9
777 ....21 ---- 2 + 1 = 3
888 .... 24 ----2 + 4 = 6
999 ....27 ----- 2 + 7 = 9

this repeating 369 pattern could well be 'the holy trinity'. it is a kind of hologram, with all the parts containing the whole.

and 3 + 7 = 10, or 1 (1 + 0 = 1)


edit to add....

111 = 1+1+1 = 3
222 = 2+2+2= 6
333 = 3+3+3 = 9
444= 4+4+4 = 12....etc.....
555 = 15
666= 18
777 = 21
888 = 24
999 = 27

that, to me, is divine.

some say 777 is the number of god.

that would be three sevens, or 3(7)

[edit on 22-9-2006 by billybob]

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 03:38 PM
I'm sorry I couldn't force myself to read the whole thread because I think this subject bears little or no relevance. Hence, I'm not sure whether you've been introduced with what's called Benford's Law and which I think is a very interesting subject.

Basically, this "law" says that numbers from 1 to 9 are decreasingly likely to appear as a first digit of some number. 1 being the most common, 2 the second, etc.

The straightforward interpretation of the theory would allow to draw a conclusion that number 11 is more likely to appear than 21, which in turn is more likely than number 31 and so on. Though, I'm not sure what's the distribution of the second digits, but let's assume that all numbers (1 to 9) are equally likely to appear as a second digit of a larger number.

Suppose you have a huge set of numbers (gathered from such places as financial accounts, newspapers, etc.). Does it now seem plausible to you that among all those numbers some would certainly be more common than others? Well, if you refuse to accept this reasoning then you're clearly going against the scientific evidence! (Conspiracy forum is not a place for someone who can't accept straight facts).


I've got something more to say, actually

None of us even to a very small degree could explain how humain brains (thinking process) work. In other words, how do we perceive things is still a major mystery if you look from a broader perspective. I'll present a short story and then relate it to the topic of the thread.

I remember solving a crossword puzzle as a child and there was a question about a climber which I had never heard about. Obviously, at the moment of solving the puzzle I couldn't answer that riddle, but what happened later that day was a real "miracle" and the actual reason why I still remember this day after almost 15 years. The answer came to me by itself
The same evening I accidentally found an interview with that climber on a daily newspaper. What are the odds of this happening? Quite low, since that guy was not popular in the media.

This is not the only case when I had similar experiences, a couple of weeks ago my sister told me with amazement how a similar thing had just happened to her. One thing is common in those experiences. ====> The subject of higher than normal importance occupies our minds for some period of time and becomes a "light" memory. However, if you stumble upon something very directly related to that subject, your memory is going to "resonate" - to my mind, this is the moment when perception of the subject becomes exaggerated, and when a "light" memory develops into an unforgettable experience.

Now, one could apply the latter reasoning to the "unexplainable" occurances of particular numbers. For example, let's say you had a terrible accident at the age of 18, then by chance something bad happens to the best friend of yours a couple of years after on 18th of some month. Your memory of the accident is going to "resonate" and you're going to pay more attention to number 18 now. And if by pure chance your car plate has number 18 on it, the perception of #18 is going to become even more exaggerated. The person with such perception would be more likely to ignore other numbers (possibly even more common) and look for 18 instead.

That's the end of the story!

[edit on 22/9/2006 by The Conspiracy Follower]

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 04:40 PM
well, bernard's law is interesting, indeed.

i think you and people who think like you, ie. it's the mind playing tricks, are plain wrong about the 11:11 phenomena. if you would read literally HUNDREDS of accounts of people who have 'experienced' the phenomena, you would find the coincidences to similiar, and too widespread to be 'mere coincidence' or 'subconcious processes'.

for example, i was discussing it with this guy, when i first starting experiencing it. i had done an internet search, and was FREAKED to find out that HUNDREDS of other people were seeing 11:11 (sometimes more than twice a day). and so, i'm telling this guy, and he just about flips his lid. he tells me, 'my alarm clock has been set to wake me at 11:11 for the last two years. i never really learned to set it, so i just left it.'

or, from the web, a waiter with no watch asks someone every night, 'what time is it', and he gets the same answer so many times, that it becomes his nick name, "hey, eleven eleven, can we get our bill?".

it is mostly 1111 that people are seeing.
not 987, or 765, or 555, .....
by far, 11:11 is the number that people are NOTICING.

digital time keepers have been prominent for two and a half decades, but the phenomena is only recently widespread.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 05:38 PM

for example, i was discussing it with this guy, when i first starting experiencing it. i had done an internet search, and was FREAKED to find out that HUNDREDS of other people were seeing 11:11 (sometimes more than twice a day). and so, i'm telling this guy, and he just about flips his lid. he tells me, 'my alarm clock has been set to wake me at 11:11 for the last two years. i never really learned to set it, so i just left it.'

More than twice a day? Does 11:11 refer to time, or I misunderstood you? Otherwise, how is it possible to see 11:11 more than twice a day (of course, unless one is selling clocks or travels a lot accross the world)? Strange story about an even stranger guy you've got here... Well, if he was not bothered to buy a new alarm clock then obviously he neither felt the necessity to wake up earlier nor the clock was condemned.

Have you totally ruled out the possibility that alarm could have been set to 11:11 by the manufacturer? Usually on electronic clocks it's 00:00 or 12:00 but who knows... maybe the shop keeper did it for demonstration or someone else. Numerous possibilities. Naturally, during two years this guy got used to see 11:11 at least once a day. The perception has changed.

or, from the web, a waiter with no watch asks someone every night, 'what time is it', and he gets the same answer so many times, that it becomes his nick name, "hey, eleven eleven, can we get our bill?".

