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Are good-willed aliens hypocrites?

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posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 07:04 AM
Are good-willed aliens hypocrites?

Reportedly they (aliens) have told abductees that we, the people on earth, that we must uphold peace on earth. But considering their appearant high technology level, and supposing their other sciences are equally advanced, it is appearant that they, the aliens, hold the key to world peace, imagine the main causes of conflict and suffering on Earth today:

-Religious conflict

I suppose that the aliens, with their advanced sciences, could help us battle many of these obsiticles, but why don't they?

The first idea that springs to mind is that they, the aliens, don't want to influence our culture with theirs. But this teory is evil at it's core, because setting up geographical boundaries like these are only philosophical, and does not, in my opinion, hold any substance. Imagine the same geographically boundary philosophy applied on Earth, if the Western, industrial nations, or the white races, would not share their technologies with lesser advanced races and nations with the intention to not influence their culture, it would be a evil philosophy. I suggest that setting geographical bounderies in space is no less evil than doing it on Earth, and that aliens keeping us "in the dark", have applied a evil philosophy, and therefore, telling abductees that we, the people of Earth, must work for peace, when they in fact may hold the key to these problems, is hypocritical.

People die every day from painful diseases, and starvation, I believe that the aliens could help us battle these problems, and more.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 07:36 AM

All of the races visiting Earth are good-willed and now all are working together for the same goals. Those who were not, had to change that, or are no longer allowed to visit Earth. The individuals who travel here are the professionals of their races, our most immediate neighbors, working in their own crews, organized under the leadership of the most capable, intelligent, advanced visiting races.

We are all one kind, as people. All the races in our area share the same space, and need each other to help ensure peace between us and progression for all. Earth is at a critical time in evolution and we need the help of the other races. What stands in the way is us- our dogma and our govt control of power and popular opinion.

The educational program the alien races have made for us has been applied for thousands of years already. The alien races have been working with individual humans all of this time, sharing information and helping to make changes through them. Most of it goes on without most people knowing about it, but that is all going to change- it already is. As you can probably notice, the increases in sightings and information being shared and humans willing to speak out are all signs of more to come. The alien races are going to be showing themselves and their crafts completely openly to our world soon, and this is going to push Earth powers into complying with what their publics want done about the state of our world.

That is an oversimplification, and there will be many new problems to overcome too, but the fact is that our leading govts are doing everything they can to keep the alien races away from Earth and away from educating humans, using every war tactic, at all costs, for as long as possible. That time is running out, thanks to the alien races and those of us who work with them and help educate others.

The alien races want to help and they are trying to help. But this is our world, not theirs. They can't take over. They need more humans to work with them for these goals.

If you want to know who is stopping the progression of our race, look to see who is benefiting from all the needless, primitive suffering on Earth.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 07:51 AM
But why use thousands of years to tell us they are here. If your suggested reply is "To not cause panic", I would reply that we, the people of Earth, could handle panic for a while, if the price was the cure for cancer and other diseases plus ending world hunger etc. I can see where you are coming from, but the idea of aliens using thousands of years to tell us "we are here", makes absolutly no sense.

[edit on 23-7-2005 by anorwegianguy1972]

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 08:37 AM
It's a complicated answer. But it's similar to why you don't teach preschoolers college material- they can't get it, but what's worse is that they can't get it RIGHT and so when you try to tell them something or show them something, they go off believing all kinds of preschoolish things about it instead. You have to try to only give them as much at a time as they can process well enough to sufficiently resemble what is actual. If there is anybody a little smart among them who wants to take advantage of the situation and prey on others, and mislead them for personal gain, that only makes it even harder for anybody to see any truth among all the disinformation, even when they are ready to. You have all different kinds of people, all segregated into beliefs, nobody really knowing what or who is real.

Okay, we adults are not as unaware as human preschoolers, but on an evolutional scale, all humans on Earth are infants compared to other races. All the other races that visit Earth are hundreds of thousands to millions to billions of years longer evolved and further advanced than we are- both technologically and naturally, as in intelligence and personal ability. There are only relatively few other races who are more primitive than we are. We are still brand new, just beginning to look outside our fishbowl.

