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Beginning Magick Spells

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posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 08:02 PM
I want to get started in magick and i would like some spells that people have tried and that work
Thanks for the help!

posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 08:13 PM
As with anything else, there are different genres for spell-work.
It would take a dozen pages for one to post their spells.

What types of spells are you looking for?
What are your goals from spell-work?

I'm just getting the preliminary ball rolling, as my spells are not written, they just happen for me when needed.


posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 08:20 PM
I would recommend to read up on Crowley, C.S.Hyatt, and Robert Anton Wilson as well as the Golden Dawn. True magick is all about brain change IMO.

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 04:51 PM
Ceremonial Magick might be a bit much for someone getting their bearing. High magic takes a certain amount of developed intellect to perform (which I don't have.) Magick doesnt work like in the movies, you don't read a passage in a book and a fire ball leaps from your eyes engulfing all around you. I would start with smaller steps, meditation, steps towards Astral Projection, things of that nature. Given I haven't even been able to take these first small steps at this point. The road is hard and long.

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 06:05 PM
I agree with the last three posts, basically. Like Baphomet said the heavy ceremonial magic is quite confusing and probably mostly useless without the backround required. But, go ahead and read Crowley and the Golden Dawns material anyway. There is so much to learn just take what you can from it at first and re-read it every so often. Deffinately check out both the fiction and non-fiction of Robert Anton Wilson. He references almost all the backround reading you ever need to do to understand magik/the occult. Like DruidTek said, almost all magic happens inside you. But since the universe only exists inside you that works out nicely. hehe.
If you have no experience in magic at all I would recommend a basic framework of some sorts. You may wish to use Wicca as a framework as it has been expanded on by many modern authors. Many authors write towards solitary practioners which allows you to use Wicca in conjunction with most other belief sets. For beginners in Wicca I would recommend the works of Scott Cunningham and the works of Janet and Stewart Farrarr, particularly their book Spells and How They Work. Start looking into it and you will find more material written on the subject than you could ever digest. Especially since you should end up reading non-occult material such and Renee Descartes and Carl Jung, to name just a couple.
Anyway, thats my piece...

[edit on 25-7-2005 by Vasilis Azoth]

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 06:10 PM
May I suggest that whatever path you choose, to be very careful.VERY.
From personal experiences, I do not give this warning lightly.One step at a time, mayhaps you would need to read upon chakra openings as well.

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 09:04 PM
the spells of which u want to use is a sin must not be used in nature unless a last resort to the kind of which the soul is splendored but makes sense to this so be warned do not learn it do not even try it stay back and let ur soul live on till death of the awakening light


posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 09:31 PM
Wikipedia has a good article on various types of magic, and a good number of links to useful material.

feel free to u2u me if you have any questions about specific magical systems.

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 10:23 PM
I don't know what you hope to achieve but be careful...and smart

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 10:23 PM
I agree with those who have said Study first, Practice later.

And if you are going to study, do not do it alone. Keep at least one person aware of what you are doing at all times. Going Solo, especially at first, is more than dangerous. The potential for self-delusion is great.

If you are really smart you will carefully look for a group of people who are involved in this sort of work, that is really the proper way. Ask a lot of questions, hang around them for a while before you do anything. If they are worthwile they will let you take things at your own pace. If in fact they demand you do anything other than study, Run.

What you are seeking will only come after you have learned to understand yourself and your real reasons for wanting this sort of power. This is a natural safeguard that protects the rest of us from you, but it does not protect you from yourself.


posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 02:47 AM

Magick doesnt work like in the movies, you don't read a passage in a book and a fire ball leaps from your eyes engulfing all around you.

Well...CRAP! What's the use then?

LOL I'm kidding!

I had a completely DIFFERENT post here, but decided the others are right. Tread lightly and slowly. Rather than purusing the web, go to an actual bookstore that specializes in such stuff and talk to some clerks who know the Craft. Magik very often turns into something you don't expect. Even the pros only practice a few spells a month. (during High Ceremonies)

[edit on 27-7-2005 by Toelint]

posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by DeathIsNear
the spells of which u want to use is a sin must not be used in nature unless a last resort to the kind of which the soul is splendored but makes sense to this so be warned do not learn it do not even try it stay back and let ur soul live on till death of the awakening light

no offence, but you sound like a christian. i feel sorry for you.

anyway about magic. first you must realise that everything is energy..EVERYTHING. and energy and magic are different wordings for the very same thing and both can be used as you please.

keep in mind that there is no Good or Evil, Right or Wrong. that is a man made concept to judge others and keep them down. the only thing that matters is how YOU feel about something. if you want to kills someone because you feel good at that, then kill. if you feel better helping people then help. both types of people are needed to maintain balance and order and if you destroy one you'll destroy the other as well.