Certainly interesting, but this story has been polished to make it more attracting. It's one of those stories - "a friend of mine heard from a friend of his that once there was a waiter..." None of us knows the actual details of this story, so it's not exactly a good idea to use it as a fact.

it is mostly 1111 that people are seeing.
not 987, or 765, or 555, .....
by far, 11:11 is the number that people are NOTICING.

Well, as I said, some numbers are more likely than others. Personally, I'm not aware of a research on number distribution but it could be so, that 1 is not just the most common first digit but also the most common second, third, and so on digit. Moreover, most of the number stories refer to time and on the clock you're limited to a certain sets of digits. One more thing to take into account, that although such combinations as 5:55 are possible on a clock, you are less likely to see it due to several reasons. At such an early morning most are asleep, and on 5:55 pm some are on the way home, preparing dinner, etc. (generally, an active time).

Personally, I also catch such combinations as 11:11, 22:22, 12:34, 11:22 or similar on a clock. But these are certainly more interesting numbers than seemingly random sets that's why they attract more attention.

Well, there's actually one way how to move in the positive direction in convincing me and others that these are not just interesting numbers (btw, I've just noticed 01:32 on computer's clock
). One could perform an experiment - write down numbers every time he checks the clock during the day (for some longer period of time). Then if there would be dominant combinations...maybe there's something more to it. However, the human error would be very likely here - the chances are much higher that the experimenter would forget to write down ordinary numbers

[edit on 22/9/2006 by The Conspiracy Follower]

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 06:59 PM
1111 can be a bank balance, a license plate, change from a twenty, a sports score, a ticker tape number...

that aside, would someone really HAVE to write it down if it just happens ALL THE TIME?
if i look at 1:11, and then i check the time at 3:33, and then again at 4:44, would that not be 'beating the odds'?
or every day you look and it's either 12:34, or 1:23, or 2:34,or 3:45 etc.... would i need to write it down?
i personally hardly ever look at the clock, so it's more obvious to me that what i'm seeing is no normal coincidence.

and if these number sequences happened consistently for years, would i need to write it down?
the thing about this phenomena, is it's niether provable, NOR 'debunkable'. it's a matter of personal perception in more way than one.

we will both believe what we believe.
i believe there is something metaphysical going on. i've had it reaffirmed WAY too many times to dismiss it as pure coincidence or subconcious trickery.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 07:30 PM
Sure, there's nothing bad about having different opinions, especially on such "slippery" topics

Personally, I believe in the power of mind and I'm putting the effort to increase my understading and control over it.

posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 02:01 PM
Billy bob, the conspiracy follower.
I feel in your conversation on this last page you have both done a good job at summing up the majority of opinions that people couldn't properly articulate. Both sides have merit and the one that makes rational sense is obviously that numbers have no metaphysical meaning.

Still I can't help but think there is something to the numbers as well. Something about that whole repeating 369 thing and the fact they are all multiples of 3 makes me think way back into druidry were the druids had a fascination with the number three. In fact it was a very profound fascination, as well as many religions throughout history make some reference to 3 as a part of divinity.

It made me wonder on the side that maybe brains are nothing more than glorified calculators with imaginations. It's quite possible infact that back into history where gematria was used the human brain began to realize that simple repeating pattern of 36 and 9 in all the numbers but only on a subconcious level therefore never really revealing any secrets to numbers but just somewhere deep down in the recesses of our glorified calculator minds our imagination mingles with the math and we get this thread>.


sorry about any run ons there to rushed to properly articulate!

posted on Sep, 30 2006 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by The Conspiracy FollowerI remember solving a crossword puzzle as a child and there was a question about a climber which I had never heard about. Obviously, at the moment of solving the puzzle I couldn't answer that riddle, but what happened later that day was a real "miracle" and the actual reason why I still remember this day after almost 15 years. The answer came to me by itself
The same evening I accidentally found an interview with that climber on a daily newspaper. What are the odds of this happening? Quite low, since that guy was not popular in the media.

This is not the only case when I had similar experiences, a couple of weeks ago my sister told me with amazement how a similar thing had just happened to her. [edit on 22/9/2006 by The Conspiracy Follower]

I was reading a mountaineering book by Joe Simpson, and was about half way through when I volunteered to man a booth at an anti-apec summit conference. Our booth was promoting a free East Timor.
The free Tibet booth next to us had a visit from a tibetan Buddhist monk. I got to meet him. That night I turned the page in my book, and there he was. His name is Palden Gyatzo or something like that, and I read all about him.
What are the odds that he would be in Vancouver Canada, right beside me, and then the same day I would turn the page and see him in the book I was reading?
BTW, my number of note is 13, and it is everywhere in the story of my life....
I wrote some of the places in a previous post on this thread, and since then have found more significant instances of 13's in my life.

[edit on 9/30/2006 by BlackGuardXIII]

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 10:01 PM
i beleve that trhe mind filters out ALOT of material every day and if we had to take it all in we would no be able to deal with it all answer you question.

the mind notices what it needs to notice, if you are skim reading a book seacrhing for a topic your brain will process it but you will only pick out words which may be of relivance
it also applies to life

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 02:03 PM
39 is also my door number though I've never felt a connection with it myself. If it helps, in chaldean numerology 39 is believed to be a number of great significance in terms of intelligence and mental superiority. It is also said that a link towards 39 could mean that you are very literate and are of great imporatance to the world, like if you create something it will be beneficial to the planet. So count yourself lucky that 39 is following you around. Also on the whole, the number is extremely lucky, so things should generally work in your favour. It would be spooky if your "name" number added to 39 aswell. If you want to find out more i'll be happy to help

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 02:22 PM
Can anyone here tell me any thing about the#444 i see this # every where its crazy it pops up all the time.

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