The aliens have been saying "We are here" forever. But not always teaching what they teach now.

Humans have been saying, "What is that?" forever.
And "No, what is that really?"
"It must be GOD"
"It's my God"
"No, it's MY God"
"Aliens are not real"
"If you see them, you are crazy and nobody believes you"
"But if they are real, then they are not God, they are demons"
"If they seem nice, they are tricking you"

The whole time, our leading govts know the alien races are real, and so take every possible advantage of the situation, of the ignorance of the people, and to keep the people as ignorant and confused and afraid as possible. The organization of visiting races will not work directly with any of Earth's govts, so the govts have to pry information and compliance out of the aliens by forcing it out of the humans who work with the aliens.

The races who used to work directly with our leading govts under the threat of blackmail, now work with the organization of visiting races. The govts don't know everything about the alien races- they only know what the aliens decide to tell them. It is the individual humans who work with alien life who know the most about the alien races.

The alien races want to give our leading govts certain kinds of things to help make life better on Earth. But our leading govts want other kinds of things from the aliens instead, which the aliens would never give them for the purposes the govts want them for.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by EarthSister
It's a complicated answer. But it's similar to why you don't teach preschoolers college material- they can't get it, but what's worse is that they can't get it RIGHT and so when you try to tell them something or show them something, they go off believing all kinds of preschoolish things about it instead. You have to try to only give them as much at a time as they can process well enough to sufficiently resemble what is actual. If there is anybody a little smart among them who wants to take advantage of the situation and prey on others, and mislead them for personal gain, that only makes it even harder for anybody to see any truth among all the disinformation, even when they are ready to. You have all different kinds of people, all segregated into beliefs, nobody really knowing what or who is real.

First of all, you are implying that the aliens are so much smarter than us, and therefore want to hold us "in the dark". If my dog, which is pretty dumb, gets a disease I give him some medicine, I don't say, "your so dumb that you don't deserve to be helped."

Second, you say that they, the aliens, are much smarter than us, which is not a obvious conclusion, as they:
- Might be a much older society than us, and therefore are more advanced
- Their large heads might hold other and less complex brains and therefore takes more space than a human brain would, don't assume that a large head in any case means a large brain; look a the dinosaurs, they had large heads but small bird-like brain.

Third, the whole idea of saying that someone is not smart enough, and therefore not allowing them the same education is a evil philosophy, and reminds me of the Nazies Jew seperation in the pre WW2 timeframe.

Fourth, how can the aliens know how smart we are, do they have ANY idea of how difficult it is to be a human, not just today, but in the millenias before.

Fifth, I frownat the idea of aliens sitting in their warm and cozy spaceships, concluding that we, the humans of Earth, are not smart enough to be helped by them, while on Earth people are dying every day of diseases and other issues they could have helped us o solve. My dad died of horrible painful cancer, you tell him that "the aliens could have helped you, but you are not smart enough".

Sixth, you speak of their worry that giving away knowledge before we were ready would cause some evil people to misuse it, in my knowledge what evil people misuse is other peoples "Lack of knowledge" and that giving people knowledge PREVENTS misuse.

Seventh, if they, the aliens are so cheap of giving us their knowledge, then what about giving us atleast the cure to our worst diseases, like cancer, or would that also make someone "take advantage of the situation".

Eight, how arrogant of them, the aliens, to suggest that intelligense is the only thing a society needs to be "accepted" by these high lords. What about our art, our music, design and structures, our human compassion, and so many other things,there are so many other facades to the people of Earth, that, in my opinion, superceeds intelligence.

Ninth, why use thousands of years to scholar us, a average human lifespan is perhaps 70 years.

Originally posted by EarthSister
Okay, we adults are not as unaware as human preschoolers, but on an evolutional scale, all humans on Earth are infants compared to other races. All the other races that visit Earth are hundreds of thousands to millions to billions of years longer evolved and further advanced than we are- both technologically and naturally, as in intelligence and personal ability. There are only relatively few other races who are more primitive than we are. We are still brand new, just beginning to look outside our fishbowl.

