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2 to 3 weeks till WW3... the time table...

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posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
Behold! Using Google Earth, I hath measured the distances between these four great cities which have oppressed Jerusalem and the people of the alien Zionist God, Jehovah:

Athens to Istanbul: 349 miles
Istanbul to Damascus: 657 miles
Damascus to Cairo: 381 miles
Cairo to Athens: 694 miles

...And the Lord spake saying: Yea, this square is about as perfect as my bible is.
[edit on 18-8-2005 by smallpeeps]

The city you live in, does it cover a land mass of 1 mile by 1 mile? Cairo covers an area of 175 sqare miles, which means that you can walk from one end of Cairo to another and cover a distance of about 13 miles. Athens and Istanbul are even larger than Cairo. Now, consider looking at these cities using Maps, determine their sizes, and ask the following:
1.) In Athens, can you walk southwest about 8 miles?
2.) In Istanbul, can you walk northwest about 8 miles?
3.) What is the distance between 2 men that walked those 16 miles, isn't is 365 miles? Are they still both in Athens an Istanbul after only walking 8 miles?
4.) In Damascus, can you walk 8 miles in the direction of Cairo?
5.) In Cairo, can you walk 8 miles in the direction of Damascus?
6.) What is the distance between 2 men that walked those 16 miles, isn't it 365 miles? Are they both still in Cairo and Damascus after only walking 8 miles?

In the end, this is a FACT: You can line up 4 men SOMEWHERE WITHIN THE VICINITY of the cities of Athens, Istanbul, Cairo, and Damascus, and those men would be in a PERFECTLY SHAPED RECTANGLE. I've already researched all of this, or did you think I only drew a map and got excited without looking at Longitude and Latitude, ARC distances, CHORD distances, city sizes, Mapquest, and about 3 other City Distance measuring tools. The FACTS remain FACTS, even if you want to poke fun at the theory, you can't touch the FACTS!

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 11:10 AM

even if you want to poke fun at the theory, you can't touch the FACTS!

Ah I'm just messing with you, Behold. I like your post and your ideas. So Jesus will be destroying the bad guys and delivering Israel this Christmas?

What about Buddhism? Is this religion heretical and will buddhists be destroyed in this war you're talking about? Frankly I wish you'd posted your theory in a separate post because it's unique enough to warrant that. Keep the info coming because I like it.

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 11:41 AM

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
Behold! Using Google Earth, I hath measured the distances between these four great cities which have oppressed Jerusalem and the people of the alien Zionist God, Jehovah:
[edit on 18-8-2005 by smallpeeps]

small, do you suppose I pulled the following numbers from a hat:
APPROX 10 million people died in WWI
APPROX 55 million people died in WWII
10 + 55 = 65
One Third of 200 million is 66.6666 million

Perhaps you take issue with 65 not being exactly equal to 66.6666, but then again, the sources ALL say the numbers are APPROXIMATIONS, and in the bible is found a casualty rate that is off from the APPROXIMATIONS by only 2 percent

small, do you suppose I invented a place in Instabul called the "Golden Horn"

small, do you suppose I forced the author of the book of Daniel into writing that a Horn is King?

small, do you suppose I went back into history and forced these four kings to rule over the people of the bible.

small, do you suppose I magically enforced that these kings would place their capitals in the positions they are in.

small, do you suppose I gave the Jews their blueprint for the Golden Altar, and told them to make it's height twice the length as its width, and told them to put four horns on it, and told them to cover it all in gold.

small, do you then suppose that I also grabbed the author of Revelation by the hand and made him write a reference to the Four Horns of the Golden Altar, and how that Four "Angels" would be restricted for an EXPLICIT length of time before they could set out on this war that kills the the same number of persons killed in our World Wars.

small, do you suppose the author of the book of Zechariah was under my spell when he wrote about Four Horns being cast off from the Land of Judah by Four Carpenters.

small, is it me that recorded that Jesus of Nazeretth was a carpenter.

small, was it I that ruled the Ottoman Empire, set them to rule over a Region by the Euphrates, had them conquer these four capitals, and Jerusalem, only to have them enter WWI about 396 years later.


Do you suppose I did all that only so that I could then go back in history, force these authors to write these things, so that at this time, I could create a post with all of that info, just to get the likes of you upset, by showing you that God EXISTS, Gave Prophecies, and Controled ALL of history to bring to pass the fullfillment of all these things.

