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Free Masons. Good or Evil?

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posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by pepsi78
Freemasonry is good for free masons, evil for others, and ok for some.
I meet a freemason in person, he tried to convince me of how good the fremasonry is. In stead of giving him my version and what I think of it I thought I'll change a bit my aproch and ask him something else.
So I told him, why do you waste your time to try to convince me otherwise. Why is it so important to you? He did not have an imidiate answer but he responded after a while that it's for the image of the fraternity. So my logic dictated to me that I ask why does it? Who cares how masonry is seen?

It's simple.
Only religion is concerned about it's image.
Only a corportation is concerned about it's image (for profit)
Either way it's a negative answer for masonry.
If it's like a corporation then masons want profit and want to gain profit.
If it's like religion then it's religion and masonry is a religion.

Anything that is concerned about it's broken image has an intrest.
I'm a guy, I walk in to a bar and I am aware that I'm all fresh and I care about my image. I have an intrest, maybe I'll hook up with a girl.
I'm not going to worry about my image for nothing. There has to be something in it for me.

Masonry is a group of intrest like any other group that acts as a defender to it's content. Otherwise some one would say "dude who the hell cares what they think, I'm not going to spend years on this forum just to argue for the sake of masonty"

But they do....but they do....

How Absurd. Another case of "I don't know Beans about the stuff I'm ranting on... but I'll just continue."

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 09:13 PM
Pepsi78: Can you name a single group that would be happy to be labelled as Satan-worshipping child molesters who are trying to take over the world?

Your logic sucks badly, mate.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 10:33 PM
Guys, stop catering to what they want. Or do you not realise that by defending you make it look like you're covering up the evil? You're only going to make them believe more.
Telling people that Freemasons are actually good is just as bad as soliciting praise.
Let people believe what they want, even about you.
If you are truly content in doing good then you need not even address 'damaging' words.
If you are worried about people not joining because of, let them not, if they are even worthy of joining, they will do great deeds, WITHOUT the Order.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Ridhya

If you are worried about people not joining because of, let them not, if they are even worthy of joining, they will do great deeds, WITHOUT the Order.

You are correct. Nobody needs to join masonry to do good things. It would be a glorious place if everyone just tried to help others out and try to do the right thing. masonry just reinforces those qualities. If you weren't that type of person to begin with, you would not fit in with masonry at all. but by the same token, one does not need masonry to be that type of person. I know plenty of people who I consider brothers and they have never petitioned the lodge. Hell, even some of the mason bashers here, might be good people. just a bit misguided.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by KSigMason

Okay, but it is happening!

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by vesta

But not accepted.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 11:34 AM
A close member of my family is a british 3rd degree master mason. This member of my family certainly is not evil, and gains no power from being part of the old mans club. Just a normal guy. I used to always joke with him about the secrets as at one stage I knew more about them than him

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 01:16 PM
Freemasonry itself is not "evil". But like people from ALL walks of life I'm sure there are masons in this world who don't have the best intentions. And the reason us masons defend freemasonry so much is because most of are proud to be masons...etc and its really annoying everywhere we turn seeing weak minded people who are having problems with life so they blame everything on us.

I have literally read on other boards people who have lost their jobs and stuff like that and they literally blame and trace EVERY single problem back to us. There is a word for these people... losers and failures. Can't support yourself or your family so you blame masons, lol.

And the funny thing is most these people know NOTHING about masonry. Most the people who have obviously studied masonry a lot you never see saying all this conspiracy garbage. .

I am however, a reptilian!!!!!!!!!!!!! That conspiracy is true!!!! OMG D.Icke (haha) is right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And sorry but I just have to hahaha and laugh at "Illuminated Masonry". I mean WOW talk about a rediculous ass conspiracy with absolutely no proof or backing behind it. haha.

And to that cat trying to sell stolen property... I've used my secret mason mind control brain hunting powers to track your location and have reported you to the local police!!!

[edit on 10-9-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 07:45 AM
I'm not sure where this belongs in the discussion of good and evil but...
I have noticed around many military bases there is always a Mason chapter building. Most of the people I've meet that are in the military are in the Free Masons....

I will leave that up to interpritation by other wheter that counts for anything. as I stated betfor Is an observation?

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by variola major

Well, the Masons are a fraternal organization, so I suppose it makes sense that some percentage of military men would be interested. Also, one of the pledges a Mason makes is to take care of the widows and orphans of his brethren. If I were going off to combat and facing a significant possibility of injury or death, I'd want to know my wife and children would be taken care of if anything happened to me. So that may be another source of appeal.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 01:49 PM
I was reading about the Templars and how they had amassed wealth and the they were slandered for homosexuality and witchcraft and then did confess upon torture and were exterminated and their wealth taken by the crown. It seems like this Mason thing is a repeat of history. Are they really guilty or are they being set up for a take down and redistribution of their wealth?

