the FINAL asked:
Few questions:
What is the 4th Density?
Why does the year effect our "Density", let alone the date?
Why do these "reptilians" want to control us?
Why would "being aware of our surroundings" upset these aliens?
Also if it is written in revelations that they wouldl fail...why worry?
Sorry just had a few questions about the matter.
The FOURTH density is the next realm our physical world will enter, as it travels through time/space; an expansion of the Big Bang.
That link should give you a lot of info on the 4th dimension.
The year 2012 is thought to be, and it fairly proveable by the Mayan Calendar, to be the end date of the current Sun-Cycle, roughly 52,000 years.
It is believed by many scholars that the last passage through this cycle occured during the time of Altlantis. This provides us with clues as to why
that particular civilization faltered, and failed. The current shifting of the Earth's poles is evidence of the cataclysmic changes that should occur
in 2012. These Earth-Changes are measurable through current weather-patterns, and geological upheavals. Instances of these changes are increasing
exponentially. and should reach their climax in the year in question.
As third-dimensional-beings, we experience, or appear to experience a world with certain characteristics; height, depth, width. Time is another
concept which we appear to employ, to give forward-momentum to our existence.
From what I have read, and I have read a LOT, I believe that what is meant by the FOURTH dimension is that we, our entities, our souls, if you will,
will progress to a state where our physical bodies are no longer needed to continue the journey to ENLIGHTENMENT. I also believe that, should all this
turn out to be truth, this idea that we will enter the next dimension, that Dec. 21, 2012 is more of the
beginning of the move into that
dimension, and that the changes will be sudden, in terms of human history, but to individuals existing in this physical world, it will seem to be
gradual, yet definable changes in human bodies and minds. The general idea is that the power of the MIND will increase, as the need for the body
ABOUT REPTILIANS: It appears that, if these people do exist, they are humans that carry the DNA of a race of reptile-like beings that came to this
planet eons ago. Supposedly, this race of people are inheritently aggressive, and also, somehow, they have an ability to change their physical
How these 'Reptilians' came to be the dominant race on this planet is a debate I am currently studying. But the theory holds, that THEY are the ones
in charge, and are the force behind the THREAT of a new-world-order.
If one can entertain the idea that soon, in relative terms, the planet will take us to a point in time where we, as humans, will begin to develope
psychic abilities, then it follows that such an awareness would reveal many previously unknown factors. Perhaps, if there is a race of Reptilians,
they would prefer not to have the humans able to
see what is really occuring.
[As a side note]:
I have heard that the movie
THEY LIVE is a good parallel to the question of
subliminal mind-control. Try and see it; it may or may not
strike a nerve, but the fight scene between the black guy, and the star, a former professional wrestler is worth the rental price. In that scene, the
wrestler fellow is intent on convincing the black fellow to put on a 'special' pair of sunglasses, which allow the world around them to be seen as
it really is. It's a great premise, if you live for busting conspiracies, as many of us do.
ABOUT REVELATION: I have read the bible twice, and am now reading it for a third time. The Book of Revelation is a puzzle, to say the least. If one
allows that these revelations are truly inspired by providence, then it appears that the 'final' book of the bible tells of the prophecy of the
'end' of mankind, and the entrance of all good souls into a heaven, or paradise.
So much to ponder, but that is the nature of mankind. Whom to believe? I will say that, if the NWO, and tales of the REPTILIAN RACE are fact, that I
HOPE that Revelations holds true as well. Otherwise, it is going to be a bad place to live for future generations.
Dave Ravin
P.S. I just read back over this and scared the crap out of myself.