I've been doing my homework on this stuff for 3.5 years, 7 days per week, sometimes as much as 10 hours per day. Small, you may look at christians in general as idiots, and I could NEVER blame you for doing so, they aren't the smartest bunch, that's for sure, however, they are where they are for the SAME reason you are where you are, they prefer the fantasies taught to them by their teachers, and you prefer the fantasies taught by yours.

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 12:00 PM

small, do you suppose I pulled the following numbers from a hat:
APPROX 10 million people died in WWI
APPROX 55 million people died in WWII
10 + 55 = 65
One Third of 200 million is 66.6666 million

Perhaps you take issue with 65 not being exactly equal to 66.6666, but then again, the sources ALL say the numbers are APPROXIMATIONS, and in the bible is found a casualty rate that is off from the APPROXIMATIONS by only 2 percent

No man, I'm just having some fun. I didn't realize 2005 would be the end of the world. It's a little big for me to absorb. I'm not too worried though, my karma is good.


None of them. Horns and all that. Yup. It's in the bible for sure.

I've been doing my homework on this stuff for 3.5 years, 7 days per week, sometimes as much as 10 hours per day. Small, you may look at christians in general as idiots, and I could NEVER blame you for doing so, they aren't the smartest bunch, that's for sure, however, they are where they are for the SAME reason you are where you are, they prefer the fantasies taught to them by their teachers, and you prefer the fantasies taught by yours.

Okay, but regardless of the connections you draw in the bible, you are defending an extreme viewpoint (one very different from Vis Mega's original post), namely that the Jews are God's people and Jesus is coming to save them from a war (freaking huge war, if I understand you right) which will begin around october 18th or 19th. Is that right?

This hasn't been alluded to by anyone else so far as I can tell.

Behold!: I truly respect the work that went into your theory and I like your post. Keep the good stuff coming. I'm not your enemy, I'm just having fun. If Jesus isn't cool with smart-aleks like me then I've got no hope anyway so I might as well go to hell cracking wise, you know?

Oh, is there a hell? Will anyone go there after the final throwdown on Christmas of this year?

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps

even if you want to poke fun at the theory, you can't touch the FACTS!

Ah I'm just messing with you, Behold. I like your post and your ideas. So Jesus will be destroying the bad guys and delivering Israel this Christmas?

What about Buddhism? Is this religion heretical and will buddhists be destroyed in this war you're talking about? Frankly I wish you'd posted your theory in a separate post because it's unique enough to warrant that. Keep the info coming because I like it.

1.) He that designed and brought forth ALL CREATION is not defined by any religion, at all, anywhere.
2.) The Messiah HIMSELF said He did NOT COME FOR THE RIGHTEOUS. Noah was Righteous even before the Messiah graced us with His Presense and sacrifice.
3.) To be righteouss is simply this: to ACT RIGHTLY in all situations. So, no matter what your religion, if you BEHAVE RIGHTEOUSLY, God has no reason to remove you from creation, and YOU WILL REMAIN, and you will, of your OWN FREE WILL, embrace the most justified King that can ever reign over the affairs of mankind. Only the UNRIGHTEOUS will CEASE TO EXIST; only they will decree that the Messiah's humble ways are NOT what THEY are about.
4.) No matter what your religion, Yeshua will be the eternal king. He will HEAD the future government, being Buddhist or hindu will not change who will lead the future government. But if you were Buddhist all of your life, and you never really got to know the story of God's Sacrificial Lamb, yet you lived righteously, HOW CAN GOD JUDGE YOU. This is where the christian religion IGNORES what Messiah teaches. He CLEARLY teaches that at the end of all things, all persons will eventually be judged by their WORKS.
5.) The GREATEST benefit of recognizing the Person, Sacrifice, and MessiahShip of Yeshua is simply this: you, of your own Free Will, would come to TRULY UNDERSTAND THE ABSOLUTE LOVE that your Father in Heaven has for you, that He risked LOSING HIS FIRSTBORN SON, FOR YOU, SMALLPEEPS. You see smallpeeps, Yeshua had a Free Will too, in fact, the Gospel records where for a moment, His WILL was VERY DIFFERENT from His Fathers. He asked if it were possible for the course to be changed, He did not want to die on the cross!!! Imagine if God's FIRSTBORN would have changed His mind, and not done HIS FATHER'S commandment. Who then could be thought to be obedient to the Father, if His Firtsborn were to have become disobedient. Do you NOW see the TRUE sacrifice that was performed. Christians would have you think that God is a bloodthirsty animal, yet, this is not what the sacrifice was all about, instead, it was all about SHOWING YOU JUST HOW MUCH THE FATHER LOVES YOU!!!!!!!!


