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Have you christians ever thought that creation..

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posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Evolution Cruncher
why dont you want to believe in God? would it cramp your lifestyle?
if I could prove to you that God existed, would that change your lifestyle at all?

Are you making judgements on his/her lifestyle Cruncher?

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 09:56 AM
ok, I'll bite. Cruncher, go ahead, prove there is a god to me. So me concrete proof that there is a benevolent deity that has a plan for my life and a reason for all the things that occur in my life. However, don't simply quote from a book that was obviously written by man. After all it is, even loosely acounted, the interpretations of others whom we have no idea of their place in history. Also, don't tell me toi simply look around me and see "HIM" in all things. The reason being that I can see that which you seek to refute in all things.( the natural world going about it's daily business without devine intervention.) And don't tell me to rely on "faith" either. Given the current state of affairs in the world, I really don't have much faith to go on. Just simply give me the kind of evidene that my own 5 senses give to the contrary, and I'll become the most devout follower you will have ever known. (no sarcasm intended here) I await enlightenment at your hands.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 11:18 AM
oveon i have one question for you. do or did you love you mother and/or father or wife or sibbling(s)?
just answer that for me please.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 12:46 PM
Joshm2u; all evolutionists hate everyone in their family and have never felt anything remotely resembling the fine christian love that non-evolutionists feel, obviously.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 03:23 PM

As for the male female thing. The bible makes it clear that God was there. It also makes it clear that Jesus was there. The Holy Spirit is a given...

I dont see the fem anywhere

I feel that you can use the analogy the God formed woman from Adam (man) so she was in man....God probably had an element of the feminine with the masculine being dominant...sound right??-So feminine had a role in creation....there is alot written about that in the apochrypha and elsewhere...the bible is simplified in some areas.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Joshm2u; all evolutionists hate everyone in their family and have never felt anything remotely resembling the fine christian love that non-evolutionists feel, obviously.

Is that supposed to be funny...?? why couldn't man be partly form evolution and partly created instantaneously??...Evolution has some merit in species devolpment

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 07:15 PM
that was not the point of the post, but putting your comments aside, i will finsh the rest of my post. prove to me that you love them.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 10:40 PM
I am so confused. . .

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by Joshm2u
that was not the point of the post, but putting your comments aside, i will finsh the rest of my post. prove to me that you love them.

How about you actually MAKE your point instead of drawing it out? It sounds as though you are inferring he/she doesn't love their family.. and are now DEMANDING they prove they do. Have you got any idea of how offensive that is?

posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 09:07 AM
I fail to see that my iteractions with my family have any relevance to whether or not there is a supreme being. Perhaps I'm ignorant, or just blind.....As for your question, of course I do....And again, human interpersonal relationships would seem to me to have no bearing on this matter. But I have indulged you notwithstanding. Proof, as you require it, must be specified by you in order for me to furnish it. However, i assert again that an emotion does not villify a GOD.

posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 06:29 PM

ok, I'll bite. Cruncher, go ahead, prove there is a god to me. So me concrete proof that there is a benevolent deity that has a plan for my life and a reason for all the things that occur in my life. However, don't simply quote from a book that was obviously written by man. After all it is, even loosely acounted, the interpretations of others whom we have no idea of their place in history. Also, don't tell me toi simply look around me and see "HIM" in all things. The reason being that I can see that which you seek to refute in all things.( the natural world going about it's daily business without devine intervention.) And don't tell me to rely on "faith" either. Given the current state of affairs in the world, I really don't have much faith to go on. Just simply give me the kind of evidene that my own 5 senses give to the contrary, and I'll become the most devout follower you will have ever known. (no sarcasm intended here) I await enlightenment at your hands.

you still didnt answer my question. lets just pretent that I proved to you that God existed and that the bible was true. that would mean that you would have to follow all of his rules, of course we all sin because we are human. but what if God did exist and you had no doubt about it. would that change your lifestyle?

