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Fact:reptilians control this planet and want NWO

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posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by GREGNOW
"TEACHER" for someone that acts so smart and calls himself a "teacher" you entirely miss the point of what Socrates meant. what he meant is we may "know" certain things because they seem to make sense at the time but in the long run there could be things we have not even considered or even have the intelligence to comprehed at the time.
[edit on 2-8-2005 by GREGNOW]

I'd have a response for this, but a sarcastic DUH would seem a little rude. I can assure you, I"m aware these things and this information, as it was presented to me a long time ago.

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by AgentSmith
FACT: People often like to write 'fact' before a statement, because they somehow believe that this will cause people to believe their usually outlandish claims.

heh, that's funny, and ironic of you to say that.

This is fiction, this does not really happen. Do you understand warthog?

[edit on 2-8-2005 by NoJustice]

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Jaypeth
AS boring as it may seem. the Illuminati , Masons, Odd Fellows, and all of the sort are working toward a concept based on Anglo-Saxon global dominance. there are no reptiles or aliens..... We are the aliens. anyhow a good but all to often overlooked read are the Anglo-Saxon chronicles. very acurate and somewhat cryptic..... these cults spend much time decoding and speculating as to its true nature.

What seems to be the Problem (anglo-saxon) in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California...they better pick up the pace....Comprende?

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Jaypeth
AS boring as it may seem. the Illuminati , Masons, Odd Fellows, and all of the sort are working toward a concept based on Anglo-Saxon global dominance. there are no reptiles or aliens..... We are the aliens. anyhow a good but all to often overlooked read are the Anglo-Saxon chronicles. very acurate and somewhat cryptic..... these cults spend much time decoding and speculating as to its true nature.

I've read the Anglo-Saxon chronicle before and just thought it was about the history of England/Britain, what has it got to do with secret societys and the illuminati?

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by risp

These questions are indeed easy to answer, if you read Ickes "The biggest secret", you could see the implications und the whole background of the story. Of course, you should have an open mind and challenge everything you have learned in the past. It is also very interesting how he maps out the origins of our civilization from the ancient babylon to the present. Personally, I think he is better off than the "official" story which is learned in school.

[edit on 2-8-2005 by risp]

I would have loved the questions to be answered with a credible source behind them, but I thank you for taking the time to answer them risp

After doing m research on this gu, I feel that all these theories are dumb, and a way to make money, and to get a small popularity to people that are easily persuaded with a Sci-Fi story. If people took the full story in perspective, you would realize, why aren't these "reptilians" getting ride of this David Icke? How come they aren't stunting our "knowledge" of the "Real world" along with the "4th Density"? It doesn't add up.

Also to aknowledge the idea that it is written in the bible that we will win agianst these things. If you so believe in this theory then why are you complaining about the reptilians. Its like going up to someone, and saying "I got shot!!", but you had already gotten in fixed up. What I am trying to say is that when every piece of this thread along with the David Icke stories, there is no fact. None

I have heard rumors that when people try to make posts like this that, often certain people call the poster a "dis information agent" or something along those lines. Well I can garuntee you that I am none of the sort. I am a 16 year old kid who has some time before USS Swim Team to help Deny the I

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 12:40 PM
Risp says:

Our Reality is just physical matter vibrating. According to Icke, the reptilians are not visible in this dimension, because the have a different vibration. They control humanity out of this 4. Density, but can also manifest in our dimension.

Q Are you saying that something becomes invisible as its vibrational frequency increases? Then why is it that, as a shortened guitar or violin string increases its vibrational frequency, it doesn't become invisible?

A [dead silence]

No, don't bother answering that, because you have no answer. You talk about "fourth density" and "vibrations" as if you actually know what they mean, and -- let's admit it -- you haven't a clue.

I mean, you're just quoting Icke without having the faintest idea what he's spouting, right? C'mon, be honest with yourself and everyone else.

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 12:45 PM
DELETE - I was being a moron, again, sorry..

[edit on 2-8-2005 by AgentSmith]

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 12:45 PM
Esoteric Teacher says:

Possible interpritations [sic]:

1) I'm totally out there and don't know what I'm talkinging [sic] about.

2) I've spent 7+ years Stationed at Nellis AFB in the Air Force and am here to deliver mis-information to stir you all away from the truth of reptillians [sic].

3) I've spent 7+ years Stationed at Nellis AFB in the Air Force and perhaps have some insight, and have been listening to various peoples that seem to be saying similar things without direct knowledge of eachother.