First, the aliens obviously think that they are so much more advanced than us, but I tell you that I have more compassion for my dog than they have for us, the people of Earth. If my dog has a disease I would help him, they don't help us, they just lecture us from above.

Second, you speak of their "personal abilities", you gain personal abilities through trials in your life, what kind of trials does a alien have where they have solved most of the problems facing them? I belive that if you compare two individuals "personal abilities", where one has been born on Earth and faced the hard trials of being human, and a alien beeing born in a world where almost everything is being provided for you with no diseace etc, they I can bet with you that the human has much more "personal abilities" than an alien. I mean, how difficult can it be to be born as an alien, and these guys sits there in the sky and lectures us when they grow up, telling us that we a re not smart enough, not eveloped enough to get their help? Arrogant aliens!

Originally posted by EarthSister
The aliens have been saying "We are here" forever. But not always teaching what they teach now.

It is real easy to let us know they are there, land on the White House lawn or something.

Originally posted by EarthSister
The alien races want to give our leading govts certain kinds of things to help make life better on Earth. But our leading govts want other kinds of things from the aliens instead, which the aliens would never give them for the purposes the govts want them for.

Then just give us the cure for cancer, if we, the people of Earth. can not tackle your other technology.

-Peace out

[edit on 23-7-2005 by anorwegianguy1972]

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 09:25 AM
TEll me earth sister what do the aliens think of the bible revelations.According to the bible the first contact will be the fake comming and then satan(reptilians) will inforce the mark of the beast and would destroy humanity and then our creators would come and defeat the satan and then we would live with our creators on a new earth.I am now tend to believe that your so called galactic federation is a just a tool for the inslavement of the human race as the GF has told you that the greys and the reptiliains are a fine race and are not evil.After 9\11 they should have showed themselves but they didn't.Our only salvation is in our creators and jesus even if they have destroyed mankind 6 times and we are the 7th creation according to the lacerta files and if the revelations do happen then everything is already written and and we have no free will or choice.A classic matrix theory imo

[edit on 23-7-2005 by warthog911]

[edit on 23-7-2005 by warthog911]

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 10:13 AM
*We arent pets to the aliens.

*They are way more advanced than us

*They obviously realise that if they interfere/help with us, we would become dependant on them for everything.

I still think they are waiting for us to reach some level of advancement then they will step in and say congratulations, you are the 12123987th civilization to reach the geldenar stage, come into my blazaphreen and lets go to the award ceremony then we can arrange for your technology and social systems to be revamped and enter into the golden age with the rest of us !

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 10:18 AM

All of the races visiting Earth are good-willed and now all are working together for the same goals. Those who were not, had to change that, or are no longer allowed to visit Earth. The individuals who travel here are the professionals of their races, our most immediate neighbors, working in their own crews, organized under the leadership of the most capable, intelligent, advanced visiting races.

Earthsister, where do you get all your information? Also what about all the anal probing etc?

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Davood
*We arent pets to the aliens.

I treath my dog better than the aliens treath the people of Earth.

Originally posted by Davood
*They are way more advanced than us

What do you mean? Do you mean that because they are advanced then its ok to keep us out of the loop of things? I don't think so! Anyway, they might be technically advanced, but might lack other skills, like emotional skills, I mean; what kind of people kidnap other people against they consious will? I would say humans are more evolved in several fields, on of them are MANNERS

Originally posted by Davood
*They obviously realise that if they interfere/help with us, we would become dependant on them for everything.

That philosophy does not make any sense. When you grew up your parants provided everything for you, I would suppose. Now that you are a grown-up, do you still expect them to provide everything for you? Don't underestimate the will of humans to do things for ourselfes, we are a curious people as you know.

Originally posted by Davood
I still think they are waiting for us to reach some level of advancement then they will step in and say congratulations, you are the 12123987th civilization to reach the geldenar stage, come into my blazaphreen and lets go to the award ceremony then we can arrange for your technology and social systems to be revamped and enter into the golden age with the rest of us !

