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Does the book Angels And Demons tell the truth about the Illuminatti??

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posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by tombiebiello

I have the audio book. I am not finished with it yet but I find the story to be fascinating. It is a work of fiction so I wouldn't give it too much credibility. If you really want to know who the Illuminati are, you needn't travel much farther than your mirror.

At one time in history, God ruled over Israel and it was through them that He chose to reveal Himself. Soon, people started demanding a King to go before them. They were tired of listening to Samuel, who God relayed his messages through. They wanted a King to go before them into battles and handle the decisions that perplexed them.

He was a good looking man. Tall and strong and handsome! They couldn't be happier. Finally, someone to take the blame for the countries actions. A scapegoat if you will.

At this point God granted their wish and gave them exactly what they wanted. Saul was a crowd pleaser. What the people demanded, he provided. Regardless of what God was telling him.

Now look around you. Who are your leaders? The ones we elected? What is on the television? Our favorite shows run by ratings. What are our favorite stars and characters in our shows doing and saying? Exactly what we want.

The Illuminati may still exist, but we are much more evil and subtle than an ancient group of scientists. We get what we want, regardless of what God tells us. Collective consciousness. Influenced by demonic forces. Can you remember the Tower of Babel? Good time had by all.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 12:17 PM
Angels nd Demons = Fiction.
However I believe it is blatant demonstration of predictive programming, getting the population used to the name 'Illuminati', and gauging their reaction to the existance of such a group. I think a Dan Brown book was PERFECT for Hollywood (hollywood is named for the Druidic tradition of using Holly wood to craft their magic wands...the magic of Hollywood as they say) to base this movie on, considering the controversy surrounding the Da Vinci Code, where he took elements of truth and wove a ficticious tale around them, and left people to look into it for themselves. People seeing this new movie would watch it expecting more of the same, and would go home and do a few google searches, and find the Illuminati does infact exist, and thus become somewhat desensitised to the concept of powerful secret societies. It would also have the opposite, but equally useful effect of putting in peoples minds that whenever they hear the word Illuminati, they immediately think of a ficticious group from a movie, and dismiss people as 'wack jobs' for discussing it as reality.

A good example of illuminati in movies is 2001: A Space Oddessey.
Ill let William Cooper Explain...

and while your at it my new channel may have some videos of interest to you all

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