The plan, smallpeeps, was the only way God could bring you to understand that, HE INDEED LOVES YOU ! God RISKED ALL OF CREATION FOR YOU. I could only imagine that if Yeshua would have changed His mind, and disobeyed the Father, that ALL OF CREATION WOULD HAVE BECOME UNDONE AT THAT VERY MOMENT, and God will have been once again, ALL ALONE. I hope you can see it clearly now, because the christians have surely made a muck out of the whole thing.

In any event, look for the war to come around october 18, that will be a witness that I am not full of horse manure

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps

Okay, but regardless of the connections you draw in the bible, you are defending an extreme viewpoint (one very different from Vis Mega's original post), namely that the Jews are God's people and Jesus is coming to save them from a war (freaking huge war, if I understand you right) which will begin around october 18th or 19th. Is that right?

I posted this here, because of Vis Mega, and those like him, that have this gut feeling. I posted it to tell them their gut feeling is not nonsense, but is instead God trying to wake them up, so that they WOULD SEEK OUT ANSWERS.

As for the Jews, all people are God's people, the Jews are only a nation which God chose to use as an example to all other nations. There are plenty of scriptures that reveal that God does not do anything special for the Jews, solely because they are Jews, but He does the things he does solely so that the WORLD WOULD RECOGNIZE HIS ATTRIBUTES. He is the FATHER of Adam, and we, the children of Adam, but like cancer cells, which replicate themselves, so Adam became a cancer cell, and replicated himself in us, and HUMANITY, for the most part, is a CANCER in this creation of God. The Messiah is the equivalent of a White Blood Cell, but with a power much better than that of white blood cells, rather than destroy the cell that you are, he causes that your CELL NUCLEUS becomes FIXED.

The Messiah is coming because it is now time for Him to come. The prophecies are now all fullfilled, and His time has come. I have no clue as to the size of the upcoming war. But, it will not be the end of the world. The Messiah will be on earth another 3.5 years, talking to smart alecks just like yourself, letting them in on the secrets hidden from the beginning of the world. UNFORTUNATELY, the enemy, Satan, has convinced 2 billion christians, and 1 billion muslims, that a "Bad Guy" precedes the coming of Jesus. So guess what, 3 billion persons will immediately say that Christ, is antichrist, and THEY WILL LOBBY their governments to go up against Christ. smallpeeps, don't believe their lies, when they tell you the aliens are demons, bent on conquering the world and enslaving it. The aliens that come in October, are the resurrected saints, led by the eternal king, Messiah Yeshua.

Originally posted by smallpeeps
This hasn't been alluded to by anyone else so far as I can tell.

Behold!: I truly respect the work that went into your theory and I like your post. Keep the good stuff coming. I'm not your enemy, I'm just having fun. If Jesus isn't cool with smart-aleks like me then I've got no hope anyway so I might as well go to hell cracking wise, you know?

Oh, is there a hell? Will anyone go there after the final throwdown on Christmas of this year?

Hell is SHEOL, the Grave. The christian Hell does not exist. The unrighteous, the filthy liars, the thieves, the cheats, will be REMOVED from God's creation, like the cancer that they ACTUALLY ARE. Oh, and it's not during the pagan holiday called christmas, that this happens, it's in October, during the Appointed Time that God called, "the Solemn Assembly".

[edit on 18-8-2005 by Behold]

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 12:34 PM

Imagine if God's FIRSTBORN would have changed His mind, and not done HIS FATHER'S commandment. Who then could be thought to be obedient to the Father, if His Firtsborn were to have become disobedient. Do you NOW see the TRUE sacrifice that was performed.

Okay, but then, there are guys who get nailed up on crosses each year all over the world so obviously it's not such a big deal except when we think of Jesus doing it. In fact, I don't see being nailed up as any great accomplishment. Is that wrong of me?