[edit on 31-1-2010 by DChenO]

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by DChenO

The Templars were accused and put through an inquisition to clear a debt with a bitter French king. Confessions were given in hopes of that the torture would end. Confessions by torture are hardly ever true, plus the Grand Master, DeMolay, even said the confessions were tainted and cursed at the King, which consequently led to him being burnt alive on an island near Notre Dame.

How are the Masons a repeat of history? I didn't realize the governments were setting up to take us down like the French King did over 7-centuries ago.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by KSigMason

How are the Masons a repeat of history? I didn't realize the governments were setting up to take us down like the French King did over 7-centuries ago.

Also, as was already mentioned, the Templar Order had become extremely wealthy by practically monopolizing the banking trade. Freemasonry, on the other hand, engages in no trade, and therefore has no wealth.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 03:58 PM
I am a Freemason of 20 years standing and to me Freemasonry is a personal journey of discovery. I joined Freemasonry through choice and no man is ever forced to bceome a Freemason. As human beings individuals we have a choice to do good or wicked things. Freemasonry does not make these choices; people do

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 09:15 AM
freemasons are all but evil.
they stand for absolute equity amonst fellow bretheren, regardless of race, religion or closet sexuality, none of which, as well as business, trade or taking over the world are discussed in a meeting. the QuRan and the holy bible are set side by side, and the prayers are to god, and to god alone. they merely strive to better themselves in both their mortal and immortal souls. if masons' controlled the world, god willing, we would all be at peace.
and no i am not a freemason, merely an observer.

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by ShanedaMojo
I cant help but to be confused concerning the Freemasons. I have a casset tape that shows how evil the Freemasons are, but when i went to certain websites on the net it seems to be the most caring and fun society ever. Help me on this one.


Freemasonry is a mysterious and opaque subject. You will find researchers who say that Freemasonry is an evil devil worshiping cult and others who say that it is nothing more than a charitable fraternity. The truth probably lies somewhere in between with exceptions where members wind up on either extreme ex: Aleister Crowley (satanist), and Manly P. Hall (Philosopher).

I think that Freemasonry in it of itself is neither good nor evil. It is a matter of what the members choose to do with their esoteric knowledge that determines whether or not the individual Freemason is good or evil and not necessarily the organization as a whole. I hate to use a Star Wars analogy, but I think it applies beautifully to this subject. The force is neither good nor evil. Some Jedi become corrupted by their power to use the force and become evil. Some use the force for good. The force itself is neither good nor evil. Freemasonry would be the force, and corrupt freemasons like the Rothschilds would be an example of the evil Syth.

For more detail, check out this blog:

Politics and the Occult, Bohemian Grove, Beginnings of the Round Table Groups, The Rothschilds, Freemasonry, The Georgia Guidestones, and much much more:
Occult Mystery Schools - Illuminati - NWO

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by Level_Head
So what? They didnt have enough members to open the Lodge. I guess that makes them guilty. I would have been pissed if I had taken my precious time to get all dapper to only find out there was no metting.

was posted in reply to this post:

Originally posted by seataka
On the evening of the Boston Tea Party
the logbook for the Masonic Order in Boston

"Not enough members present for a quorum"

Source: Silas Downer, Forgotten Patriot

Which is a compliment to the character of the Masons..they were patriots, sons of liberty... because they were all at the Boston tea Party...


[edit on 8-2-2010 by seataka]

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by ericbs5247

Originally posted by ShanedaMojo
I cant help but to be confused concerning the Freemasons. I have a casset tape that shows how evil the Freemasons are, but when i went to certain websites on the net it seems to be the most caring and fun society ever. Help me on this one.


Freemasonry is a mysterious and opaque subject. You will find researchers who say that Freemasonry is an evil devil worshiping cult and others who say that it is nothing more than a charitable fraternity. The truth probably lies somewhere in between with exceptions where members wind up on either extreme ex: Aleister Crowley (satanist), and Manly P. Hall (Philosopher).

IMO Freemasonery is based on the old religion of Egypt... google Hermes Trismegistus... because followers of the old teachings tended to get burned at the stake, like the Giordanistas (Followers of Giordano Bruno - who was also burned at the stake) who formed The Rosecrucians.. the secrecy became part of the tradition for very practical reasons... The Inquisition..

Perverted english translations of Hermes Trismegistus did turn into satanism... but if you find the works of Francis Yates you can find excellent translations without the twisted - and I suspect they were twisted in order to create satanism as a movement useful for intelligence agencies...