The real question is; do we really want to join them? To join a galaxy society with these rules and regulaions, towards the "lesser advanced", it's the same philosophy as the Nazi's propaganda; you are not as evolved as us so we hold you outside our little circle.

[edit on 23-7-2005 by anorwegianguy1972]

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 11:30 AM

You misunderstand me. The alien races are not keeping us in the dark, Earth powers are. The alien races are giving us everything we can handle well, sneaking in behind the control of govt as much as they dare. I will talk more about it later, right now I have an appointment to get to.


I don't know what you are talking about. You are always talking about everything at once, believing all of it or none of it. It's all the same to you.


Your comments are on the same track of thinking that I am on.


Everything I know about the alien races, I learn from the alien races. I don't know everything and I don't even fully understand everything I know. But I am honest and do my best to share it with integrity.

[edit on 7/23/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 01:32 PM
Such an IMPOSSIBLE task.

I am sorry for your loss anorwegianguy1972 and your ongoing pain. Do you meditate? Think about your father before going to sleep. Clear your mind of all your worries and thoughts. Form a clear mental picture of your father, during happier times, in your mind and the thought, the wish, the prayer to want to speak/see your father... Then go to sleep.

You will see your father. You will talk to your father... You will see he is in a better place and has been freed from the pain.

Now to the bad news...

Cancer? Comes from a self-poisoning of the human body. Easily cured, more easily prevented.

Humans intelligent? If you want to strive for the understanding you seem to be seeking... Might I suggest you start by looking around you and recognizing exactly how stupid we are...

Why don't the 'aliens' help?

I REALLY find that quite humorous...

Why don't we just help ourselves?

What is it exactly that keeps us from all waking up tomorrow to a 'perfect' world?

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by golemina
You will see your father. You will talk to your father... You will see he is in a better place and has been freed from the pain.

How do you know how my father has it in the afterlife? You got some inside scoop?

Originally posted by golemina
Cancer? Comes from a self-poisoning of the human body. Easily cured, more easily prevented.

In the real world cancer is the NO 1 killer in the developed countries, and dont give me the whole "cancer is a state of mind" thing, every living thing gets cancer, hamsters, cats etc, its not a state of mind, and don't you think that if it was easily curable then everyone would be cured and it wouldnt be the NO 1 killer in the developed world?

Originally posted by golemina
Humans intelligent? If you want to strive for the understanding you seem to be seeking... Might I suggest you start by looking around you and recognizing exactly how stupid we are...

Humans ARE intelligent, did a stupid race go to the moon, bad things does not always happend because of stupidity, but because of the lack of knowledge, its a different thing alltogether.

Originally posted by golemina
Why don't the 'aliens' help?

I REALLY find that quite humorous...
Why don't we just help ourselves?

Whats wrong with asking for help? Every civilization sometimes face obsticles that they cannot face alone. Where would Europe be today without the help from the USA facing Hitler in WW2 ?

Originally posted by golemina
What is it exactly that keeps us from all waking up tomorrow to a 'perfect' world?

I dont know, you tell me please.

Peace out

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 02:40 PM
Knowledge is kind of a weird thing...

>'How do you know how my father has it in the afterlife? You got some inside scoop?
Who says there's an 'afterlife'?

>'In the real world cancer is the NO 1 killer in the developed countries, and dont give me the whole "cancer is a state of mind" thing, every living thing gets cancer, hamsters, cats etc, its not a state of mind, and don't you think that if it was easily curable then everyone would be cured and it wouldnt be the NO 1 killer in the developed world?'

Wow! You sure seem to know a lot more than I do...

'In the real world'... Ouch!

>'Humans ARE intelligent, did a stupid race go to the moon, bad things does not always happend because of stupidity, but because of the lack of knowledge, its a different thing alltogether.'

You're right. Why don't you pick me up in say about ten minutes and we'll go do lunch on the Moon... my treat!

... it doesn't so much seem to come from 'knowing' things. No, it's seems to come from asking the right question... or the right person.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by golemina
Knowledge is kind of a weird thing...

>'How do you know how my father has it in the afterlife? You got some inside scoop?
Who says there's an 'afterlife'?

