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CCTV Image of 7/7 'Bombers' has been Doctored?

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posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 12:25 PM
Original Source
Alternative Source

Peek-a-boo? Surely they wouldn't be so sloppy as to leave a rail running halfway through the Guy at the far rear? Is there anyone here with a good understanding of image editing and the like who could verify if this is genuine? I checked other more Mainstream sources and confirmed the image is the same that was circulated by the Metropolitan Police;

Same image.

[edit on 123131p://550712 by MERC]

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 12:35 PM
That dude has no head. Is he supposed to be one of the bombers?
Both of the links you gave are already asking questions about this guy being fake?
Lets find a news source that is using this photo.

Edit: Sorry, I guess they got it from

[edit on 25/7/2005 by Umbrax]

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 12:43 PM
BBC News, Wikipedia, and everyone else has the exact same image.

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 12:47 PM
I think we should start collecting other photos and take a closer look at them also.

I'd like to see someone try and explain the pole going through that guys head.

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 12:53 PM
But you can clearly see the reflection of all three (walking in the left of the picture) in the glass behind them.

That jumped out at me right away.

This seems to be a non-issue.

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 01:01 PM
Yeah, SO, but there also appears to be a friggin' metal rail coming out of that Guys head and lower body, it damn well is an issue, Sir.

[edit on 013131p://01071 by MERC]

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 01:04 PM
I wish these "conspiracy sites" would do a better job. They're giving us all a bad name.

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 01:09 PM
What conspiracy site? The CCTV image i posted was the original provided by Scotland Yard.

Yes, i can see the reflections, but what about the stinking bars in front of his lower body and face? How are they explained by a reflection?

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 01:10 PM
I'm not seeing it

heres a clearer pic


and close up

just looks like his arm is bent at the elbow showing the rail beneath

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 01:11 PM
My eyes are not what they used to be. But in the "reflection"of figure three, can anyone see the bars that are between waist and shoulder heigth in the mirror behind him? I can not.

The image behind them does not look like a reflection to me. The bars behind figure three should come up in the reflection behind him.

I am no expert by any means, this is just what it looks like to me.

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by MERC
Yes, i can see the reflections, but what about the stinking bars in front of his lower body and face? How are they explained by a reflection?

There are no bars in front of his lower body, look at my animated GIF. You see his elbow, then the edge glass facade right behind.

As for the face, this is a digital image from a low-res camera. A hot-spot on his face makes it seem similar to the railing behind him. It's so pixilated, you can't tell much more than that. But given the rest of the picture (reflections, edge of building, distance of building, elbow) it all supports 4 people in-frame.

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by pantha
I'm not seeing it

heres a clearer pic


and close up

just looks like his arm is bent at the elbow showing the rail beneath

Yeah, but that picture is not in circulation by the Mainstream media, neither is it the image in question here, if it was, this thread would not exist.

Why is the picture you posted not bieng circulated by the mainstream media?

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 01:25 PM
Pantha, what did you do to eliminate the pixelation on your closeup? In your "version", there does appear to be a face, but in the other closeup posted by MERC there isn't one...

I'm only about 70% sold on the reflections; there isn't enough detail for me to be able to completely distinguish the "3" guy's reflection from the "2" guy's. That's probably just due to bad eyesight on my part though

Pantha, could you post a copy of your zoom focused a little higher up (since yours appears to have better resolution/aliasing)?

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 01:29 PM

anyone noticing that alot of the 'distributed photos' have a blue hue about them? I just checked and it would appear alot of the bomber-photos are blue-shifted.

Listening to GCN, at one point one of the presenters suggested a colour theme in process: Orange and [UN] Blue, perhaps (if, big if) this is a pervasive feature, the blueshifting could be a further progression of this 'trend'.

..something to consider.

EDIT: linkage

[edit on 25-7-2005 by Solarnexus]

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 01:29 PM
Please someone tell me I am not trippin. The bars are obviously behind figure three. Where do they show up in the reflection though?

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by phoenixhasrisin
Please someone tell me I am not trippin. The bars are obviously behind figure three. Where do they show up in the reflection though?

You're not trippin phoenix--at least, I'm guessing you're not. They are there though. Look just barely above the bars and you'll see the reflection. #3 is blocking the view directly behind him though (of course), so you can't see the reflection of the bars there to use as a comparison.

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by MCory1
Pantha, what did you do to eliminate the pixelation on your closeup? In your "version", there does appear to be a face, but in the other closeup posted by MERC there isn't one...

They used 2 different source photos.
The photo Pantha used had higher resolution. She didn't change the pixilation. I think this photo shows that the image was not doctored.

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 01:35 PM
So did everyone else change their pixilation then?

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 01:36 PM
All I did was save the image from the source I provided

which I found through the link at the bottom of the page here

I'm no expert with images , so all I did was to save it to my pictures and then zoom in via the windows picture and fax viewer to see the image close up without it pixelating , I then did a print screen and paste to paint for my close up

is this the close up you're asking for?

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 01:36 PM
of course they were doctored, tony blair and w are behind every act of violence or corruption on the planet, even tsunami's.

how can we even stop to think for a moment that someone had the brains, resources and motives to carry out an act of violence without blair and bush being behind it ? I mean those arabs aren't smart enought to do something like this on their own, and there's no way they could hate the UK or US that much right ?

right ?

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