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Are good-willed aliens hypocrites?

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posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 09:19 PM
Earth sister why dont the good aliens atleast give us the AIDS cure?.YOu must read the revelations.YOu are being decieved.The galactic federation want one world govt too.Ask them this question that atleast give us the AIDS cure and then tell me what they answered.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 11:07 PM
So's listening...

Yes, I realize that sounds weird.

It's not so much thinking about what you are going to say when someone is communicating with you... It's more about actually absorbing what they are saying.

Yes, I am speaking 'in code' once again.

You're a tech geek of some kind aren't you?

If you want to hear what people who sound like me are saying, you might want to consider shifting your balance slide away from ego, a little more towards the intuit setting.

You might also want to flip that rampant emotion bit off, I can't help but think that emotional storm you seem to swim in gets in the way of listening also.

Enough psychobabble.

I'm afraid you are projecting your belief systems onto my statements. Go back and read what I said.

>'Cancer *IS* the Number 1 killer...' 'it is common knowledge...'
Hey if that works for you...

Just out of curiosity what is that red stuff in that picture you so kindly gave me? That wouldn't be a 'humans ARE intelligent' treatment for cancer, would it?

Could you do me a tiny little favor? Would you find out for me what the PH is of the water at your father's house... at your house? Humor me.

Speaking of humor...

So what makes you think that 'aliens' giving you advice to help solve the worlds problems, as you see it, would fare any better than a couple of well-intentioned people in this thread?

posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 12:07 AM
This gives me an idea,

What about THEIR social structures?

The kind of possibilities advanced technology opens up is amazing. and scary.

There are a few scenarios

1) they have been sending automated drones that have an advanced AI that allows them to monitor us and abuct / return us etc, and they never come here themselves, or are not allowed to by their government due to non-intervention rules or something

2) same as 1, but some of them break the rules and come to earth and check things out first hand.

3) they come themselves, but their social structure is incredibly advanced and different from ours that we have NO idea what to expect, perhaps they dont even breed naturally anymore, and each one of htem is genetically engineered and mind imprinted with information, that would result in a very very enlightened, but boring civilization, maybe they are watching us hoping to pick up some bad habits?

4) same as 3 but with some of them living among us pretending to be us, to 'live it up"

#4 would be your hypocriitical aliens, trying to be like us, but with the power to change us for the better haha.

posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by warthog911
Earth sister why dont the good aliens atleast give us the AIDS cure?

They would love to, warthog, right now, and many other things too. But they can't just come here and step in and take over. They can't interfere with our process of evolution against us ourselves. If they did that, they would own us and be responsible for all of our problems, which we would only continue to create instead of getting over. We would be road-blocked from advancing ourselves.

When we are at a point ourselves to accept their help in the way they can give it to us, we will start "openly" benefiting from their help in unending ways. Until then, they can only continue to help us with certain things through certain individual humans.

posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by warthog911
Earth sister why dont the good aliens atleast give us the AIDS cure?.

what if they dont give us the cure to AIDS cancer etc, because We Already Have it????
What if our own govt's and pharmacutical corporations already have the cure and just refuse to release it??

the aliens would not need to give us the cure we already have it!
but ... i would hope the aliens could convince our govts to release the cure,

but... im afraid they will not want to ever release it
because they are greedy and evil

so we have two options really here; revolution or wait for the aliens to come zap our govt into dust

because our leaders will never give up their greed and hate; until we throw them in prison
yes the thought saddens me greatly also

i hope im totally wrong!

posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by golemina
It's not so much thinking about what you are going to say when someone is communicating with you... It's more about actually absorbing what they are saying.
You're a tech geek of some kind aren't you?

If you want to hear what people who sound like me are saying, you might want to consider shifting your balance slide away from ego, a little more towards the intuit setting.

You might also want to flip that rampant emotion bit off, I can't help but think that emotional storm you seem to swim in gets in the way of listening also.

Please dont attack me personally, I dont know you and you know ABSOUTELY NOTHING about me. If you can give any remotely logical answer to the thread, then dont. You seem to think that you talking in code and attacking people with other oppinions is ok, well its not.

Originally posted by golemina

I'm afraid you are projecting your belief systems onto my statements. Go back and read what I said.

What ARE you talking about.

Originally posted by golemina
>'Cancer *IS* the Number 1 killer...' 'it is common knowledge...'
Hey if that works for you...

