posted on May, 10 2009 @ 11:17 AM
The "Illuminati" in the typical sense do not exist. Adam Weishaupt's original Bavarian Illuminati splintered into two distinct groups.
Over the years those groups splintered further. The lines became fuzzy and the groups cellularized.
The group that is associated with the NWO is actually not as organized as you are led to believe. Philosophical, political and cultural differences
have turned their goal of "world domination" (or control of people and information) into a disorganized mess. Those with a military background will
understand the concept of a Charlie-Foxtrot-Delta.
Even so, the various splinter groups, or remnants, of Weishaupt's Illuminati are formidable. In many places of the world they are able to manipulate
the economies and resources of nations.
The other group maintains the original duty they were given millenia ago. They are guardians of an important library of knowledge that forms the
foundation of many of the world's religious beliefs. That is their sole duty, to protect and promote the message that mankind must work together to
realize our ultimate purpose.
I haven't read Angels and Demons, nor have I seen the movie but I suspect there is some truth embedded in the fiction.
Because these "guardians" are subtle in their purpose and existence they influence society and introduce ideas, hints and context subtly through
popular culture, movies, TV and books. I can't confirm that Angels and Demons was one of these but there have been several other very successful
movies and TV shows that were purposefully produced with the intent to give society an idea or hope about our destiny. Generally these are in the
science fiction genre and depict humanity rising over a common obstacle by forgetting their individual differences and working together.
So is there an Illuminati? Not in the context that many assume, but their are groups descended from Illuminism.
They don't hand out business cards and you won't find them in the phone book but they are there working behind the scenes. One faction is trying to
control you and the other is trying to free you.
It is certain that mankind is headed for a showdown of epic proportion and despite the fact that the next 3 to 10 years will be somewhat chaotic, it
will probably be 70 years or more before the entire truth is revealed.
What does it all mean? Nothing really. The only thing we have to guide us is history, and throughout man's entire existence there have been those
who would seek to control us and dominate us, so why should our lifetimes be any different?
If you take anything away from this post just be heartened by the fact that throughout history, even though things got VERY VERY bad at times, the
good guys always win. :-)
Happy Mother's Day!