You did, you said that "You will see he is in a better place and has been freed from the pain" in your post above this one in this very thread...

Originally posted by golemina
>'In the real world cancer is the NO 1 killer in the developed countries, and dont give me the whole "cancer is a state of mind" thing, every living thing gets cancer, hamsters, cats etc, its not a state of mind, and don't you think that if it was easily curable then everyone would be cured and it wouldnt be the NO 1 killer in the developed world?'

Wow! You sure seem to know a lot more than I do...

Yes, in this case I do appearantly know more than you. Cancer *IS* the Number 1 killer in the developed world, read here, it is common knowledge.

Originally posted by golemina
'In the real world'... Ouch!

You have the "Real" world of medicine, and you have the "Alternative" world of medicine.

Originally posted by golemina

>'Humans ARE intelligent, did a stupid race go to the moon, bad things does not always happend because of stupidity, but because of the lack of knowledge, its a different thing alltogether.'

You're right. Why don't you pick me up in say about ten minutes and we'll go do lunch on the Moon... my treat!

If I can't take you to lunch on the moon does not mean that humans arnt intelligent.

Originally posted by golemina
... it doesn't so much seem to come from 'knowing' things. No, it's seems to come from asking the right question... or the right person.

Im sorry, but you talk in code, cold you please restate your point so that I can understand it better. There might be some hidden knowledge here that I'm not getting, or i might be that you are just talkng BS, right now I could go either way to be honest.

-Peace out.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 05:43 PM

I really want to post but I don't know where to start. Can you slow down for me and say a little at a time? I want to talk with you about this- not to convince you, but just to give you my point of view. It's ok if you don't believe anything I say. I will not be offended. I promise.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister

I really want to post but I don't know where to start. Can you slow down for me and say a little at a time

Please, take your time. I am in no hurry, I want to answer your posts in every detail and not miss any points.

Originally posted by EarthSister
I want to talk with you about this- not to convince you, but just to give you my point of view. It's ok if you don't believe anything I say. I will not be offended. I promise.

Dont worry, I will read through all your points of views as carefully and as objectively as I can.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by anorwegianguy1972
But why use thousands of years to tell us they are here. If your suggested reply is "To not cause panic", I would reply that we, the people of Earth, could handle panic for a while, if the price was the cure for cancer and other diseases plus ending world hunger etc. I can see where you are coming from, but the idea of aliens using thousands of years to tell us "we are here", makes absolutly no sense.


My reply is not about "panic" but about understanding. If showing up only makes people believe it is proof that the aliens are GOD then forget it. The same with thinking they are "demons."

The alien races are people like we are, that's it. The panic is only in humans' minds based on humans' minds.

We can already cure many cancers and end world hunger on our own. You need to ask why we don't, to get answers to the fundamental questions of why the leading govts are keeping the publics mistrustful of the visiting races.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister
My reply is not about "panic" but about understanding. If showing up only makes people believe it is proof that the aliens are GOD then forget it. The same with thinking they are "demons."
The alien races are people like we are, that's it. The panic is only in humans' minds based on humans' minds.

I belive the mayor amount of people would handle it perfectly well, I cant really think of anyone I know that would freak out in a panic if aliens said they existed. Earlier societies have undergone larger tribunals than "intelligent life elsewhere", we have had diseases that caused 1/3 of people died in Europe, but the sosiety upheld itself even through those trials, I hink we can handle it

Originally posted by EarthSister
We can already cure many cancers and end world hunger on our own.

No we can't, the world is much more complex than you play it out to be. There are many types of cancer that cant be cured today, why else would so many people die that it is our NO 1 killer in the developed nations, your claims sound like they have no foundation in real events.

Originally posted by EarthSister
You need to ask why we don't, to get answers to the fundamental questions of why the leading govts are keeping the publics mistrustful of the visiting races.

I would suggest that one should be mistrustfull to them, I mean, what have they ever done for us that we know of for sure, it seems they use us and we get nothing back. You can talk about the aliens apperant good intentions, but when push comes to shove, it is a persons ACTIONS that tells who he/she is, don't you think?