Are you pulling my leg? There is lot of documentation on cancer being the NO 1 killer in the developed worlds, its not my fantacties. Did you even read the link to in my last post?

Originally posted by golemina
Just out of curiosity what is that red stuff in that picture you so kindly gave me? That wouldn't be a 'humans ARE intelligent' treatment for cancer, would it?

I havent given you any picture, what ARE you talking about.

Originally posted by golemina
Could you do me a tiny little favor? Would you find out for me what the PH is of the water at your father's house... at your house? Humor me.

No, why should I do that?

Originally posted by golemina
Speaking of humor...

So what makes you think that 'aliens' giving you advice to help solve the worlds problems, as you see it, would fare any better than a couple of well-intentioned people in this thread?

What kind of logic do you use to compare a posting on a internet forum with curing mayor diseases like cancer and AIDS, I dont see the logic here, sorry.

Im sorry if I come off abit ruff here, I am sure you have the best intentions, but I am having a hard time "connecting" with your replies.

[edit on 24-7-2005 by anorwegianguy1972]

posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 01:08 PM
lol anorwegianguy1972

i dont know what that person is talking about either; your not the only one

posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister
I can see that you are very difficult and stubborn. I will not try to change your mind with mine then.

You couldnt change my mind because your logic makes no sence, not because I am stubborn. Face it, sister

[edit on 24-7-2005 by anorwegianguy1972]

posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by warthog911
Earth sister why dont the good aliens atleast give us the AIDS cure?.

what if they dont give us the cure to AIDS cancer etc, because We Already Have it????
What if our own govt's and pharmacutical corporations already have the cure and just refuse to release it??

the aliens would not need to give us the cure we already have it!
but ... i would hope the aliens could convince our govts to release the cure,

but... im afraid they will not want to ever release it
because they are greedy and evil

so we have two options really here; revolution or wait for the aliens to come zap our govt into dust

because our leaders will never give up their greed and hate; until we throw them in prison
yes the thought saddens me greatly also

i hope im totally wrong!

I dont personally belive we already have the cures for these diseases and that is it hidden by the goverments for some reason, but hey, thats just me.

posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 02:11 PM
i didnt say i believed it either ; but i wanted to point out it is a "Possibility"

if you are seriously trying to figure this out; such possibilities are important to discuss

seriously tho; the govt is known to have secret bio-labs around...
and they do mega-research into biological weapons

i would assume they have researched AIDS cancer etc/ far deeper than any other organization on earth

and for National Security sake; they better have a cure!
or else their biolab is a waste of $$$

posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by anorwegianguy1972

You couldnt change my mind because your logic makes no sence, not because I am stubborn. Face it, sister


I speak from my experience and what it means to me. If you have no experience with alien life, then nothing about it that happens to others may make any sense to you. If you only think things can be real that happen to yourself and nothing else, that is why you can't understand others.

I base my understanding openly on what I know. You base yours stubbornly on what you don't know.

If you are only going to fight with those who try to explain their understanding to you, why are you here in a forum like this?

posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 09:28 PM
Personally, I dont believe they have provided us with anything at all. They may have taken a few things away (de activated nukes) but they probably follow some sort of similar scientific principles that we do with observation of social behaviour.

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by Davood
Personally, I dont believe they have provided us with anything at all. They may have taken a few things away (de activated nukes) but they probably follow some sort of similar scientific principles that we do with observation of social behaviour.

I agree, I saw this nature program on TV yesterday where they discovered a animal rhino that was badly infected with bacterias in a old wound, they helped it by tranqualizing it and giving it antibiotica, and they alomost got killed by it when it woke up, lol. Anyways, it got me thinking... We, humans, care enough for the beings we study to risk our lifes trying to help them in the wild, the same profile don't seem to fit the aliens at all. Perhaps we have emotions they lack.

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by EarthSister

I speak from my experience and what it means to me. If you have no experience with alien life, then nothing about it that happens to others may make any sense to you. If you only think things can be real that happen to yourself and nothing else, that is why you can't understand others.

I DO belive in these issues. But i have to apply logic to the theories that people come with, or else there is chaos.

Originally posted by EarthSister

I base my understanding openly on what I know. You base yours stubbornly on what you don't know.

If you are only going to fight with those who try to explain their understanding to you, why are you here in a forum like this?

I have been in forums long enough to have noticed that when people have their opinions cornered and they can't logically disguss their way out of the corner again, they start attacking their opponent personally, dont be that kind of poster, Sister, it's so immature...