4) I am in total noncompliance with the terms and agreements of ATS, and am posing to be something I'm not and present totally false information in which case someone should initiate an investigation to get me booted off this website and revoke my membership.

Well, ET, since you've only been posting here a couple of months and I haven't looked at many of your posts, I can't really say for sure; but based on the ones on this thread, I'm inclined to go with interpretations (1) and (4).

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 02:57 PM
Hi where is the 6hours avalible to donload?

Ive read his book the big secret and it blew my mind he explains everything very well and lits all his sources.

I think some of his ideas are a bit too far or maybe i dont want to belive its all true,who knows?

guess we'll see in 7 years

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 03:09 PM
Offthe Street, in defense of Risp, i thinmk Risp is right about vibrational ranges and dimentions as there is a lot of different groups that advocate this and they have nothing to do with talking about reptilians. Astral travel is suppossed to be slipping into a different vibrational range and into the next level of dimention(4th), etc., etc.

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 03:14 PM
I've heard about different 'frequencies' relating to different dimensions/planes of existance in other contexts and it seems almost believable in what I have read. I think that the descriptive terms used are confusing because of the way we relate them to 'normal' physics, but they are probably the closest description to what is being attempted to be explained.
I can't remember sources or anything but I remember vaguely glancing over it and thinking - 'oh I think I see'... for what it's worth.

But I still think Icke is nuts and I don't buy his general ideas, sorry.

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Off_The_Street
Q Are you saying that something becomes invisible as its vibrational frequency increases? Then why is it that, as a shortened guitar or violin string increases its vibrational frequency, it doesn't become invisible?

A [dead silence]

No, don't bother answering that, because you have no answer. You talk about "fourth density" and "vibrations" as if you actually know what they mean, and -- let's admit it -- you haven't a clue.

I mean, you're just quoting Icke without having the faintest idea what he's spouting, right? C'mon, be honest with yourself and everyone else.

You are right, i'm not able to tell explain it, but i never claimed i'm a physician. I read some of Ickes books, and answered the questions according to what he writes in his book. Now i really gonna quote him, and you will see what i mean.

Other dimensional? My own research suggests that it is from another dimension, the lower fourth dimension, that the reptilian control and manipulation is primarily orchestrated. Without understanding the multidimensional nature of life and the Universe, it is impossible to follow the manipulation of the Earth by a non-human force. As open minded scientists are now confirming, Creation consists of an infinite number of frequencies or dimensions of life sharing the same space in the same way that radio and television frequencies do. At the moment you are tuned to the three-dimensional world or third dimension and so that is what you perceive as your reality.

The station from which the reptilians operate is the lower level of the fourth dimension, the one closest to this physical world. Other people know this as the lower astral dimension, the legendary home of demons and malevolent entities going back to antiquity. It is from here that today s Satanists summon their demonic entities in their black magic rituals. They are actually summoning the reptilians of the lower fourth dimension.

Keep in mind that english is not my mother tongue, and i have a hard time writing about this subject. So dont insult me when i try to clear things up a bit.

I suggest everyone with some free time to read the chapter about reptilians in "The Biggest Secret. Just do a google search for the_biggest_secret.pdf.

[edit on 2-8-2005 by risp]

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 03:49 PM
RISP , i actually believe those quotes you put up of Icke's. But he is not the first person to say these things. People like Moody and Monroe have said these things since the 70's as well as quantum physicists's , etc.
The problem i have is when Icke then adds the whole "reptilians" thing to the mix.
It could be true but there needs to be more proof, you know? Fact is there could be many different types of other dimentional beings doing whatever it is they do.
How do we know for sure that there is this whole giant reptilian agenda though?
I believe there are good forces and bad forces. how do we know about the whole reptilian thing being true though? Even people that believe in the reptilians have different accounts of them being bad , but some being good, or that they use the "greys" as slaves and then others say that they are at war with the "greys".

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 04:13 PM
I know what you mean, and i have tought about this as well. Ickes proof is his talks with people who claim to have seen the reptilians, and ancient statues depicting reptilians. I agree that this is no conclusive proof, but the whole reptilian thing is just a small piece of the cake. I suppose that you have read his book, and you know what i mean. You could replace "reptilians" with "illuminati" or "cash-hungry, power abusing politicans" and it would be an almost perfect plan to control the world.

In another thread, someone suggested that the illuminati use the reptilians as a scapegoat to confuse us. I think this is not so far-fetched.