[edit on 23-7-2005 by anorwegianguy1972]

[edit on 23-7-2005 by anorwegianguy1972]

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by anorwegianguy1972
You can talk about the aliens apperant good intentions, but when push comes to shove, it is a persons ACTIONS that tells who he/she is, don't you think?


Yes exactly, actions tell all. So look to see what you see yourself. Never mind what you hear.

I can see that you are very difficult and stubborn. I will not try to change your mind with mine then.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 08:52 PM
we have documented evidence all over this website that proves 95% plus, that the govts have been covering aliens up

just look at the Brazil or Aussie disclosure in recent weeks

just the pure fact that brazil and aussie had documents dealing with UFO sightings; which were classified Secret
is undeniable proof that they were covering the UFOs up

if UFOs were just fantasies; they wouldnt have a procedure for classifying them secret and lying about their existance

if they had evidence that proved they were fake; yet withheld it to prevent 'panic' ; they are totally retarded lol
theres no reason they would have covered it up if they had conclusive evidence that disproved it

now the point of my post is actually to lend support to earthsister
she is saying the govt is covering it up

we can prove that now...thanks to the brazil and aussie disclosures of DEclassified files

i cannot lend evidence to support any other claims made in this thread; because there is no evidence *to my knowledge*

i just came here to say; the govt IS covering this stuff up and we now have obvious proof

if you need more proof than brazil or aussie; please utilize your FOIA abilities and request several of the documents ATS members have provided
***Gazrok has quite a sampling***

when the actual real govt sends u an exact copy of the stuff u can find on ATS ; you will begin to realize the govt has been covering this up as early as 1947 if not earlier

heres my take on earthsisters comments::

we only have 2 choices

1) if earthsister is wrong; no harm done....tomorrow will be the same as it always was and nothing changes....we already believe in stupid things so beliving in earthsisters claims are no different; we would remain in stasis of ignorance

2) what if earthsister was right?
beliving in here also makes no differance here
because the aliens will do whatever they will do despite our knowledge or lack of knowledge of it
-if shes right; than we certainly have a bright future ahead
-if shes right; thats totally awesome crazy and sweet huh?

really no one knows if shes right or wrong; and it really doesnt matter
what Matters is the pure fact she took her time to tell us her view on everything

the same goes for everyone here
warthog with his lacera files *which i am skeptical of greatly*
hes totally as important as everyone else; and his viewpoint on everything is equally as important and informative

frosty or backtoreality are also very important
they provide a skeptical view which keeps us balanced
without them and those like them; we would certainly run off into neverland lol

the reason i am stating this is because i think it is productive to point out the simple fact that everyone here has a particular view; which is entirely unique ; and all of these views combined and Refined can create a startling and accurate 'picture' of 'reality'

here is a good metaphore
think of finding a needle*truth* in a barn full of haystacks*deception*

the hay is equally as important and useful as the needle universally
without the hay hiding the needle; the needle would lose significance, as it would not require a Quest to find the Needle

The quest itself is how we learn
without learning we are zombies

i have asked the question you have asked countless times
why wont they help us NOW?!

and my only solace is found within earthsisters point - that we are too violent to have access to most advanced technology - as they can be tweaked to create incredible weapons of mass destruction

it doesnt matter if earthsister really has contact with them or not; her point is what is important here
and the point is - the battle to save humanity starts with US , not Them

remember that little christian poem? Footsteps?
its alot like that, sorta

sometimes there is only one set of footprints; because a friend will always carry a friend
but a friend cannot carry someone all the way; because that would be destructive to them
a true friend helps you learn; and then lets you accomplish your great goals by yourself

anyways who do YOU want to save humanity?
Earthlings or ET's?
i personally think we ARE up to that challenge and we CAN and WILL accomplish it within our lifetimes!

Humans rock; so we Should save ourselves
Wipe that frown off your face and hold your head up bro
we Will Save Ourselves!

im not being hopeful im being realistic

well i gtg eat dinner now before it gets cold
hope you feel better about all this soon
because everyone is a vital part to everything
and your determination to make this work is 100% vital to the success of the human race

as is true with everyone

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