[edit on 25-7-2005 by anorwegianguy1972]

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 05:17 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
i didnt say i believed it either ; but i wanted to point out it is a "Possibility"

Absolutely, but I suspect that the larger Bio companies hold back the good medicines more than the US Goverment. The Bio companies have much more to gain. First they sell you the stuff that hardly works, then they start selling something that works a little better, etc, then finally after decades they start selling the good stuff, even though they had discovered it decades earlier. If they sold the good stuff immidiately they would earn much less money, with the sale strategy above they have profits for decades. It's all market economy stuff, evil market economy though.

Originally posted by muzzleflash
if you are seriously trying to figure this out; such possibilities are important to discuss

I agree. I will apply logic to the ideas people come with though, otherwise it is chaos.

Originally posted by muzzleflash

seriously tho; the govt is known to have secret bio-labs around...
and they do mega-research into biological weapons

i would assume they have researched AIDS cancer etc/ far deeper than any other organization on earth

and for National Security sake; they better have a cure!
or else their biolab is a waste of $$$

Yeah, frightening isnt it. If the HIV virus was designed by the US Goverment and intentionally or unintentionally release into "the wild", is perhaps something we will never know, but it is not impossible.

[edit on 25-7-2005 by anorwegianguy1972]

[edit on 25-7-2005 by anorwegianguy1972]

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 07:43 AM
It takes two to fight.

golem simply isn't here for that anorwegianguy1972...

>'You seem to think that you talking in code and attacking people with other oppinions is ok, well its not.'

Is that what you have walked away with from this conversation? That's really too bad.

We are two people riding on two entirely different merry-go-rounds...

It's only my opinion...

(and you've made it perfectly clear that you have no absolutely no respect for that opinion!)

that you started this thread looking for answers, you seem quite traumatized personally (your father died recently from cancer) and you basically have no patience and have no interest in anyone telling you anything that doesn't come back and deliver to you the cure for cancer, based on YOUR perception of 'logic', in two sentences or less...

And that's OK and I can respect that.

>'Are you pulling my leg? There is lot of documentation on cancer being the NO 1 killer in the developed worlds, its not my fantacties. Did you even read the link to in my last post?'

You see on your merry-go-round that is true.

On my merry-go-round it isn't.

>'I havent given you any picture, what ARE you talking about.'
Really? Are you sure? Maybe you should go look at that url you provided this thread with... And maybe look, just one more time.

>'No, why should I do that?'
It was just a personal favor. If that doesn't interest you... That's OK and I respect that...

It would seem on your merry-go-round, that the cure for cancer is possibly some kind of 'hidden knowledge', or medical treatment that the gov't/drug companies are holding back for some mysterious reason...

On my merry-go-round, people getting cancer is more about what people put in their bodies (hence the 'PH' of your water supply).

On your merry-go-round, people 'ARE intelligent' and get treatment based on 'logic' and the results are...

On my merry-go-round...

I'm having and sharing with you absolutely brilliant thoughts...

On your merry-go-round...

It's absolutely mindless gibberish!

It would seem we make our own realities... doesn't it?

You take care.

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by golemina

We are two people riding on two entirely different merry-go-rounds...

That I will agree on
I need logic behind claims, you apperantly don't, I accept that.

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 10:09 AM

I speak from my experience and what it means to me. If you have no experience with alien life, then nothing about it that happens to others may make any sense to you. If you only think things can be real that happen to yourself and nothing else, that is why you can't understand others.

Would love to hear more about your experiences. If they've been covered in another thread, any chance of pointing me in the right direction?

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 11:20 AM
Hi, Nova. My website is I have some information about Jack's and my experiences with our alien contacts there, and some of my journal you can read on the journals page.

I am happy to answer anything I can for you and I don't mind if you don't just "believe" me as long as you are respectful, as goes for everybody. In fact I prefer that people don't just believe me, or anybody else just because they share something.

You can read my other posts by clicking on my profile, I think. And if you have a number of specific questions for me, please U2U me or email me so we don't interrupt the thread.

[edit on 7/25/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 09:46 AM
I think you all have to calm down a bit and try and see each others point of view. You all have very good opinions and interesting ideas. why not try and come to some sort of agreement?
Personally I think that want us to figure out our own problems. They want us to realise that we don't need thier help. That we are smart enough to help ourselves.
That's just my opinion though.

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