Compassion and mercy were not invented by Jesus, as I'm sure you know. Hundreds of years before him there was a man who said much more about compassion and empathy and the situation of humans than Jesus did, frankly. As a Buddhist, I have a higher regard for the Buddha, who actually gave humans a tool to understand this world and to understand their own individual soul. Whereas Jesus established a club which people had to join, Buddha sat under a tree until he figured out what message to deliver to people. There were no rules or commandments.

Most Buddhists live what amounts to a humble, Christ-like existence without ever having known Christ. And personally, I've heard the Jesus story from the get-go, and I'm not really impressed. Yes, as you mention, this could be due to Christians screwing up the message, but there's no way to screw up the message of the Buddha. He knew that life was pain, but he didn't try to sacrifice himself as some kind of gate-fee to heaven. The Buddha knew that at death, all questions are answered, and he advocated a simpler life down here on Earth.

So anyway, if your Jesus shows up and he acts like Buddha, then yes, I'll follow him. Does that make me a heretic in any way?

Also, in the world to come after this war (uh, next year, I guess) how will humans be organized and what tasks will we be engaged in? Aside from repairing the destroyed Earth, I mean.

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 12:42 PM
Just wanted to say that this is an awesome post. Thanks to both Poops and Behold.

Some is very interesting, but alas, didn't the Messiah say that heaven was within? That when someone says look here is heaven or there is heaven pay them no mind, as the kingdom of heaven is within us?

If he did come back, does he come as the lion or the lamb?

Just random questions from a spastic mind/


posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps

There were no rules or commandments.

Evidently, you have no children, and the man that raised you had no rules in your home. God is a FATHER. We are His children. The entire world is our home. Rules like, "don't have sex with your brother's wife" are bad to have?

Originally posted by smallpeeps
Most Buddhists live what amounts to a humble, Christ-like existence without ever having known Christ. ... He knew that life was pain, but he didn't try to sacrifice himself as some kind of gate-fee to heaven.

So anyway, if your Jesus shows up and he acts like Buddha, then yes, I'll follow him. Does that make me a heretic in any way?

No one that lives a humble life, has anything to fear from the Messiah's coming. No one that consistently exhibits RIGHTEOUSS behavior, has anything to fear from the Messiah's coming.

Originally posted by smallpeeps
Also, in the world to come after this war (uh, next year, I guess) how will humans be organized and what tasks will we be engaged in? Aside from repairing the destroyed Earth, I mean.

No clue, and I hope that is an acceptable answer

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 01:31 PM
Vis Mega, I feel as though I've hijacked your thread. I'll back off. But I would like very much to hear from you again, this being your thread

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 01:36 PM
Hasn't it been about 3 weeks, now?

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Hasn't it been about 3 weeks, now?

Yeah, it's about that, and we still haven't seen that pesky quasi-invisible asteroid. Err, hang on, maybe that was last year...

[edit for sp - which was pretty poor previously]

[edit on 18-8-2005 by 0951]

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by Behold
Vis Mega, I feel as though I've hijacked your thread. I'll back off. But I would like very much to hear from you again, this being your thread

BEHOLD! Check out this thread I started. I would love for your input: Thread

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 08:40 PM

Evidently, you have no children, and the man that raised you had no rules in your home. God is a FATHER. We are His children. The entire world is our home.

If only you knew.

Behold, I don't have issues like this. Children are not difficult to reason with, if they are provided love and encouragement. Children are very smart, as a matter of fact.

Rules like, "don't have sex with your brother's wife" are bad to have?

Humans don't need rules. We know what to do and we know how to form families, which is how we survive. People like you seem to think that some humans deserve to be slaughtered. Why is that? You don't think people can be rehabilitated?

I wouldn't have sex with my brothers wife because I would be hurting people I love, if I did that. The bible is not needed, for humans to learn love and respect.

...Yeah, so getting back to the topic of WW3 (or the end of the world supposed to be happening now?) I am wondering what everyone is worried about? I mean really, do you folks think you can avoid death? Why not have a big final bash where everyone can pick their flag? I don't think I can avoid death. Birth and death are both messy and necessary, in their own way.