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 04:24 PM
If David Ike did not involve reptiles how many people would take him seriously and if Alex Jones stopped going over the top and acting in one man protests then they might be listened to to a wider audiance. they do more harm than good sometimes and you try and show your friends these people who know nothing about conspiracies they will laugh. See how far Micheal More has got he does not even know half the stuff IKE and Jones knows and has got an Oscar.

I believe the repiles are just fallen angels or demons like in REV:16/14
and are part of the disguise of their true natures and Ike is just unwillingly helping their cause whist denying the Bible and its origins. Yes some repile type creatures will decieve the world, either in spiritual or physical form.

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by The_FinalI would have loved the questions to be answered with a credible source behind them, but I thank you for taking the time to answer them risp

Icke is not the source of this so it doesn't matter how credible or uncredible one believes him to be.

After doing m research on this gu, I feel that all these theories are dumb, and a way to make money, and to get a small popularity to people that are easily persuaded with a Sci-Fi story.

Is it a safe assumption that by "doing research on this guy",that you did not actually read his book(s)?

If people took the full story in perspective, you would realize, why aren't these "reptilians" getting ride of this David Icke? How come they aren't stunting our "knowledge" of the "Real world" along with the "4th Density"? It doesn't add up.

This is addressed in the books. And if speaking on the reptilians specifically,it wouldn't make much sense to kill Icke since:

a)Icke isn't who created the research into them in the first place

b)Icke is publically known and a death would only validate his work in the minds of many who currently don't believe

c)Icke isn't who created the research into them in the first place

d)Most people are conditioned to not believe such things anyway so exposure is fairly harmless and would be largely dismissed

e)Icke isn't who created the research into them in the first place

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 04:38 PM
RISP, that is the whole nail on the head. The fact is if the NWO is just pwer hungry , corrupt politicions , then what better way to make people think the whole NWO is not even real when they start saying that the polictions are under control of reptiles or are reptiles themselves. The majority of average people laugh at that stuff, so the more the NWO is associated with aliens or reptiles that no one ever really sees, the more people then associate the NWO as not being real.
That does not mean reptilians are not real, who know? But i have seen no real proof.
People would bring more attention to the whole NWO thing being real if they would just leave the reptilians and aliens out of the picture. The majority of people laugh at that stuff and then label people who talk about as being nuts. Even if people like Icke really do believe in the reptilians, he should not talk about them until he has solid proof. If he was really wanted to help stop the NWO , he would not mention the stuff he can't prove and just stick with the stuff he can. It be far more effective, you know what i mean.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Off_The_Street
Esoteric Teacher says:

Possible interpritations [sic]:

1) I'm totally out there and don't know what I'm talkinging [sic] about.

2) I've spent 7+ years Stationed at Nellis AFB in the Air Force and am here to deliver mis-information to stir you all away from the truth of reptillians [sic].

3) I've spent 7+ years Stationed at Nellis AFB in the Air Force and perhaps have some insight, and have been listening to various peoples that seem to be saying similar things without direct knowledge of eachother.

4) I am in total noncompliance with the terms and agreements of ATS, and am posing to be something I'm not and present totally false information in which case someone should initiate an investigation to get me booted off this website and revoke my membership.

Well, ET, since you've only been posting here a couple of months and I haven't looked at many of your posts, I can't really say for sure; but based on the ones on this thread, I'm inclined to go with interpretations (1) and (4).

Then feel free to disregard my posts.

posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by GREGNOW
If he was really wanted to help stop the NWO , he would not mention the stuff he can't prove and just stick with the stuff he can. It be far more effective, you know what i mean.

But isn't that the problem with MOST conspiracy theories? They are based solely on assumptions and a theory made up whilst looking at an event in hindsight, and have nothing solid to back up their claims. Yet, conspiracy theorists are so obsessed with what COULD be possible, and with having an open mind, that they never stop to determine whether or not the theory has logical or reasonable merit.

posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 06:04 AM
It's amazing how, despite all the evidence to the contrary, some members still push these stories, more than that, they do so using words like "fact" in threads about them.

The "fact" is that there is no proof or evidence appart from a few twists of circumstance. When almost a whole discussion board full of conspiracy theorists don't believe in reptillians then surely that must tell you something! And more than that, it's the biggest conspiracy discussion board on the net!

Bottom line:

Reptilians(is that one or two "l"s?) are not taking over the world! Take off the tin foil hats!

[edit on 4-8-2005 by shorty]

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