"Jakomo, if you had any nice FACTS to back you up, i may have been inclined to repsect your post, but just like uninen, your onle
posts in the past have been at a stand-off with the US. Quit slinging your semantics and grow up. Iran more responsible with nukes that the US?!?!!
Um, what facts are you questioning?
That North Korea has a strong army? Well get ready:
"The Reserve Military Training Unit consist of approximately 1.7 million persons (men 17-45 and unmarried women 17-30) who are not either in active
duty or important rear area personnel. They are mobilized under supervision of provincial military units, for a total of forty days' training out of
the year.
The Worker-Peasant Militia is a combination of older men aged 45-60, along with men ages 17-45 and unmarried women ages 17-30 who are not included in
Reserve Military Training Unit. They train for a total of thirty days out of the year. Their current numbers stand at 4.1 million.
The Young Red Guards consist of 1.2 million male and female Higher Middle (High) School students aged 14-16. They are subject to a mandatory four-hour
drill session every Saturday and a total of 160 hours of on-campus drills annually."
That the U.S. has made a mess of Iran through their meddling?
Get ready:
"The Operation was code named TPAJAX, and its aim was "to cause the fall of the Mossadeq government.and bring to power a government which would
reach an equitable oil settlement." By April 16, 1953, the C.I.A. had determined that it was possible to change the democratically elected regime
through covert operations carried out jointly with the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS). The plan was completed by June 10, 1953 and
submitted to the Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and his brother, Allen W. Dulles, the director of the C.I.A. The Dulles brothers assigned the
task of overseeing the coup to Kermit Roosevelt, the grandson of President Theodore Roosevelt and a long-time intelligence operative who was based in
That there is a whole other world out there other than the US?
Get ready:
Open your eyes.
And if I'm slinging semantics, what you're slinging is a little stinkier.
"Nukes are for MEN not for children. (?)
There are a few nations that have nukes and WILL dictate to others if they can or
can't....fact of life in the age of nukes. When nukes are acquired, rational must be el'primo. N.Korea can have nukes for all I care....but look at
who is in charge....does he look like a "rational" thinking man? (WOW! DOES BUSH?!)
Iran can have them for all I care....does the term
"rationality" fit into the picture for Iran and its theology government? (OR FOR THE IMPERIAL GOV OF THE U.S. (WHICH WORKS FOR CORPORATE
Think about it.....there are far greater reasons for those having nukes dictating why those who can or can't. I would have seriously thought that
the Cold War would have taught many here a lesson on this for the Cold War was a lesson for all to see and witness. This is not entirely a "we can do
what we want" world....though many will think that the US is doing just that...but hey, lets keep it to the subject of "nukes".... "
Okay I totally don't understand that last part, but here's an eye-opener for you.
1986, Iceland.
"Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev offered radical disarmament proposals throughout the early 1980s. The USSR unilaterally stopped underground nuclear
testing, urging America to do the same. When ignored by Washington, Moscow allowed a U.S. environmental group, Natural Resources Defense Council, to
seismically monitor the moratorium from Kazakhstan. Gorbachev was unwavering in his intent to foster disarmament. He recalls that upon arriving in the
Kremlin, "I saw the monster we and the United States had created ... When I saw the terrible amount of force that had been amassed, I finally
understood what the consequences, including global winter, would be" (The Nation, 2/2/98)."
He said "To keep the peace in Europe we need nuclear arms control, not nuclear deterrence. Best of all would be the abolition of nuclear
The US refused. You reap what you sow. The US had a chance to sign a comprehensive ban on nuclear weapons and blew it. So get off your high horse
and look at things the way they ACTUALLY are, please.
[Edited on 26-8-2003 by Jakomo]