Some Christians believe in a rapture, where they'll be whisked away before Earth goes ape-crap. If anything comes to pass in the next few weeks and the world goes crazy, I hope we'll hear from some rapture-believers as to why they haven't yet been whisked to heaven. So far I haven't heard of any abandoned homes or plowshares.

[edit on 18-8-2005 by smallpeeps]

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 08:46 PM
If this is the end times, then whopee. I have been waiting for this for a long time. Alas, somehow I doubt that this time it is true.

Although I think it is coming, but more because humans refuse to learn from the past mistakes and have poluted and caused an incredible lkack of respect for life.

ANyway, if it is the end - who is bringing the beer?

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Hasn't it been about 3 weeks, now?

Not precisely, but it just seems like its taking a lot longer. Like when the doctor says 'this'll only take a sec'.

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 07:47 AM
Has anyone found any further developments on this?

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by Behold

Originally posted by smallpeeps

Okay, but regardless of the connections you draw in the bible, you are defending an extreme viewpoint (one very different from Vis Mega's original post), namely that the Jews are God's people and Jesus is coming to save them from a war (freaking huge war, if I understand you right) which will begin around october 18th or 19th. Is that right?

I posted this here, because of Vis Mega, and those like him, that have this gut feeling. I posted it to tell them their gut feeling is not nonsense, but is instead God trying to wake them up, so that they WOULD SEEK OUT ANSWERS.

As for the Jews, all people are God's people, the Jews are only a nation which God chose to use as an example to all other nations. There are plenty of scriptures that reveal that God does not do anything special for the Jews, solely because they are Jews, but He does the things he does solely so that the WORLD WOULD RECOGNIZE HIS ATTRIBUTES. He is the FATHER of Adam, and we, the children of Adam, but like cancer cells, which replicate themselves, so Adam became a cancer cell, and replicated himself in us, and HUMANITY, for the most part, is a CANCER in this creation of God. The Messiah is the equivalent of a White Blood Cell, but with a power much better than that of white blood cells, rather than destroy the cell that you are, he causes that your CELL NUCLEUS becomes FIXED.

The Messiah is coming because it is now time for Him to come. The prophecies are now all fullfilled, and His time has come. I have no clue as to the size of the upcoming war. But, it will not be the end of the world. The Messiah will be on earth another 3.5 years, talking to smart alecks just like yourself, letting them in on the secrets hidden from the beginning of the world. UNFORTUNATELY, the enemy, Satan, has convinced 2 billion christians, and 1 billion muslims, that a "Bad Guy" precedes the coming of Jesus. So guess what, 3 billion persons will immediately say that Christ, is antichrist, and THEY WILL LOBBY their governments to go up against Christ. smallpeeps, don't believe their lies, when they tell you the aliens are demons, bent on conquering the world and enslaving it. The aliens that come in October, are the resurrected saints, led by the eternal king, Messiah Yeshua.

Originally posted by smallpeeps
This hasn't been alluded to by anyone else so far as I can tell.

Behold!: I truly respect the work that went into your theory and I like your post. Keep the good stuff coming. I'm not your enemy, I'm just having fun. If Jesus isn't cool with smart-aleks like me then I've got no hope anyway so I might as well go to hell cracking wise, you know?

Oh, is there a hell? Will anyone go there after the final throwdown on Christmas of this year?

Hell is SHEOL, the Grave. The christian Hell does not exist. The unrighteous, the filthy liars, the thieves, the cheats, will be REMOVED from God's creation, like the cancer that they ACTUALLY ARE. Oh, and it's not during the pagan holiday called christmas, that this happens, it's in October, during the Appointed Time that God called, "the Solemn Assembly".

[edit on 18-8-2005 by Behold]

Those of you who think that aliens are resurrected saints and are "good", where do you draw this conslusion from? If it's bible-based, I don't see it. Can someone steer me in that direction? Thanks.

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 08:50 AM
End times predictions go back to Babalonian days, every civilization has developed any number of ways it's going to happen.
Why do people dwell on the topic of impending DOOM! ?
I would suggest the following:
To call attention to themselves and/or thier religion, to excite the fear and insecurity all people share, and exert control over people by such means.
I remember Hal Lindseys' "Late Great Planet Earth" book form the 70's and the incontravertable truth that it was going to happen real damn soon, and here we are 30 years later with no Jesus carrying a flaming sword anywhere in sight!

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