now I admit that im getting ready to make an assumption, I am assuming that you are en evolutionist or an atheist or at least someone that does not believe in a higher power that we as humans have to answer to. along with that, I assume that you probably think that many things are ok according to you and to society that are not ok to God or the bible.

now think about what I just said, certain things that are ok to the world(society, you, other people who think there is no higher power)
things such as abortion, pre-marrital sex, homosexuality, adultery, ect.. stuff like that..

im not saying that you believe in all of those, if you any. my point is, if you did believe those things to be ok, and then I showed you that the bible was true and that God was real, would your lifestyle change at all?

and no riley im not judging him/her. just trying to make a point.


posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 07:41 PM
EC you're question isn't relevant. For one, It is proven that you're interpretation of the bible, with the global flood and the YEC, is not true. The Earth is far far older. It's basic freshman Geology. Therefore you're question already fails and is irrelevant.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:21 AM
Provided you can prove it, yes my life would change.....that is a given. However, this puts me no nearer to any form of proof, in fact one could almost accuse you of being evasive. I fail to see how my lifestyle has any bearing on your ability to provide such proof. However, for the sake of any future argument, please assume that what ever you need to assert about my personal life, to prove what you are attempting to prove, is actually the case. (i.e. I love my family, my life will change, etc. ad-nauseum. ) Or to simplify, any question you pose to me will be assumed to have the answer you need. Therefore we can dispense with this question of my character, and I won't have to worry about feeling insulted. So, the "ball" is in your court, so to speak.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by warthog911
From a scientific point of view it is biologically impossible that humans evolved from apes in just 2 million years but apes evovled from animals in 150million years.

Strange, actual scientists don't think that its unscientific or scientifically impossible.

I have to vouch for warthod911 on this one. This does perplex scientist. There are two extraordinary things about human evolution. The first mentioned above. However the second, and probably the most extraordinary out of the two is the evolution of the human brain which took a mere 200,000 years. In a evolutionary sense, the natures most complex organism was manifested literally 'overnight'.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:59 AM
People who try to argue the exact meaning of specific words of a bible translated into English are a constant source of amusement for me. Thanks!

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 04:26 PM
Im just happy that many finally realized that evolution belongs in the faith forum and not the science forums. This is long over due and will be recognized by more with time.

As we see here, there are many facets of this idea that require faith to move beyond.

I am glad this is finally being talked about in a rational matter

[edit on 5-8-2005 by jake1997]

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 04:24 PM
I believe in what the bible says how god created man. I believe evolution came by the power of God. I dont believe in everthing evolution says. God says he will destry the wisdom of men anyway.

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 04:43 PM

I believe in what the bible says how god created man. I believe evolution came by the power of God. I dont believe in everthing evolution says. God says he will destry the wisdom of men anyway.

If you believe in what the bible says, it says that God created everything in 6 days. he didnt use evolution to make anything. the only evolution that has ever been observed is the variations within the kinds of animals. example: dog, wolf, little dogs, big dogs, straight hair, curley hair.
example: the 14 varieties of finched darwin observed. they are still the same kind of bird.
example: horses and zebra, shebras, zonkeys.

there is no proof that a bacteria can evolve into a human over millions of years. or that life can spontaneously generate.
therefore there is no proof for the evolution theory whatsoever.
micro evolution isnt even real evolution. its just a variation.


posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 04:52 PM
thats only proving that the bible is more corruct. And first and for most The bible is from God and did happen. So Genesis is real and was the way God created earth. All I am saying is that evolution is what might some say God's power. God's 6 days may not, or maybe the same time in his way. But i figure evolution does not matter. The bible and god power is what matters.

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 04:56 PM

thats only proving that the bible is more corruct. And first and for most The bible is from God and did happen. So Genesis is real and was the way God created earth. All I am saying is that evolution is what might some say God's power. God's 6 days may not, or maybe the same time in his way. But i figure evolution does not matter. The bible and god power is what matters.

I think I understand where you are coming from. and if im right, I agree with you.


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