Sample of Hermes Trismegistus:

The Lament (or the apocalypse)
by Hermes Trismegistus translated from Ficino by F.C. Yates
(The Yates translation of Ficino is authentic, the guy that did the prior translations popularized in the west took great liberties, )
This dates from the time of Zoroaster or perhaps before.
Hermes is also known as Thoth, The High Priest of Egypt. This was Thoth speaking to his son. This may be (c) from the beginning of Egypt..

There will come a time when it will be seen that in vain have the Egyptians honoured the divinity with a pious mind and with assiduous service. All their holy worship will become inefficacious. The Gods, leaving the earth will go back to heaven; they will abandon Egypt; this land, once the home of religion, will be widowed of its gods and left destitute. Strangers will fill this country, and not only will there no longer be care for religious observances, but, yet a more painful thing, it will be laid down under so-called laws, under pain of punishments, that all must abstain from acts of piety or cult towards the gods. Then this holy land, the home of sanctuaries and temples, will be covered with tombs and the dead. O Egypt, Egypt, there will remain of the religion only fables, and thy children in later times will not believe them; nothing will survive save words engraved on stones to tell of thy pious deeds. The Sythian or the Indian, or some other such barbarous neighbor will establish himself in Egypt. For behold the divinity goes back up to heaven; and men, abandoned, all die, and then, without either god or man, Egypt will be nothing but a desert.

Why weep, O Asclepius? Egypt will be carried away to worse things than this; she will be polluted with graver crimes. She, hitherto most holy, who so much loved the gods, only country of earth where the gods made their home in return for her devotion, she who taught men holiness and piety, will give example of the most atrocious cruelty. In that hour, weary of life, men will no longer regard the world as (a) worthy object of their admiration and reverence. This All, which is a good thing, the best that be seen in the past, the present, and the future, will be in danger of perishing, men will esteem it a burden; and thenceforth they will despise and no longer cherish this whole of the universe, incomparable work of God, glorious construction, good creation, made up of an infinite diversity of life forms, instrument of the will of God who, without envy, pours forth his favour on all his work, in which is assembled in one whole, in harmonious diversity, all that can be seen that is worthy of reverence, praise and love. For darkness will be preferred to light; it will be thought better to die than to live; none will raise his eyes towards heaven; the pious man will be thought mad, the impious, wise; frenzied will be thought brave, the worst criminal a good man. The soul and all the beliefs attached to it, according to which the soul is immortal by nature or forsees that it can obtain immortality as I have taught you -- this will be laughed at and thought nonsense. And believe me, it will be considered a capital crime to give onself to the religion of the mind. A new justice will be created and new laws. Nothing holy, nothing pious, nothing worthy of heaven and of the gods who dwell there, will be any more spoken of nor will find credence in the soul.

The gods will separate themselves from men, deplorable divorce. Only the evil angels will remain who will mingle with men, and constrain them by violence -- miserable creatures -- to all excesses of criminal audacity, engaging them in wars, brigandage, frauds, and in everything which contrary to the nature of the soul. Then the earth will lose its equilibrium, the sea will be no longer navigable, the heaven will no longer be full of stars, the stars will stop their courses, and will be silent. The fruits of the earth will moulder, the soil will no longer be fertile, the air itself will grow thick with lugubrious torpor.

such will be the old age of the world, irreligion, disorder, confusion of all goods. When all these things have come to pass, O Asclepius, then the Lord and Father, the god first in power and demiurge of the One God, having considered these customs and voluntary crimes, endeavoring, by his will, which is the divine will, to bar the way to vices and universal corruption ans to correct errors, he will annihilate all malice, either by effacing it in a deluge or by consuming it by fire, or destroying it by pestilential maladies diffused in many places. Then he will bring back the world to its first beauty, so that this world may again be worthy of reverence and admiration, and that God also, creator and restorer of so great a work, may be glorified by the men who shall live then in continual hymns of praise and benedictions. That is what the rebirth of the world will be; a renewal of all good things, a holy and most solemn restoration of Nature herself,...

demiurge is an old word for the creator of the univer

[edit on 8-2-2010 by seataka]

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by seataka

How does that have anything to do with Freemasonry? You're going to have to be a bit more explicit if you want to tie the two together...

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 01:44 PM
Wake up people !!! Freemasons are a group of (mostly) old men who like to get together socially. For goodness's a social fraternity for old men !!! Yeah...they do "weird" things sometimes., but so do all social fraternities...they are neither "good" nor "evil"...WTF is wrong with some of you ?!?!?

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