It is important to learn to trust your feelings, because they are your navigational system. i suggest to start with learning to become AWARE of everything, even the littlest of things. live and experience everything intensly. from a simple raindrop on your arm and all the sensations that come with it.

start by realizing that everything takes time and can not be rushed. read up on things from many different areas such as druidry, wizardry and more. get a basic foundation going for yourself to fall back on later. when you found a direction you feel comfortable with then follow it's teachings. follow it to learn and when you've learned enough on how to work and use energy/elements then make your own path.

magic is more then casting a spell it requires a certain way of thought as well. but it in the end...keep it is simple as possible. when i see people performing rituals i just got to laugh

for excample: rituals/ceremonies people hold onto long scripts of texts. but that's wrong. they focus to much on the texts and to little on the energies. so the ritual actually becomes weaker haha...still it's nice for a show though, but useless other wise. i just say my thing that comes to mind, cast my energy and done. 10x stronger then a ritual performed by 40 people. then again my energy itself is higher then that of most people to begin with.

posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 09:13 AM
Chaos Magician, Enyalius?

posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 09:29 AM
I have been like the poster os this thread for awhile, i have had a huge ambition to learn more about music and i have studied crowley, austin osman spare, golden dawn, and very little O.T.O. Even thought i must admit im abit of a warez man i dont like to pay for things, and its hard to find all of crowleys books on the web. Anywho for me the type of magic i found the most feisable was chaos magick, so i tried to study it and get a grasp of it. Although i found it very hard with the signals, and how to empower them in ur sub concious mind. If anyone could help me with that, would be a big help.
Regards Wang

posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Baphomet79
Chaos Magician, Enyalius?

Nope i'm not a chaos magician

chaos magick is more a flawed way of thinking and weak magic. it's nice for kids to play. it's not even considered "real" magic. attacks from those people are like...most of the time i don't even notice it so weak is it. + i send that type of magic back to the caster (damn i'm mean hehe)

[edit on 27-7-2005 by Enyalius]

posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 12:20 PM
True magic is a combination of the mind and the forces of nature and spirit around you. If you really want to learn to cast spells, most people here have posted great information on who to look up, but I would also suggest researching ESP and trying that out as well on the side, you might get better results if you do. I used to practice magic when I was a teenager, and was very good at it, but then I had an experience with it that shook me to the core and I quit spell casting, later on in life I began to realize that it was my mindset at the time that caused the magic to work. You have to be mentally open to the forces around you on a psychic level. Do some ESP research, look into the different forms of esp that are out there, you might find that they almost always do the same thing as magic spells, just different words are used. There is a fine line between psychic and mystic. Both have the same end results, but use caution, realize that the things you are trying to do are not always good for you. NEVER inflict your will on another for pain or power, these things will backfire on you and cause you 3x more trouble than you sent out, and always try to do it for good reasons, magic isnt a toy, and real magic is almost always spirit assisted. That means there are forces helping that you cannot see, but are there, and you dont know quite what they are until you get older and more experienced, and by then, if you hooked up with the wrong forces, you tend to become very ill. Just my 2 cents:

posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Enyalius

Originally posted by DeathIsNear
the spells of which u want to use is a sin must not be used in nature unless a last resort to the kind of which the soul is splendored but makes sense to this so be warned do not learn it do not even try it stay back and let ur soul live on till death of the awakening light

no offence, but you sound like a christian. i feel sorry for you.

Okay, to Enyalius, I say:

Hey, hey, HEY!! Some of the BEST magician material in the world (according to Carlos Castenada) comes from the priesthood, although is DOES seem that, precious and few are the Christian magicians.

To Deathisnear, I say:

Who says that to be a magician, you have to be in kahoots with Satan? From everything I've read, magik is NOT submission to Satan nor is it an offront to G-d.

However, that DOES NOT mean the powers you call upon are harmless!

The Keys Of Solomon The King has NOTHING to do with Satan, and it's probably the most popular spell book of them all!

[edit on 27-7-2005 by Toelint]

posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 11:39 PM

chaos magick is more a flawed way of thinking and weak magic. it's nice for kids to play. it's not even considered "real" magic

I was just curious, the lack of adherence to doctrine that you have Enylaius strikes me as Chaos Magick, given I don't know very much about it. Do you classify yourself at all? (Not that classifications are a good thing, I think that's the problem with society in general.)

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 12:51 AM
i don't classify myself when possible. however i do follow a certain stream due to my type of soul. but i can not say what that is because according to many i either don't excist or i shouldn't be on this planet. but what do they know hey


posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 01:21 AM
whoa, whoa, whoa...

chaos magic is weak? it's flawed?

do you care to qualify those statements?

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